eaenidu Wrote:Name: Angel Michaelson
Gender: Female, Formerly Male
Appearance: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1912359278122953846/B69A4157AB1FB6298BA5D3F9D9ED6FA9743C2A84/
Bio: Born and raised as a boy Angel had never in his life thought of doing anything like pleasure work or even changing gender not even for parties. Then his dad managed to get a stupid amount of debt for some shady loans and the collectors were getting more forceful...and before he knew it he'd been basically sold by his dad and found that he'd be working as a girl...on a pleasure cruise or something...well it shouldn't be that bad right? Just stand around look sexy be a waitress basically right? Though he really wished they told him when that change pill was supposed to wear off.
You'd been forced to take the pill by the shady men who'd come and collected you, and they'd leered at ya quite a bit but not done anything. Once you were lead onto the cruise ship though, you were met by an rough, grisled man who gave ya the impression of a veteran mobster, and a futa woman in a dominatrix fetish military like suit. To either side of them were girls wearing very skimpy maid outfits. What took you off guard was that one of the maid girls was wearing a ring gag and had a glazed look in her eyes.
"You'll be following Mistress Renalda. She'll be handling your conditioning and training."
Mistress Renalda smirked as she smacked a riding crop into the palm of her other hand.
"Come along, be silent unless I ask you something, and be quick. Fall behind and I'll punish you~"