Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

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Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:17 am

Its been roughly twenty years since the world almost ended. Orcs from the western lands of Alkana had ravaged the nations of Belsgrad and Staros destroying a large part of their population and infrastructure. In the end the orcs warband had been brought to a halt when the dragon cult of Damaaras had been destroyed. With the orcs leadership gone they soon splintered and returned to more or less random pillaging. Belsgrad in particular has suffered the most as the church seizes yet more power in the aftermath usurping the queen and instating their own in her place. The entire region is unstable as Wrethnel the land of shadows is now left unchecked to the south. The Dwarves as always have looked inward to their vast underground complexes and ignored the surface world in order to remain focused on holding back the demon tide that threatens to burst from the ground and consume the surface.

However not all changes wrought by the Orc Wars have been negative. Whether by chance or destiny a Dwarven Alchemist and a Human engineer from Lantaria have stumbled across a new form of power uncovered with the death of the great red dragon. With this they have begun churning out complex clockwork and steam based machines to serve in the reconstruction efforts. Lantaria and the Dwarven kingdoms have been quick to embrace these new devices and their cities have changed dramatically in the short time since their introduction. Lantaria's great factories have now begun to pollute the island nations airspace turning it a permanent brownish amber as the sun struggles to meet its streets. Wandering around outside is generally frowned upon as long term exposure to the clouds will eventually disfigure. Despite the horrible damage to the environment Lantaria's people are thriving. Wondrous inventions keep the peoples mind occupied on the marvels of technology and the pleasures that can be brought by automation and refined products.

Candy has spent all of her life in Lantaria growing up around these new wonders. At the moment she's sleeping at least until the landlord begins knocking on the door to her small apartment. She had received a month for free by doing a few 'favors' for a local businessman that may or may not have ruined one of his competitors. Either way she now had a small but well filtrated room with modest but functional furniture. "Candy, I know your in there, my boy saw you come home at moonpeak. Now your rents late, and this time I'm not accepting any more excuses!" While the free month had been nice she had managed to milk the landlord for another three but he seemed angrier than last time... probably because she had promised double the normal rate. Knowing her luck she probably had about two days to somehow come up with 500 gold.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:47 am

Candy tossed and turned in her bed, wishing the banging to go away, but apparently it wasn't going anywhere. Grumbling to herself, she got up and walked to the door, listening to the voice of her landlord as he ranted about her late rent. She did the math in her head...and grimaced. It wouldn't be impossible to pull off in two days, but 500 gold was a lot of money and she had been trying to save some up for any potential...unpleasantness.

An idea formed in her head as she opened the door, she gave her landlord a sultry smile as she said "Please calm down, there's no need to worry. I'll get you your rent...but perhaps there's something else I can do for you." She was still mostly undressed, wearing a cloth tanktop and dark green panties, and she shifted her body so as to give him the best view of what she had to offer. "You sound really stressed, I can help make you better, get the kinks out."
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:40 pm

Candy opened the door to her landlord, a large man mostly muscle but getting on in his years. Whatever he had done before renting he never spoke of but he had scars along his forearms that reminded her of bladed weapons or claws.The landlord quickly glanced up and down at her with a sneer. "I'm old enough to be your grandfather girl. And your rent is late." as he spat the last word out his brows furrowed. "You have two days before I'm finished packing your things, if you get me the rent you can stay but if you don't have that money your things will be downstairs on the counter. So I suggest you get your facemask, head outside, and do whatever it is you do for a living." He said waiting for any kind of reply before leaving.

Candy considered some of her options, she knew an artist by the name of Thomas who lived near the dock districts. He had a bit of a temper depending on how long it had been since his last commission but if she caught him at the right time he was quite frivolous with his money. She had kept some ties with her old gang and Fenrix the only decent one out of the lot might have something illegal for her to help with, they probably wouldn't be able to get her the full 500 but it was better than nothing. The most dangerous option she had was going to see Madam Verinace the only noble to keep in contact with candy consistently over the last few years. Of course the reason she kept in contact was because she secretly ran most of the cities brothels and generally wanted Candy for some of the more interesting jobs... oh and to enslave her if she got the chance. On her last visit the noble woman had tried slipping a dose of narcotics into her drink at dinner, when that failed Candy had quickly left. If she had to there were ways to contact her without putting herself at risk. Finally there was the option of simply skipping town altogether, she knew a captain down by the docks that would probably grant her passage to Freeport or Staros if she was willing to put up with a crew of sailors for a month or two.

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1d20+8; 12 VS DC 22; Failure
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:59 am

Candy sighed as her attempt to seduce her landlord fell flat, but nodded to him all the same. "I understand, thank you for letting me know then. Ta-ta!" She then closed the door and walked into the center of the room, considering her options. She had some, but the question was were any of them things she wanted to pursue? Thinking about each one that came to the top of her head, they all required a certain amount of luck to get her anywhere, and if one of them didn't pull through, she'd be up a shit creek.

After a moment of thought, she decided she'd head down to the dock district to talk with Thomas, see if she could swing some of his funds her way. If nothing else, if he didn't have much in the way of funds, she could check out some of the ships heading out in the next few days. The thought of leaving had come to her mind on more than one occasion, and she supposed not having a place to stay would be an excellent excuse to pursue such.

And, of course, there was always the possibility she might bump into a lonely sailor looking to let off some steam...she decided to check and see if she had any of those anti-pregnancy herbs around, just in case.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 3:25 am

Candy rifled around in one of her drawers until finding a small amount of the contraceptive herbs, enough for a day or so. Headed for the docks she put on her facemask and goggles to protect herself from the smog outside and joined the crowds. Most people outside the dome districts wore the ugly masks but it was probably better than having their skin slowly burnt off by the toxic fumes in the air. Her apartment had been in a fairly safe area of town and she crossed into the slightly less hospitable docks by way of one of the automated bridges. Once there she found Thomas's studio and knocked. He answered almost immediately glancing at her while holding his cloak over his face. "Good, just who I needed to see." He said pulling her inside and shutting the door.

He was a thin but tall man with green eyes and long golden hair pulled back and tied. His studio as always was a complete mess, all manner of craft materials lay strewn about in several of the large rooms. "I hear you do more then just modeling at times... Is that true Candy?" He asked not really paying much attention to her as he ruffled through some loose sheets of canvas paper. Most had various sketches of humans, elves, and even some orcs. A few were nude but most seemed to be clothed in various cultural garbs. Most are quite impressive having a lot of detail for simple sketches but unfortunately Thomas like most artists had a bit of an eccentric streak. He tossed most of them directly into a nearby fire until he found what he was looking for. A detailed blueprint of some kind of museum or gallery. "Those idiots at the halls of creation want landscaping portraits... landscaping! This city is a festering blister on the side of Akrovia and they're only paying for art featuring Lanataria!" He tosses more of the sketches into the nearby fire. "I bring them a collection that spans all of Akrovia and they don't even look at it!" He slams a fist onto the table and leans on it for a few minutes. "Do you think you could break into the hall after hours?" He asks turning to look at her.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:00 am

She let out a small yelp of surprise when she was pulled inside, not expecting such from the eccentric artist. As she followed him in, she felt a combination of digust and awe flow through her as she looked at the mess his studio was in and gazed at some of his finished and unfinished artwork. Despite the incredibly chaotic state of affairs in the building, there was no doubt he was a master of art.

"Yes, its true, but what do you have in mind?" She asks, listening as he rants about the local museum wanting that which he can't provide, at least reasonably. She tries to recall how good the security at the museum was, as she asks "I might be able to do that, but what sort of payment can I expect in turn? I can't do it for free like some of the modeling I've done for you."

Truth be told, she didn't mind modeling for the artist, as it had on a few occasions made her somewhat famous among the more noble like peoples. She often theorized it was one of his artworks of her that had caught the attention of Madam Verinace.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 4:19 am

"I have almost nothing thanks to these fools. However I do have something I managed to take from my agent at the halls." He pulls a key out from under a ceramic piece. "It goes to the strongbox under the desk of Alvanon Proceti, the head patron of the hall. Unless he's changed the locks in the last 12 hours it will give you the entire months worth of coin, do whatever you wish with it I don't care but while your there I want you to take a bucket of paint and ruin as many of their precious landscapes as you can." He asks pressing the key into her hands and taking them in his own. "Please, this is not just about my welfare but for the sake of art itself." He pleads.

She glanced down at the drawing on the table, the front door was completely shut down at night, and the backdoor would be under guard. The sewer was another option to get in but rumor had it strange creatures sometimes roamed under the streets. Rooftop was the only other option, she could easily get to a window if she wasn't caught by the town guard prowling from roof to roof.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:02 am

"An entire month's worth of coin...hmm...well, I suppose I can do that. Want me to ruin anything else in there while I'm at it?" She pocketed the key, thinking about what the best ways in might be. She could possibly pick the front door's lock, but that would make her more likely to be caught by city guards out on patrol. The guards at the back...she did have a blowgun with some stun darts she could use to incapacitate 'em. She didn't want to try the sewers unless the other options didn't pan out. Besides rumors of strange creatures, the place was full of pollution and human sludge. The roofs sounded like a good idea.

Of course, night was not yet upon the city, which meant she had time to kill. "Say Thomas, you need me to do any modeling right now? I got time to kill, and I always enjoy showing myself off."
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:13 am

Thomas shook his head. "Not at the moment. I can't even think strait." He said evidently to distraught to work. "You can stay here out of the smog if you wish but I need to gather up my writings." He said going about his studio pulling leaflets out from under books and off the top of shelves. If she wished Candy could visit her other contacts or find something else to do in the city until sunset.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:33 am

Candy sighed, slightly disappointed but understanding. "Well, I'm heading out, I'll pop in tomorrow morning if everything goes as planned." She says, giving him a wave before donning her mask and goggles and heading outside. She had a job lined up, but she still needed some money, especially if things got dicey. Now was as good a time as any to chat up the sailors and see what ships were headed in, or heck, maybe she might overhear something interesting.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:47 am

Candy goes down to the docks and chats with a few sailors and listens in on a few others. It seems she could get a ship fairly cheap to Freeport or Staros if she was willing to do some work. Stowing away of course would be free, but its likely the captain and the sailors wouldn't be to fond of that. Taking a boat to the mainland and then a caravan to Belsgrad or Darkwatch were also options but much riskier on land. The safest option was probably paying the Dwarves a hefty sum to take her along on one of the passenger steam machines that traveled through their underground tunnel system. She was looking at ten gold minimum boat passage to up to two hundred for a train ticket with the Dwarves. Beyond travel arrangements you hear rumors some Lanatarian soldiers will be demonstrating a new form of transportation outside of town this afternoon. They claim anyone on the outside of the walls should be able to get a good view. Another interesting rumor she hears floating around is that the prince of Lanataria has gone missing, most believe its a kidnapping but others claim its an affair with some none noble. Any other rumors seem to far fetched or isolated to be considered as truth.

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Diplomacy Check; 1d20 + 8; 25 Vs DC 10
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:16 am

Candy tried to remember what she could of Freeport and Staros as she walked about the docks. Going by boat was the safest route, and cheapest. There was that rumor about some new form of transportation, which looking into if nothing else would be a good way to kill some time. The rumour about a missing prince does peak her curiosity though...finding the kid could be worth a substantial amount of gold, and probably get her some favors with the ruling elite. She decides she'll try to dig up some further information on this, and if nothing good comes up, go check out the new marvel of modern science the military was no doubt going to be showing off.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:40 am

Candy heads to the fields just outside the capital to see the massive crowd forming. Some people have set up tents and chairs during the long wait, some are relaxing inside sealed wagons until the festivities begin. As she walked through the crowds she considered Freeport and Staros, they were more or less opposites. On one hand Staros was the most secure nation to live in, or so they would have you believe. That came at the price of individual freedom, it was mandatory to serve in the military for a number of years if you were a citizien and most criminal punishments were quite severe. There was also the fact almost everyone from Staros she had met were typically boring but honest people. Freeport on the other hand was a lawless state where one could do pretty much anything they liked provided you wouldn't get everyone else in town to draw their swords cutting you down for it. There would be plenty of opportunity there, but if she messed with the wrong people it could end badly for her.

While she pondered this the wind suddenly picked up and the crowd came alive with excitement. Glancing around she couldn't see anything until some people pointed upward. Above them a mass of clockwork mechanisms, whirling blades and canvas balloons held up a sailing ship but suspended it in midair. She could make out a full crew of soldiers along with one or two nervous looking Dwarves that clung to the thick wooden railings. There was quite a bit of chatter around the crowd as the airship circled slowly around making a wide turn before heading back in over town. This was an example of one of the many wonders Lantaria produced, whether or not it was worth the cost of destroying their environment was a question she really couldn't answer alone.

Reguardless just as she's about to leave she realizes there's a hand on her ass. She turns to see a youngish man roughly of age turn red upon being caught. "Well either way this looks bad... so..." He yanks her coinpurse away and starts running back through the crowd towards the city. He seemed familiar to her, maybe one of her old gangs new recruits that had been brought in just as she left. Either way he had only stolen about ten gold which was all she had on her.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:53 am

As amazing as the airship was, she had bigger fish to fry as the young man ran off with her coinpurse. "Hey, get back here kid! Ya don't cop a feel like that and leave a girl hanging, let alone steal her money!" She gave chase, not wanting to lose what little money she had. It wasn't much, but still.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:59 am

Whoever this kid was, he made a rookie mistake and wound up in a dead end alley before long. He stopped and looked up at the tall wall dividing this section from its neighbors and started climbing. He got about a foot of the ground before falling backwards and getting the wind knocked out of him. Now he was glancing up at her nervously, he held up the coinpurse as a placative gesture. "Look... I uhm... I'm sort of tight for coin, no harm no foul?" He said hoping she wasn't going to turn him in. He sat up off the ground but didn't try running for it again.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:07 am

Catching the kid turned out to be as easy as pie, as he made a mistake she hadn't made in years. She walked over to him, her gait mixing stalking with a sexy stroll. That brief cop of her ass and the thrill of the chase had turned her on a bit, and as she had said, if you were gonna feel a girl up like that, ya don't just run off when she notices. Unless she looked ready to deck ya.

"Hmm...no harm, sure." She says as she snatches up the purse, making sure to better secure it on her person. She reached down and hefted the kid up, and then took hold of one of his wrists and brought his hand to her ass.

"But no foul? Mmm...I don't think so."
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:12 am

When she grabbed him he tensed up expecting her to hurt him by the looks of it. He was quite surprised when she moved his hand back to her rear and didn't seem to know how to react. "What are you doing?" He asked glancing around. Despite his nervous attitude he got a fairly good feel of her. Apparently his hand knew what to do even if his brain hadn't caught up yet. Doing anything in this back alley was probably ill advised, the smog damaged sensitive flesh the quickest.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:17 am

"I'm going to help you become a man. But not out here...one of the many downsides of this damn dirty air." She pushed his hand a bit more into her ass for a moment before looking around, trying to see if there was someplace they could duck into. If there wasn't, she decided she'd drag him along to swing by her place. Her cheeks were starting to become flush his fingers kneading her ass.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:26 am

Candy began trying doors in the back alleys, eventually she entered into the back room for a merchant, apparently he had left it unlocked. The pickpocket ran his hand up to her side pushing under her shirt to feel her skin. He didn't look to confident in doing it but he put his other hand on her hip. He was behind her with his back to a desk, with a little shove she could force him back onto it and sit in his lap or she could let him continue as he was to see what more he would do on his own. "Are you sure about this? I mean... I just stole your money... and now you want to..." He said running each hand up her stomach until he cupped her breasts gently.
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Re: Akrovia - The Age of Steam [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Apr 10, 2014 7:34 am

Thankfully, a door in the alley opened up into a back room, likely by some local businessman. She made a note to see if there was anything of value after she had her fun with the kid. She felt her body shiver as he moved his hand under her shirt, moving it slowly up to her chest. She took the hand on her hip and slowly guided it towards the edge of her belt, before pulling it aside enough for both his and her hand to dive in. She kept him out of her panties for now, but she let out a soft moan as his hands brushed near her slit, and when he cupped her breasts.

"Mm...don't be so nervous kid. There's nothing to get worried about." She gave the kid a smile, using her free hand to push his face into her chest, planting a kiss on his forehead. "And besides, one thing about being a man is learning to take responsibility. Your little grope got me horny, so now you gotta help get me off."

"Don't worry though, I'm generous. I'll make you feel good too."
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