Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

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Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:35 am

It is near the end of the Age of Space, a two century long era in which Humanity has spread beyond the rims of their solar system and moved to finally plunder the mystery of faraway stars. A great many advetnurers and events have taken place: the colonization of new GARDEN planets, several First Contacts which ended with both peaceful and hostile results, the discovery of ruins of other civilizations and the adding of their forgotten technology to that of Man... however, those days have long faded away and now men and women seek to try their lucks in safer places closer to home instead of gallavanting around the unknown arrays of space.
Yet, men and women or other sexes of all sentient races cannot ignore the call of curiosity, to keep expanding horizons in search of other civilizations or out of greed so they can raid foreign societies and build up their own powers. We call these brave and foolish personalities "Explorers", whom are divided between the popular yin-yang diversification of the "Tomb Raiders" and the "Privateers".
Our story centers on a fleet of Explorers employed by the UN Government, a coalition of several species, amongst them humanity. This massive fleet is funded for the sole reason of mapping the still unknown regions of space beyond their borders, and should the fleet ever find anything valuable they are to research and then carry their investigations back to their superiors. Although large, the fleet operates in Cruiser.class ships staffed by a mix of characters from several of the allied species, all volunteers, whom are then assigned to completely charter one solar system at a time.
These crews, usually a motley group of seven to thirteen strong, are then divided into pairs whom are then sent to an indivdual planet in the assigned system, where they will ply their main field of research for a period of fourteen Milky Way Standard years, before they are then to report back with any distinctive findings and swap posts with another pair, so they can continue their research on another planet.
One such pair is the recently registered Candy Silvermoon, a youngish female Elvaren enfatuated with the human race, whom is to report to her senior Explorer male Human Badou "Airachnid" Guresh, whom has accepted to mentor the enthusiastic Elvaren so he may pass on the legacy of his own recently deceased teacher...
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:41 am

Character Roster
Not currently accepting characters

Name: Badou "Airachnid" Guresh
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Age: 32
Profile Photo:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Mantis.Attachment.Unit: Image

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Human Race, Badou:Image

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Badou originates from the "oasis" world of Calunmiersh, a human only population descended from the Earth Arabians and Africans that fled to the new planet when it was claimed by the UNIX Federation Government. Originally an orphan who survived as a thief and game-dealer on the streets, he was adopted by the reknown privateer Kaberish when the boy attempted to trick the man into losing a bet and impressed the man by almost winning. Kaberish took the thug into his home and raised him to become his heir, so he could continue his legacy as a Pirate and accomplish his dream of raiding a powerful civilization. Badou hated his foster, whom represented the end of a dark path most orphans from his planet came to and what he would someday become, but in a twisted way the man was his greatest idol for surviving to such a ripe age despite all the circumstances against him. Kaberish managed to instill his avarice into his protege, however Badou instead directed his greed into an intense curiosity for treasures and artifacts, a feat that grew with every moment he spent inside the pirate's trophy hoard researching the stored loot, and finding the many mythos connected with several items within.
When Kaberish died, Badou entered a contract with the local UN Chapter to be allowed to enter a prestigious college despite his murky background, and whenever he was free he began to invest his inheritance into several firms. His effort gave results and he left college with allo the necessary diplomas to start as an Archeologist, while he used his resources to buy his way onto a famous exploration fleet. He was apprenticed to veteran explorer Barluk, a female Veeran that hated him due to prejudice against his deceased father, however when he finally gained her respect the alien taught him all of the tricks he would need to become succesful. Barluk has recently retired due to old age and Badou has been enlisted to teach the newest explorer joining the fleet.
NOTE: Badou's nickname come from his unique armor attachment, the MANTIS.Unit; a specially modified combat unit designed for multiple and delicate manipulation, something necessary when handling fragile objects. The armor doesn't offer any unique protection and is actually rather bulky and unwieldy, however it is extremely powerful. Despite its name, the MANTIS.Unit provides its wearer with four additional arms, all entirely mechanical which are controlled through electrical impulses directed through a neural-suit.

Career Overview
Combat Skills
- Twin Plasma Pistols (Dual Wielding)
- Mantis.Arms
- Medium-Close Range Combat, emphasis on evasion and stamina reduction.
- Survival Skills

Name: Candy Silvermoon
Gender: Female
Race: Elvairen (Nicknames: Elf, Fair Folk)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Age: 26 Years Old
Profile Photo:
Hair is shorter though, a little bit above the ass.
Biography: Born on an Elvaren border world, her home world has the historical significance of being the world where humans and Elvaren made first contact with each other. In fact, so her family claims anyways, she is of a direct descendant of the first Elvaren to meet the strange Earthlings. Thanks in part to this, along with stories from other members of her family by those who had gone out and joined the humans in exploring far off-reaches of space, Candy gained an insatiable curiosity for the universe, and someday swore to herself she go out and find new things like they had. She had an even better reason to do thanks to the growing changes on her home turning it from the beautiful and lush world she had grown up with (her corner of it at least) into an industrial zone, she longed to find worlds that had not yet been marred by such actions. Thusly, she signed up with the first deep-space exploration gig she could find.
Career Overview
Combat Skills
-Survival Phase Pistol
-Beam Rapier
-Long to Medium Range, emphasis on Agility and Manueverability.
-Medical Skill
Last edited by Philosopher on Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 2:42 am



A semi-sentient floral organism encountered in the planet's jungle habitat, Astrobiologist Candy Silvermoon has only encountered this creature under sexual pretenses.
No information is available of its childhood at this time.
At Puberty, they appear to have developed into a yellowish Rafflesia counterpart. They are deeply enrooted into the ground, and only have a few vines available to manipulate its environment. Apparently it relies on the success of already mobile adults in order to get a willing female to breed with that will trigger their own maturation; the adolescent Alraune will inject a special solution that acts as both an aphrodisiac as well as induce lactation, and then use its red shaft to further stimulate its catch into spilling as much sexual fluid she can. This sexual fluid seems to be the trigger and fuel for its metamorphisis into its adult form.
the adult of the species retains its similarities to a Earth' Rafflesia, actually developed a reddish-maroon color that resembles the plant, however it has removed its entrenching roots and uses the leftover stem as a serpentine tail along with its vines to move about the jungle. It has also grown large enough to completely enclose a grown humanoid within its petals. The red shaft it used to have has snapped off (more information required about this phenomenon) and in its place has grown an ovipositor it uses to breed females with, implanting seeds within their wombs and then extracting them to plant them somewhere distant in the jungle. Its aphrodisiac is less potent and only serves to ease the breeding process, and it is unable to induce lactation like its younger form.
A semi-sentient, female feline-humanoid encountered by Badou. It assaulted him in the middle of its heat season to breed, but wound up being dominated and captured in turn by the veteran explorer. More information required.
A massive spider-humanoid hybrid, apparently sentient although the language it speaks has yet to be translated. More information is required on this species. Possible first contact on a reportedly desolate planet?

Last edited by Philosopher on Sun Mar 30, 2014 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 3:12 am

LOCATION: Briefing Room aboard the U.N.S. BURDELLAINE

"Muuuu, I wonder what's taking that girl so long..." a severely bored voice moans out pitifully, the speaker currently face planting the circular table in the middle of the room. The girl currently wallowing in her woes is wearing the U.S. uniform -a green miltary cut miniskirt and vest along with small bob-hat that should be on a airplane waitress- and looked like the poster girl for all secretaries; bombshell brunette with blue eyes, slightly shorter than average and almost weapon-grade cuteness. Of course, I wasn't amused or phased (completely ignoring the pressed cleavage against the table, I was better than that!).
""Serves ya right, not telling the girl the date for the debriefing was changed. Really Alice, your clumsiness is still as great as your stomach," I comment to the girl, whom merely whimpers slightly at the reprimand and maintains her face stuck against the furniture. It was incredibly distressing, seeing a woman even older than I acting so childishly, however after my many years of service I'd come to be used to her behavior. Still didn't stop me from scolding her though; give this woman an inch and she'd web you so tightly you'd never get away from her clutches. Vile subtle manipulator too cute for her own good. "It's always the same with you, too focused on getting your bloody paperwork done without even looking at the forms so you can rush off for lunch and clean out the cafeteria."
I ignore the childish woman's aggravation and instead focus on the door to the entirely white room (it was entirely too discomforting, being completely surrounded by white, curse the U.S standards!). The reason both the pitiful girl-woman and I were being bored to death was because we were awaiting the arrival of my new companion, a Candy Silver-something. Apparently she had registered for the U.S. Exploration Fleet a year ago but had been put on reserve as all the available positions had been full. However with my previous partner's anniversary (that damned Bulka and her puppy-dog eyes!!) I had decided to make arrangements to finally receive a new fellow whom I would teach how the tricks of our job. Said partner was extremely late, through no fault of her own;
Sadly the bombshell secretary beside me, whom I had never gotten to know beyond a friend whom referred to herself as Sasha, and her usual clumsiness had forestalled our meeting. She was mine, and my soon to be partner's, Coordinator. She managed our paperwork and sent any notes we made to the respective superiors, leaving us to focus solely on our work, however (and what seems to be a sad characteristic of the entire fleet's secretaries, a fault I blame on the pervert of a Captain we have) she was more focused on a personal desire than doing proper work with the documents. Thus she had completely missed the paper which had moved our debriefing an entire day earlier until later, and in her rush to fix up her mistake had forgotten to inform this Candy when the meeting was going to take place.
I was usually a complacent and stoic man, however the entire fiasco had kept me from getting my monthly release with "the Lovely Scarlet" and I had been blocked from getting my satisfaction, which could be seen in the ram-rod boner poking up my pants. It wasn't made any better with how the accursed Sasha kept moving; a ditzy brunette always concerned with the void she called a stomach she may be, yet every move she made was overly sexualized by her sexbomb physique. She was unaware she was such a seductress, and all the shifting she did merely gave me a solid peek down her vest or reveal a small amount of tantalizing thigh.
Hopefully my partner arrived soon, else I would throw myself onto Sasha and ride her to kingdom come. I'd done it a few times too, out of frustration with how her ditziness always kept me from getting better planets to research, yet she never changed and never reported the bloody rapes, maybe even wanted to be used. However now was not the time; work first, pleasure later.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:09 am

"Excuse me!" She shouted as she raced down a corridor, nearly running over a surprised crew-member as she nimbly dodged the poor fellow. Her hair was racing past her as she ran, bringing her closer to the room that would truly begin her life as that of a deep-space explorer. Assuming of course they didn't get upset about her being late that is.

She had learned only just a little bit ago, after having woken up after a good nights sleep, having spent the previous day getting settled into her quarters. The Captain had left her a message informing her that the meeting had been moved, and that he was sorry for the late notice on this. Which meant that the moment she was reading it, she was officially five minutes late.

Needless to say, she hadn't bothered throwing on her more official looking uniform, that of the Elvairen Self Defense Forces from her brief stint in it as all Elvairen were required to do. Instead, she was decked out in single one piece jump suit that covered her torso and the front of her waist, but left her arms, legs, and part of her sexy ass visible. She had slipped into a pair of long boots and some gloves, but that was about it. She hadn't even thought to grab any of the gear or anything that she might need from her room.

"There!" She murmured triumphantly as she skidded to a halt in front of the door, managing not to crash into it as it opened up and allowed her entrance. "Sorry! So Sorry! I just found out a moment ago!" She says as she walks in, taking a chair at the end of the table and glancing between the two of you nervously.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:36 am

Thankfully, my soon-to-be partner erupted into the room just at the moment I was about to pounce on the silly caterwauling Sasha, her arrival shaking off my lusts.
I directed a small smile of reassurance (it probably looked more of a grimace, my face didn't tend to more positive expressions) at the young Elvaren while the useless secretary stopped her moaning and quickly arranged herself to be more presentable, only to accidenatlly toss off her little bell-hat and almost fall out of her seat with her fidgeting.
"Do not worry, we haven't been waiting long," a blatant lie, as Sasha and I had been waiting for an hour and a half now, I gesture with my arm to the vacant seat, "Take a seat so we can begin the debriefing."
As the Elvaren moved to do so, Sasha finally regained her composure and finally put on her serious face. It was a startling difference, as the clumsy oaf suddenly looked actually competent.
What followed was the usualm speech. Sasha formally welcomed my new partner, Candy Silvermoon, to the United Species Explorer's Fleet, handing her the basic kit (uniform we would never use, a copy of Sasha's current outfit, as well as a small wallet and badge denoting her position as a scientist in the fleet) and then introduced us to each other. I merely gave a formal bow and greeting at this point. Sasha then announced our partnership, detailing what we were expected to do (the usual vows, we were to keep each other's back and support the other's research at all times) before she finally bowed out of the conversation and left us alone to better get ot know each other for the next hour.
I, however, refrained from beginning and limited myself to staring the Elvaren down, measuring her physique and whatever cues I could catch. Depending on how she carried her first impression would give me some idea on how to start her training.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:06 pm

Candy listened intently to everything she was told, making sure not to forget anything that could be important. She had no desire for anything like today's mistake to happen, and she wanted to prove to herself and the crew that she would be a useful addition to the fleet. When Sasha introduced her to you, she returned the bow you gave her, though she flashed him cute smile that was almost infectous as well.

She thanked Sasha as she left, bowing to her as well before turning her attention over to you. "Well, that wasn't quite as long as I expected it to be. Not that I'm gonna complain, it means we can get to work faster." She then notices that your still looking at her, and she tilts her head to the side, confused for a moment. "Um...is something wrong?"
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:44 pm

"...Damn, and I thought Sasha was weapons-grade cute," the thought comes unbidden when I feel my feelings plucked by the adorable expression of consfusion my new subordinate was directing at me. Damn Elvaren, they truly did their mythical namesakes a great amount of justice.
That was still bad. It meant this girl was Dangerous, though probably not in the way most people thought.
"No, their is nothing wrong, kohai," I mumble in return, still trying to shake off the unprovoked attack of moe. Meanwhile, in a deeper part of my aspect, the one that was completely combat-oriented, noted the cuteness as a double-edged sword. "I was just getting a handle on my new partner."
I take a moment to settle bhack into my seat, making myself comfortable but not in a sloathful way; a way of projecting confidence to establish a good first impression. We were going to be partners for quite a while after this meeting, should anything untoward not occur, and that meant we'd both have to work to settle a good amount fo trust in each other. That wouldn't happen if she thought her senior was useless. "No offense, but you Elvaren tend to put more emphasis on looks than actual work, but my worries have been allieved." I tilt my chin slightly to point out the pistol safely secured on her waist, plus the rapier shathed at the opposite side. "The fact you're sticking to the holster and keeping your gun close enough instead of somewhere flashy tells that you're actually serious about this line of work. Plus, although your body tends itself more to curvy, I can still pick out the muscles underneath. Given your physique, I'll assume your a Ranger Type?"
Types were a way to classify a person's combat style. Whether they liked to get in close and maul their enemies with their bare fists, or more conservative fighters that kept their sane distance and whittled away at their opponents. I myself tended towards what people referred to as the Lancer Type: I kept some distance from my opponents, using my guns to get through their guard and chop away at their health, and if needed I'd use my MANTIS.unit and own weight to get in close to play submission.
Rangers were reknown to play long distance, scoring critical hits in exchange for having to dodge all hits due to their flimsy armor, but they weren't slouches at close combat either. Seeing the slightly worn hilt of the rapier, my new companion did have some battle experience, but it would have been kept mainly to the sparring mats. That was a bittersweet revelation; my partner wasn't a sparkling blue eyed youth with overflowing naivety (though she wasn't far off) so I wouldn't have to pummel a need for fitness in, however her lack of experience meant I'd have to keep a close eye on her in the field so she doesn't get in over her head.
Looks like instead of pummeling in excercise and a good diet, like many of my companions have plenty of complaints about their new Elvaren recruits, I'd have to beat her down to the ground so she'd be able to handle herself on the field. Good starting point, I suppose.
I nod to myself once I receive her reply, and instead straighten myself out on my seat so as to give a better presentation of myself. Behind me, I could hear the MANTIS.unit clicking to life, in preparation of deployment. Most of it was still in my subspace pocket, with the only attachment being the necessary steel collar around my neck. "So, now that 've given my first impression, how about you give me yours in return?"
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:02 am

"Oh, okay then." She says, then listens as you talk on. A twinkle of amusement gleams in her eye as she says "Depends on what you define as work. I'll have you know my father has spent a great deal of his life working to preserve as much of my homeworld's natural beauty as possible and its not an easy job...especially with the more recent waves of human colonists."

You note that she doesn't sound irritated or frustrated, more akin to low level of apathetic concern. When you mention he weapon and physique, she responds "Of course I take this seriously, I've wanted to be an explorer for the last decade and a half. This wasn't some last minute choice. As for combat...I hope I don't have to do much of it...but yes, from what I recall that's the term my training results gave me."

She stands as you get up, and gives you a look over briefly. "You seem to be direct and to the point, very business like it seems. Although..." her eyes briefly flitting towards waist, which causes her to bring her hand up in an attempt to stifle a giggle, which she is having trouble with. "I think part of you hasn't entirely been thinking simply of our job. Is that my, or Sasha's fault?"

It seems your erection from earlier hasn't subsided. Candy for her part seems to be taking its presence in stride, she's not blushing like some innocent schoolgirl at least.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:25 am

As I hear the cute elf speak, I am sure one of my eyebrows (the visible one, as the other is hidden beneath an eyepatch) rises up in slight worry. Already, a possible landime with my partner reveals itself and it concerned racial coexistence difficulties; and given her tone she was either entirely apathetic to the issue, despite the troubles it has apparently caused her father, or she is carefully hiding her feelings so as to not sabotage her new job? I couldn't tell for sure, and I wasn't in a hurry to press her. Perhaps later once our bond was more developed to survive any hostility.
Sad thing was my original race, Humanity, was the new kid on the block (even two centuries after our galactic debut) and was usually more agressive than the other better settled space civilizations by sheer nature, and problems with over-bearing colonists are actually very common. It tended to give us "Men and Women of Earth" a bit of trouble with prejudices with other alien races; the more things change, the more they stay the same, was a saying I guess would fit easily in these circumstances.
Hopefully my new partner wasn't carrying some hate for my people- and with that slight teasing, my worries are quickly drowned under my flustering as I finally return notice to my still semi-hard erection and hastefully covered it up with my hands. Dammit Sasha, you useless blonde sexbomb!
And so much for setting a good impression on my partner as well. Dammit, I could already hear whatever formality and professionalism I'd strived to set up crashing down!
Still, I persevere and regain my compsure before I embarassed myself any further and decide to return the favor. "Oro, I ask for your opinion and you immediately direct your attention to me genitals? My my, I have been saddled with quite a naughty girl for a colleague eh?" My handling of my "boytoy", in an attempt to cover it had merely revived it to full mast instead, making my efforts to conceal it futile. So, I decided to take advantage of my natural reaction to an adorable and developed woman and instead leave it on display (keeping it within my pants of course).
My penis wasn't overly large, barely above the average human male actually, so in order to entice my partners that were dissapointed I wasn't hung like a horse I instead had to resort to other means; that meant that Plan A was always to wow them with my muscles and then rope them in with witty talk. I tended towards a thicker frame, slimmed down by my rough lifestyle and tough fitness regiment, thus my body was bulging with muscles fit for one of those greek Adonis statues in the Louvre and a rock hard eight pack washboard abdomen (which I subtly showed off by stretching towards the ceiling).
"Very well then, I did ask for your opinion," I comment coyly, knowing that she would be affected just like all the other women I had played this ploy on, "So, are you impressed then?"
And, even as much I liked playing this game (I was a predator, after all) this was all also a play for dominance. I had started off by being formal, so we could start playing our relationship and establish the expected teacher-mentor bond. However, she had changed the entire paradigm by bringing up my sexual reaction; she had, perhaps unintentionally, challenged my position as her superior with her teasing. That could not stand; I was the veteran explorer and I expected her to be completely obedient, being the less experienced officer. If we entered this relationship as more of equals (which should be the preferred and ideal relationship, but that really didn't work in reality) she'd be more intended to question my authority even on smaller matters. That kind of phase will have come into play years later, but not now.
Thus, I was willing to use all my tricks to ensure I stayed the top dog in this partnership.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:39 am

Candy shrugged at your own response, a smile still on her face. "Sorry, but you did ask, and its not something that can be easily ignored." Her smile widened a bit as she giggled again, adding "Though I guess I should take it as a compliment."

"As for being impressed...as my sister always said, size matters, but only if they know how to use it." She laughs again, but shakes her head. "You should probably get that taken care of when you have a chance though, I suspect it'd be a tad embarrassing walking around the ship like that. Its not like these which are always showing themselves off." She crosses her arms under her breast as she says this, and your not sure whether she did it purposely or not, but it only helps to accentuate her chest. You have to admit though, she's got a bit of a point there.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:03 am

I can't help but feel my sight drift towards the elf's breasts as her crossed arms inadverdently accentuated the already plump orbs, however I'm quick to shake away the addling lust and instead direct my sight towards the Elvaren's eyes. Bright, energetic, playful... damned Croish, I didn't receive a doll to mold but a minx to tame! It was final, in my head. This girl wasn't some innocent and enthusiastic recruit, she was a succubus stuck in a smaller cuter form; all the more dangerous for it.
She wasn't just teasing me for the boner, she was goading me. Was she actually aware of the dominance play as well and purposefully instigated it?
I could take two strategies from here, I suppose. First was the more satsfying and direct route, but it could adversely effect our barely budding relationship. I would just walk up to her and grind against her crotch, make a ploy that I was tempted to put her in her place through a very thorough romp right in the middle of this meeting room, and then just back off sated to begin work tomorrow damn the consecuences.
Or I would continue with this witty comeback we had already, but that would take longer and could aggravate the partnership as well, and I'd most likely just wind up jumping to the first just to get rid of my frustration.
So, if either way was going to end the same (and damned if my father's advice wasn't influencing me towards taking what I want) I decided to put an end to this playful wit. "Hmmph, that is quite a point you make there," I reply to her dig and stand up from the seat, drawing myself to my full height and pushing out my chest to emphasize my shoulder length, so as to make myself bigger. Then, allowing a rather bawdy leer to cross my face I quickly grab her arms and then push her back-first onto the meeting table, making a point to grind my extended length against her panty clad land.
"So, how about I use you to just satisfy myself, eh, little elf girl? Thats what partners do for each, no, satisfy each others needs?"
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:05 pm

Candy let out a soft eep as you suddenly pushed her back against the table and begin grinding against her. She responded faster than you were expecting though. While you did hold her arms, her legs were still free, and she took this as an opening. She spread her legs apart, offering you a smile as she raised her torso, pushing her breasts forward and drawing your attention again to them. However, you soon feel two pointy ends pushing against your groin...and find that she's positioned the heel of her boots above your privates.

"I'd really advise against going any further mister Badou. You may be in the mood, but I'm afraid I'm not. I'm partial to romantic dinners and a relaxing walk through a moonlit forest, not like some girls you know I'm sure."

The humor is gone from her eyes, and you can see that she has every intention of jabbing her heels into your dick if you don't stop. You could continue with this...but your certain it will likely lead to the end of your partnership with her. Short of breaking her mind and making her yours and yours alone, if you go forward you doubt she'd be willing to work with you unless forced.

You also recall that Candy's file listed her as being very fast...
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:07 am

The new threat to my manhood is certainly a surprise, which has me biting back a whimper at a man's most sensible weakpoint (even if she was just slightly resting her heels, I was fully aware of their sharp points nusging my nutsack), although the danger wasn't all that unexpected. No one takes the threat of rape easily after all. I make a point to lock my dark brown eyes with the elf's own, concealing my unease with a hint of restrained violence and bravado, even as I think of a way to get out of this mess I'd stuck myself into.
I had no doubt that if I were to press the case further I'd be neutered. I had read the Elvaren's profile, and she was undoubtedly faster than me anyday, maybe even run circles around me were we to put her stats to the test. However, even though I knew I'd press agressively, I'd never rape the woman; she was to be my partner after all. However I would not let her teasing and now this threat go untested. However, even if she was a great deal more quick than I, I still got the uppity Candy Silvermoon beat in terms of strength and weight, which was what I was going to use against her now.
I was the "Airachnid", and as the major predator and this girl's elder I will prove that I was the superior in this partnership!
"Very well then," I mumble lowly as I retreat slightly, restricting myself to detaching my croth from Candy's own, however I still maintain my hold on her arms. Then, before I finishing the motion I instead direct my lower body weight to press onto the Elvaren's legs, not to restrain her but to redirect her aim with her heels.
Then, the chirring began and my back seemed to explode. I had directed my MANTIS.unit, the only item I had on me sure to at least match up for a moment against the girl's speed, to activate. The armor attachment was something I always had on me, the collar structure actually something I wore proudly every moment of the day, and this collar seemed to bulge outwards as the armor's vest stretched out to cover my chest and upper back. And from that, sprang the six additional arms I had come to be known for in my career. They were weaker than the original blueprints, having been modified to handle delicate artifacts, however they were still mechanical limbs with a greater weight and power than any civilian's body. Against a trained Ranger, they were more than enough to restrain her, which I did so by aiming the arms to grasp her legs and push some weight on her waist while I leaned back in, my blank faceplate with eight circular lenses snapping on just as I roared back straight in her face.
"If you will not give me your opinion of me, as I originally asked, then I shall give you a resume! I am Badou "Airachnid" Guversh, veteran Explorer and accomplished Tomb Raider of the UN Explorer's Fleet! I have served for several years now, ever since my twenties, and I have faced a great deal more dangerous characters than some uppity, teasing little elf like you! And from this point onwards, I WILL be your senior partner and thus, be your teacher when on the field! And as such, I expect some professionalism as well as my god-damn deserved respect from you! DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, CADET?"
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:50 am

Candy was certainly startled by the emergence of the sudden machinery that gave him armor and pressed her back into the table. However, there was two slight problems with his plan for this move.

The first was that when he had pressed his body against her legs to redirect their aim, they did do that, but that in Candy's mind informed her that he wasn't relenting, and meant that violent force was a viable option.

The second, and perhaps more important thing, was that when startled or scared, Candy didn't really possess a flight instinct. No, her instinct was to fight...and fight with no mercy.

His armor may have been protecting his torso and back, but his legs were still unguarded. (Rolls- 17, 6) One of the robotic arms managed to grab her leg, but the burst of adrenaline and anger that was now flowing into her gave her enough energy to make good on her earlier threat. The free leg struck out, twice. First, a sharp jab of the heel into his leg, and then a good solid kick to his groin. The heel didn't connect, ensuring you weren't neutered, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.

(Roll-11) The pain, and the fact that she managed it, is enough to surprise you that your hands release your hold of her arms, but your mechanical ones still have a leg and are pressing her to the table. Rather then trying to escape though, she quickly unholsters her pistol and sword. The soft hum of the energy beam that is its blade fills the air, and you can see her pointing it straight at your faceplate as she glares daggers at you. The pistol is being aimed at your lower body...and you notice her hand is fiddling with the controls for its settings.

"Listen you pompous dickface." She snarls out, but where you had shouted, she keeps her voice low. Venom is dripping from her words. "I gave you my opinion of you, but it obviously wasn't enough for your ego to handle. I don't care if your over a hundred years old and have been finding lost civilizations since you were in a crib...I will not be treated like this, certainly not by someone who is supposed to be my partner and ally. I'd thought that respect went both ways, sir, or did I get things mixed up and land myself with a bunch of pirates?"

"Now, unhand me, and this will be as far as this goes. Otherwise, I'll make sure that at least some of those arms are missing, and that you won't have to have your dick doing your thinking for you."

The cold, firery glare she's giving you states she means business.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:22 am

I was oh so sorely tempted to keep up the fight, my now wounded pride at being outmaneuvered yet again added with the pain from my thigh and jewels, however my teacher's training kicked in and kept me from being too rash. Instead, I centered myself on the pain, used it to douse the fury clouding my reason, and with a successful sigh slid the rage right off.
I was still in a superior position, and with my career experience I should be able to find a way to keep dodging the girl's threat of neautsring, however now that I had gotten my composure back I realized I'd gone off half-cocked yet again and merely aggravated a simple issue, because things were not going my way.
Legacy of a pirate father, I suppose, which stung my conscious by her comment. And yet again, it was a strong willed woman who's driven me to this point in my life. My mentors' substitute was just as fiery; was I fated to keep running into these characters?
The sheer irony of this revelation drives me to completely relinquish my hold on the girl so I can give to my need to laugh, a bittersweet ring echoing from deep within my diaphragm even as I step back to give Candy some room. "Yes, you're entirely correct, we are more civilized than that," I reply while I settle back into my chair, the laughter tapering off while I command the MANTIS,unit to retract into subspace.
I return my sights to the Elvaren, my new partner, an excited gleam in my eyes (a mixture of developing fondness, slight lust, and pride) and offer her a hand to shake, to finalize our contract. "This will certainly be quite the partnership!"
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:59 am

Candy is greatful certainly when he moves off and away, though she keeps the weapons directed at him, not willing to let her guard down quite yet. After all, her superior officer had essentially just tried to rape and assault her...and she'd had no idea such would occur, no hint of any such behavior. She suddenly wished she'd taken the time to look at her would be partners profile they'd sent her, but she had at best given it a cursory glance.

The laughter doesn't do anything to ease her nerves either. That laugh sounded like it belonged to a pirate lord.

She looked at the offered hand, and shook her head, expression becoming neutral as she said "We shall see... sir." Before turning about and walking out the door. Her destination...the Captain's office. She had no intentions of simply letting this be...she wasn't even sure it was a good idea for her to be under a man like that! How he'd gotten to be an officer...she shook her head.

The way she spoke before she left...she had said title, but there was no respect behind it. You have a feeling things are off to a rough start between the two of you.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:12 am

One month later...
I allow a thick cloud of smoke to escape my lungs, heaving the mouthful of ash out through a deep sigh even as I make a point to keep staring through the view being offered to both my partner and I through the shuttle's main window.
Not much had happened since the first blow up between the two of us at the first meeting when she'd stormed out the room. I had waited a few days to allow Candy's anger at me to simmer down before I arranged a lunch date where I offered a sincere apology for being an arrogant Numbskull, pitting us back at talking terms however the Elf refused to ever relax in my presence.
Understandably, she had developed a bit of mistrust in all the males of the Explorer Fleet, no doubt helped by an even worse impression from the fleet captain. She had gone to lodge a complaint against me, only to have to flee the clutches of Daraban Ulqhett, self proclaimed mega level pervert and the leader of the only official Tomb Raiders. The slimy bastard had tried to put the moves on the Elvaren, and when he was summarily rejected had followed his usual operation of sending his personal squad to "requester" my partner for a "private mseting."
I had personally stepped in at that point and ripped the prrvert's subordinates several new holes, and actually become her safeguard from the wily man, which may have been a bittersweet balm to her concerns.
I had shared some of my origins with Candy to explain my reaction yo her teasing, thinking it to be some kind of dominance play, only to realize she was just having fun and I blew the situation entirely out of hand. Afterwards, once she was more comfortable with me around, I had the chance to instruct her in basic survival tactics, and overseen her training regimen.
And now, we were heading towards our current assignment, saddled into a standard U.N. supplied Explorer Shuttle, equipped with all a pair of Tomb Raiders would need to do their work on a budget. It was slightly cramped, how ever one got used to the utter lack of privacy on what was literally a family house- sized space trailer.
Candy was still new yo this though, and I would have at least said something yo settle her down, but I doubted she'd appreciate any input from me, not at this rocky phase in the relationship.
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Kuragari » Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:12 am

The last month had been eventful to say the least, and rather informative. She was suddenly wondering if it had been such a good idea to jump for the first opening on any explorer fleet she could find.

It wasn't to say she wasn't thankful for the bit of help he had provided when she discovered the fleet had a number of perverts serving aboard it, but the fact that he had seen her playful teasing as some sort of ploy for dominance over him...even knowing some of his past now, it still left her with the impression that she was dealing with someone who was one wrong gesture or move from trying to take advantage of her.

Which was rather funny, in a way. She had said she wasn't a girl to just spread her legs, but she had yet to tell him that if he had just asked nicely, she would have considered it. The trip to the fleet had been rather long and lonely, and considering that he wasn't bad looking...images briefly flashed through her head of him having his way with her, screwing her silly as she clung to him and screamed for more. She shook her head, reminding herself that he had tried to force himself on her.

And yet here they were, heading into deep space on a mission together. And they were going to have to try and work together as best as they could, which would mean they had to watch the other's back while they were on an alien world. So she needed to find some way to forgive and forget...and after some thought an idea began to form in her head.

"Badou...I was thinking...I remembered something you said to me when we first met." She notices you wince briefly at the reminder, but she pushes on. "I know we both got off on the wrong foot with each other, but you have been trying to prove your not some sex-crazy pirate...and while I can't honestly say I don't think that your not that, we need to be able to trust in each other while we're on this mission, right?"

She squirms briefly in her seat, and then sighs. "I've got an idea on how we can try to keep anything like that from happening again in the future. We make a deal with each other...that whenever either of us is in the mood for a good fuck, we promise each other to not beat around the bush and just ask if we can help each other. As partners are supposed to do. However..." She says, and looks at you, her eyes deadly serious, "If either of us says no, then we have to respect that decision. Otherwise, we both have the right to beat the other silly for trying to push ourselves on the other."

You find this to be rather surprising, especially because she's suggesting she might try to push herself on you. She looks away a bit and says "There was one time back in university where I had a one time fuck with a guy. We were both really drunk, and I was really horny, but I later found out he wasn't into girls. So I guess its not entirely out of the question..."

Before anything more can be said, the comm panel lights up with a message from the fleet. Candy opens the message and reads it aloud.

"Priority One broadcast from United Nations Defense Fleet. The UNE is placing all fleets on a Battle Readiness due to the recent breakdown of negotiations between the UNE and the Archanon Empire. All units are to maintain contact with their respective commands and be ready to react to any hostile incursions...well, that doesn't sound good..."
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Re: Kuragari+Philosopher; Space Walk

Postby Philosopher » Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:59 pm

Mild surprise doesn't come close to covering the utter bewilderment being caused by the deal Candy was offering me. If this had been a cartoon, I'd be gaping in complete astonishment while my jaw dropped straight to the ground. As it was, I had only covered the wide-eyes of the expected reaction and my jaw had only dropped slightly.
My partner, barely a month in between our first introduction (which could have gone a great deal better) had basically offered to become friends with benefits. Or something close to that, as we weren't anywhere close enough to just spend the entire day rutting; however if the horny caught up to either one of us we could freely and without care ask the other to be a willing companion to sate it. Or risk being a target for the other's forceful self-gratification, if that ridiculous tale of her taking advantage of a gay colleague was true. And having come to know just how straight Candy was, no pun intended, she was being utterly serious.
Regaining my composure, I wet my suddenly dry lips before replying, although my tone was a bit higher pitched than I would have wanted. "A-ah, sure, umm why not?"
I can't bear to keep my sights on my suddenly extremely arousing partner -I had caught quite a few glimpses of my partner's beauty, especially her curvy backside, however I had been surpressing my lusts in my attempts to repair our partnership. However, that statement had just reminded me rather sharply of the Elvaren's high attractiveness- and turn to the side, certain that the small blush against my cheeks was quite visible against my dark skin tone. However, the awkwardness of the situation is completely dispelled by the sudden anouncement over the radio, completely dampening whatever harem antics would have followed. The Archanon Empire... as usual, I and most likely a few other explorers around the fleet were currently metaphorically scratching their heads as to who exactly came from that empire. We did spend most of our careers in areas where news isn't likely to reach, spending most of our year-long shifts without any communication except with our fellow crew members within the same solar system.
As such it wasn't much of a surporise for me to turn to my new partner and ask her just who exactly were the Archanons, and why they were so dangerous.
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