Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 01, 2014 5:14 am

Soru Wrote:While she is glad to see that he personal retinue were doing well, the levies might need practice. If they did have an enemy, they'll need a stronger military. She walks up to Marshall Sarah when she wasn't busy. "Excuse, Marshall Sarah. I would like to see the peasant levies and talk about possibly strengthening our armed forces incase something happens."

Sarah glances over at you, and then points towards the city, where you can see a line of people slowly making their way towards the marching grounds. "I couldn't call the levies of the entire Kingdom out here obviously, but my last tour of the Kingdom gave me a lasting impression of our current military abilities. You'll see for yourself soon enough."

It takes the better part of an hour for the whole of the levy to arrive, and you can immediately tell that using them in battle would be...difficult. Rather than forming any sort of ranks or anything, they more gathered in rectangular mobs of sorts, and it seems most of Marshall Sarah's commanders are having trouble getting them to stop chatting amongst themselves and focus.

Then the drills start, and you watch in dismay as often enough, they fail to properly execute any of them. This is followed up by a mock battle, which while it does seem the peasants understand the rules of the war-game, they do pitifully against your personal retinue, even though the levy is larger.

"Yours and the personal retinues of your vassal lords are enough to keep internal stability and to help patrol our borders for the most part, but that's about it."

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Do you recall if I ever said how big your retinue is?
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Thu May 01, 2014 5:23 am

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Sorry, I don't really recall if you did or not.

Belle nods but she worries about an attack by a rival kingdom or a possible third party. While she'll be able to keep the peace inside the lands and among the borders, an invasion my be harder to stop. "Is there a way to make our soldiers stronger or perhaps recruit better soldiers?"
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 01, 2014 6:03 am

Marshall Sarah shrugs. "I can send out a call for all the lord to begin training the levies in the ways of war, but that might interfere with some of the peasants work. I don't believe it will cause too much trouble for the cities, but most of the temples and baronies have most of their peasants either farming or gathering timber or mining. It might take a month or two for any improvement to begin showing up. We can also put up posters asking for those who may wish to become part time soldiers...a reserve of sorts you could say."
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Thu May 01, 2014 6:11 am

Belle thought for a moment. She didn't want training to interfere with work from the peasants, but needed to be prepared. "Well having people join to be either full or part time could help, but maybe training will be better." Belle wasn't sure what was more important, having the peasants continuing to gather supplies for the kingdom or being trained to better defend. "What would you recommend?"
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 01, 2014 10:56 am

Marshall Sarah shrugged again. "Well, I could certainly start overseeing the training of the peasants of this county, and then tour about the kingdom doing the same one at a time while the local commanders continue the work here. It would stagger the training out, and could perhaps give time to butter up some of the lords and priests to convince them to do it themselves and save me the trouble and benefit the army. Recruitment is a good idea either way milady. However, if your Highness was to follow my suggestion, I would be away from the Palace for some time, days, possibly even weeks."
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Thu May 01, 2014 11:31 am

"I like that idea. I think that'll be our best course of action. If I may, I would like to sometimes accompany you to overseer some of the training. I can meet the lords of the land by doing so which could work in our favor. I can see how you gained your place in my father's kingdom; you have great military knowledge and thinking." Belle gave a quick, polite bow and smiles at her. "I should be going now. I think you for your time."
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Fri May 02, 2014 5:49 am

"I shall make the preparations at once your Majesty. We can discuss when to set out tomorrow morning." She bows to you, then moves off to continue training the peasants as you head back to the castle, the sun slowly beginning to set in the west. When you reach the palace, you are informed that supper is ready, and one of the maids asks if you would like to eat in dining hall with your court, or if you would prefer to eat in your study.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Fri May 02, 2014 6:22 am

Belle decided to have supper with her court. She might be able to get advice about being the new Queen or hear if anything new was happening around her kingdom. There could be some rumors going around too.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Fri May 02, 2014 6:40 am

(GM Roll-3)

Dinner with the court isn't as exciting as you would have liked, in part because it seems most of the court is not present. One of the servers says that some have retired for the night, while others appear to not be in the palace. You do manage to have a lovely chat with High Priest Theyin about the goddess of harvest and plenty, who as it turns out is also a ferility god, but otherwide you hear nothing of much note.

Once you have had your fill, you retire to your study, or rather what was once your fathers study. He has plenty of books, and you are sure you can find a book on architecture.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Fri May 02, 2014 6:55 am

Belle sighs as supper and the night dragged on. When she was in what was once her father's study, she sits down and picks up a book and begins to read it. She'll need to learn a lot more now that she's running the kingdom. If nothing interesting happens during her reading she'll head to her room to gets some sleep.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 08, 2014 5:02 am

You study several of your fathers books, but don't manage to learn much as you feel yourself becoming tired from the long day you've had. Eventually you retire to your own quarters, where you find a rather surprising sight- a small wrapped box sitting next to your pillow. A quick examination shows that it is from your former guardian and mentor.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Thu May 08, 2014 6:56 am

Belle did not expect to see a present for her in her room. She looked around before heading over to her bed. She picked up the small box and sat down on her bed. She gently placed the box on her lap and the began to gently unwrap it.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Sat May 10, 2014 11:14 pm

Soru Wrote:Belle did not expect to see a present for her in her room. She looked around before heading over to her bed. She picked up the small box and sat down on her bed. She gently placed the box on her lap and the began to gently unwrap it.

Inside the box is...something you were again not expecting. A note...and a dildo. You briefly ignore the dildo, electing to instead pick up and read the note.

Here, I bought this for you. I think you might find it rather useful during your reign. Such activities can be a great stress reliever.

Your friend,
Countess Madiline.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Sat May 10, 2014 11:51 pm

Belle blushed from both the dildo and the note. She was not expecting this, especially from Countess Madiline. She put the dildo and the note back into the box and hide it in her dresser. She changed into her night gown and crawled into bed. She tried to not think about what she just received, but she wondered if she'll ever have to use it. Running the kingdom will be stress full and using her new gift could be...very stress relieving. She shook her head and tried to sleep. She'll need to prepare for whatever the next day had in store for her.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 15, 2014 3:58 am

(July 2nd)
Your night is uneventful, and once again you are awoken by the call of the rooster. As you are heading for your morning bath, you hear a knock on the door. "Your Majesty? Do you need any help with anything?"

Its Eaigan, the servant boy who you had fun with the other day. Do you want him to come in, especially after what you overheard in the garden?
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Thu May 15, 2014 7:10 am

Uh oh, this wasn't good. She thought that the boy was sweet, but she didn't hold any really strong feelings for him. She'll need to play this carefully. "No, but thank you anyways." Say said loud enough for him to hear through the door. "Though if you see Countess Madiline, please tell her I said..."Thank you for the gift." Once he leaves she'll go take a quick bath and get changed for today's schedule.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Fri May 16, 2014 9:42 am

Soru Wrote:Uh oh, this wasn't good. She thought that the boy was sweet, but she didn't hold any really strong feelings for him. She'll need to play this carefully. "No, but thank you anyways." Say said loud enough for him to hear through the door. "Though if you see Countess Madiline, please tell her I said..."Thank you for the gift." Once he leaves she'll go take a quick bath and get changed for today's schedule.

"Alright your majesty. If you need anything, I'll be around." Eaigan doesn't sound upset, so at least at the moment it seems like you haven't hurt his feelings. Your bath is relaxing, and after a breath stop in the dining hall to get some breakfast, you are once again in your throne room. All of your council is here save Marshall Sarah, who your Chancellor says is busy preparing for the tour of the kingdom you two had spoken of.

"Your Majesty," Chancellor Beygerald says, "I believe that today we should actually fill out a schedule for the next two weeks, especially considering that you intend to spend some time going about the kingdom with Marshall Sarah. We will need to set aside days for that."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

July 2nd-July 14th-Nothing currently planned

Marshall Sarah intends to be in the Duchy of Poit by the 3rd of July till the 6th, and then back to the capital until the 10th. The 11th thru the 14th she shall go to Duchy of Maneit
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Soru » Sat May 17, 2014 2:07 am

This was going to be hard for Belle, having to plan out two weeks in advance. She decided she'll accompany Marshall Sarah on the 11th through 14th to the Duchy of Maneit. "Is there anything of note that's been happening or anything that needs my attention?" She asks them.
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Re: Weight of a Crown-SoruxKuragari

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 29, 2014 1:29 pm

GM NOTE-Locking this thread due to inability on the GM's part to give full attention to this RP, and to run it in an efficient and enjoyable way. Thread may be re-opened in the future.
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