Almost every person around the world has become addicted to a Virtual game by the name of Untold Shadows since its release 1 year ago it was like nothing anyone has seen before. in this game you can do a lot more then just quest around with your friends and uncover mystery of the dark storyline of the game inside this world you have the chance to live a hole another life anything goes. From the small things like running your own shop selling whatever you like from items weapons cloths even slaves npc slaves or real players. Or you can still join your friends in quests, dungeon, Raids or join your friends in killing or capturing other players on their adventures and taking all their loot and much more anywhere outside the major cities that is they are the only safe zones when you are inside. Just about anything you could think of doing inside this game it can be done. But the players are not the only thing to fear in this world the many creatures you will encounter on your adventures will be just as deadly and anything goes for them as well so make sure your ready for a fight. So when log into this world watch your back and be ready for anything.
Character info
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Background: Allena took an elf archer because she thinks elves are a race that loves nature and that they move gracefully.
outside of the game You receive a e-mail from one of the admins letting all players know to log into the game today and head to the city Wethermoonridge to learn about a secret event that no one has heard about before until now. But unlike the events in the past something about this one seem off it gives you a uneasy feeling that you can't seem to get rid of and it bothers you even as you log into the game. As you warp into the city you notice a insane amount of players all over the place all types from the player killers to players trying to sell their wares to make some fast gold as everyone waits for this unknown event to start.