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Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 12:52 pm
by exalted
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Real Name: Krista Lake
Ring Name: Zorro Azul
Age: 22
Original Ring Attire (is made skimpier when the company changes)

Krista grew up watching wrestling, admiring the Luchadores and adoring the female stars/divas like Lita. She dreamed off one day becoming them and started training as soon as she could, jumping from the roof of her house as a kid more than once as she played WWE or WCW with her friends in the backyard. Soon the boys didn't want to play with Krista or demanded she had to be manager, really it was because they were sick of losing. Krista finally got her chance to perform professionally when small independent promotion came through town looking for talent. She impressed the right people and was soon making a name for herself, out going and energetic she was hit baby face with the crowd.

It was in the promotion that she met her boyfriend Rhys Thompson, also known as the Immortal Sphinx in the ring. His baby face persona wasn't an act for her, but they had to keep it secret because it just wouldn't work kayfabe wise (he was an immortal Egyptian pharaoh god type thing and she was a luchadora in the fox mask). Everything seemed to be going well until the companies biggest star got poached by one of the big franchises, but at least it meant Rhys got promoted to fill the spot and feud with the company's heel, Ghost Ravager and his manager Sanguine.

NPC: Rhys Thompson/ Immortal Spinx
Rhys dreamed of head lining the big times, but he's been stuck down in smaller promotions and development promotions for too long. He's been waiting for his shot and isn't about to let someone get in his way. He's hated his time with XCW and hick fans that come to the shows, but things got more bearable a few months back when a new luchadora joined the company and proved she could wrap her legs around more than an opponent in the ring. The champion just got poached (and they should have taken Rhys!) but now he's got the spot and he is going to get noticed.

NPC: Cayden Russel/ Ghost Ravager
Cayden knows the business, knows that you can't have a hero without a villain and is willing to take the hit. He's happy and content where he is, happy putting other guys over and making them better, so long as they give him a nod of respect back in the locker room. He's been with the company the longest almost of all the performers, seen many champions rise and get plucked away, but this is him home and family. His evil persona in the room is just an act.

NPC: Lexi Butler / Sanguine

Lexi is Cayden's kayfabe girlfriend/ manager/ acolyte, but wishes it was more, wishes it was as real backstage as it was in the ring. She takes it bit too seriously sometimes, and doesn't understand that Cayden doesn't see her in that light. The tight leather, whips and chains are more than just an act for her. She's constantly on management to push to the boundaries, to let her full hardcore matches, to bring in the thumbtacks, barbwire and and flaming tables, but no other woman on the roster has been willing to do that yet.

NPC: Annabel Levy/ Diamond

A former star, but she was injured during her rise and never recovered fully. She's been a manager ever since, currently guiding the company's latest hit, Zorro Azul and is trusted by all the talent. Diamond thinks if she said jump they would all do it immediately and then ask if it was high enough and try to do better anyway. Diamond was injured back in the day due to gimmick match, jelly wrestling, and she has been against those things ever since. Secretly, Diamond is one of three owning partners in the promotion, sinking everything she had saved over the years into it. While a purest at heart, the financials aren't looking good, if the company goes down she loses everything.

NPC :Aries:

Onyxia: ... 14e94e.jpg

After the shower, Krista had wrapped the ice in a wash cloth, putting it under herself as she sat on the floor, not wanting to get the bed wet as it melted. She turned the TV for background noise but didn't watch, just staring straight ahead at the wall. She tried to run through her match with Lexi in her, trying to perfect the timing and pace of every move and imagine how it would look from the outside... but her focus wavered... her mind going elsewhere as tears threatened and welled in the corner of her eyes.

He had used her... just like Rhys had... taken what he had wanted from her. She'd told him, multiple times; and he'd still.... she sniffed back a tear but it didn't help, they were soon streaking her face as she went red and crimson for the wrong reason.... she'd told him and he'd still... it was worse than Rhys... Rhys was selfish, direct... but he had.... Cayden had... she thought he was different, thought he actually... but it was all a con, he'd just taken and... and he'd know what Rhys had done, how Rhys had treated her and still he...

* * *

She had kept her phone turned off to save the battery, instead setting the rooms alarm clock to go off early; she needed it to for her plan.

An early night of crying had meant she was soon out of tears to share and was just left some thing else entirely broiling inside her. 'DTA', Stone Cold had said it, her old Coach had said it, even Diamond had told her to keep it to heart when she first joined the company, and Krista had finally learnt it.

She needed to be up early. Needed to be in position before they were, needed to be out of sight. She'd driven back to the house, parked a few streets over to get the Pink Demon out of view and then found a place to wait. Waited for the three of them to leave in Cayden's truck and then gone in herself to get her things out. With traffic it hadn't been hard to arrive the warehouse soon after them, parking the Demon on the other side of the car park from the truck. The venue, again, large enough she could come in from a different entrance and act like she had been there all along. She made a beeline for Diamon first.

"Hey Mat Momma," she hugged Diamon in greeting, "Sorry, my phone died completely last night and I've been trying to get a new one all morning but no luck. So I had an idea about what Cayden could do tonight so he still has something to do..."

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 1:23 pm
by Tes
Diamond was chewing out her assistant once again after he seemed to have forgotten to do something for her. "You needed to call them last week, dumbass! Are you really that incompetent?" He shook his head as it sunk lower and lower, Diamond mockingly mirroring his gesture and asking. "No? You're not? Then fucking get on it!"

He ran away to do as he was told, Diamond still fuming as Krista walked up to her from behind, shaking her head in honest disbelief now, too occupied to notice her right away. "Oh, Hey. Whe-" She's greets finally noticing Krista when she came right in front of her, returning the hug as she got cut off, rolling her eyes at Krista's excuses for not being available on her phone, but listening closely.

"Yeah, Yeah. I know. Cayden called the boss soon after rehearsal yesterday and told him about the idea the two of you had come up with." Diamond interjects though when Krista starts to go into her plan, "It has also trickled down to me. Thank you. Any other news?" seeming to be a bit offended to be left out of the loop by Krista as her 'Mat Momma'.

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:01 pm
by exalted
"I love what you've done with your hair?" Krista tried to misdirect as she imagined she could physically feel Diamond's wrath on her face, "I-I'll just go see Cindy for costume and make-up, okay? Just give a shout if you need me...."

She quickly turned on her heel and power walked away. It wasn't her fault that Cayden had jumped the gun and cut her out... and Diamon couldn't be that mad at Krista when she went directly to her... right?

Shaking her head, she wandered in the direction she had seen Cindy running in a flap in, eventually finding the little makeup and costume cave the former rock and roll Groupie had made for herself.

"Hey Cind," she called out as she sat in the chair, "I thought I might get in early... hey what do you think about doing something different with the hair this time? What about twin tails? Ooh, maybe we could add some colour to the tips, like light blue?"

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 2:21 pm
by Tes
"Aw that? I just did that in a hassle this morning." Diamond chuckles, touching the bun she had on her head with a long intricate pin holding it together to check that it still sat right, the new spotlight position on Krista maybe also getting on her nerves a bit. "Yes. Better now than too late." she called appreciativly to Krista as she rushed over to Cindy, going over to talk with a nearby crewmember.

Coming around the corner when she's called out Cindy looks rather intrigued by Krista's proposition, a smile developing on her face. "Ohhh. What has gotten into you today, huh?" she asks cheerfully, walking over to Krista as she sat in the chair, a mirror in front of her with lights around the edge to illuminate her face. Standing behind her and looking at her through that mirror, she begins letting Krista's blonde hair run through her fingers on both sides, not feeling too many spit ends yet. "Would you want something temporary or more permanent?" Cindy smirks.

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 9:55 am
by exalted
Dumping two secret boyfriends in nearly as many days sounded like a reason, Krista thought but didn't say, if ever there was a reason to get a cute haircut and make the fuckers jealous of what they weren't getting anymore.

"Oh you know, new hair to go with the new costume," Krista smiled to Cindy instead, "You what, screw, let's be bold, make it permanent"

Scooching herself in the chair slightly to get more comfortable, she smiled, if the fuckers wanted something new she would give it too them...

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:26 am
by Tes
Cindy squinted as if to catch Krista slipping in her act, but after not seeing sign of such for a couple more seconds she she pushes out her lips and slowly nods. "...Okaaaay.", her smile resturning when she jokes. "Luckily we won't have to bleach them first."

Having decided that she pulls in her stool and begins by brushing Krista's hair, seperating it into two sides. "A big day, ay?" She starts to make some smalltalk as she begins braiding one side of her hair to later color the tip. "You seem fired up. That's for sure. Have you gotten better news from back home?" her question concerning the lie Krista told her after the breakup with Rhys.

Having done one side, she scoots over to the over and does the same there, with practiced speed, though still tugging at Krista as she handles her hair, briefly looking back at her in the mirror every so often.

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 11:50 am
by exalted
"About time being blond got me something" Krista laughed as Cindy mentioned not having to bleach.

She tilted her head this way and that as Cindy tugged on her head, being pliant to make it easier for the woman to work.

"No, not really," Krista replied, barely remembering what she had said in avoidance last time as Cindy asked about her news from back home, "Just not letting people drag me down anymore, us bad bitches are at the top now and that is where we are going to stay."

She watched, trying to keep still and Cindy pulled out the bits and pieces needed for the job, watching the master work as finally colour started to get added. She could hear other voices coming down the hallway and glanced over at the mirror, trying to see who was coming.

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:15 pm
by Tes
Having to get ready earlier than Krista for their match, Nyx and Aries came into the the room, both shocked to see Krista sitting right there. "I know. I know. But what if sh-" Nyx is in the middle of saying when Aries places her hand on her head like a basketball and turns it to look at Krista. Her eyes with clear signs of sleep deprivations bulge a little and she comes rushing over to her "Krista!", letting her bag of stuff fall to the floor and pulling her into her embrace as Cindy doesn't understand what exactly was happening and took a step back.

"Where were you? We were trying to get to you or find you all night." she almost cries. Curiously enough she didn't ask what had happened, hinting at the fact that they heard most of it and probably interrogated Cayden as he was the last one to see her. Pulling herself away but keeping her hand on Krista's shoulders she finally noticec the work Cindy had done, getting a bit irritated. "W-What? You vanish off the face of the earth and instead of giving us any little sign of life, you'd rather sit here and get some cute colered tips. Is that it? Is that really how much we are worth to you?"

Aries watches this unfold from a few meters away, following the rollercoaster of emotions that Nyx wwas on if not quite as strongly. The softer non confrontational Cindy is a bit overwhelmed in turn and says. "Ehhm... I'm gonna be back in a few, when the color needs to be washed out. I'll let you guys settle whatever this is in private."

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:46 pm
by exalted
"Hey...gah!... watch the product, watch product!" Krista squawked as Nyx wrapped around her neck, nearly pulling her from the makeup chair.

Disentangling herself from Nyx and trying to reposition to keep balance on the chair, she struggled to keep her facade up and not break down.

"I'm okay, my phone died completely when I was out and I couldn't find a shop that was open that late. I got so turned about I got lost, it's not like I could check google maps to find my way back so spent the night at a hotel," She replied, telling a half truth, "I knew you guys would be coming here early so I got here first thing to wait for you, didn't you see my car when you pulled in?"

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:12 pm
by Tes
Her explanation left them unsure, the way she rushed out of the house and then the driveway with an open door not quite adding up with her continued excuse of going to buy something. It would surely collaps completly at the end of the day, but the question was if Krista could hold it up until then, already crumbling away like her nerves.

"No. We didn't see your car after you drove off yesterday." Nyx replies honestly, her words wavering as she looked at Krista, struggling to but the next words together, gnawing on her lip. As if having made a decision in her head then she turns to Aries and calmly asks. "Could you leave us alone for a bit?"

Aries gets irritated and scrunches her eyes, her head beginning to shake as she starts to repsond when Nyx cuts her off. "Please. Trust me. It's better that way."

Aries sighes and gritts her teeth. "Okay..." she mumbled, turning to wait outside with Cindy. Left all alone, Nyx tuns back to her with an empathetic look on her face, but clearly dreading what she had to ask next as it broke the promise she made up on that hill. "...I talked to Cayden, you know...He's going through like the five stages of grief right now...Did you tell him what you told me before he..."

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:54 pm
by exalted
Krista tried to control her breathing as Nyx ushered Aries out, grabbing a tissue from the counter to dab at the tear that threatened to break her composure.

"No.... I didn't tell him and I don't have to tell him or anyone about it, that's mine, I own it, live it and no one gets to tell me what to do with it..." she hissed lowly, white knuckle gripping the arms of the makeup chair before she forced herself to calm down "I told him no, not to do... that... before we started... I told him no days ago the first time he tried it... I told him and he didn't..."

Her face was red and the tears were flowing now, she wiped at them between sniffs, about to break down again like she had in the hotel.

"I am sick of men trying to tell me, or force me, or convince me of what they think I like, or what they think I want," She growled, "I don't care if he is upset... he knew.. he knew about Rhys, about what Rhys did... more than I told you, because he saw the end of it... Cayden knew how Rhys operated and... twisted... me... and then he did the same thing... so yeah, I really don't give a fuck about how he feels right now."

Grabbing another handful of tissues, she blew her nose and fixed her appearance, taking several deep breaths to let her colour return to normal.

'Cindy, I think the time is up" she called loudly.

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:12 pm
by Tes
Nyx obviously feels very sorry for her, knowing where this was rooted in. "...Krista...It's absolutely right that it's your decision what you tell him...but you can't expect him to take a line in the sand as serious as a wall...especially when you play around with things like that and don't react that way in the moment it's happening."

But of course Cindy and Aries came back in then and their, Nyx standing up straight and taking the questioning Aries, who was a bit pissed that she was excluded, to the dressing area. Cindy again takes the seat on her stool and now avoids eyecontact, seeing how riled up Krista was and not wanting to make it worse, inspecting the bundles of foil on the tips of her hair.

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:19 pm
by exalted
Krista glared daggers at Nyx after her comments, about to say something back when she noticed the others coming back, forced to merely huff and turn her shoulder and face away from Nyx.

She let the icy coldness settle in the room as she let Cindy finish up. She grinned wickedly as she saw the final result, the bright blue curled strands winding up close in colour to her costume, like a masked blue version of Bliss, she thought as Cindy quickly did her eye makeup as well.

"Great work as always Cindy, love ya" She kissed Cindy on the cheek as she got out of the seat, "Good luck tonight Aries."

She left her words at that as she strolled out of the makeup tent, pulling the hood of her vest up over her head to hide the work until it was show time. Keeping an eye out to avoid running into Rhys or Cayden, she tried sneaking up to control office to see if she could get a look at the final schedule for the night.

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 11:22 am
by Tes
This time Krista was not heard by her footsteps like the day before. Instead she heard the boss yelling like the choleric asshole he was at someone upstairs. "C'mon not you too now...Don't give me such bullshit...Not you...It's already part of the show now...and YOU were the one who called to tell me all about this great idea you guys had, remember?!...And now...NOW you want to tell me that it's not the right fucking time!?!?"

He became increasingly more agressive and it became more and more obvious that it was Cayden who he talked to, especially when Krista reached the top and could see the two through a slit in the doors leading to the large office. The boss circled around Cayden like a big white shark, stopping to press his finger into his chest aggressively. Cayden looked somewhat dejected but stood his ground, not moving a inch as the boss chewed him out and looking straight at him.

"I know that. I'm just saying that we should wait another show or so before Krista and I make our first appearance like that together. I can still come out and trash the ceremony, but the ending we planned would look too fake if we pulled it off right now." Cayden tries to explain apologetically without giving away what happened behind the scenes, not planning to blow the whole realationship between the Ravager and Zorro off, but trying to bargain for a day off so to speak.

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 2:49 pm
by exalted
"Oh, I don't know about that," Krista smiled, letting her presence be known as she opened the door, "I think they'll eat it up."

She had wanted to avoid Cayden, to avoid the awkwardness of their intimacy, but if he was now trying to fuck her over on a professional level as well, she wasn't going to let that stand.

"The big bad Ravager goes on his rampage until he sees me and then carries me off backstage, I could even slap him first if you think it'll sell better." She smiled at the boss as she gave her new hair a flick, barely glancing Cayden, "You could then kayfabe suspend him to explain why he isn't interfering in the match with Lexi... I mean the Ravager has been so overly protective the last two shows, it would be odd if weren't a reason to keep him being involved... we could even shoot a promo of something happening back stage if you like?"

Smiling sweetly at the boss, she waited for his reply, deliberately keeping her attention away from Cayden. Outside the mirrored glass of she could see some crew moving some large Egyptian style sarcophagi backstage. They were obviously fake, an out of season Halloween prop or something, but still looked big enough to fit someone inside. She guessed they would form part of the set for Rhys's crowning of the championship.

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 9:33 am
by Tes
Both their faces snap over to Krista when she barges in, Cayden stunned while the boss quickly begins to smile and opens his arms towards her. "Speak of the devil." he chuckles, looking back at Cayden admonishingly after she deflated his argument, though turning back to follow her fully lay out her plan.

His brow raises a couple of times but thinking it through he slightly smirked and nodded at both instances, her hair reveal taken in with a grin. At the end he whacks Caydens upper arm with the back of his hand before enthusiastically gesturing towards her. He had still not really gotten out of his stunned state up until then. "You see that? That's what I'm talking about. At least we have one team player here."

Cayden didn't reply, looking away in what could be interpreted many in ways. Shame, anger, frustration. But the way his eyes gravitated towards Krista revealed how he just wanted the boss to suddenly vanish, to leave them alone to talk about what really went through his head. The boss didn't though and instead begins to wander through the room, circling the pair and looking towards the floor as he ponders."Okay. So let me get this straight. One of you tells me that you're not ready for this and the other says to push it even faster...Mhhh..."

"Well...let's see it." he finally concludes, stopping were he stood "We have these booths. Why not use em, right?" he asks rhetorically, hinting at the idea he had before completly laying it out. "Cayden. You're gonna sit right here and get in your role." he orders him, not letting any room for doubt as he patts the backrest on one of the seats around a stripper pole.

Cayden finally saw where this was going and his eyes went a bit wide, looking at Krista and and then the boss, who waited impatiently, tapping his foot, before he gave up and followed the request.

"Mmpf...Okay" the boss huffs, dispelling the welled up frustration he felt towards Cayden right now, his champion not too long ago. Then he put on a smile and beckoned Krista over as well. "...And you...are going to turn him on. You say the chemistry is working, then prove it right here to me and him."

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:49 pm
by exalted
Krista beamed slightly as she received the Boss's praise and upstaged Cayden slightly, helping cement her role as a worker for the company. She even flashed Cayden a wink when the Boss wasn't watching to show that she too could play the game here. So chuffed with herself, she nearly missed the Boss's next instruction.

"Wait.. what... what?.... okay..." she stammered and muttered, trying to get the sudden turn of events right in her head.

Dressed in her sweats and sleeveless hoody, she knew she was not in her most alluring getup as she rounded the couches and gulped at the site of the stripper pole. Her mind blanked for a moment, mental faculties locked out between memories and ways this could all go so horribly wrong. Taking in a deep breath, she steeled her resolve and unzipped the front of her hoody a bit, letting the hint of sports bra show beneath. Cayden would be chump change to arouse, but Ravager was a whole other pickle.

"Well I guess that all really depends on why Ravager is so beguiled and enamored with Zorro?" She pondered aloud, putting one hand on the pole and her feet at the base she did a slightly angled spin around the pole slowly, "We haven't really decided, have we? I bet the fans are wondering themselves. What does he see in her?"

Not very experienced with the pole, but experienced in the ring with a body to match, she gripped the pole with both hands and lifted her weight free of the floor.

"Is it her grace and poise? Maybe her strength?" She grinned, trying to hide the exertion as she let go and came back to her feet, "Or maybe there is something else going on in that head of his?"

Striding from the pole she walked straight to the Boss, staring into his eyes as she sat on his knee.

"Maybe it is jealousy? The idea that she is with someone else and not him, drives the passion?" She kept her face aimed at the Boss while her eyes darted to the side to look at Cayden, "The fact that she is not his, not controlled or tamed? Or maybe it is something else?"

Slipping from the knee, she kneeled and floor and crawled slowly up to Cayden, sitting on her knees in front of him and looking up.

"Maybe it's about breaking something? About taking a goodness and devouring it until it is just like him?" She pondered, tiptoeing two fingers up his leg, "Or maybe it is a goodness he hopes will change him, make him better or forgive his unforgivable sins?"

She cocked her head to the side, looking up at him as she placed a hand of each of his knees and leaned in, giving him a view down the split of her hoody to her bust.

"What do you think, huh?" She asked, looking him in the eye, "Why is the ghost chasing the fox?"

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 9:51 am
by Tes
Cayden normally slipped in and out of his role quite easily after having done it for so long, but today he had quite the baggage that he couldn't quite shake as he transitioned. Her stupid little wink had really caught him off guard as he couldn't understand why she did it, why she couldn't just appreciate his effort to give the two of them time apart.

The problem was that there was no room at all for unsureness in the role of Ghost Ravager. So in the time from Krista watching him leaning off the pole and her returning to face him after her little spin their was none of that left in his eyes. Instead he looked rather pissed off, staring at her with unwavering intensity as she questioned what the correct angle would be.

Her little show off move, suspending her body in the air, did make his eyes wander all over it, but made no change to his demeanor, whereas slipping on the bosses lap, definitly did get someone turned on. Just not the right person. The boss was captivated by her inquisitive presentation and grinned widely as her weight came down on his thigh, but even before she looked back she heard the Ravager laughing at the notion that this could make him jealous.

When her eyes met his again, he smirked and cocked his head in a daring 'go for it' manner. Again there was no space for unsureness in this character and so he was more than convinced that the old bag couldn't nearly satisfy her as well as he did. That didn't mean that he didn't watch the the bosses hands though, paradoxically quite ready to beat him up for touching his girl as that was a whole other story.

His agitated stare returned rather quickly though when she began crawling towards his open legs, a bulge visable through his sweatpants but definitly not aroused, even as she sat there and teases his thighs, reminding him of the night she fulfilled her debts and sucked his cock from under the table.

"I think the fox just got a little to playful with the ghost and hasn't been ready for what happends when you shake that tree for too long." the Ravager finally speaks up, looking down at her with a grin glinting through his intense expression. "Now you tell me. Why does the fox still come out to play?"

Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:51 am
by exalted
Krista rolled her head forward and looked down as he spoke, letting her hair fall down in front of her.

"Because she is a fox," She whipped her head up quickly, letting her hair flick up and around in smooth arc until it landed on her shoulders and back again "And it is her nature to play."

Slowly and smoothly, she shifted her knees in front her and leaned back, arching her back slightly to push out her burst as she curved all the way back to look at the poll.

"A Fox is born to play and be free, it hates to be controlled and caged," she continued, ending the arch and contracting back to look at Cayden, taking in several deep breaths slowly to make her chest heave and undulate, "But the Fox needs to see where the cage is to know it is free, you need to know sorrow to properly understand joy."

Lunging forward, she slid on the knees across the floor suddenly to the base of the couch, right in tight between Cayden's legs.

"But the Ghost still has not answered what we liked about the Fox?" She cocked her head to the side, her covered breasts pressed against his thigh and quoted, "Abashed the devil stood, and saw how awful goodness was?"

Re: Re: X-Treme Championship Wrestling Pt2 [Tes]

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:37 am
by Tes
Cayden came forward from the cushion in his back for the first time then, his thighs squeezing her bust together like his hands had the day before as he leaning in over her open ear and whispers. "Well 'I am the spirit that negates. And rightly so, for all that comes to be deserves to perish wretchedly.' "

His presence loomed over Krista as she was quite litarally caged in by him. The boss wasn't as interested in this kind of chemistry though, preferring when she had teased him physically rather than mentally and ordered from behind her. "Ok. Enough of this nonsense. Are you trying to turn him on or is this a a poetry slam? He's evil and you're playful. He likes to break something beautiful and you need some of that submission in your life. Let's get on with it."

Cayden chuckles as the tool urged them on to play into their baser instincts instead, but agrees. "Yes little fox...Let's get on with it" he grins, daring her to make this more physical in front of their boss after taking the challenge to turn him on. And it seems Cayden took this as a challenge as well, not giving her this win easily and refraining from touching her since it was her job to get him going on her own.