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S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 1:09 am
by BlueLight
Serial number 44556AH0991V1059:name "Tristan Mcovonich " of operation corporation 4059456D09591G1:3348; you've been assigned to sector vector sector 044;021;013 to mission operation 011 classification salvage, 008th opperation of this type in sector.
Your jobs is to salvage 3 free floating vessels orbiting at the out skirts of a black hole before implosion of resources and data. Personal well being expendable; salvage material desired; data retrieval highest priority. You and the ship you serve on by the grace of the matrix; shall go to the the outer limit of the black hole and salvage the ship designation CLASSIFIED:0887; the ship designation CLASSIFIED:0888; the ship designation CLASSIFIED:0009.
You will go through each ship gathering all data and transferring them to your ships data core. You will terminate any traitorous residents of the vessels at first contact. Mission health inspectors: null has given this ship a bio hazard classification of:5. By the grace of the matrix, no women will be allowed on this mission, for the matrix protects all those who need it.

The print out coming from your computer screen is hard to read to the untrained eye. You cringe as you see no information about what your really doing except a generalized data retrieval and ship salvage. The hyper drive hums under your bunk as you read your mission briefing. A strange thing was the line about this read out is the "Mission health inspectors" being null which means no inspector was sent, and the line about women. While women were second hand citizens they were allowed on space craft.
Maybe the all protecting matrix see that this mission has a hazard classification 5 and decided to protect them.

it's likely a radiative isotopes left out in the open or something.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 1:48 am
by Motoko
Tristan sighs to himself as he continues to read the printout, shrugging his shoulders he would look out of the view port, seeing the white lines of hyperspace, it was quite relaxing really the soft hum of the hyperdrive could really put you into a trance and make you forget about being just a number to these megacorporations....He needed to get ready, he most likely wasn't very far away from his destination no, he would head to his quaters, retrieving his work clothes, a jumpsuit with his employee number stamped on its front and back heading next to the cabin to get a report on the current situation.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:47 pm
by BlueLight
You suit fits you like it was made for you. If there was something to say it's that the matrix knows how to make the perfect fitting suit; hell that was an ad campaign they had going in your great great,great grand dadd age when he was a child.

You move your way forward towards the dinning hall grabbing yourself a mug and pouring the thick syrup that this crew calls coffee. You enter the bridge where you see the navigator/pilot at his station. The best way to describe his station was to say he had the main ship controls in front of him giving access engines, and thrusters along with sensor read his left is a kinda table which is part of the main controls but in the center of this table has built in likely the largest screen in the ship pushing 600x400 pixels pointed upwards so you can easily draw on top of it. To the left of the screen is a note book of green engineers paper which ypur navigator swears by.

"what's our eta navi" you ask
"T minus fifteen minutes until we hit the gravity well. You wont be able to miss it; thoses engines are going to scream murder." He says in reply.

After your done with you drink, you place it in the sink and head to the air lock. you see your two fellow salvagers. They likely woke up at the same time as you but grabbed their coffees and came here. none of you need to say anything as as you check your gear.


Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:38 pm
by Motoko
Tristan nods to the navigator looking at the book with disdain, you'd think after all these years they'd have better nav systems, eh it didn't really matter. He would rinse out his glass shaking his head the whole time, the syrupy substance always left a bad taste in his mouth...To bad he needed his coffee in the morning right? he looks over the gear knowing they would arrive soon enough, he needed to get to work, just being idle always drove him crazy, even if his work was dangerous....But at least it didn't pay well.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:21 am
by BlueLight
The intercom clicked a few time then the hum of your captains voice emmits from the speak like the crystal water from the mouth of an angle.
"Alright ladies, hooks are launching in T-Minus 60. The Matrix has ruled this operation as a class 5 bio hazard. By company rules i am required to ask you if you know what a level 5 bio hazard is. 'do.... you.... know.... what.... a.... biological..... hazard..... level....five is?" he says slowly and clearly. After he finishes you feel a jerk as 12 lines launch from the ship. It takes a few seconds but you feel contacts vibrate in the ship as it grips all three of the ships.

you all get into your suits and buckle up get ready for duty. all that is left is a confirmation from your party. You do noticed that one of your fellow salvagers has a dent in his bio protection suit. You've seen wrenches with bigger dents and according to corp rules, all equipment must be in mint condition. He see that you notice and he puts his finger to his lip. Now do speak up and get him taken off the job for 1/5th pay until he can (if he can) fix it; or do you let it slide?

Speak up tell the captain what he wants to know, and decide if you fib.


Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 2:18 am
by Motoko
Tristan watches the other engineer with a sigh and a shrug, nodding to him "Yes we know what that means cap'n" he would speak into the comms if the other engineer died it was his own fault. 'Always check you gear kids'. He remembered that from those damned corporate videos that played during their training "I think we're all ready."

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:24 pm
by BlueLight
(Oh god not the corporate videos. god that one about sexually harassment titled "Off my turbines" was horrible. )
"Roger wilko!" followed the silence then a 13th shot was fire, followed by a bang when it make contract. The air lock your in starts to move as it detaches from the ship and traverse down the 13th line towards your first ship. Salvaging this wreck alone is going to take at least a month assuming you just rip out of most valuable material and let space have the rest. Soon your craft if you can call it that; makes its way to the other ship locking on the it's air lock, you hope. You can already feel the tug of the black hole pulling you forward. It's not very strong but it will give you light gravity. Your group walks down the corridors with pistols drawn heading towards engineering in hope to get power working. The craft uses a antimatter compression battery which should recharge them selves enough to power the ship for a few days.

All across these halls are spatting of different colors. Most likely puke but possibly blood. You can't be sure what this gunk is but it looks biological. your foot steps ring out each time they hit the metal platting below your feet. the first trip to a new wreck is always creepy. the ships are nearly lifeless except for the off light, or fan getting power from a unregistered and uncertified modification.

Your party reaches the engine room with little to no trouble even with the black hole causing slight problems.
"What you do you think we should prioritizes?" one of your fellows ask?

you've got three people and you got a lot of work to do.
You've got restarting the generators, the engines, the sub computer, lighting, proper life support, elevators, fire suppression, turning on the security drones. I'd also like to states, you hear 4 sounds which you can't identify with anything mechanical that would be on right now.You've got a scamping in the air duct (Rats?); what sounds like boxes falling in a near by storage (Black hole?); hissing from unknown location in the room(Air leak) and the sounds of someone banging on metal (Aliens!!!!!!....right?) what do you want worked on?
As you reach each blast door on your way there, two of you have to take crow bar like devices to the door prying it open just so the third can place a extender. You get to your destination

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 9:14 pm
by Motoko
Tristan frowns as he enters the ship, seeing the condition of.the metal,.the gunk was something he.l didnt even want to know about. Theres always something like that, he always had to hope he or his crew didn't have to add to the mess. "our first priorty should be the generator then the life support so someone can fix their goddamn suit" "we should also check out those noises, last thinh we need is the hull rippied apart while we're abroad so one of you will go with me, the others should stay and work on the power. Sound good?"

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:04 pm
by BlueLight
"Sure" they grumbled.
I'd lke to state that the dent is no big deal. It's just a tiny little ding. You could do more damage with a car door. The no named guy with the ding starts repairing main power. Which nosie would ypu like to check out

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:28 pm
by Motoko
"we should check that banging first." tristen would say, raising his weapon motioning for whoever was following him to come with him as he heads to the area in question

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:44 am
by BlueLight
The *cling* *cling* of your boats echo on the metal flooring as you slowly and carefully clear the areas to the sound. Over your coms you hear and message by way of peck like noise as a emergency light turns on with a very low dim.

(good luck translating this. I'll have to come up with some extra bonus for you if you get it. Should be easy if you know what to search for.)
if you had to characterizes the sounds it would be like this with each symbol indicating the length of time used and with period being a pause.
this is followed by a time stamp voice [E N G 00002 REPORT]
While your character knows what this means; you'll have to translate it out on your own. This information could mean the difference between life and death.... or even staying male..

You reach the room that the sound is coming from but as your about the open the door it stop. To be exact it stops one second after when your last foot step before opening the door.
The door is slightly lit up telling you that the automated locks are active. You both continue into the room and see it filled with with light furniture for a bed room unit. Every part of the room is visible and there is no where to hide, not even in under the bed; however we're assuming that looking for a humanoid that is at least 4'5" if not 6".

You identify the likely source of the sound earlier which is in a huge air ducts with it's cover pushed out into the room. It looks like someone or thing is or was inside of the vent and was kicking it to get access to the room which didn't get yet.
You could put your face in front of the vent to get a look at what's inside but regulations state you should avoid this if possible in a hazard 5 mission; but come one they say you should avoid sneezing... no literally it says to avoid it.
I'll let you figure out a solution but here are some general things you can do to help with the task. I've said you have other things before, you can uses them

You can hand signal your mate basic commands.
you can talk to your mate but it's a loud speaker so the thing in the vent (If still there) will hear you.
You can send in a silent but coded message that only your fellow engineers can hear/understand except you personally have to figure out how to write the message
You have a pistol and the but of the gun can be used to bash skulls (along with other things) and the business end can project bullets.
You foots steps are very audible but one person could sound like two!
You have a flash light you can turn off and on.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 6:09 pm
by Motoko
Tristen shakes his head, seeing the source of the disturbance, he would look to his partner and point towards the vent, not wanting to alert whatever it was to their presence, he would whisper into the coms "go check it put, don't stick your face on the vent though, just get as close as you can to find out whats in there, I'll cover you if its hostile." he would wae his sidearm towards the vent getting a better position in case of some kind of hostile

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2014 11:57 pm
by BlueLight
The sound of your voice booms in the room! Next thing you know is a loud crawling noise and along with hammering comes from inside the vent. It stop again after a second. Your fellow team mate doesn't think but rushes in nearly ramming his helmet in to the vent. After a second he raise his gun and fires inside the vent or well tries to fire through the grate.

What are you going to do? He's possibly in danger.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Mon May 26, 2014 5:34 pm
by Motoko
Tristen shakes his head running forward to pull the man back from the vent with a look of disgust "Have you lost your damn mind?!" he would shout spinning back around as fast as his suit would allow, pointing his gun at the vent and backing away, keeping his partner behind him. he was tensed and ready, waiting for whatever was coming. "stay behind me ya useless lug."

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Thu May 29, 2014 8:59 pm
by BlueLight
Motoko Wrote:Tristen shakes his head running forward to pull the man back from the vent with a look of disgust "Have you lost your damn mind?!" he would shout spinning back around as fast as his suit would allow, pointing his gun at the vent and backing away, keeping his partner behind him. he was tensed and ready, waiting for whatever was coming. "stay behind me ya useless lug."

you see nothing but a shadow of a limb. You do see blood in the vent but this looks caked on so not recent. it seems your buddy is a horrible shot but the again ypu don't know what the fuck he was aiming at.

the banging continues going parallel to the hall way.

"What the fuck man. I had it in my sights. Why the fuck didn't you just send a encoded message the leave then room? You told it the fucking plan."
He pushes you out of the way and heads towards the exit;likely to hunt the creature

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:00 pm
by Motoko
Tristan shrugs and shakes his head, heading out along side his haphazard companion keeping an eye out for whatever this thing was....And also making sure his companion didn't do anything stupid again.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:25 pm
by BlueLight
The banging starts coming from the room which you just came from! It's more like a crunching like noise not a bang like before.You could return but your mate is moving away from the room and a quick walk like speed.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 1:24 am
by Motoko
Tristan watches after the other engineer with a shake of his hea, cautiously approaching the noise again, weapon at the ready. he'd take caee of it better himself by the looks of things...

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:02 am
by BlueLight
The door to the room is nearly close making it hard to see in or out. You stand out side spying in.
There in the vent you see a girl, maybe 21 with baggy cloths that look they they're five sizes to large. She's kicking out the vent cover until she's able to bend it back far enough to to squeeze through it.
She does so without seeing your hulking body behind the door.

Her hair is black and reaches down to her ass, yet it's so unkept and messy. She's forced to hold her pants up with out hand as she starts to look through the wardrobe looking for something (like better fitting pants.)

Hey i know, why don't you go in there, and toss her on the bed; All in the name of the matrix. I mean when was the last time you had a booty call. Then i guess you can play with her hair and doing silly stuff like tie her hands to gather using it. It will be fun! I guess if you wanted to you could shoot her in the head because "ALIENS!!!! RAWR" if you really wanted.

Re: S.S.S Salvaging & Scavenging, Shipwrights

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 4:02 am
by Motoko
Tristen looks in curiously observing the strange girl for a moment and glancing over his shoulder towards his companion before saking his head, he steps into the rooom gun pointed at the girls head "Hands up where I can see them, don't move. Your ship has been deemed a level 5 hazard. Do not move."