Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

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Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Sat May 31, 2014 4:32 am

Amelia Lorentine found herself arriving in what she knew to be a trade city... though she'd only ever heard about it from her parents as she'd kept herself away from such places before today. However, she no longer could rely on her parents... she had only herself now. It'd been a few days since she'd left the forest she'd called home for so long, arriving here to get some leads on her kidnapped siblings, as well as properly supply herself. She had some gold she'd managed to salvage from the ruins of her burnt down home, though it wouldn't do her much good for too long, she'd need supplies and a way to earn some more gold it would seem. Of course, it shouldn't be too hard right? Already she'd notice she was getting some curious looks, though nothing that lingered... except in the case of a few men who liked what they saw, but kept their distance for the moment.

Now... what would she do?

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Name: Amelia Lorentine
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Strengths: Forester, Quick Aim, Animal Empathy
Weaknesses: Secret Nympho (not even she knows)
Bio: Born and raised in the forest with her small family, most of what she heard about the outside world came from her mother, who had been a grand adventurer and had explored lands both near and far before settling down with her father, a reclusive hunter who had fallen for her at a local festival.
While a part of her always wanted to go off on an adventure, she saw no reason to do so when all those she loved were around her every day. Her two sisters, and a younger brother who she loved dearly and looked after almost as if they were more then siblings.
Then, one day, returning from a hunting trip by herself, she found her home burned to the ground, her mother and father on deaths door. All they could say was that her siblings had been taken away by those who had attacked. Swearing vengeance, she set out to rescue what was left of her family.
Kinks: Anything that's not in the turn off's (if I think of something else I'm against, I'll let ya know)
Turn-offs: Scat, Guro, Major Vore, watersports
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Sat May 31, 2014 2:09 pm

MASigma Wrote:Amelia Lorentine found herself arriving in what she knew to be a trade city... though she'd only ever heard about it from her parents as she'd kept herself away from such places before today. However, she no longer could rely on her parents... she had only herself now. It'd been a few days since she'd left the forest she'd called home for so long, arriving here to get some leads on her kidnapped siblings, as well as properly supply herself. She had some gold she'd managed to salvage from the ruins of her burnt down home, though it wouldn't do her much good for too long, she'd need supplies and a way to earn some more gold it would seem. Of course, it shouldn't be too hard right? Already she'd notice she was getting some curious looks, though nothing that lingered... except in the case of a few men who liked what they saw, but kept their distance for the moment.

Now... what would she do?

Amelia looked about, finding herself rather curious about this place despite the reason for her visit. Mother and Father had come here often enough, particularly Mother for some reason or other, but they had told her some things about the place. It was supposed to be rather friendly, with most of the folk being decent and willing to help someone if they were on hard times. She didn't know how true it was, but she hoped her parents hadn't been lying about that.

She shook her head, knowing that after she had found her siblings, there would be plenty of time to mourn their loss. Now, she needed supplies, information, and if possible, some gold.

As she thought about what she should first do, she noticed some people eyeing her. She gave them a friendly smile, and every so often waved. Her Father had always said a smile and wave could make anyone's day brighter after all, and it certainly made her feel a bit better. She did idly wonder why some of the men were looking at her longer, but she paid it no mind.

After a moment more of thought, she decided she would try the local constabulary, her Mother had a family friend there, he would probably like to know what had happened...not to mention that he might be able to give her a lead.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Sat May 31, 2014 6:57 pm

As she arrived, she found a middle aged but still nicely built man in light armor there, turning to her in surprise as Amelia arrived," Amelia? Wow, it's been so long since I've seen you... you were just up to my knee the last time I did come to think", he chuckled, unable to resist letting his eyes wander a bit, seeing she took after her mother more then he'd have thought,"Mhmm... so what brings you here? Your mother sick or something?", he asked curiously, knowing full well her mother was the one who came by the city for work and supplies.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:23 am

MASigma Wrote:As she arrived, she found a middle aged but still nicely built man in light armor there, turning to her in surprise as Amelia arrived," Amelia? Wow, it's been so long since I've seen you... you were just up to my knee the last time I did come to think", he chuckled, unable to resist letting his eyes wander a bit, seeing she took after her mother more then he'd have thought,"Mhmm... so what brings you here? Your mother sick or something?", he asked curiously, knowing full well her mother was the one who came by the city for work and supplies.

She wanted to smile at Kolson's warm greeting, reminding her of the last time she had seen him. He had come up to their house to celebrate Fathers Birthday. She specifically remembered that he had tickled her mercilessly, causing her to squeal with glee. However, at the mention of her mother, her face went down, and she felt her eyes watering up again.

She had to be strong...she would not break down and sob like some weak woman...but that didn't mean she couldn't cry. She carefully took a seat across from him, slumping into it as she stared at the floor. Finally, after a moment, she spoke.

"Mother...and Father...they're both dead." She said, a small sob managing to escape her lips, though a deep breath brought her some control back as she quickly started to explain what had happened to them, and what had happened to her siblings.

"Do you have any information that might point me in the right way? My brother and sisters are the only thing I have left...I can't let these bastards take them away from me."
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Sun Jun 01, 2014 3:38 am

Kolson's eyes widened in shock, before narrowing as she began to sob, moving over as he pulled her into an embrace, letting her get her sobs out as he rubbed her back soothingly... listening to what she had to tell him until she stopped,"... I don't know anything about who might have done this, but I do know about a rumor of slave trading being done in some hidden place in the Darkwood forest", he admitted as he pulled from the embrace,"... It's dangerous in there though, I don't like the idea of you going alone... but I can't leave the city as it is", he noted with a sigh,"... if you're sure about going after them, and I'm sure you are, you'll need to outfit yourself to better handle such a journey... how much gold do you have?"
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:43 am

MASigma Wrote:Kolson's eyes widened in shock, before narrowing as she began to sob, moving over as he pulled her into an embrace, letting her get her sobs out as he rubbed her back soothingly... listening to what she had to tell him until she stopped,"... I don't know anything about who might have done this, but I do know about a rumor of slave trading being done in some hidden place in the Darkwood forest", he admitted as he pulled from the embrace,"... It's dangerous in there though, I don't like the idea of you going alone... but I can't leave the city as it is", he noted with a sigh,"... if you're sure about going after them, and I'm sure you are, you'll need to outfit yourself to better handle such a journey... how much gold do you have?"

The embrace from a family friend was a welcome one, and she took comfort from his support. She was saddened when he didn't have any idea of who had done this, but when he mentioned slavers she felt some hope rise up.

"Gold? I...don't have much. I was only able to scavenge some from the ruins of the house." She said, pulling out the pouch holding her money and showing Kolson what she had left.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:05 pm

"Hmm... It's enough to get some things, but you'll need more then this", He mused with a light frown... before glancing to her," and we'll need the gold fast, lest your siblings end up sold off and you'll have even more trouble finding them", he mused, sighing lightly," You have two options... one is to take a dangerous job that's up for grabs... involves hunting a dangerous creature... your other option is to... well use...", he paused, turning red," to use your body"
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:15 pm

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how much gold do I actually have? If it matters that is?

MASigma Wrote:"Hmm... It's enough to get some things, but you'll need more then this", He mused with a light frown... before glancing to her," and we'll need the gold fast, lest your siblings end up sold off and you'll have even more trouble finding them", he mused, sighing lightly," You have two options... one is to take a dangerous job that's up for grabs... involves hunting a dangerous creature... your other option is to... well use...", he paused, turning red," to use your body"

She nodded at his observations, she knew she needed more gold and quickly, and she was aware of the fact that if she wasn't quick, it could take even longer to find any of her siblings. She listened intently when he mentioned her options, but she gawked in surprise at the second option. While the first one was no doubt risky in of itself, the suggestion that she use her body...

Well, it wasn't like it was necessarily a bad thing. Though Amelia had yet to go all the way, she had experimented somewhat with her brothers and sisters, and her mother had always told her that sex wasn't some evil corrupt thing like some of the priests in the land liked to suggest. Still...she wasn't exactly comfortable with the idea of selling her body out to strangers.

Face flushing, she asked "What sort of job is it? I'd...I'd rather not take the other option unless there's no other way..."
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:45 am

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We'll say about 50 pieces, basic traveling money lol

"... Apparently a Forest Troll has been causing problems, eating the live stock, stealing from the villages, even killed some travelers", Kolson informed her with a firm frown," Troll's are really dangerous, I'd rather you not risk yourself over it", He noted... only to blush a bit as he looked her over," And well... if you're uncomfortable with the other idea, it would be your best bet...", he noted, knowing he'd give quite a bit of his own savings to get her into his bed... she looked so much like her mother, a woman he'd secretly desired for many years...
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:21 am

MASigma Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

We'll say about 50 pieces, basic traveling money lol

"... Apparently a Forest Troll has been causing problems, eating the live stock, stealing from the villages, even killed some travelers", Kolson informed her with a firm frown," Troll's are really dangerous, I'd rather you not risk yourself over it", He noted... only to blush a bit as he looked her over," And well... if you're uncomfortable with the other idea, it would be your best bet...", he noted, knowing he'd give quite a bit of his own savings to get her into his bed... she looked so much like her mother, a woman he'd secretly desired for many years...

Trolls...her mother had told her about those monsters. Strong, surprisingly quick in most cases, and they also had a thing for human women. Kolson was right, it didn't exactly sound like a good idea...but neither did whoring herself out. She noted then that Kolson was looking at her oddly, the same way her brother had sometimes done, but more importantly, the same way her parents had looked at one another before they would take some time to themselves to reaffirm their love for each other.

Despite the embarrassment and shock she felt at being looked at like that by a family friend, she couldn't help but feel a teasing smile form on her face as she let out a giggle. "Kolson, are you undressing me with those eyes of yours?"
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:27 am

He flushed, managing a sheepish smile," S-sorry... I just... I've got a bit of a dirty mind", he admitted apologetically, before giving her a natural smile," I can't help it... I mean you've become quite beautiful and our conversation got me thinking... well if you don't feel up to offering yourself up to some stranger for gold... I mean... I could pay you for your time...", he admitted, looking nervous as he basically offered to buy a night of fun with her... a man who was most likely the same age her father had been.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:18 am

MASigma Wrote:He flushed, managing a sheepish smile," S-sorry... I just... I've got a bit of a dirty mind", he admitted apologetically, before giving her a natural smile," I can't help it... I mean you've become quite beautiful and our conversation got me thinking... well if you don't feel up to offering yourself up to some stranger for gold... I mean... I could pay you for your time...", he admitted, looking nervous as he basically offered to buy a night of fun with her... a man who was most likely the same age her father had been.

Amelia actually considered the offer, wondering to herself if it would be a good idea or not. She had never gone that far, and the most she had ever done with her brother was suck him off the previous summer. She was inexperienced with sex, and so wasn't sure how good she'd actually be. That was at least part of what was making her unsure if she'd be any good.

There was of course still the fact that she didn't exactly want to become a whore...but...would this really be whoring herself out? She would be doing it with a family friend, and it would be more like...an exchange, really. He couldn't leave town and go help her take on the forest troll, he had his duties to the city. And she did need the gold...

After thinking it over in her head, slowly, with a blush on her face, she nodded. "A-Alright Kolson, I'm okay with that...that is if its what you really want."
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Mon Jun 02, 2014 9:50 am

Kolson was inwardly quite pleased, the idea of fucking such a lovely girl... he couldn't wait,"... Alright then, I'll make sure to go slow and easy for you", he promised her, giving her a smile as he rose up, eager to get things moving," Now then, how about we go get you the supplies you need... then we'll head onto my place... and in the morning you can set on out", he offered her, figuring he'd purchase what she needed in exchange for getting to fuck her.

He could only imagine how good it would be... she was most likely a virgin given how she reacted to his suggestion, he'd be popping her cherry... the first man who would fuck this fine piece of ass. He couldn't help but feel hard as he imagined having her bend over his bed, fucking her from behind as she cried out in bliss... mmm, he was going to enjoy tonight.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:16 pm

MASigma Wrote:Kolson was inwardly quite pleased, the idea of fucking such a lovely girl... he couldn't wait,"... Alright then, I'll make sure to go slow and easy for you", he promised her, giving her a smile as he rose up, eager to get things moving," Now then, how about we go get you the supplies you need... then we'll head onto my place... and in the morning you can set on out", he offered her, figuring he'd purchase what she needed in exchange for getting to fuck her.

He could only imagine how good it would be... she was most likely a virgin given how she reacted to his suggestion, he'd be popping her cherry... the first man who would fuck this fine piece of ass. He couldn't help but feel hard as he imagined having her bend over his bed, fucking her from behind as she cried out in bliss... mmm, he was going to enjoy tonight.

Amelia smiled sincerely at Kolson. "Thank you. I really appreciate this by the way." She says, embracing him for a moment, though she does blush when she feels his hard on, the hug is a more platonic one. A reminder no doubt to the Guard Captain why she was even doing this in the first place.

Letting go, she put on a smile as she headed for the door, wanting to get her things quickly. She had a feeling, despite her naïve, that Kolson wanted to fuck her as quickly as possible, but she didn't want her first time to be some simple rutting session. Supposing Kolson had no problem with it, she'd make them both something to eat before-hand. Besides, she was hungry.

Together with Kolson, she went through the market and quickly gathered what gear she figured she would need for this journey, upgrading her weapons along the way. She made sure not to get anything highly expensive-after all, she didn't want to drain Kolson's wallet dry.

"Alright...I think that should do it." She said, glancing at Kolson for his own opinion.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:09 pm

"Of course", Kolson chuckles, hugging her back as he feels her hug him in turn... shivering as she lightly rubs against his hard-on, her blush making her seem even more attractive to him as he pulled back, seeing the nervousness in her eyes... figuring it would be best to take things at her pace at first, he didn't want to scare her off and miss out of fucking her after all," Come along then", he told her, motioning her to follow him as they got what she needed. Supplies, gear, upgrades for her weapons.

Once finished he lightly nodded, offering one last thing... a map of the surrounding areas," Here, this should help you out a bit more as well", he informed her, waiting till she took it to give her a light grin," If that's all... we should get going to my place I think"
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:51 am

MASigma Wrote:"Of course", Kolson chuckles, hugging her back as he feels her hug him in turn... shivering as she lightly rubs against his hard-on, her blush making her seem even more attractive to him as he pulled back, seeing the nervousness in her eyes... figuring it would be best to take things at her pace at first, he didn't want to scare her off and miss out of fucking her after all," Come along then", he told her, motioning her to follow him as they got what she needed. Supplies, gear, upgrades for her weapons.

Once finished he lightly nodded, offering one last thing... a map of the surrounding areas," Here, this should help you out a bit more as well", he informed her, waiting till she took it to give her a light grin," If that's all... we should get going to my place I think"

She gave him another hug, and when she pulled away she said "I really do appreciate this Kolson. If not for your help, well, my journey would probably be off to a bumpy start."

She takes the map with a nod, knowing that it would undoubtedly be a major help in the days, and possibly weeks ahead. "Alright, let's head back to your place. If you don't mind though, I'd like to fix something up. I haven't eaten anything since this morning."
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:01 am

"That's sounds just fine, besides I'm sure we'll both need the energy", Kolson noted with a light chuckle, figuring he could enjoy a meal with her before he took her to his bed... still, every second was torture, this girl had been hidden away so she most likely had no idea just how sexy she looked... if she wasn't careful, she was going to end up the target of some horrible people... luckily he'd be her first though. Kolson led her through the city and to a small home, allowing her to enter first.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:06 am

MASigma Wrote:"That's sounds just fine, besides I'm sure we'll both need the energy", Kolson noted with a light chuckle, figuring he could enjoy a meal with her before he took her to his bed... still, every second was torture, this girl had been hidden away so she most likely had no idea just how sexy she looked... if she wasn't careful, she was going to end up the target of some horrible people... luckily he'd be her first though. Kolson led her through the city and to a small home, allowing her to enter first.

Once she was inside, she set her gear in a secure spot in the kitchen area, and then quickly gathered up some ingredients. It didn't take her long to finish cooking a simple and modest meal, but if the smell was anything to go by, it was going to be delicious. "I-I hope you like it...I've only ever cooked for my siblings when father and mother were away..." Her eyes flash with a brief hint of sorrow, but she tucks those feelings away as she knows dwelling on them will do her no good. She hoped Kolson didn't notice though.

Once they were done, she walked into his bedroom and nervously sat on the side, looking rather shy and not knowing whether she should take initiative or not.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby MASigma » Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:56 am

Kolson did notice of course, smiling softly as he reached a hand out, lightly placing it on her shoulder," It'll be fine... once you get your siblings back you come back here, I'll take care of you in your parents place... alright?", he promised her, mostly as he did owe her parents a great deal... though a darker side of him just loved the idea of having her rely on him, need him... knowing with time he could truly claim this beautiful creature as his own.

Once in the bedroom, he shut and locked the door, moving over to lightly pull her against himself... gently kissing her cheeks before cupping her face,"... We'll take things slow", he promised her, leaning in as he gently kissed her lips... and then again... before slowly initiating a more honest kiss, mashing his lips against her own, sucking gently on her lower lip.
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Re: Gone Hunting (Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:27 pm

MASigma Wrote:Kolson did notice of course, smiling softly as he reached a hand out, lightly placing it on her shoulder," It'll be fine... once you get your siblings back you come back here, I'll take care of you in your parents place... alright?", he promised her, mostly as he did owe her parents a great deal... though a darker side of him just loved the idea of having her rely on him, need him... knowing with time he could truly claim this beautiful creature as his own.

Once in the bedroom, he shut and locked the door, moving over to lightly pull her against himself... gently kissing her cheeks before cupping her face,"... We'll take things slow", he promised her, leaning in as he gently kissed her lips... and then again... before slowly initiating a more honest kiss, mashing his lips against her own, sucking gently on her lower lip.

"That wouldn't be so bad..." She said, though she had already thought of returning to where her former home had been and building a home for herself and her siblings, maybe placing a shrine over the spot where her home had been burned down.

She blushed and giggled a little at the tingling feeling his kisses left on her cheek. She nodded when he promised her to take things slow, and as he leaned forward and kissed her she shyly returned the kiss, though her inexperience no doubt showed. She felt herself growing hot as he pressed his lips to hers and probed about her tongue. She let out a small squeak of surprise at his more forceful kiss, but she allowed his tongue entry inside, shivering as tingles went down her spine.

This felt...good. And all they were doing was kissing!

She slowly moved her hands to his arms, carefully feeling the muscles that were hiding underneath his leather armor, and her hands soon made their way to the back of his neck, which she began to gently rub.
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