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Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:47 pm
by that man
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Dawn Shuiro

Alias: Sae Yoake

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Dawn lost her parents young and as a result grew up in an orphanage. Sociality not being her best point resulted in her distancing herself from mosts childs around her, and growing up didn't help as she continued to keep to herself everywhere she went.
While her academic records weren't that impressive, Dawn performance on the field gathered quite a lot of interests and landed her quite a few scouting propositions from various departments. The offert she chose made her the youngest to actually join her department, but her following successes proved the higher-ups that they weren't wrong in scouting her.

Kinks: Virgin. Never done sexual acts or been in a relationship. While this means she doesn't know her own kinks, it also means that she's slightly more susceptible to lewd acts, especially unexpected ones.

Turn ons-
Infiltrate or forced to join Lewd Parties (example: lingerie-only party, nude-with-mask party, ecc...), Chikan, Trap (males disguising as females to get into her pants), Reluctant or forced to do sexual favors (starting with little things and escalating), Games of bets that lost result in sexual favors (escalating), Lie (example: promise to not put it in and does otherwise, promise to not cum inside and do otherwise), Impregnation (with fast-forward or skipped pregnancy), Coercion/Blackmail, Rape/Forced, Drink or eating cum unawarely, Creampie or multiple creampies without penetration, Beast, Furry, Ovipositor, Worm and similar, Sleep Rape, Tricked into sexual situation, Gloryhole, Cum Bath (literally in a bath tub, pool, ecc...), Stuck in wall, Forced ovulation, Knotting

Turn offs-
Unusual penetration (nipple, urethral, ecc...), Multiple penetration (same hole), Scat/watersports, Heavy inflation, Extreme Increase in size to sexual organs, Heavy Gore, Too much tentacle, BDSM, Enslavement, Gender swap, Extra-extra-large insertion, Futa

New Sol City was a strange thing for Dawn to experience for the first time. The city itself was only about twenty miles from where she had lived before, but it was just so much bigger and cleaner. The buildings were all covered in solar panels, there were wind turbines when possible, most roofs had horticultural activity going on, and every thing just looked clean. Heck, even the walkways helped generate power for the street lamps, and the road ways generated more electricity than the city could use in a year. The people Dawn first met on the way into it also reflected this image, as they too were nice, helpful, and clean.

It was a shame that Dawn had been asked to come here to clean up the hidden filth behind it all.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:41 pm
by Urhr93
Astounding. The only word Dawn could think to describe this place would be astounding. She heard about the Eco-friendly environment of this city and related stories, but seeing this first hand completely surpassed her every expectation, making her wonder just how such a nice place could hide so much filth, enough for someone like her to be called here.
Even the rich districts of most big city could be called a slum compared to this place, yet she was called here to clean up, making this the slum. Indeed, not all that shines is gold, but it was still a wonder for Dawn how such a town would require her presence. Not that she would hold back, no matter how nice things seemed there was still dirt around, and she would stop at nothing to uncover it.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:54 pm
by that man
"Welcome to New Sol!" A tourist greeter said to Dawn, clearly unaware of her lack of tourist gear. "May I please be the first to say Thank you for coming to the city of a new dawn! So please, I am running a sort of poll for the whole place, and was wondering why you were traveling here miss..."

The tourist greeter herself seems to be okay, as her outfit was actually of a higher quality and finer than what Dawn would have expected, especially for the day to day wear. In fact, it almost seems like a Chinese dress, but it only goes to her knees, and seems to be made of something finer than silk. All told, she practically was a solar panel to herself based on how she looked.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:00 pm
by Urhr93
Dawn was still walking around absentmindedly and still without a real destination when she's approached by what seems to be a tourist greeter, and a quite high-quality one it seemed from her clothes <Sae Yoake, my name is Sae Yoake> she answers <Thank you for your welcome, but i'm not here as a tourist> she smiles, trying to act friendly <I'm planning to live and work here for a while, though i still don't know where to start> in reality she quite knew where she had to start as her department had previously prepared various info about appropriate apartments and jobs that would help her with her task, but getting information directly from a local would give her more insight on this city, or at least on what the ones who ran this place behind the scenes wanted to make it appear as.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:02 pm
by that man
"Really!" The Girl said, even more interested than before, as she came in and shook Dawn's hands vigorously. "Then I am glad I am the first one to meet you here! Tell me, do you have a place in mind that you wanted to live in? If not, and if you don't have any family, I'm looking for a roommate since my last one moved out."

It's painfully obvious that this was not a part of her taught responses to people's questions, and that she was indeed looking for a roommate. While it might be helpful to stay with a native of the city, Dawn would also have less space and time to herself, especially with someone as energetic as this.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:26 pm
by Urhr93
Dawn is satisfied from the girl's reaction, who is evidently not following her taught response anymore, and is even more satisfied when she propose to become roommates <Really? I was in a pinch since i still haven't got a place, you would really save me the trouble of finding one> she smiles, happy of her luck. While it's true that later on an accommodation such as this could prove to be troublesome, right now it's trurly a blessing as it will permit her to immediately mingle with the townsfolk, especially when her roommate has such an energetic personality. Normally she would rather avoid such types, but right now befriending such a person would be good as not only she probably knows a lot of peoples, but she would also know a lot of places where peoples like to gather, places where she'll be let in easily if she goes together with the girl <Ah, but now that i think about it, i don't even know your name...>

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:49 pm
by that man
"That's the best part!" The Girl smiled, overjoyed as it would seem at the prospect of having someone to share her room with. "Here, you won't believe me if I don't show you."

Saying that, she pulls open the front of her dress, revealing the fact that she was not stuffing her shirt as Dawn had first guessed, and then pulled out her wallet for Dawn to see. When opening it, Dawn became aware of two main facts on her id:

1. She was not a natural blonde.

2. Her name was...Sai Yoake

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:23 pm
by Urhr93
Sae is a bit surprised by how "open" the girl was as, considering how she was dressed, normally she wouldn't think of opening the front, but her surprise was soon forgotten as she saw the girl's name. Sai Yoake. Just what sort of coincidence was this? Or... could it not be a coincidence? Improbable. Just how could they know of her? Wait, she didn't even pinpointed an exact "they", so who would prepare such an obvious set-up?
Yes, it had to be a coincidence for their name to be so similar <Well... nice to meet you> she smiles <I guess with names that similar maybe we will pass as sisters?> and even tries to be funny to further increase her familiarity with the girl <So... i guess i'll have to wait for your shift to be over before you can show me to your house? Ah, and also... i have some back-up money, but if i want to settle here for good i guess i'll need to find some work in the future. Do you know of places with an high pay? I came here to experience the real world, so i guess i should not be picky>

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:43 pm
by that man
"I know, or maybe they'll even think we are married or something!" Sai said, apparently not caring in the slightest as to what other people thought of them, just so long as they thought something of them.

"Aside from that, I'll be done in about an hour." Sai continues, as she turned around, giving Dawn a momentary flash of her panties. "If you want, there's a restaurant nearby where there's girls who serve wings and stuff while in shorts and stuff. If you don't want to have drunk guys grope you though, then I can talk to my boss about having you work for our company."

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:54 pm
by Urhr93
The married comment takes Dawn a bit off guard as she didn't saw how people would assume two girls living together would be married, but not wanting to change the mood she just remained silent and listened to her, trying to ignore the flash of panties, though she indeed asked herself if it was a done unawarely.

<Work at your company?> the proposition interested her quite a bit <I guess that would work, though i imagine it would be a part-time job, at least for the beginning...> she looks down, thinking about her options, then against looks toward the girl <I don't like drunk guys, but i guess i can take both. Having more than one job feels like something someone who wants to experience the world would do. Yes, i have to get as many jobs as i can> she nods <Well then, i'll take your offer. I really don't know how to thank you, i've been here for so little yet you already saved me from the trouble of settling down> the "immature girl wanting to be independent" act would probably bring the best results in mingling in the town, so she decided to keep it up <I'll wait for you at the restaurant you mentioned... and i'll try to get the job while i'm here. See you later> and indeed she would head to the restaurant if Sai didn't stop her

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:30 am
by that man
"I wouldn't go in there right now..." Sai said, as she saw Dawn head over there. "I mean...unless you're into that, in which case, that would be...well, I mean I'd at least wait a few minutes first."

Her look suggests that there is something odd going on in there, and looking at its name, Dawn recognized it as Smoochers...which is a restaurant chain more or less infamous for having legal prostitution. Only knowing its reputation, Dawn had heard that all of the the girls had sex with the men in there are prescribed time. The restaurant being this open in terms of city layout was strange, but it also seemed like the natives of New Sol took an oddly rounded walk path around it, with most of the customers coming from outside.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:55 am
by Urhr93
Sae stops when Sai warns her about not going there now <Why?> she simply asks, though there is no need for an answer as she looks at the name of the restaurant. Previously she only heard about this chain of restaurant and the rumor about girls prostituiting themselves in there, but she never frequented such places so she didn't really know if those rumors were true or not. Not that she wanted to find out, and normally she would back down if it wasn't for the peoples frequenting the place, the ones from outside the city to be precise. If the ones she's supposed to "clean up" work with someone from outside the city, then it's highly possible that those collaborators would frequent this place, or at least their goons would.

<Uhm...> she turns towards Sai <If now is not a good time then... the rumors about that chain of restaurants are true?> she tilts her head, trying to act like she's not sure about what she's saying <Since you told me about it i guess the pay is high, so i don't want to miss the chance, and the rumors are just rumors after all...right?>

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:02 am
by that man
"They are," Sai said, with a noteable sweat drop on her face. "I tried applying there once, and they really wanted me, but then I went in there during one of the 'smoocher times'...And don't get me wrong, the pay was really, REALLY, good, on top of tips and free medical treatment...but I just didn't feel like doing that there. I'm not even sure what they do to stay open with that, but it may have to do with how they classify the time in legal terms..."

"But enough about that!" Sai sudenly sang in a shocking tonal shift. "I have to get back into work, and if you really want to go in there you can. But for now-excuse me sir! Is this your first time in New Sol?"

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:25 am
by Urhr93
Dawn listen to Sai, nodding while she explains, paying attention especially when she mentions about the legal terms... and is left hanging as the girls doesn't finish her talk about it and goes off to her next client, leaving Sae to her thoughts. The idea from before about outsiders goons frequenting the place is still there, and now the thing about the restaurant going around the law to allow the prostitution ring to exists picks up her interest. Her job is, after all, to clean up all the filth in New Sol, and that restaurant would certainly be categorized as such, not to mention that to operate it might have some connections. Definitively worth investigating, if it wasn't for the risk of finding herself in that prostitution ring. She shakes her head at the thought of that <I guess i just need to avoid those "smoocher times"...> she nods to herself, then turns around toward Sai and waits for her to finish her talk with the current tourists, waiting for her to be relatively free to half-shout <Thank you for the advice! I'll still try to go, but i'll avoid those "times"! See you there later!> it wasn't like she really needed to do this, but since she decided she'll share a room with her it would be best to act friendly.

Once she's done calling out to Sai she would turn and proceed toward the restaurant, though she'll stop outside and search for any signboard mentioning when the "smoocher times" begin and end.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:13 am
by that man
At he door, Dawn actually found a card reader there, as well as a rather unassuming women watching it, though she was staring off into the direction Dawn had come from.

"Excuse me Madame," the red headed Girl said when Dawn came up. "But it's 'smoocher time' right now, so I can't let anyone new in. I can take your id and scan it to let you in for the next time, that is, only if you are over 21, and your id was legally issued. Now then...hey, who are you?"

The fact that it took the Girl that long to realize that Dawn was someone new was a bit disconcerting, but not nearly as much as how much she looked up and under her body in a curious fashion.

"Did you come here to eat or are you new here?" The Girl asked after getting a bit too close for comfort with her gazing.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:28 am
by Urhr93
Dawn was pretty sure about what she was doing, that is, until she actually got near the door, where a woman came in her direction and even began talking to her <I'm... waiting for a friend> in the end she decides to back up. Even if this was a place to check out, it wasn't like she had to do it immediately as, after all, she just got in town and was still familiarizing herself with it, and trowing herself in a place with a prostitution ring going on with as little info as she had was definitively not a good idea. Well, trying to work there immediately might be not, but asking around for future reference is another story <Ah, but... i would like to ask something> she tries to get the woman attention <I'm new in town, and a friend told me that here the pay is good... but i'm a bit reluctant to apply since i heard strange stories about the "smoocher time". I was wondering if it's as bad as the rumors say> she looks toward the door, then once again toward the woman <And if it's mandatory for those on shift>

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:45 am
by that man
"There's rules regulating when and what you can do, but Yeah," the Girl said, as her look became a bit more inquisitive. "But Aside from that, I'm getting sixty grand a year just standing here at the door, while the Girls inside can expect that and a another grand for tips per week, plus commission for having really good sales. When the smoocher time is over, I can call my boss for you, and let her know that you're interested in joining...but be warned, they will run a background check and a lot of medical tests to make sure that it's even legal for you to be doing something like this in the first place. Also, you will be a model who serves, so be on your guard for assholes pricking the condoms or make sure you take some pills before going bareback."

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:19 pm
by Urhr93
Dawn wasn't worried about the background check as her department made all the preparations so her Sae Yoake persona would be perfect, but she didn't quite like the rest. After all, it was good to ask instead of just throwing herself in there without any preparation <Uhm... i think i need to think about it a bit more before joining...> she tries to act a bit shy <The pay is really tempting but... i never did such... things...> acting this way seems the best to slip out of this without endangering future interactions, though it's true that she's a complete virgin.
Even if she successfully avoids the conversation, Dawn still has to wait there for Sai, so considering what the girl said about talking to her boss after the smoocher time, she really hopes Sai would finish her shift before the smoocher time is over so she'll avoid a talk with the restaurant boss, something that could prove to be slightly harder to successfully slip out from.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:36 pm
by that man
"Yeah, being a virgin is a problem at first," the Girl sighed, just as a light lit up on her watch, which was quickly followed by another one. "Oh, they're done cleaning up, and the manager has already heard your message. OK then, if you want to go in then, I will need your id, and you will meet a Girl named Stacy. By the way, my name is Sami, and it is nice to meet you here. I hope you will go in, and see something that convinces you to join our loving team here!"

With that, the doors to the place opened up, revealing that there were several seconds of silence, followed by a small deluge of happy men and women leaving.

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:48 pm
by Urhr93
Dawn seems to have avoided the problem, but it was really just wishful thinking on her part as the smoocher time finishes practically soon after her conversation <Really?> she says, searching for her ID and handing it over <I guess i can get some orientation while i wait for my friend...> getting away before the smoocher time was ok, but if she wanted to give them a favorable impression of herself for the future she couldn't refuse to see the manager now <Sae Yoake, a pleasure meeting you> she politely introduces herself, and just as she turns toward the door, a quite large crowd comes out of the restaurant. Thinking about how those peoples just came out after having sex gives Sae a slightly blush, but she tries to ignore the thought and turns toward the door <Is it ok to go in, right?> she asks, and if the response is positive she'll proceed inside, searching for the Stacy girl.