As much as you don't want to, you had to make sure that there was no more geckos in this cave, as well as take care of any eggs to make sure the problem didn't just recur later. Gathering your gear and your wits you head into the cave and deeper into earth...
It's not a long walk thankfully, but soon you come into a modest sized chamber that appears to be exactly what your looking for. In the glowing light of cave you see three large nests made of tall grass and leaves, each with four or five large eggs in them. There is also a couple piles of junk here as well, as well as another little survivor station that must've been made by the last human inhabitant of the cave. Hopefully you could get some good loot here!
You look around as you enter, but don't see any geckos, so head into the room with a little more confidence. You must've gotten them all! Unfortunately for you though thats not quite the case. Nearly impossible to see when coming in, a small alcove near the entrance of chamber is large enough and dark enough to hide one last remaining gecko. The only split second warning you get is a loud screech before it rams into your back, knocking you on your stomach before you feel claws grip your ass. Thinking quick you attempt to roll over and kick the gecko away, but it stays fast over you, claws trying to find purchase on your well worn pants, and sadly eventually it does. It's pointy if not terribly sharp claws grip at your waist, then hook into your pants. Your freeze for a moment, but then yelp the next moment and as it yanks in two different directions. With dismay you watch your loyal pants get torn in half, revealing your entire lower body and your lack of panties as well. With that though you manage to kick the bastard lizard away and recover your 10mm pistol, trying to ignore the cool cave air over your pussy. Pain in the ass as it was, you could deal your problems after killing this last simple gecko.