Serial number 44556AH0991V1059:name "Tristan Mcovonich " of operation corporation 4059456D09591G1:3348; you've been assigned to sector vector sector 044;021;013 to mission operation 011 classification salvage, 008th opperation of this type in sector.
Your jobs is to salvage 3 free floating vessels orbiting at the out skirts of a black hole before implosion of resources and data. Personal well being expendable; salvage material desired; data retrieval highest priority. You and the ship you serve on by the grace of the matrix; shall go to the the outer limit of the black hole and salvage the ship designationCLASSIFIED:0887; the ship designationCLASSIFIED:0888; the ship designationCLASSIFIED:0009.
You will go through each ship gathering all data and transferring them to your ships data core. You will terminate any traitorous residents of the vessels at first contact. Mission health inspectors: null has given this ship a bio hazard classification of:5. By the grace of the matrix, no women will be allowed on this mission, for the matrix protects all those who need it.
The print out coming from your computer screen is hard to read to the untrained eye. You cringe as you see no information about what your really doing except a generalized data retrieval and ship salvage. The hyper drive hums under your bunk as you read your mission briefing. A strange thing was the line about this read out is the "Mission health inspectors" being null which means no inspector was sent, and the line about women. While women were second hand citizens they were allowed on space craft.
Maybe the all protecting matrix see that this mission has a hazard classification 5 and decided to protect them.
it's likely a radiative isotopes left out in the open or something.