by Ze Blitzkrieg » Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:52 pm
Richard couldn't help but scoff at Tyler's response. He was too pathetic to fight back, but still too obstinate to accept his place as a bottom bitch. Truly the worst of both worlds. But, it couldn't be helped. It'd apparently take some time to break him into a pliable cocksleeve, and in the meanwhile, there would need to be some leverage. Threats of violence would've probably worked; the guy wasn't particularly courageous, and Richard was sure he understood the gulf between them physically. But then he'd have to make good on the threat and ruin that pretty little face of his. So, getting a better idea, he reached into his pocket and fished out his phone. Then, without much in the way of warning, he aimed it at his captive cocksucker and snapped a few images with the camera app.
"Please? Please what, exactly? 'Cause I'm giving you a good deal here, Tyler. Not just anybody gets to suck this big, fat cock of mine. I know girls who'd fight for the privilege of bouncing on it whenever I call 'em up. But you don't gotta worry about fighting for the privilege. You'll get it all to yourself. At least, until I find more girly little losers to fuck," He told his cum-covered companion, relishing in at least a little bit of the humiliation he inflicted, "'Course, I guess you could try to deny me. Maybe go to the administrators, tell 'em I forced myself on you. But, if that happened, well, I'd have to leak these photos and show everyone just how willing you were. I don't think somebody forced to suck a cock would sit there and let their attacker give them a big, creamy cum shot, would they? What kinda man would let that happen?"
He moved his foot at that point, pressing the tip of his shoe between Tyler's legs, pressing into his meager package as he continued.
"No man would. But you're not much of a man, are you, Tyler? You've always been soft, and girly, and weak. You let me push you to your knees, and fuck your mouth, and cum down your throat, because that's exactly the kind of thing you were meant to do. You're made to be a bitch, Tyler, and that's exactly what everyone will believe when I show them what I did to you."
His foot began to move, very slightly, after that declaration, stroking Tyler through his pants, idly wondering whether or not he could get the little guy hard between the stimulation, the sexual nature of their encounter, and the dirty talk.
"But that doesn't need to happen. I'm real possessive over my property, Tyler, and as of today, I consider you my bitch. I don't want anybody else looking at you like that, knowing what a good little cocksucker you are. So, you keep your mouth shut, I keep these pictures to myself, and we keep on having fun, got it? 'Cause I'm real good to my bitches, TyTy, and I know for a fact you aren't emptyin' these anywhere else."