Kuragari Wrote:Name Sunset Shimmer
Gender Female
Race Unicorn/Earth Pony Hybrid
Appearance https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/855623953610178572/1245977602821460019/78a4297068d3c62a3fa6417285e419f66d704575.png?ex=665ab691&is=66596511&hm=044a3514e0902331e72fdd7e890da8fb961a8f6c07941c5e7d1ebc439f615857&
Born to a Unicorn and Earth pony parents, Sunset seemed to show more inclinations towards the magics of Earth Ponies. But recently, she found a phoenix hatchling that was nearly dead, and while she'd had troubles with it before, she tried casting a flame spell so the magical fire could heal it. To her amazement, it worked, and she felt power flowing through her. Now it seemed that she could tap into her unicorn heritage, and she was being sent of to a magical academy for gifted ponies.
STR 15
DEX 12
CON 15
INT 15
CHA 13
LUC 12
You had been invited to "Magical Megistus" the school of those gifted in the art of "Horn Based Magics" it had other sister schools that focused on Earth or Wing Magics but you had been invited for the horn based one, the sister schools shared dorms you were told, you were also told that sometimes you might share trips with them too, you were taken to your dorm and then the guide left, to let you get settled, entering your room you were met with a rather surprising sight.