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Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:32 pm
by Kuragari
Firehead Wrote:Name: Samuel Durst
BeforeAfterBio: Samuel had always considered himself to be rather plain-looking and not the kind of guy women were drawn to. One day, while studying at the library, he found a strange-looking book which claimed to be a spell book. Thinking it might be an amusing way to kill an afternoon, he decided to run with it. Even better, he found a spell that proclaimed to bring out an idealized, attractive version of the caster. What he could have realized if he'd only checked the next page that the spell had two versions. One for men, and one for women.
A few days later, after he'd gathered the strange assortment of ingredients, he began to cast the spell as the book instructed only to faint as he finished. When he woke up, he realized things felt very different, and the spell book, which he knew he'd grabbed as his vision had faded was no longer within his grasp.
Manliness: 18
Everything felt... off. Strange. Weird. it was hard to place at first as you slowly pushed yourself back up. Your senses were playing catchup, it felt like, which didn't help much. The first most obvious thing you were able to notice was that your hair felt thicker, and longer... there was more of it too. The next thing you noticed is that there was a weight on your chest, a rather noticable one, that hadn't been there before. You also felt just... curvier. Softer. Smoother. From head to toe. It also felt like there was something missing somewhere, but it was hard to sort it out.
The spell book seemed to have vanished, though you don't remember it mentioning anything like that. Maybe you misplaced it? It had to be around here somewhere, you mutter to yourself... then stop. Wait. That was a woman's voice. A rather... sultry one too, one that sent shivers up and down your spine. You ask whose there, but the voice, its the words you asked. In fact...
It's your voice.
You suddenly get a very strong urge, no,
need to check yourself in the mirror.
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:45 pm
by Firehead
I panic as things just get stranger and stranger. Just what was going on? My hands move to the weight on my chest. Did I have boobs? I didn't even dare think to reach down to my pants right now. I even noticed my clothes didn't fit right. My shirt was loose around the shoulders but tight around the chest. At the same time, my pants were tight in the back but loose in front. I looked around for the book hoping for an explanation, but it seemed to have disappeared. Did someone take it while I was unconscious?
I let out a quick, "darn," only to hear a feminine voice. Wait, was someone there? I looked around again, but I didn't see anyone. Were they hiding? "Who's ther..." I stopped mid sentence as this time I realized it was actually my voice. I had to check a mirror. I had to see what was going on. Grabbing my pants by the waist, I dashed out of the room heading to the only place I could think of with a mirror.
(1, 1, 4)I should have realized what I was doing, but in my panic, I dashed into the more familiar men's restroom not even thinking about what a mistake that was if what I was starting to suspect turned out to be true after all. Running up to the mirror, I splashed water over my face before looking into the mirror hoping to wake myself up and see that it was all my imagination.
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:03 am
by Kuragari
You race into the bathroom whereupon you both see and begin to register the extra additions to your body, which makes what you see in the mirror all the more shocking and surreal to you. A sexy, drop dead gorgeous woman is in the reflection, sporting a set of cute fox ears which twitch about and a fluffy, sensual fox tail to go with it that spasms anxiously behind you. You touch your face, the reflection touches your face. Its very quickly clear that the spell seems to have worked, but not the way you wanted or desired it to do so!
Course, as you then feel hands on your ass and someone with something hard and hot grinding against your rear, you realize you have other problems.
"Well hey there, take a wrong turn? Or did ya mean to come into the mens bathroom cutie~?"
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Do ya want a manliness stat here? could have it start at say 18 and then go down every so often when ya give in to the new feelings and pleasures?
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:36 am
by Firehead
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Sure, we can go with that.
Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I freeze in shock. There was no getting around it; I was a woman, but why would the 'idealized' me be a woman? It seemed like some kind of cruel joke, and the book had disappeared, so I had no hope of reversing this spell unless I recovered it. The fox ears and tail were a strange addition, but in the grand scheme of things wasn't even worth worrying about. I'd keep them if it meant I could go back to being a guy.
I tensed when I felt fingers on my rear and heard the voice from behind me quickly turning to look at my assailant and see who I'd run into. Shit, I'd gone into the guy's restroom out of habit which was just the worst way to start my time as a woman. "Uhh, no, I just didn't realize which bathroom this was. I-I was just looking for a mirror."
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:40 am
by Kuragari
You recognize the guy as someone from the dorm, but can't recall his name specifically. You do know he's one of the more musclehead sorts, as he was usually wearing something sports or athletics related. You also see that his cock is rather large... very much above average and bigger than your own had been, which stings at your pride a bit. More so because you don't even have yours anymore!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
1d100 Manliness check (d6's for everything else)
Threshold is 72, roll is 42
Roll 3d6, need at least 1 success to keep him from trying something further
"Ah well, its still pretty perverse to be in here, especially the way you were sticking your ass out... almost like you're begging to get felt up~" The guy says, hands still groping you. The sensations are weird and your head is trying to adjust, your body seemingly more sensitive now, but you keep your head.
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:45 pm
by Firehead
I felt myself start to sweat as I saw who it was. Great, one of the muscleheads with the overinflated ego was the one to catch me as a strange girl hanging out in the guy's room, and now I could see his dick, and it was bigger than mine in addition to him still having it. I pulled away from his hand as he continued groping me. "Hey, I didn't mean to come in here, and I was more focused on my reflection than my posture." I shook my head reminding myself that that wasn't important. "Never mind, I'll just get out of here and leave you to your business." Turning away from him, I attempted to get out of there as fast as I could.(1, 2, 2)
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:29 pm
by Kuragari
You try to pull away, but he grabs you and pulls you into a forced kiss, which catches you by surprise as he pulls you into one of the stalls. You weren't the strongest guy before, but in this moment your strength seems gone, and instead is the strange sensations as he gropes at your ass and grinds into your front, then pushes you against the wall and starts moving push your top up.
"Nah, I think you and me, we're gonna have some fun~"
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:28 pm
by Firehead
My eyes widened as he pulled me back with very little effort as I felt his lips against mine. My hands balled into fists and slammed into his chest as he forced a kiss on me, but I seemed to be weaker than usual, and he'd have probably been stronger even if I was still a guy anyway. Not only that, but something about the kiss seemed to make me feel even weaker still. Maybe it was the warmth of his lips or the taste of his breath, but it felt like he was practically sucking the strength out of my arms as he pushed me into the stall right where he wanted me.
I pushed my hands to the wall mostly to avoid slamming face-first into it. I could feel the heat and size of him as he pressed his crotch to my ass, and my tits flopped free as he pulled p my shirt. It was actually a relief to be free of the tight shirt meant for a man's chest. I knew exactly what kind of fun he was talking about, and I knew I needed to stop this. "No...don't...not-not that...I'll scream."
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:40 pm
by Kuragari
He laughs and smacks your ass with a hand, groping at your chest and sending more ripples of new sensations rapidly bouncing through you as his he works your pants lower too. He blinks a bit seeing your underwear, but shrugs as he yanks it down and rubs his throbbing manpole against your slit. The feel of the warm, hard, hot thing prodding at the entrance to your folds sends mixed feelings through you, enhancing the strange sensations you are having to contend with while raising the specre that you were about to lose your virginity as a girl.
"Heh, if you were gonna do that, you'd have done it already!"
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Roll 4d6. You need two successes to at least make a noise of vocal protest for anyone who might be able to hear, if you get more than that you do indeed scream (with more successes meaning more chance someone hears ya
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:55 pm
by Firehead
I gasp as he smacks my ass sending a shock of pain through me and making me feel helpless in the moment. As he exposed my crotch to the air, I realized how warm it was as it was exposed to the cooler air. His dick felt even hotter as it pressed against me, but the burning heat felt somehow soothing rather than uncomfortable which didn't make sense. Was this really how I lost my virginity?
I blushed when he mentioned I could have screamed already. That was more that I'd rather get out of this with no one else knowing than any other reason, but if he wasn't going to relent, I had no choice but to get help. (6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 6, 4, 5, 1:Wow)Breathing in as deep as I could, I let out a scream that even managed to hurt my ears a little. "HELP!!!"
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:12 pm
by Kuragari
Your scream makes him wince and stumble back as he curses. The sound of the door opening and someone going, "What the fuck's going on here?!" makes him curse more and he scowls at you before dashing out of the room and knocking over at least two people along the way from the sounds of it. it takes a moment and there's some grunts and groans, but then someone raps on the stall door and asks, "Hey, everything okay?"
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:21 am
by Firehead
I let out a sigh of relief when I heard the voice making it clear someone had heard my shout. Once my assailant was gone, I got to work putting my clothes back on as best as I could with them being designed more for a guy. My chest was rather unhappy to be forced back into its tight confines, but I wasn't walking around school topless. I'd need to get a better-fitting shirt to wear until I was able to turn myself back to normal. I tensed again when I heard the knock. Still needed to get out of the boy's restroom. "Yes, I just walked in here by accident."
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:37 am
by Kuragari
"Alright. Well, best hurry out then before someone thinks unkind things about ya." The voice says, the sound of retreating footsteps giving you a moment of privacy. You hurry out and dash back towards your own dorm room, which draws some curious looks from some.
Once back in your own room, you have a chance to try and recover fully and come to grips with what just happened. Including how your body still feels... aroused.
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:10 am
by Firehead
I let out a sigh of relief as they give me some privacy to get my clothes resituated and get out of there. The warning was nice if far too late to be useful, but it wasn't his fault he wasn't the first guy to catch me in here.
I took my walk of shame back to my dorms rushing past all the looks. I'd normally be all too happy for people to see a girl slipping into my room, but not with the girl being me. How was I going to explain this? I considered lying about being my own sister, but there was no way I would be allowed to stay here, and the school would wonder what happened to me in the meantime once it became clear I wasn't attending classes, but how was I going to explain turning to a girl?
Now able to think a bit, I realized how heated my new sex was. To think I'd actually be turned on by what happened in there. I was just nearly raped, and here I was feeling like I needed something. Still, I was curious. Sitting against the head board of my bed, I stripped and gave my new body a once over without the clothes in the way.
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:25 am
by Kuragari
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Do ya want the magic to have made it so your ID and everything changed, so no one notices the change except you?
3d6 roll to be able to handle playing with yourself as a female. 1 success minimum to keep your head and wanting more.
Stripping on down and seeing your naked body before you... well, it wasn't your ideal
male form, but gods damned, you had become the perfect woman in your minds eye. If you'd still been a guy and had a girl like this bared before you... you knew you'd be hard as hell. You couldn't keep your hands from wandering, drawing forth gasps and jolts of alien pleasure as you touched your chest and even the barest of brushes against your new sex...
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:42 am
by Firehead
My breathing was heavy as the feminine body came into view. It was a spectacular body. I would have done anything to see a woman of this caliber naked before me. Even being the body's occupant, I couldn't help but feel excited at the sight of it. My hand trembled as I cupped my new breast shivering as new, alien feelings washed over me. I hadn't even touched my cunt and already it felt more pleasurable than anything I could imagine. Still, I couldn't hold myself back from grazing a finger across my labia drawing a wanton moan from my lips. (1, 3, 4)It felt so amazing, but I put a hand over my mouth. I needed to keep from being too loud. The last thing I needed was to be a girl caught in a guy's bed masturbating.
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:58 am
by Kuragari
You needed to be quiet... but you could still touch yourself and enjoy this if you were careful. At the least, you should try to get this arousal dealt with before you try to figure out anything else. Shifting onto your bed, you muffle yourself by pressing more of your face into the pillows and sheets. Thankfully, even as you explore your new body and revel in the sensations rippling over you, you don't find yourself yearning for more. Which is good, because more would mean a dick, and you'd been a guy until recently!
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:11 am
by Firehead
Rolling onto my chest, I put my knees under me lifting my ass as I bury my face in the pillow while curling my fingers to dive into my new sex. It felt so amazing as I explored working to find all the spots that sent shivers up my spine. I tried to memorize where got the best reactions for when I turned back, but it was just so hard to think straight as pleasure washed over my entire being. Was this how it felt for all girls, or was it part of the spell I put on myself? I groaned into the pillow case as I brushed against another sweet spot feeling my cunny spit and drool over the sheets in delight as I worked my fingers into a frenzy inside of myself.
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:19 am
by Kuragari
Your ears and tail twitched as increasingly, every bit of your body was singing in rising delight. If this was what it was like for girls all the time... this could grow habit forming. Addicting even. It was unlike anything you'd experienced as a guy before, and your own lewd, pleasured cries only served as additional fuel for your increasing hazy mind. You felt something bubbling and building up, higher, higher still...
Your first female climax came as your fingers found the motherload, the treasured spot. The G-spot, and utter ecstasy coursed and rippled through you like a fire raging wildly. And what was more... the feeling didn't stop as your fingers seemed to keep going!
Re: Unexpected Consequences [FIREHEAD]

Thu Aug 31, 2023 2:29 am
by Firehead
My entire body seized as warm waves of pleasure washed over my entire form except for my fingers and the muscles of my sex which both continued their work and their writhing respectively. In the moment, a part of me wondered if it was even a good idea to become male again when I could feel this good just with my fingers alone.
(6, 1, 3, 4, 6, 4)I managed to keep my face buried into the pillow muffling my wail of ecstasy as my sex trembles around my exploring fingers. I had never felt so good stroking my cock, and even better I didn't feel the same sense of exhaustion as I continued stroking the walls of my sex seeking ever greater heights of pleasure as I soaked my own sheets in a deluge of feminine love juices. My hips wiggled which would have put on quite the show if anyone were standing in my door way.