Everything had gone to plan and Dulane was happy to go on a vacation with you. The possibility of cold-sleep made the interstellal travel affordable for the masses as the ships could save on food, drink and other accomodations if the passengers slept through 99% of the way. You two boarded the semi-big spaceship with about 100 people in total and were each put in cold sleep in a big 'storage' room under the supervision of the ships crew, who got into their own seperate pods last.
Dulane and you had pods side by side and the last thing you remembered was looking into his eyes through the thick glass and you both smiled at each other with love, thinking you'd wake up in three weeks somewhere where you and him could get back to the roots of your marriage.
In reality though you woke up to a siren like sound and flashing red light, disoriented and clueless as to what was happening. Dulane shared the same fate and banged on the inside of his pod until it opened with a loud hissing noise, the alarm from his pod stopping. Coming over to yours he called out "Aria?", looking to see if you were awake like him.
Seeing that you were he clutched the handles for the glass dome and tried to pull it open, but failed thanks to yours seeming to be stuck harder than his or him just not getting a good grip. "Help!" he called out into the flashing red sea of pods, pivoting his head around to find someone without much success. "Somebody help!"
But then he heard something that you could not, "We're Here!" he seemed to answer. And soon after a stranger arrived at your pod as well towering over Dulane with his big stature. "Her pod is stuck! It won't open!" Dulane explains to him, rattling fruitlessly at the handle.
"Let me try." the stranger suggested already moving into Dulane space. "Didn't you hear me it's stu-" he started to yell, his anger issues once again surfacing in this stressful atmosphere. But he was cut off as the big man gripped the thing and with his arms bulging ripped it open. It sounded like he snapped something in the locking mechanism.
"You ok?" he started to ask, before Dulane pushed himself between the two of you and layed his hand on your cheek. "Everything ok Aria?"
The stranger stepped back with a bit of a raised brow, but let Dulane to you. That didn't stop him though from catching glances of you.
"I don't want to ruin the moment, but we're still not out of trouble." he then announced. "Something happened that threw off the ships systems and evidently the pods. At first I thought I was the only one that got woken up, but it seems you were affected as well."