A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Aug 08, 2024 8:20 am

While you wonder about whether or not Stripey is in control, you don't notice anyone really paying you much mind. Some do glance to Stripey herself, but you notice those tend to be trainers who only have the more normal Pokemon. One or two of those looking actually look somewhat... envious. And well... as much as you are loathe to admit it... Stripey's lap is comfy. Her breasts, resting against the back of your head, feel mighty soft... you could probably use them as pillows...

Still, she seemed to be behaving herself. She wasn't doing anything else untoward to you like Lockjaw would. And while you could feel her rod twitch a bit beneath your rear, it wasn't getting super hard nor was she trying to slip it into you.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Aug 11, 2024 3:46 am

Seeing that no one seemed to be thinking much of me being in her lap, and with her seeming to remain restrained, I relaxed and got about to eating my food. It seemed people had taken notice that I had Pokemorphs. Not only had the Professor provided one as a started, I'd found one in the while as my first catch. It really did seem to be a stroke of luck that my team was shaping up the way it was.

I went about eating my food which wasn't anything too exciting. I wondered if I could best some other fledgling trainers and start getting some prize money, so I wouldn't be reliant on free food like this.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:35 am

There were a few trainers around and about that you could perhaps try challenging. Or you could look about town. No one you saw seemed to have more than two or three pokemon. If they did, they weren't out and about while they ate. Of course, you soon had something else to potentially deal with. Lockjaw had finished his food, and was now looking towards you with clear desire in his eyes... though he shot Stripey glances every so often.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Aug 18, 2024 2:33 am

Looking around at other trainers, I wasn't sure about challenging them right now. I still hadn't really had the chance to order my pokemon around yet. Stripey seemed to have some semblance of understanding of boundaries as shaky as it might be, but I wasn't sure how that would translate to taking orders in battle. Even worse, Lockjaw was looking excited and was even eying up stripey now, but that did give me an idea. If I gave them another outlet for their desires, they wouldn't be so focused on me, right? "Alright you two, let's go." Getting up and heading off like a girl on a mission, I headed for the exit out of town and tried to find somewhere secluded off the path where it looked like we were likely to get interrupted now that I had a semblance of a plan.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Aug 18, 2024 7:18 am

Lockjaw seemed more focused on you as it turned out, as almost as soon as you were in the hallway and heading off towards the front door, he leapt at your backside and latched onto you, grinding his dick against your rear. Stripey however sighed and poked him, but that didn't seem to do anything this time. It seemed you'd need to try and do something to get Lockjaw to stop trying to hump your rear.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:11 am

I was surprised gasping as Lockjaw jumped me from behind before I'd even made it half-way down the hall. He wasn't really going to fuck me right here where anyone could see, would he? Feeling him poke and prod, and the way he ignored Stripey, I realized I would have to get him in line myself before someone saw us like this. "Lockjaw, what are you doing? Stop this now."[73]
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 23, 2024 9:17 am

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Pass... barely

Lockjaw's response at first as you worried that he might just start having his way with you, and that either Stripey would join in or be the one you have to rely on to help save you. Certainly, he starts tugging your pants down a bit as you feel his cock starting to grind into your backside. But after a moment... he stops. But it is very reluctantly, and it is quite clear that he is doing so perhaps only because he mayhaps worries others would get involved as he glances about, eyes flicking to Stripey for a moment. The fact that even as he hops off, he gives your ass a firm slap and is clearly still giving you a predatory look suggests it'll be a problem.

But... well, he did at least stop?
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sat Aug 24, 2024 5:31 am

I shiver as he hesitates a moment unsure if he was just going to take me right then and there in a currently empty but completely public place. Thankfully, he relented though the slap to my ass meant I needed to find some way of getting him an outlet that wasn't me before it became too late to redirect him anymore.

My original idea was to pit them against each other hoping that the victor would be satisfied and the other would be too worn to worry about hassling me, but their focus being so much on me, they didn't even seem to consider each other. I guess I could still try my plan, but I'd keep an eye out in case there was another Mon that might be able to pique their interest.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Aug 24, 2024 6:19 am

Heading outside and looking about, you wind up deciding to go off towards the Park again for a little practice match between the two to try and get yourself more attuned to doing battle with both. But then you are taken by a bit of surprise when you spot something from amidst the bushes. A head, a humanoid head of a pokemon. It's a Sprigatito! And she's looking at you with some interest... but is also glancing at Lockjaw with just as much interest. Lockjaw hasn't spotted her yet, his eyes still seemingly on you, but Stripey does. She glances between the two, giggles, then whispers to you with a conspiratorial tone.

You don't know what Stripey actually said. But you get the feeling she figures the Sprigatito likes what she sees from Lockjaw. You don't see any trainers about though, so could it be a wild one? Wait, that'd mean you could catch it!

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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sat Aug 31, 2024 4:12 am

I was surprised to see another morph hanging out in the park. She must be pretty good at hiding out and know when people aren't usually out here, or someone would have snatched her up pretty quick. A grass type would be a good way to round out my current team, and with another female around I might be able to keep my team's attention elsewhere. Even better, Lockjaw seemed to have her interest as well. Though I wasn't sure how he felt about seeing her, I had to try and give him a little push.

Putting my hand on his shoulder, I gave him a bit of a push. "Go get her boy." He'd probably have some trouble in a straight fight with a grass type, but the way she was looking at him, maybe it wouldn't really be a real fight anyway.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Aug 31, 2024 12:40 pm

Lockjaw leaps towards her, only to be tackled in turn by the Sprigatito. Who locks her muzzle with his and rubs herself upon his groin, which quickly brings out his own cock which throbs in delight. You could try to capture her now, and then perhaps let them have some fun later. Or... perhaps you could just sit back, watch, and enjoy the fun that was about to commence between the two pokemon. You could always capture her afterwards~
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Sep 01, 2024 1:55 am

I got ready to command Lockjaw as he stepped forward to challenge his opponent only for him to get tackled to the ground before either of us could react. She was certainly quick to act, and the way she locked lips made it clear she went for what she wanted though seeing Lockjaw's cock start to protrude out made it clear he wasn't against a girl going for him. Perhaps she really could give him another outlet aside from me. It did leave me in an awkward position. It'd probably be best to let Lockjaw wear out his new friend before capturing her, but if I left, I might risk her recovering and slipping off before I made it back. At the very least, I needed to stay close enough, so I could hear the finale, but would I watch what should be a private moment? Did either of them even consider it private? [77]Walking around a tree, I took a seat able to hear them but not see them as things started to heat up.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Sep 01, 2024 7:30 am

The Sprigatito seemed very eager to have fun with your Lockjaw, and as you positioned yourself so as to not be able to watch but to hear, you heard her lustful mewls and moans soon enough. Lockjaw's own grunts and growls soon joined in, the sounds of which were... despite yourself, sending little shivers of arousal through you. You could even picture what they were doing without any trouble in your mind, despite your attempts to do so...

N-No, you need to try and keep your head clear. If you got too lost in these thoughts... y~you might want to join them! T~Though that could be fun...

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45 or under to resist going over and joining them.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:47 am

I shook my head as the sounds made me imagine things, and I wasn't even sure if it was better seeing what was really going on or if letting my imagination wander like this might actually be worse. [60]I tried to ignore them, but my head was wandering on its own just from the sound. I barely kept myself from going over there, but biting my lip I slipped my hand down under my skirt running a finger against my slit which trembled from the merest touch of my fingers even through my panties.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 02, 2024 5:20 am

Your own folds trembled as your finger came down to them. The Sprigatito sounded like she was really, really enjoying Lockjaw's cock. Your mind recalled how it had felt, and a small part of you feels envious. You could have been riding or taking that dick instead and making such perverse sounds... you try to shake that thought out of your head, but it lingers. You try to think of something else, but all you manage to do is instead imagine you and the Sprigatito facing each other's folds and lapping at them. Only the stray thought of wondering if she'd taste like wet grass or something like mint or some other herb manages to distract you as you hear her cries growing louder and more pleasured.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Fri Sep 06, 2024 4:28 am

I kept shaking my head trying to will the thoughts away, but they continued unabated as I continued to finger fuck myself beside the tree only a few feet where one of my pokemon was fucking a wild pokemon we'd found. I had no idea where the idea of a female grass type having such a taste had even come from as my thoughts only became more confused and chaotic as my lust rose. I just needed to get through this, and I was sure my head would clear once my desire had been sated and I was allowed to relax in the afterglow. Just had to reach that finish line, and everything would become more clear. I bit my lip as I used my thumb to brush against my clit at the same moment my index and middle fingers rubbed at my g-spot trying to rush to my oncoming climax and bring my lust under control.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:33 am

You manage to cum, just as their own lewd cries echo forth. Though you cum a fair bit harder then you expect. And as you're sitting there, enjoying the afterglow, you soon sense a presence. No, two presences. You open your eyes and see both the Sprigatito and Lockjaw standing next to you. Lockjaw looks pleased with himself, though his cock is still hard and he's looking you over. But so is the grass type feline... Who soon presses into your side and brings her lips to your own as her hands start wandering over you.

Well, she certainly seems to like you! Maybe that'd make capturing her easier!
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:55 am

I jumped when I realized the two pokemon were standing there looking down upon me with my hand down the front of my open shorts. I couldn't imagine just how pleased with himself Lockjaw must feel finding his that his trainer had got herself off while listening to him with the smug look he was giving me and his cock still swaying there towering over my seated form. I was so embarrassed, I didn't even notice the Sprigatito move until she was right up against me.

Between the daze of afterglow and the embarrassment of being caught, I froze up a moment unable to move before the my lips started to melt into the pleasant kiss of the kitten.
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:42 am

As soon as you started accepting and melting into the kiss, Sprigatito pushed into it, pressing her body more to your own. She was in fact soon straddling you, and for the moment your view was of her entire cute and sexy form. Which made it rather easy for Lockjaw to move to pull your shorts down, and to start lapping at your folds, which also soon had her petals rubbing against your own as her hands wandered.

In this instance, try as you might, you're finding it hard to be upset. She smells a bit like mint and tastes like it too just from her kiss, and the way she's running her hands over your farm feels very relaxing...

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25 or under to resist just caving in to desire and enjoying yourself to the fullest here with this cute wild grass kitten and your totodile
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Re: A Lewd Hoenn Journey [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:59 am

For a moment, I realized what was going on and tried to resist, but I couldn't fight back as she pressed me down against the ground. With her weight against me, I lost track of Lockjaw caught off guard when my shorts are pulled the rest of the way down, and my petals assaulted by his thick, flexible tongue. [45]I moan out in pleasure as the pair assault my nearly helpless body. In spite of my recent orgasm, or perhaps because I was feeling a little weak still basking in the afterglow, I just couldn't put up any kind of resistance to the twin assault.

My pussy drooled and quivered at Lockjaws continued assault, and my tongue soon began lapping at Sprigatito's own tongue before beginning to explore her mouth as I slowly lost myself.
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