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The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:48 pm
by cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Alina Arakawa

Age: 24

Race: Human (awakened high elf)


Barely 10 when the universe was turned upside down Alina awoke on that faithful day an entirely new person. She was raised in a loving home with two moms, worked hard at her studies, even joined her high school's Kendo club. She at first had a tough time integrating with the various new peoples that had spilled in via the World Portals, and with the awakening of magic, maybe people have found they were partly or fully one other race or another. In Alina's case some of her haughty attitude and striving for greatness came from the High Elf soul that now resided in her. While human in appearance, save for burning red eyes, she poses high quantities of mana that have allowed her to attune to magic. Not that this was any use to her in highschool, but come college and the new magic fields opening up, she decided to dabble a decent amount. While not as magically gifted as a full blooded High Elf, Alina has combined her innate traits with her love of swordsplay into something truly special. Calm, cool, and ready to make a name for herself she put her all into developing this style of Magical Bladecraft all herself, it of course has many quirks and flaws, but she's determined to blaze a new trail.

After graduating college and acquiring her Hunter's license Alina set off to the USA, to find new frontiers to reexplore. Much of the Interior US had become dense with new terrain and magic forests but she was excited nonetheless to live a life of adventure.

HP: 14/14
Mana: 12/12
LP: 10/10
Corruption: 0/100

STR: +3
CHA: +2
WIS: 0
INT: +2
CON: 0
DEX: -1

Schools of Magic:

Major: Enchantment
Minor: Arcane

Exquisite Form: Having honed her sword skills from a young age, its quite difficult to knock Alina off balance or disarm her, +1 to grapple checks and escape grapple checks
Princess-like Demeanour: Left over legacy of her high elf spirit Alina, has a regal air to everything she does, from her walk to her speech to even eating, it lends a certain charm to her otherwise haughty attitude: +1 to persuasion and bluff checks

(E) Elemental Imbuement (2 Mana): Allows you to imbue your weapon with a single element (Ice, fire, electric) for the duration of a fight or until knocked unconscious/surrender. Increases damage by a small amount of chosen elemental damage.
(E) Mystic Shield (2 Mana): Allows you to strengthen your armour with magic, increasing your defence slightly and reducing damage while wearing armour.
(A) Fire Spark (1 Mana): Creates a small spark of fire that can light candles or ignite small objects.

Traits: None...yet

It's strange how fast things can go from ok to total fucking anarchy... but that's just what happened when the Hell Rifts opened around the world 14 years ago. All of a sudden the entire world went from relative peace to being plunged into total chaos when the huge, blood red rifts tore themselves open in the centre of most of the worlds major cities all at once. Demons and monsters poured through, slaughtering the earths ill-prepared defences as they fought as best they could, though it wasn't long before the war ended all to quickly and the world as you knew it changed forever.

Where once humanity thrived in their jungles of metal and stone, the surviving populace has been relegated to towns and camps around the world where they strive to rebuild and take back what was once theirs. A task made easier by two factors; Firstly, when the Hell Rifts opened, monsters were not the only thing to come through that day as the souls of the other world's denizens also spewed forth from the rift, binding themselves with seemingly random humans and creating the Twinborn. While becoming a Twinborn changed the appearance of the vessel, some only partially transforming, while others took on the full appearance of the Twinborn soul this was a small price to pay for granting them stronger bodies and allowing access to mankind's other best chance at survival - Magic.

From here humanity began it's crusade to take back what was theirs, eventually regaining footholds in cities around the world and slowly but surely driving back the monstrous hordes until a stalemate had been reached between the strongest of the two sides. Keen to develop their fighting force further, humanity set up academies and colleges for the Twinborn in an attempt to train and better prepare them for the deadly war ahead they would be inevitably pulled into. The newly graduated students would be called Hunter's and they would be dispatched to wherever they were needed in an attempt to quell the horde and deal further blows to the horde, hopefully enough to rid them of the world for good...and this is where your story begins.

In the hazy wake of final exams and the ceremonious toss of graduation caps, you emerged from the hallowed halls of academia armed with more than just a diploma—you carried a newly minted hunter's license and a thirst for the unknown. Bundled beneath the weight of a weathered backpack and the thrill of uncertainty, you boarded the rattling train that chugged its way from the urban cacophony of the reclaimed city of Stroudsberg to the untamed frontier of Frontier's Reach.

As the landscape shifted from towering skyscrapers to rolling hills blanketed in the greens, reds and blues of now alien forests, you felt a stirring in your chest—a blend of nervous excitement and eager anticipation for the journey ahead. The train's rickety brakes shrieked their protest as it lumbered to a halt, marking your arrival at the town's modest station, where talk of whispered myths and the beckoning call of otherworldly creatures seemed to ride the very air. With a hunter's license burning a hopeful promise in your pocket and orders to attend the local Hunter's Guild for your first contract, you stepped onto the dusty platform, ready to carve your name into the annals of Frontier's Reach.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 14/14
Mana: 8/8
LP: 10/10
Corruption: 0/100

STR: +3
CHA: +2
WIS: 0
INT: +2
CON: 0
DEX: -1

Schools of Magic:

Major: Enchantment
Minor: Arcane

Exquisite Form: Having honed her sword skills from a young age, its quite difficult to knock Alina off balance or disarm her, +1 to grapple checks and escape grapple checks
Princess-like Demeanour: Left over legacy of her high elf spirit Alina, has a regal air to everything she does, from her walk to her speech to even eating, it lends a certain charm to her otherwise haughty attitude: +1 to persuasion and bluff checks

(E) Elemental Imbuement (2 Mana): Allows you to imbue your weapon with a single element (Ice, fire, electric) for the duration of a fight or until knocked unconscious/surrender. Increases damage by a small amount of chosen elemental damage.
(E) Mystic Shield (2 Mana): Allows you to strengthen your armour with magic, increasing your defence slightly and reducing damage while wearing armour.
(A) Fire Spark (1 Mana): Creates a small spark of fire that can light candles or ignite small objects.

Traits: None...yet

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 12:21 am
by Lorielle
To think barely 15 years ago, my family and I had survived the initial Hell Rift openings. I could barely remember those days other than the abject fear I felt day to day. But when I became Twinborn and subsequently honed my skills, that fear had turned over to determination. Hardening my resolve against the monster i saw that day, i swore i'd join the next generation of people who were going to bring the world back from the brink of destruction.

When i step off the platform, my heels clicking against the concrete, the fresh wild air in my face. I cant help but breathe out a sigh, a happy one as I look around with a regal smile on my face. My trip was thankfully sponsored by the Academy back home, so the expenses getting here were covered, but from here on out I can only rely on the hunter's guild and myself. For now I looked for lodging, a motel or something cheap to set myself up for at least a week, i should have just enough money for that before i need to pick up any additional work to cover other expenses. I walk along the roads, heels clicking loudly as i take long strides down the side walk to take in the sights and sounds and people of this town. My first contract will be there waiting for me, but i'd rather get situation rather than rush headlong into a mission with nowhere to return to after I'm done.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:25 pm
by cryosabre
Opting to secure lodgings before you officially make yourself known to the Frontier's Reach Hunter's guild, you leave the modest train station and find yourself in the middle of a surprising busy main street. While the vast majority of the people in this town are pure humans, you do notice the odd shapes and colours of some Twinborn aswell, a few of which you assume to also be members of the Hunter's Guild going by the array of weapons they carry.

After a moderate walk down the sidewalk of the main street, and under the guidance of a civilian you asked for directions, you finally come across what you now know is the only Inn in town, The Fallen Dragon. From the outside nothing rally stands out too much about the Fallen Dragon; it's colonial wooden panelling is painted a stark white colour, though clearly hasn't been touched up in recent years going by the flaking paint and chipped wood. It's sign, a dragon skewered by a spear swings creakily on old, rusty hinges, every movement releasing a loud whine over the ambient sounds of the street, as if crying out for a much needed splash of oil. Still, you had been told that despite it's appearances The Fallen dragon was a fine place to lay your head should you need it for a fair price.

Upon entering the inn you're met with a shocking disparity from the outside as you notice the walls are lined with dark silk and gaudy trinkets of gold and silver, while golden chandeliers house low lights that cast the entrance to the inn in a dim, intimate light creating a feeling of lavish elegance that seemed completely out of place in the small village. A record can be heard somewhere as well, playing smooth jazz that massages your ear drums with it's almost hypnotic rhythm.

A few small chairs adorn the waiting room in front of the counter made of hard, dark wood with 4 candles burning lazily on the countertop, illuminating the figure of a man hunched over a ledger who looks up as you enter.

"'Ello darling, 'eu are you then? Don' think I've seen you around 'ere before?" the man says as you take in his... less than comforting appearance. A scrawny body topped by a face only a mother could love as you notice his large ears and nose with deep sunken eyes and a smile with more than a few spaces in between yellowed teeth. "You lookin' for a room? I'm sure I could give my best rates to a beauty such as yourself!" he continues, raising an eyebrow as he waits for your response as he looks over your body with a barely concealed glance.

Quick Sheet
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 14/14
Mana: 12/12
LP: 10/10
Corruption: 0/100

STR: +3
CHA: +2
WIS: 0
INT: +2
CON: 0
DEX: -1

Schools of Magic:

Major: Enchantment
Minor: Arcane

Exquisite Form: Having honed her sword skills from a young age, its quite difficult to knock Alina off balance or disarm her, +1 to grapple checks and escape grapple checks
Princess-like Demeanour: Left over legacy of her high elf spirit Alina, has a regal air to everything she does, from her walk to her speech to even eating, it lends a certain charm to her otherwise haughty attitude: +1 to persuasion and bluff checks

(E) Elemental Imbuement (2 Mana): Allows you to imbue your weapon with a single element (Ice, fire, electric) for the duration of a fight or until knocked unconscious/surrender. Increases damage by a small amount of chosen elemental damage.
(E) Mystic Shield (2 Mana): Allows you to strengthen your armour with magic, increasing your defence slightly and reducing damage while wearing armour.
(A) Fire Spark (1 Mana): Creates a small spark of fire that can light candles or ignite small objects.

Traits: None...yet

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:27 am
by Lorielle
The walk around town was at least pleasant. The climate was nice, with the high sun overhead providing a decent amount of warmth. At times it felt like home and foreign at the same time, but i tried to not let myself get homesick on my first day settling down. Getting some directions i quickly made my way around until i found the only place that seemed to constitute a hotel of some kind, though the stylings of it were certainly less than the most modern.

I have to blink twice when i step inside and met with an extremely out there decor, whoever owned this must have felt they were living in a fantasy rather than the 21st century, but i tried to pay it no heed, the town is far older than the Rifts, maybe this was an eccentricity carried over from longer than i care to think about especially the record player and the droning elevator music it played. Though i easily preferred it over other offerings.

Given the smallness of town as well, it'll have to do until i decide upon an apartment to make home. I approach front desk and do a glance over of the older man, I wasnt one to judge, but his gaze was bothersome, hopefully a week is all i'd need to spend in this place.

"Yes, I am new in town, Im sure registered Hunters are nothing new for you. I'd like you book a room for about a week. How much would that cost?" I say straightforwardly hoping to end the interaction as fast as i can, letting him get his look in while he can.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:30 am
by cryosabre
"oh, a Hunter is it? Well then, welcome to my most 'umble eshtablishment my most lovely warrior of freedom!" The old man grins with a checkerboard smile before licking his lips and continuing, "a week would be...$200? All my other smaller rooms are taken unfortunately..." he says with an almost apologetic smile on his face as he stares at you for a moment awaiting your response, his eyes occasionally stealing quick glances over your skintight outfit, drinking in your presence. "I s'pose though, if'n you were inclined to it, I could offer you a discount if you would be kind 'nuff to grant an old man's request? Y'see it gets lonely here, managing this hotel all my m'self and I'd dearly love somebody t' talk to in the evenings, if you'd be open to that, my Lovely? Nothing weird, mind! Just some pleasant conversation and maybe a good cup of tea." The old man's eyes looking at you hopefully...before stealing another glance down at your ample bosom.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:37 am
by Lorielle
I put my hand up to stop him while I considered the offer. "Your compliments are unnecessary" I say less out of humility and more i felt.. strange about how they seemed to barrage me. I shook my head, a discount for simply hanging out with this old man? Surely who could pass up an offer like that. I look around to see if there were any guests, it seemed strange to not see any at this time, though given the nature of the town maybe he wasnt lying that rooms were taken up, after all she was here to do the exact same.

"If i was interested in this discount how often would you expect me to.. have this chat? I hope you understand that some nights i might not be in town because of my contracts or other duties." I say to him overall being honest, though ignoring how he looked at me, just choosing to put up with it for now.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:33 pm
by cryosabre
"unnecessary but truthful my dear, I'm nothin' if not a gentleman, an' a gentleman must always tell a beautiful woman she's beautiful! But oh no, nothin' strict as that, my lovely" The old man chuckled at you, a dry raspy noise almost akin to a cough, while wringing his hands together and stealing more glances at your confining costume, "just whenever you can s'all. I know you Hunters are always off somewhere saving the world with no time to yourselves so I'd be happy to take off $40 dollars every time you come by... You could basically stay for free if ya' came t' see me enough at, say, 11pm at my own room?" He asks, the turned up corners of his smile increasing as he senses you're on the verge of accepting "oh an' where are my manners! Warren Anderson's my name, but everyone aroun' here just calls me Wikkit, pleased to meet'cha! So, do we have a deal?"

Assuming you agree, Wikkit let's out a hearty sigh and tells you how excited he is to have your first conversation before hastily typing out and printing a contract detailing your new arrangements of a room for $200 a week with minus $40 for every evening you visit him which he signs and lets you do the same. Once all has been done, Wikkit hands you the keys and instructs you how to reach your room. As you walk back down the hall to the stair going up to your rooms, you can practically feel his gaze locked onto your well toned ass as you hear the front door of the hotel open and close, and while you can't see who entered, Wikkit's voice carrys across the air "Oh Anastasia, s'lovely to see you back so soon, I do hope we'll be havin' 'nother good conversation this evening..."

Once you reach the room, you can't help but appreciate the deal you've been given. The room decorations are every bit as lavish as the hotel reception room with dark silk and gold covering the room with a large 4 poster bed sat right in the middle, curtains drawn back and revealing a thick blanket and array of cushions that you have little doubt will devour you whole as soon as you like amongst them. A dark oak dresser sits against the far wall with a large television on top with a full length mirror attached to the wall beside and heavy dark curtains cover the windows looking out over the forest to the rear of the hotel, making the dim electric lights cast a sense of allure over the whole room. On the other side you have an en suite with a shower, bath and toilet.

Once you get settled in, it's time to decide your next steps.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:49 pm
by Lorielle
”We have a deal Mr. Anderson. Feel free to call me Alina”. I say as I sign the contract he had brought out. I give it a cursory glance over the slip of paper to confirm it wasn’t asking for anything too crazy thought it was strange to see a clause for the discount included in. I thought I’d maybe he always included this clause and the conversation I heard after moving away only confirms it. I didn’t feel too bothered, clearly the old man was just lonely and even one conversation would be well worth the discount.

This eyes were only going to enjoy this view for so long so he can enjoy it for the short time I’m in this inn while he can. Getting settled into my room was something else though. I could see where all the money went and it certainly felt cozy. More cozy than any apartment I had back at home. The lavish fabrics and lighting gave it a certain air that I couldn’t put my finger on.

But I got my l self situated unpacking every and even changing into more casual clothes for me to walk around in rather than relying on my huntress outfit to make my presence known. I may as well also check if the inn had internet for me to use or at least some sorta intranet, a local network I could use to see what people around town were talking about.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 1:19 pm
by cryosabre
You would be able to find access to both the wider internet and the local intranet complete with forums, directories for local businesses and a page of upcoming events within Frontier's Reach.

While scrolling through the message boards you notice that over the last couple of months, reports of monster attacks have increased exponentially with a worrying amount of women disappearing to never be seen again. You can also the the amount of public unrest and the fact that people are starting to lose faith in and turn against the Hunters Guild as they don't seem to be doing much to stop these threats, and the ones who do at least try to complete the contracts quite often don't seem to return... Upon reading this, it's becoming obvious why you've been sent here, a fresh Hunter who can hopefully do some good in this town.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:18 pm
by Lorielle
I feel a smidge of guilt reading the reports about missing hunters and failed contracts, but if the situation was truly so dire then that’s I needed to hear to try my best. I was gonna fight for what I can. Hopefully I’d be able to help stem the tide along with the other hunters in town to prevent total panic.

I close out of my laptop once I finish reading any relevant information and begin to head out of the inn. Walking by the front desk I turn to Wikkit.
”I’ll be familiarizing myself with town, is there anywhere you might recommend I check out?” I listen to his response before I get a move on adding onto the end of the conversation.

Thank you Mr. Anderson, I’ll be back tonight for our conversation.” I say with a soft smile to at least appear semi interested in the arrangement.

With that done I head to the hunter’s guild building to make myself know and receive my first contract.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 11:25 pm
by cryosabre
"'Ello beautiful!" Wikkit greets you as you approach the front desk, before he starts scratching his scraggly beard in thought of how to answer, "Well it depends what your lookin' for, Alina. There's the Hunter's Guild hall obviously, but if you're looking for somewhere to buy stuff the Market Square right in the centre of the town's th' place to be, ye' can buy just about anythin' there ye' might be find'n yourself needin' to help with all the monster slayin' and what not.

If you need somethin' a bit more specialised, I'd say The Iron Anvil's the best place for weapons and armor and The Wildwood Hospital's the best place fer your anti-venoms, cure-alls and things that'll make ye' feel a bit less shitty after takin' a beating.

Then, if yer looking somethin' a little more intellectual in nature, the local library, The Whispering Grove - I've no idea what crackpot named that one - has books on all the local areas and animals and such or you could try the Arcane Archive that's got all the most recent research into them 'orrible monsters and things, I think them scientists all share their research with the other eggheads around the world.

There's also the Council Hall if you need to try and get an audience with the town leaders for whatever reason and then you've got the... Err, well I don't think a pretty, classy lady like you would need to go near the other place I'm sure you'll notice here, The Shadow's Veil. With everything going on, everyone needs some...relief if'n you get my meaning?"
Wikkit's eyes going down towards the floor as he mentions that last one, presumably hiding the shame of being all too familiar with the Shadow's Veil though he perks back up at your mention of this evening, "Oh me too Alina, me too. I'll get the tea ready!" he chuckles as you go to leave.
As you weave your way back into the Town proper of Frontier's Reach, you find yourself going past all the buildings that Wikkit had mentioned until you come to the Hunter's guild hall, a sturdy and weathered structure, bearing the marks of both time and the rugged frontier life. Its walls, constructed from sturdy timber and stone, rise with an imposing presence, weathered by the elements. The architecture echoes a fusion of traditional craftsmanship and functional design, as you see a striking emblem of crossed swords and a stylized beast's claw sitting above the entrance, carved into the stone. The emblem is weathered but remains a proud symbol of the Guild's legacy. You also notice a large watchtower attached to the side of the building, rising high into the air providing a vantage point for sentinels to survey the surrounding wilderness. A weathered banner bearing the Guild's emblem flutters atop the tower, signaling the Guild's presence to travelers.

Upon entering, a spacious great hall unfolds, adorned with trophies of slain creatures—stuffed heads of mystical beasts turned real when the invaders came, preserved fangs, and mounted claws. The atmosphere carries a faint scent of dried herbs and incense, remnants of protective wards against supernatural threats. The hall is teaming with a slew of different colours and sizes of people, some lounging in chairs reading, smoking or looking at laptops and phones while some others are leaning against walls laughing with comrades or crying over lost ones. The vast majority however are stood in front of a large counter manned by 4 women with a massive electronic contract board dominating the wall behind it, displaying lists of available contracts— their details and rewards alongside photographs and descriptions of various creatures all displayed on a vast array of interconnected screens. From what you can tell, there seems to be around 50 contracts currently available. It's the nexus where hunters congregate, studying missions and discussing strategies while the 4 women behind the counter seem to be the ones handing the contracts out to prospective hunters.

If you were here to get your first contract, this would be the place to start.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:09 pm
by Lorielle
I listen to each of Wikkit’s recommendations my ear turning a tiny bit red when I hear about the shadow veil. Eden a brothel, this place is unbelievable. But I ignore it, that was certainly a place I was going to visit but checking out the Market Square and Whispering Grove. Those would be nice places to get a feel for the town as well as do a bit more work on the things happening in the town.

Making my way towards the Hunter’s Guild building though I did feel the sense of grandeur. It was quite something of a building. Walking inside and being surrounded by other hunters many all who were here for the same reason. It felt a bit invigorating and I was excited to form a party in the future but for now I walked up to the main counter watching the main counter and receiving my first contract.

”Hello, Alina Arakawa reporting in, I’m here to receive my first contract.” I say to one of the receptionists.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:47 pm
by cryosabre
Wedging yourself in between the mass of other Hunters crowding the main counter, you notice that all 4 of the women, all human, are dressed in the same uniform of dark grey and gold and look to be decidedly calm despite the amount of hunters all calling for them to collect jobs or completed bounties. After a short while however, one of the 4 women seems to notice you and listens to your request.

"Alina.... Arakawa." she says as she lifts a tablet and scrolls through it for a few moments before nodding slightly to herself. "Ah, yes, I have you here. Alina Arakawa, Twinborn with a high elf. Passed out from the Kyoto Hunter Academy with almost top marks, ranking in the top ten of your class with an affinity for Enhancement and Arcane magic. Transferred to America upon your own personal request, correct? Welcome to Pennsylvania. Please sign here." Her tone quick and efficient, as you would expect of a bureaucrat, as she turns her tablet around and holds it out along with a stylus for you to sign as she details exactly what it is you will be signing, "This is just a release form in the even of your death or...capture at the hands of the demons and monsters you will be fighting. In the event you do not, or cannot, return all your personal effects, minus a small administration fee, will be returned to your next of kin, a Mrs & Mrs Arakawa, yes? It's also insurance that you do not try to sue or cause any other legal concerns for the Hunter's guild should you become harmed in anyway, and that any and all jobs taken are taken of your own free will despite the consequences and dangers. Does that all make sense? Perfect."

A rehearsed smile coming to her lips briefly as she checks everything has been signed correctly before putting the tablet down and picking up an instrument that looked a little bit like one of the ones people used to use to pierce ears. "Hand please. This is for the rescue protocol chip." the receptionist continued as she waited for your proffered hand before quickly closing the instrument down on your palm, implanting the chip into your body. You already knew what this was and what it was for from your time studying at the Hunter academy - a relatively new technology that served as a last resort rescue panic button that would activate automatically when the hunter was in danger of losing their life or mind. Unfortunately it was also known for being notoriously bad at picking up the right time to transport the implanted hunter out and would quite often trigger far too late or not at all... Still, it was now standard practice that every hunter had to have the chip installed, and wouldn't be allowed access to any official contract without it. bureaucracy completed, the receptionist continued onto the thing you were really interested in.

"So, as it's your first contract, I have chosen these three low ranking contracts you may attempt so as to not put too much strain on your first hunt." A hint of concern tinging into her voice at the prospect of another newly qualified hunter going out into the world all by themselves as she picks up another, larger tablet and details the three jobs available;

-Glimmering Serpents in the Veiled river: Snake-like creatures that swim through the now magical waters of a nearby river. They possess a mesmerizing gaze that can disorient victims and are the presumed main reason the nearby river has had to be quarantined as currently there are 6 civilians who have went missing in the last 2 weeks in the area. The river is a source of fishing and food for the town and needs reclaimed urgently. Reward: $1000

- Thornback Wolves in the Whispering woods: Wolves with razor-sharp thorns along their backs. They're territorial and possess venomous bites. There have been multiple reports of roaming packs of wolves seen in the newly named Whispering Woods. a total of 12 civilians, all female, have went missing over the last week with worrying noises coming deep from the woods at night. Immediate investigation has been requested and expulsion of the wolves is possible. Reward: $1400

- Cave Crawlers in the Iron Fang Mountains: Giant arachnids adapted to subterranean life. They spin webs to trap prey and are sensitive to vibrations. A cave has been found with an infestation of these creatures. As of yet, no casualties have been reported but they are known to expand their territory if left unchecked. Removal has been requested ASAP before they become more of an issue. Reward: $800

She give's another practised smile as you choose your preferred contract before putting the tablet away and continuing, "Perfect, I will attach your name to the contract and take it off the available contract list. We will also personally be assigning you your first partner for this hunt from our list of available veteran hunters just to ensure everything goes to plan. And that will be... Her voice trailing off for a second as lips curl up slightly in a smile, "Rhea Douglas. I believe she's currently in the Arcane Archive researching new spells. I would suggest you go acquaint yourself, she's absolutely lovely and always wants to help the new hunters, though she's only recently been promoted to a veteran hunter herself. If you have other things to do first though, she can usually be found there or at one of the cafe's at the market. You won't be able to miss her, she's a wood eld Twinborn who is very into her eye-catching cloths." and with that she immediately walks off to deal with the next hunter's issue.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Quick Sheet
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 14/14
Mana: 12/12
LP: 10/10
Corruption: 0/100

STR: +3
CHA: +2
WIS: 0
INT: +2
CON: 0
DEX: -1

Schools of Magic:

Major: Enchantment
Minor: Arcane

Exquisite Form: Having honed her sword skills from a young age, its quite difficult to knock Alina off balance or disarm her, +1 to grapple checks and escape grapple checks
Princess-like Demeanour: Left over legacy of her high elf spirit Alina, has a regal air to everything she does, from her walk to her speech to even eating, it lends a certain charm to her otherwise haughty attitude: +1 to persuasion and bluff checks

(E) Elemental Imbuement (2 Mana): Allows you to imbue your weapon with a single element (Ice, fire, electric) for the duration of a fight or until knocked unconscious/surrender. Increases damage by a small amount of chosen elemental damage.
(E) Mystic Shield (2 Mana): Allows you to strengthen your armour with magic, increasing your defence slightly and reducing damage while wearing armour.
(A) Fire Spark (1 Mana): Creates a small spark of fire that can light candles or ignite small objects.

Traits: None...yet

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:17 am
by Lorielle
I nod along to the information being presented, the information the guild had on me was quite extensive. I had no idea my transfer was recorded but I suppose that makes sense. "Yes those next of kin are correct." I then sign off the correctness of the information provided and that I agree to the terms and conditions that were read off by the receptionist. It was quite a bit of paperwork yet again, as if getting my passport and visa werent enough of a hassle and signing that contract at the inn.

When she asks for my hand, I extend my right hand without a thought and wince from the pain of the injection of the chip into my palm. I rub my hand a bit "It seems a bit excessive. But I suppose it should reduce the possible deaths and missing persons among hunters." I say to the receptionist, feeling a tiny bit of the soreness in my hand. I look at the three offered contracts, quite the diverse selection of monster hunts, though they all seemed to be quite appropriate for first time hunters.

"I'll take the Glimmering Serpents task, we shouldnt let me monsters roam free in the river."
I pause as she takes down more information and i get alerted to the contract on my phone.

'First partner? I suppose the Guild has done away with solo hunters then? A mage, that should be a good partner. Thank you for your time." I nod and leave the guild, seeing no reason to stick around I make my way to the Arcane Archive to find my partner. A woman who likes eye-catching clothes. That shouldnt be hard right? Though looking at a few of the hunters ive seen, they're all dressed up quite stylishly.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 12:44 pm
by cryosabre
"just a formality to make sure your first hunt isn't a disaster. You're welcome to travel alone afterwards if you wish." The receptionist called to you as she walked to her next client.

Contract chosen, you walk along the streets of Frontier's reach toward the arcane Archive, intent on meeting your partner right away and, as with the Hunter's guild building, it's hard to not to be impressed with the spectacle of it.

The building's exterior is a spectacle of mystical design housed within one of Stroudsburg's older buildings that was perhaps once a church in times long past. Constructed from aged stone infused with faint glimmers of magical enchantments, the structure shimmers softly under the sunlight. Intricate runes etched into the walls seem to pulse with a subtle, ethereal glow, hinting at defenses installed by the guild's resident mages. The entrance is framed by ornate archways adorned with swirling patterns reminiscent of spell circles and above the entrance, a mosaic depicting celestial bodies and mystical symbols acts as a testament to the building's dedication to arcane knowledge. It's also impossible not to notice the two towering stone guardians, sculpted in the likeness of mystical creatures—a griffin and a dragon—flanking the entrance, their stony gazes watchful yet welcoming to those seeking the repository's secrets. These two statues look much newer than the rest of the building and you suspect they may have been the addition of a mage skilled in the art of geomancy.

Stepping into the archive, you are enveloped by the heady scent of well worn books, coffee and the faint crackle of mystical energies - a testament to the sleepless nights spent by the Guild mages trying to eke out as much information as possible about the unknown mysteries of magic. The main chamber unfolds into a grand hall lined with towering shelves laden with books, essay and other studies into the subject of magic, Twinborns and everything else that was birthed into the world the day the Hell rifts opened. All this information was digitised as well of course, and could be accessed from any one of the tablets or laptops strewn through the area. The whole room is covered in a soft ambient light dancing through stained glass windows depicting mythical beings and arcane sigils.

Off to the sides of this main room, you notice various little occupied alcoves that seem to be used for study and research as each nook is adorned with comfortable seating, a desk and computer.

It's from one of these alcoves, in this bastion of quiet study, you hear a voice cry out over the quiet din of intelligent mumblings, "I KNEW IT!" Alongside the sound of scraping chair legs as everyone in the archive collectively turned their heads towards the commotion.

Standing there, looking absolutely aghast at her own outburst, you see a tall, slender, pale skinned woman with the most audacious head of fuchsia pink hair reaching right down to the back of her knees, covering the back of her white sleeveless shirt adorned with a blue cravat and suspenders. Her top is tucked into her long skirt with bright pink and blue patterns printed across the front and hem, with a long slit going right up to her hip revealing a pair of pale legs wearing a pair of black stilettos and, for some absurd reason, a single black stocking and garter, leaving her other leg bare. If you didn't know any better, you could quite easily assume she had came straight out of an anime from your homeland with her less than conspicuous attire.

You watch as her pale cheeks suddenly turn bright red and she quickly sits back down mumbling an apology to everyone in the room. Something tells you this is your girl.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 8:43 pm
by Lorielle
In a way the somewhat older architecture reminded me of my home on the outskirts of Kyoto, the traditional styled wood and stone, muted colors. While the style wasnt 1-1, i remember how the various cities i stopped in on my way to Pennsylvania all felt like the city portion of Kyoto, at least what wasnt ruined by the Hell Rifts. Though maybe this traditional architecture was more a facade, considering the building couldnt be more than a hundred years old. But maybe i shouldnt judge it too harshly. I rolled my shoulders and stepped into the building.

Libraries were always one of my favorite places on the Academy grounds, while not so deliberately styled in this more old fashioned manner, the combination of magic and worn paper was definitely affecting. I let out a long sigh, the corner of my lips turning up into a soft smile as i look around. This was all quite nice, i would need to take the time to explore it myself later when i was done with the first contract. Speaking of my first contract though, my head turns on a dime to the loud noise that suddenly fills the space of the Archive.

Seeing an incredibly ostentatious looking mage, there was no way that wasnt Rhea. I chuckle to myself seeing her blush and act all embarrassed for disturbing the other hunters and researchers. I walk over to hear and say in a gentle and low voice.

"Hello, would you happen to be Rhea Douglas? Im sure you've received the Guild notification that you'll be accompanying a new hunter on their mission." I say to hear keeping my voice steady and professional.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:28 am
by cryosabre
As you close in on her, the woman looks positively terrified at the potential telling off she's about to receive for making such a noise in the archive, though she doesn't look at you directly, you can still see her clearly taking panicked glances at you front the side.

This panic instantly dissipated however when you mention that you are, in fact, not here to verbally assault her, but to see if she's your new partner, "Oh! Yes! That's me! I'm Rhea! Oh em gee It's so lovely to meet you! Irina...Arasaka, right? Oh I'm so glad you're finally here!" Rhea gushes at you as she takes hold of your hand and shakes it vigorously before pulling you into a hug before you can react, her sizeable chest be pushing into your own for a few moments before you're released, "Oh we're going to be absolute besties! I can't wait to take you out and see what'cha got! Which mission did you choose? Where are we going? Oh! Do you want to take it fast or slow? Oh and what sort of Twinsoul do you have? OH MY GOSH! Is that why your eyes are Sooooooo awesome? Oh god I'm so excited for this, you're going to be a-maz-ing!" She continues her verbal tirade, her eyes open wide with a puppy like excitement and a wide, honest grin on her lips, apparently oblivious now to the irritated looks you're both getting from the other people in the archive as their quiet atmosphere is once again disturbed. "So what do ya wanna do? Do we go be bad asses now, or do you still have some stuff to do?"

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:20 am
by Lorielle
I blink twice and put a hand up to stop Rhea's rather incessantly quick tone. Once she calms down I cough and collect myself. Rhea, as your junior i appreciate your enthusiasm, but please give me a moment to collect myself and not bombard me with question. Just how old is this girl she has to be younger than me with how she acts, i can hardly believe she's an experienced hunter.

Now, first things first. I chose a nearby mission, dealing with Glimmering Serpents in the Veiled river. I set it as a priority given we dont want anything messing with the town's water supply. They posses some sort of mesmerizing ability, a charm or confusion enchantment, as a mage do you have any recommendations against that? I give her a moment to respond to my question before continuing forth.

Alright, noted. We should proceed with caution at least. And maybe this is an American custom but Japanese folks rarely share what twinsoul they have unless its relevant, but since we're both hunters i have no problem sharing it, but do keep in mind not everyone will appreciate the question. I happen to have been twinsouled with a High-elf, the red eyes are a result of that, and... other things." I say feeling the rather heavy weight on my chest feel more evident, though supposedly the gravity-defying perkiness is also due to "elf" vitality.

If you have no other preparations then im ready to proceed with the mission. I say to her, if she had preparations i'll follow her lead and listen along to what she wants to do, its only courteous as her junior.

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:08 pm
by cryosabre
Rhea's response to your advice request is a delightful blend of eagerness and embarrassment after you gently scold her for bombarding you with questions. Her bright eyes, a mix of respect and curiosity, take on a tinge of red as she grows a bit more subdued. "Oh, uh, about those Glimmering Serpents..." she begins, her voice trailing off. She dashes back to her desk in a whirl, rummaging through her belongings with a focused intensity. Moments later, her triumphant "Aha!" rings through the room.

She returns, practically skipping with excitement, clutching a necklace adorned with an intricately carved emerald. "Behold," she exclaims, her grin spreading wide, "an amulet of Mind Shielding! A perfect match for your ensemble, and practical too!" Without waiting for a response, she gently places the necklace around your neck. A fleeting rush of energy courses through you, ephemeral yet invigorating. "Magic in action," Rhea declares with a knowing smile.

Her enthusiasm momentarily falters however, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade as a sharp reprimand echoes from someone across the library, telling her to be quiet in not so nice words. She quickly ushers you outside, her demeanour shifting back to her typical bubbly self under the open sky. "High-Elf twinsoul, that's incredible!" she resumes. "I mean, it makes sense – beauty begets beauty, right?" Her laughter is light, yet there's a sincere admiration in her tone.

Then, with a glint in her eyes, she shares her own secret. "My twinsoul? A Hell Rabbit!" In a dramatic flourish, she conjures a small flame in her palm, illustrating her fiery nature. "Cool, huh?"

Finally, Rhea assures you she's prepared for the mission. "Got all the essentials – healing potions, anti-venom, you name it. We're set to go, gorgeous!" She slips on her sunglasses, shielding her eyes from the sun's glare, and nods toward the path ahead, radiating confidence and readiness for the adventure that awaits. "Lead the way, lady boss!"

Re: The Hero of Frontier's Reach (Lorielle)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:16 pm
by Lorielle
I let out a bit of a pleasant hum when i feel the magic of the amulet wash over me. It was strange, ive felt magic effect before as a result of training, but magic is always a bit unknowable. You're giving this to me? Shouldnt you keep it on your person instead? I fire back as she steps away announcing she was ready.

A hell-rabbit twinsoul was certainly something i knew about but had not met personally, it explains the attitude very much though. I blush lightly at her compliment but make no other moves regarding that. The mission was what was at hand.

"Wait a moment should i be taking the lead, you're the licensed hunter, i dont know the area too well. Dozo" I make a hand gesture to let her take the lead, it was only polite right? Americans are strange. "I believe its best that i at least observe how people here conduct missions, if you dont mind." If she insisted i take the lead i'll do so, but something felt off about that, was it because i used a sword while she happened to be a mage? That seemed like stereotyping i shouldnt get into.