Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:15 pm

(Lol, I don't really know either, so we'll go with whatever)

"Now now, your new position in life requires the higher libido... plus I get a bit of the sexual energy you and your fuck buddy give off, so I delight in seeing you learning more and more about sex", Magi giggled lightly,"... Still, some Lustar will be able to tell you're a girl Ran-chan, by scent, by instinct, or they might be sensor types, so don't think you're overly safe just because of how you dress and look"

As Ran offered up her ideas, Magi was silent... before giggling," My oh my, I found a good one", she noted in a praising tone that sent another shiver through Ran, Ran finding Magi's voice with emotion behind her words had strange effects on her, most likely because she was a succubus, but still," Most girls we contract don't think so far ahead... but I can do you one better", Magi offered, the brooch Ran held flashed before what seemed to be a badge holder appeared in hand... no actual badge on it, just a bunch of strange symbols," Just show this whenever you need to and whoever sees it will be spellbound by the seals on it to think they're seeing your badge, pass, Identification, or whatever you need it to be to get you bast anything", Magi explained,"... That's a personal item I made by the way, take good care of it", she noted firmly," and yes, if you can find out where the girls are being taken from mostly, we can work out where the Lustar doing the most damage is... though it won't be a level one any longer, so be ready for a harder fight if you do run into it"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:11 pm

(going to self GM a little. Sorry >_>)

"Why wont their be any more level one? From what you've said before, they might not be using the same hunting patterns, but they should still be around, right?" he asked while feeling proud of herself after Magi comment.

After that the two of them made their way to the store, where ran bought 5 maps of the local area. After this he headed to a office supply store where he bought 10 small cases of them tack all with different colors. What he planned to do was hang these maps up on his wall, and place tacks for different traits. Such as residence, work, or school.
"Hey tell me, do lusters discriminate. For instances is a luster normally going to go for the easy target, or will he stalk a girl he likes? Are they willing to wait days to get their pray? There might be a connection between the different girls, like hair color. Might just be easier if i can use myself as bait." he said and partly thinking out loud.
After the two were done with their shopping, ran realized that going into city hall with a plastic bag of their supplies might not go over well.
Looking around his eyes spotted a woman with a suit and brief case. he just picked out the first person business attire spotted. "Hey Magi can you scan that women's cloths along with her briefcase. I doubt city hall will let us get far dressed like this. Sorry for not thinking of this head of time." he said.

Assuming magi can scan the women's cloths , she's going to go into an alley and make the switch.
She'll then store her items in the case, and heads to city hall, asking if she could get a copy of all police reports about missing girls, and rapes with in a 3 month period.

(okay done Gming self. Just didn't want to have 3 post of little to nothing for such basic things as buying some items. oh and it's hard keeping these gender pronouns strait in my head. You'd think it's easy, since you use male when where male cloths, other wise you use female.)
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Tue Aug 26, 2014 5:24 am

(Meh, it's alright, pushing things along to a point works for me)

"It all depends, each Lustar is different but they ALL follow along with their kinks... though in most cases they'll focus on those they've thought of in their kinks, people they know in real life who they've harbored perverse thoughts of... it isn't uncommon for popular girls to end up being first targets, it's why most Succubi actually bonded with female idols first, given they're some of the most popular targets", Magi noted with an amused tone," Problem is, we learned not all females are compatible... it takes a special sort of girl to make a great Magical warrior", Magi noted softly,"... back on topic, some are willing to wait forever for the perfect moment... but if you can find a connection between the girls, I can fix your appearance to work with it and you can make yourself proper bait", Magi added.

When asked about canning the woman's clothing and briefcase, Magi giggled," Of course dearie, you're still new to this and asking questions is how we learn... ah, it's so good I don't have to hide who I am though, makes this much more fun", she noted, the brooch glowing for a moment... and soon enough Ran was in the matching suit with a copy of the same briefcase and contents within. It all works out smoothingly, as Ran ends up with the reports needed... though it's quick to realize that there would be more then one case here, more then one Lustar at work, though she'd need to go through each one and figure out which girls were hunted by the same Lustar.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:11 pm

(Ya i made sure i not to go overboard. The business suit lady might have been to much though. BTW, are the questions Ran is asking helping you to flesh out the world? I'm quite like talking to Magi. It's strangely enough has to be the best part of this RP. )

Ran laid her case flat on the counter and stacked the papers on top it. She said thank you to the clerk and then slid the case off the counter holding the papers in place with her chin. They're right now between the case and her chin while she holds the case with both hands. She starts to walk back to her house continuing the conversation.

"Okay that makes hunting the perverts easier, what about male targets? For instance Kuro was being converted but why did they decide on him? Was it because he wields political power and influence? well i assume he wields? I mean he does seam very important and that is a security company but then you had that....that... otaku? I doubt he's very important or helpful beyond being another able body. Is this related to kinks at all? and if so how so? Women i can understand but most males aren't into other male." she asked as plans start to form in her head. "3 more things. Why wont their be anymore level 1 lusters? What happens to corrupted people if i purify the luster that corrupted them, and how exactly do luster corrupt thing? Like is it a virus, touch, maybe just breathing in the same air? "

"Also i think i know another reason why you pick idols" ran said with a bit of a gloating tone. "While lacing the lusters food with poison is one reason and perfectly valid, it's also because they can cover more ground. In a sense, you pick them so you can keep luster number down all over the country not just in a local area like me. I am limited by transportation, and funds so i'm forced to stay here; but an idol can have a tour all over the country which will help other girls like me who can only cover the local area; while also cleaning up areas that doesn't have any converge. Am i right?" she says.
Hopefully nothing horribly bad happens to stop Ran's return trip! DUH DUN DUHH!!!!.... sorry just predicting RP tropes. This isn't a plea or anything >_>
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:29 pm

(Lol, it's fine... and yes, the questions help me think of stuff I might not normally have thought to throw in so keep it up, I'm still learning the GM thing so this should be good to help in that regard... and yes, Magi's fun to play, should be more fun when she eventually pops in for a physical visit though)

"He was most likely targeted by a smarter Lustar, either to get Kuro into trouble by him getting caught up eventually attacking someone or as you said for his influence and political power... they might even had wanted him to in turn corrupt someone higher up, working from the bottom up to take complete control of key figures in the company", Magi noted,"... the Otaku was most likely made into a hunter because of his perversion, such people are just easy soldiers to make after all and also make themselves noticeable targets for Magical warriors like you, keeping the focus off of the big players... which those few women who are perverse enough to end up Lustar's are usually some of the most dangerous opponent' you'll run into", Magi noted with a warning tone," There aren't as many as the males, because we Succubi seek those girls and women out first to become warriors", she added as well,"... there will be more level 1 lustars, never said there wouldn't be and purifying a Lustar has no effect on those they've corrupted actually, it's more like a disease... Lustar aren't vampires", Magi added as well,"... and yes, Vampires exist but you don't need to worry about that, moving onto your next quetion, Lustar can corrupt someone by disguising as humans and getting close enough to transfer a sliver of their own sexual energy into a person... through handshake, kiss, any sort of touch works"

"... And yes, Idols are also picked for those reasons, though it also helps quite a number of them have repressed sexual kinks that make them perfect for such a position... plus this way they can seem like pure, virgin idols that the fans love while in their alter ego forms they can be as naughty as they want", Magi noted, only to go silent,"... Not sure if this is the best time, but that warehouse across the street is covered with a special barrier to make normal people ignore it's existence, means at least a Level 2 Lustar is in there and most likely he or she has victims"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:39 pm

(Ran will be sure to be a good submissive kitsune girl for her mistress :P)
Ran looked into the building for a second taking in the sight. After that she quickly retreated into an alley putting down her stack of papers. "I guess now is best time to transform. "she said after checking if anyone was looking. After the transformation happens, she takes another pause gripping her wand as she stares their.
"Magi, i'm scared. I can do this, right?" she said as her realization of how unprepared she was for the possible threat. This was only her second foe after all and it was a level two. It was a demonic miracle that saved her last time after all.

if Magi reassures her; Ran will run towards the warehouse ignoring stares from civilians.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:37 pm

(Oooooo, that'll be something to look forward to, lol)

"... Just keep yourself focused and think only of defeating the Lustar... you have enough energy to take it out, you just need to be smart and focused... if not, one slip up could end up being it's victim... so take a calming breath, get your head on right... and you can do this", Magi said lightly, trying to calm Ran down,"... and if worse comes to worse, just get the hell out of there... it's not worth risking yourself to get the win, you'll do more good that way... now go", Magi finished with. Ran of course got some weird looks as she moved to the warehouse... ending up at the door before it. Now she merely had to figure out the best way to head in.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:52 pm

Ran looked all around, examining the area in a 360 area. She looked up for cameras trying to stay clear of detection but she'll likely miss them if they're hidden. Trying the best she can to avoid them, if any exist; she walks around the building looking for windows. She'll attempt to look into them without being spotted. She'll examine the room through the translucent object with hopes of seeing the luster, girl(s) and see if any obvious traps or detection devices are on door.
She'll also look for any other entry points like maybe a balcony with a door(duh, of course it would have a door).
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:26 am

There were no cameras it seemed, though if there were she didn't see them at all... looking through the few windows of the building shows a LOT of webbing from spiders... or the Lustar itself more likely, meaning her target was some spider like Lustar who most likely got off in completely ensnaring it's victims. She saw none of the girl/s inside however... most likely they were being kept on the top floor, basement, or just somewhere void of light. There was no balcony or anything on the roof sadly, so she either had to go through a window or the front door to get into the place.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:34 pm

Ran hurried back to the door. She placed her hand on the door knob giving a second to decide the best way to open it. She decided that it was unlikely for boobytrap tied to the door. If the creature was spider based then a thread might be on the door tied to some cans as a warning system. She carefully and slowly opened the door so there wasn't any sudden movements.

Assuming there is no trap she detect, she'd slowly creep into the build, slowly sneaking in through the rooms waiting for sounds of perversion where ever they might be. She tried to be careful, avoid clutter when possible so not to give away her presence to the enemy..
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Wed Aug 27, 2014 9:45 pm

Ran didn't know it... but the "trap" connected to the door was a warning system, one she wouldn't know hot to detect as a little bit of webbing was connected to the door, so that the moment it opened, it sent a ripple through the rest of the webbing it was connected to, traveling all the way to the very Lustar who made it, letting them know a fly had slid into their web. Ran was able to sneak through bit by bit... the sound of muffled moaning could be heard however, coming from stairs that seemed to lead to the basement area. Once she went on down, she found pitch darkness, leaving her unable to see a single thing.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:14 am

(Damn spiders, i just knew that was going to happen. However spiders are the perfect creatures to do this after all)
Once again fear grips Ran, but not in the same way. She is already here, it's a matter of survive now. Before it was also a matter of survival but her instincts were telling her to avoid this place and rightly so. Now her instincts were telling her to avoid complete darkness. Ran attempted to see into the darkness from the door way hoping to make out features of the room from where she stood. She thought she started to see somethings getting a outline but this was taking to long and worthless. She needed to be able to see, stealth be damned. Leaning in slightly, she took her right hand and waved it against the right side of the door. This is normally where the light switch is because it's more natural for a right handed person (90%) to find when walking into a room.

If (no light switches exist/found) she'll stare into the void for a second longer. She makes a small sound as she's about to ask Magi if she can create a light source but stops short. While a personal light source would allow her to enter the room and see around, the luster could easily spot her and their was no tell if she could spot him. No a light source was likely going to be a crutch, not an asset here. She waited a second trying to figure out what to do.
"Owi! You want me, come and get me!" she yelled into the room as she ran up the stairs not caring if she made noise now. She needed light to fight. She stood in the middle of the warehouse looking towards the door, waiting for her prey. The thought of a second door in the basement never creeped into her mind; that might be a tactical error on her part.

If (lights switches exist, and are on)

if(There is cover she can quickly hide behind, and she doesn't know if she was spotted) she'll rush for the cover as a first step, then take a look at her surroundings as much as she can. She'll make sure to check the ceiling since that's where in TV shows these things hide. Next she'll wait for the sounds of movement. If the creatures gets close to her hiding place, she'll jump out and try to surprise attack it. She surmises that the luster knows she's here.

if(no cover exist, or the luster spotted her) she'll go in for a full frontal assault. She'll rush him raising her left arm up to punch him squarely on the face. This is of course if it's even possible to punch him on the face or anywhere else. other wise she'll avoid getting into his reach best she can.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:54 pm

(Lol, mhmm)

Ran found a light switch... but clicking it up and down had no effect, the power either cut off from the room/building or the light-bulbs had been removed to keep the room always dark. Ran's staring into the dark void just makes her more fearful, the idea of some spider monster in there, hiding and waiting to get her... to bind her in webbing and do perverted things to her, it was both frightening and a part of her found turned out, wondering how it'd feel. Her yell is met with silence... before she heard a thwack, Ran feeling something hit her left ankle... looking down she'd found a thick bit of webbing now had her... and with a hard tug she was yanked off her feet and onto her back, being pulled into the dark abyss, giving her seconds to react.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:42 pm

(Well that escalated)
Ran tried to keep her cool. Being dragged into the dark would be a death sentence for sure. Even still she did her best to land flat on her back to minimize damage. Her left and dominate hand attempted to grasp wildly for anything like a railing. Both feet attempted to find some edge or something to grip onto and prevent the soon be dragging; but such a convinces is unlikely in this location. Also her left foot likely wont be that much help anyways even if she found a ledge of some type because the web. By instinct she took her right hand containing her wand, and chopped it downwards onto the webbing like a axe; but then again maybe chopping a web with a blunt magical object isn't the most effective strategy. Her breaths became short and quick as she knew what was likely to happen if she didn't separate this appendage.
"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUCK!!!!" was all she'd mutter as the situation got worse and worse.

If her magical wand of axing, chops the evil cursed web of restraint, then ran will quickly head up the stairs running for her life basically... Once up their she'll wait for her attacker to follow as she gets her breath back.
If the webbing doesn't get chopped, and her right foot doesn't find a ledge to grip, she'll attempt to kick the webbing off her feet. I don't expect this to be very helpful or effective though :?
If the webbing doesn't get cropped and the wand is still usable, then she'll also wave her wand in front of her while imagining the light of a camp fire. IDK know what ran is trying to do :P Not bullshit magic!

(Just a players note. I expect that the best gripping the railing, and using the ledge will only prevent the dragging for a few seconds. That is if there is anything to grip on to in the first place. Also when i'm saying ledge, i'm thinking the floor of the places is made of brick, and so her foot is in the grove or maybe a pipe sticking out of the ground. Not really going to prevent anything really. That being said i'd expect the warehouse to have flat cement flooring.)
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:49 pm

The webbing doesn't get chopped... and her right foot doesn't find a ledge to grip onto, leaving her continuing into the dark as Ran kicked at the web... only to end up with her other foot now stuck to it as he lost sight of everything. Laughter was heard... before she felt her hands pinned down above her head, her wand knocked from her hand as she was webbed down... a group of red eyes peering from the dark suddenly as she felt some sort of liquid drip down onto her face... it seeming like saliva and yet the smell was making Ran dizzy and unfocused,"Mmmm, delicious magical morsel... to think such a juicy little bug would end up in my web... a stupid bug too, calling out to me like that", it laughed... the feel of some hairy appendage caressing Ran's upper thigh, moving up to caress her pussy through her attire,"Mmmm, you'll give me a fine batch of children... all bound in my webbing, at my mercy as I fuck you and fill you with my eggs"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:27 pm

(YAY!!! Egging.... i mean BOOO she was captured!.... yay...)
Ran faces instantly started to change shades of red at his last words involving eggs placed into her.
She tried to struggle throwing her weight side to side, hoping to the break free of this imprisoning webs.
"Get the fuck away from me. You touch me and i'll squash your arachnid ass your gross fuck!" She said still struggling best she can.
She could believe she was in such a compromising position with her right knee bent because of the kicking and her pussy basically open to use besides clothing in the way.
"NOWWW!!!!!" She yelled as she pulled her legs in a ball like position best she can and kicks them forward into the air hoping to strike her target!
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:27 am


The Spider Lustar... jumped, avoiding the kick, before one of it's own legs grabbed it, pinning it down and open on the ground, before spitting forth more webbing to hold it in place,"... Stupid girl, never call out your attack before you do so, it lets me know your going to try something", it mocked her, spitting more webbing to make sure she was fully pinned... and unable to move, Ran now at the spider's mercy a it leaned in... chewing off the bit of clothing hiding Ran's cunt before swallowing the bit of clothing down,"Mmmm, your clothing is filled with lust energy... I might strip you clean as a dessert", it cackled before mounting her body, it's large form shadowing her own... right before Ran felt something long and hard shove into her cunt, filling her much more then Kuro had, though the tip was thin and pierced into her womb,"Mmmmm... Let's make you cum and get you fertilized first... then comes the eggs", it spoke... the cock-stinger it had starting to fuck Ran, forcing her to feel pleasure she didn't want... or did she?
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:52 am

The member felt strange. She it was uncomfortable with it size even being a magical girl. The tip of it was the strangest as it enter areas in her which felt like they should be void of this kinda contact; like liquid was the only thing that should be allowed there. Her head and even body moved side to side as this appendage was shoved into her squirming like a bug in a web. Her face burn red partly of anger partly because it felt good while also feeling unnatural and uncomfortable. "GET IT OUT GET IT OUT" was all she screen at this new sensation.

After a few seconds she suddenly tried to bite her attacker if at all possible.
"Fuck, this doesn't look good! Not only am i going to get raped for all eternity but i'm letting Magi down. How can i think about that at a time like this! Okay Yamata san(Her last name), where are you, where are you going, and how do you get there? I am trapped with my arms, and legs tied down. I need to get free and possibly get some light on the situation. soo.... i need to get him off and away from me so i can get these bonds off." she thought to herself.
(Wasn't sure what else was possible)
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:06 am

The Spider avoided her bite, given Ran wasn't in close enough range to pull it off... right before more saliva was spat onto her face, Ran forced to breath in the scent it gave off, making her more dizzy as the spider continued to fuck her," Lay there and be obedient my little breeder... a magical whore like you... is the perfect nest for my eggs... our children will be much much stronger in your womb you see... your powers will enhance them... and when you're completely out of sexual energy... I shall strip you of your brooch and keep you as just a simple enslaved little egg incubator!", it promised her with a mocking tone... Ran realizing unless she found a way out of this, not only was her life as a heroine over, but her life as a human was over, forced to spend the rest of her existence just breeding spider monsters!
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:12 am

(Man.... here i was thinking i was doing alright then this happened. First lesson, don't make any sound until your in the safety zone..... Other than that i think she's boned! Poor ran, she's going to be humiliated now)

"Magi! Help" Ran screamed as she cummed on the alien device now in her. She didn't know what she could do. Everything had gone wrong even before she knew it. What she did know going wrong was the lights, the sudden grabbing of her, getting her feet and arms bound, completely missing with attacks, which all follows by having monster dick insider then having to beg magi for help. That had to be the worst. It was the lowest she could get. Magi couldn't do anything, magi was weak against these creatures and Ran was her weapon and shield.

In Ran's dizzy state she started to turn her head side to side looking for anything.
If her dropped wand was right next to her face; she'll try to grab it and wave it about with likely little to no success.
If not, she'll start mumbling a random question. "Why do you have to restrain me" she'll ask. Granted it's not a very intelligent question but dizzy and crap.
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