eaenidu Wrote:Name: Riley Belle
Gender: Born Male Now Female
Appearance: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2009219009762862520/69D51855343B00CC8C5D26F558354F6BB425EE72/
Bio: Riley was having a tough time, he couldn't find a job no matter what he did, hell he couldn't even get one doing something like janitor work or some other basic thing, and thanks to not having a job problems were stacking up more and more, hell, he even bought a newspaper to look through it's ads for any chance of a job, and called a number he found, hoping that would be a lucky break he needed.
As you made the call, a voice replied and said, "Thank you for accepting our application! We've been rather desperate help, so you are hired on the spot. Please relax and hold still!" You're not sure why they'd ask that, but with how desperate you are you do so and then...
Then everything spins, and when it stops spinning, you feel... different. Also you're sitting in a chair in the middle of an office, and a busty looking woman with long purple hair smiles at you and leans forward from behind her desk as she says,
"Congratulations Riley Belle~ You are our newest live in maid~! And you've turned out so cute~! I just know our clients, and our staff... and me, are going to love having you work with us~!"