PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:49 pm

She didn't comment on the bit about making sure she'd never forget it, but her cries and grunts of pleasure ensured your focus was on pushing her very much over the edge. Though as you brought her ever closer, her ass started clinging to you more and more. Wringing and rippling around you in obvious appreciation, while her cock bounced and throbbed as the knot began to swell... a small part of your mind noting how big it was and wondering what it'd feel like if it was inside you... or how it'd make Zarna or Valla squeal and scream.

Irregardless, when she came and her ass sealed around you, you weren't in much of a state to be able to hold back your own release. You tried to make sure your knot was inside her, and managed it only just, seconds before it swelled to full size and left you buried inside her as you painted her walls white with cream and she let out a howl of delight.
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Fri Sep 01, 2023 2:12 am

I gasp and huff as I continue to piston into her drawing more of the squeals from her that sound more and more feminine by the second. This was exactly what I was seeking out. Even though she had a dick, and even though it might be bigger than mine, I could still satisfy her the way only a man could to a woman. As she tightened around my, I bit my lip hoping to hold back a little, but she was just too tight as it took everything I had to get my knot in before I unleashed my load all over her inner walls making sure my cockhead was pressed into her prostate so each burst of warm spunk spit right against it.

I was a bit disappointed that I couldn't last long enough to even make her cum a second time, but I assuaged my ego by telling myself she was just that tight. If it had been a less athletic girl, or even just Klora's pussy instead of her ass, I probably wouldn't have shot off so quickly. Still, it was good to hear her howl out. "Easy girl, Any louder, and they might hear you in the mess hall though I wouldn't mind that."
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Sep 01, 2023 3:29 am

Her hole clings tightly to your knot and pillar, squeezing you tightly and doing its utmost to drain as much out of you as it can. Your balls are of courses coated in her juices thanks to the gushing of her pussy, but even as she unwinds from it, her pillar remains hard. In fact, it remains harder than your own feels and its knot remains swollen a bit longer before that begins to shrink as she shivers but chuckles.

"Mhm, with how few males their are, they'll probably assume I just pumped someone full of seed again. Though I'd certainly be up for doing that, if ya find yourself up for a round o'such." She says, even as she presses back against you. "Mhm, course, could always just ride ya til your empty, that could work too."

She seems to still be in the mood, but the question was, what were you in the mood for? And could you go a second round with your own rod?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Attack check, 64 or under and you can go again with your pillar. In either case, Manliness check as well, at 64 as well, though if you fail the attack check, you get a +10 to the manliness roll. If ya fail the manliness check, you find yourself open to being taken by her (more so if you fail the attack roll as well
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:59 pm

As she drained me with her tight ass, I let myself lean into her back relaxing a bit as I let the afterglow wash over me. My hands continued to massage her tits and knot as I imagined each burst of my seed forcing her own out. I was surprised at how firm it remained even as my own started to soften once my own load was delivered. How the fuck could I be losing to a woman in this regard? Sure having a woman's pussy still ready for action when I was at my limit was one thing, but this was another dick.

Even worse, she was up for either letting me have another go at her or turning the tables on me. (Attack: 75)Feeling my cock splatter out the last shot of my load, I felt myself go completely limp in her ass as my breath came in heavy gasps. Not only had I not managed to keep fucking her through her first orgasm, I felt completely spent while she was ready for more? I felt her knot throb in my hand once more as if reminding me there was another way to continue this encounter. (Manliness: 35+10=45)I felt shame at my lack of virility, but I wasn't ready to bend myself over for her just yet.

In a bit of a rush, I pulled out of her. "You know, sorry, but I'll have to take a raincheck. Got things to do today and all that. See you later." I barely managed to get my pants back on as I rushed out of the closet. Since I had done decent sparring, I did want to look into missions I could perform for the guild. Perhaps beating up some rapists would help me feel better.
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Sep 02, 2023 7:17 am

She shrugs, not seeming bothered by your rush. She does give your ass a grope before you can leave, smirking as she says, "Well if ya ever change your mind, ya know where to find me~" With that, you went off to find the Guildmaster, and eventually found her still in her office. Though she didn't seem to be doing much except relaxing and reading something off a parchment or paper. Jemima smiles when she sees you and asks what's up, and when you share it she hums a bit.

"Aye, we do have something that could be looked into. There's a gang of sorts occupying a small little village a bit to the northwest. It's one the most recent places folks have had to abandon. The gang in question has parked themselves there and been snatching and chasing off anyone who braves the path that way, which continues on to another settlement further on that we try to trade with."

"We don't know the exact numbers, but we'd like someone to go check out the place. This is more of a scouting mission than anything, so we figured one, two people at most. Interested?"

A small part of you finds yourself wanting to go it alone, as a way of proving yourself. Another small part can't help but note that if you go alone... there wouldn't be anyone around to know if things went south and you got rutted. But backup could be nice... but might also mean someone to rescue if they got into trouble.
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Sep 03, 2023 3:15 am

I didn't mind that my rush didn't bother her, but the mention of changing my mind and the touch to my ass made it feel like she expected she would fuck me some day in spite of my intent to not let that happen. Why did even the people that weren't corrupted by this stuff seem so certain I would be there willing bitch? I focused on my planned action. I needed to prove myself to others, and perhaps a little to myself too.

Hearing the job, I nodded. Seemed a little less dangerous than a job to go planning to fight though if I did get found snooping around, things could easily get problematic. The idea of going it alone and having no chance of anyone in town knowing about what might happen out there was tempting, but going it alone would increase the chances of something happening, and it felt like the more stuff happened to me, the harder it was to keep my head about me. Avoiding incidents entirely would be preferable to keeping them secret.

"Discretion isn't something I'm particularly practiced in, so I think I'll see about getting some help on this. Anyone I could talk to that might be a little better at getting around unnoticed?"
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:28 am

Jemima hums a bit and says, "Valla can at times be nice and sneaky. But she can also be a bit hot headed. She's also available for missions, but tends to prefer just being part of the watch. So I hadn't thought to ask her."

"I think there's a handful of others I could ask to tag along. Give me... an hour and I can find out if they're available and gather them, if you want to go ask Valla." She smiles a bit and says, "I'd like to hope you can get the mission done within three days, but I know things can happen. If we don't hear from you or whoever goes with you in five days, we'll send a search party out."
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Sun Sep 03, 2023 7:16 pm

I found myself perking a little at the mention of Valla as a possible partner. My dream of a threeway with Zarna and her coming back to me. Not that I wouldn't be interested in teaming up with another girl, but convincing a gal to share me with her best friend was something very tempting. "Sure, I'll have a look around for Valla. Thanks in advance for checking in with a few others. As for her mention of sending out a search party, I had to hold back a shiver not wanting to even think about all the things that could happen over the course of those five days while we waited for rescue. "Yeah, I'd rather not need the help, but I appreciate that it'll be there."

Leaving, I asked around about Valla seeing if I could find out where she was at this time of day.
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 04, 2023 1:23 am

Finding Valla wasn't too hard, you were told she tended to spend the early mornings in the Guild's garden area just relaxing and waiting for one of the guard shifts. She smiles as you come on over, though she quirks up an eyebrow briefly enough as you approach her. Whatever caused such vanishes as she teases and asks if you and Zarna found a place to sleep together or not, then when you ask about the mission, she hums a bit.

"Sure, I could come along. I've kinda been wanting something a bit different to change things up a bit. We can go inform the guildmaster now if ya like, I can be ready in a jiffy."
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Mon Sep 04, 2023 3:33 am

I chuckle when she asked about the place to sleep. "I woulda thought she'd have told you. Unless she's still asleep after last night." I went on to explain the details of the mission. "Yeah, I was hoping to take someone with just to reduce the chances of something going wrong. Guildmaster Jemima said she'd said she'd send a team to look for me if I disappeared for more than five days, but I'd rather not need the rescue at all."

"Yeah, let's go meet the Guildmaster first. Then we can split up to prepare and meet by Zarna and my place. Probably best I don't disappear for two or three days without telling her."
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:50 am

Jemima is soon informed and wishes you both luck. She mentions where you could get a bit of supplies from the Guild Quartermaster before you leave, which Valla says she'll handle and she'll meet you by the town gates. Heading back to check in on Zarna, she is finally awake and also wishes you luck. "Be careful out there, alright? I've already lost some friends to guys like the ones we met outside the town before, don't want to lose two more."

Valla is waiting for you, though annoyingly, you see her talking with Markus who seems to be there as well. He's handing her another sack to go with the one she's already carrying, and he smiles as he sees you, dipping his head and winking at you. Much to your annoyance, he does grope your ass as he passes, bringing a brief memory of the fun you'd had with him.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Manliness roll, 48 or under, no effect and you can shrug it off. if you get 49-64, it leaves you a bit flustered and aroused, but nothing further. above 64 and it'll really turn you on and make your tailhole and mouth crave the taste and feel again, giving you a +10 to manliness rolls for the next in game day. (this boosts up to +25 if the roll is 90-100 and is more obvious)
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Mon Sep 04, 2023 2:50 pm

I nod to the Guildmaster in gratitude. "Thanks, I'll make sure the two of us get back in one piece." I give Valla a nod as she offers to take care of getting the supplies. Feeling a bit cheeky, I give her rear a quick swat like I would do with the team though my hand lingered just a little longer than I would on a guy's butt. I wanted to hold it there a bit longer, but I merely wanted to barely signal my interest and invite her to make a pass at me. "Thanks for taking care of that. I'll meet you by the gate, but you sure you don't want to tell Zarna goodbye yourself?"

Getting back to Zarna, I'm almost a bit disappointed she's still not sleeping. "Sure, we'll be careful, and the Guildmaster said she'd send someone to find us if we're not back in five days. Not that I plan to take long enough that she has to."

Walking back to the gate with a bit of a bounce in my step, I was a little upset to see Markus handing something to Valla. Were he and she a thing, or was this about me? No, we'd just taken the job, so he wouldn't have heard about it unless Valla told him. Of course that didn't mean it couldn't be both. As he passed, he took a moment to grope my ass. (Manliness: 54)I was thankful for the face covered in fur to hide my blush, but I was more bothered to feel my cockhead just barely poking out of my sheath. Shaking it off, I walked to Valla. "Considering how short notice was, I wasn't expecting to be seen off."
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:06 am

Valla squeaks at your swat and gives you a cheeky look of her own. She notes it'll be fine, she doesn't suspect this'll be any problem for either of you. Its just a scouting mission after all, not like you're trying to infilitrate deep into the village in question.

Once you reach her at the gate, she hums and says, "Oh that? Markus is just a friend making a delivery. The stores in the Guild are running a bit low it turns out, so I figured instead of taking much from there, I'd get us some food to go from the bar." She smirks at you though, not having missed the way Markus had groped you. Stranger still, you could swear her tail hikes up in excitement a bit at it too.

"Anyways, ya ready to head off? It should only take a few hours at most to reach the village. I figure, what, maybe a day at most to try and do some scouting around and near it?"
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:41 am

While I had enjoyed the look Valla gave when I gave her ass a grope, I was far less enthused to see her lift her tails when Markus groped my own ass. Was she actually turned on by the idea of another man getting under my tail? I had to dismiss the memory of my dream of her and Zarna had encouraged me to be mounted by Klora. Not the kind of thing I wanted to be thinking about.

"Oh, I didn't know things were getting that tight around here. Hopefully, we can get some good recon, so they can set up a good raid on the place and get back to trading." I nodded as she explained how far this settlement was and showed hope we could be done in a day. "Well the Guildmaster gave us three, but we'll see how things look before deciding how long to stick around and get a look. Lead the way...partner." Once she turned, I gave her ass another pat holding long enough to give it a squeeze this time.

Once she started, I'd let her have enough of a lead to give me a good view of her tails and the way they drew the eye to her ass. I did this for the first leg of our journey before putting my attention on our surroundings once we got far enough from town.
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Sep 06, 2023 2:02 am

(Luck Roll- 92)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Encounter, 2 Nidorino's, 6 Nidoran Males ... 5e4f31.png

Valla squeaks but rolls her eyes in amusement, eyes glinting a bit mischievously as she makes a point of swaying her hips more enticingly as she walks. Which of course, makes it much harder to draw your eyes away from her rear as time passes. Try as you might to keep your attention on your surroundings, it's just rather hard to do. You keep imagining how it'd feel to be buried inside her, sheathed by her folds. Since she was a fire type like you, would she be just as warm as Klora had been? With how much Valla's ass is enticing you, you're not even bothered by the dream from last night...

However, your imaginings and wonderings are interrupted by deep chuckles, which makes Valla stop and the swaying of her hips and tails cease. Both in combination snap you into awareness as you realize at some point, Valla had led you off the road and more into the taller grass near it. Which, made sense you supposed. You didn't want to just waltz up the road towards this bandit occupied village after all.

But it seemed doing so came with its own danger, and here was one as you saw eight figures appearing around you. Two of them were per the usual... bigger and stronger looking than you. The other six however were shorter, and were it not for their ears, would have been a full head and a half shorter than you. As it was, counting their ears, they all reached your nose. They were all purple, though the bigger ones were a bit of a darker purple. The smaller ones looked like... younger versions of the others. Or not as advanced, perhaps. Vaguely, you recall the nerd you'd bullied mentioning how some of them changed and grew bigger, so maybe these ones were related in some fashion.

More importantly, all of them were naked or nearly naked. And male, clearly, from the way their members began to twitch and grow erect... well, those that hadn't been erect already.

"Well well well... fresh meat~" One of the bigger ones says with a chuckle, all of them eyeing you and Valla up equally.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Manliness roll. 16 or under, you'll get a -10 to rolls to resist these guys. get under 32, and its -5 instead. 48 or under nothing, 64 and under you gain a +5 to resist them, and 80 or under you gain +10.

If ya get over 80, you find yourself aroused and the new side of you that came out with Markus comes a bit more to the forward, and your mind is more interested in seeing what it might be like if they have their way with you, though that doesn't mean you have to surrender, you can come up with other ideas!
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:38 am

I give Valla a smirk at the eye roll happy to see her roll and rock her hips as if showing off to me as she leads the way. Close to town, we should be safe, so I didn't mind distracting myself with staring at her ass a bit. The times I'd touched her so far, she seemed much warmer than Zarna and Jemima making me wonder if she was a fire type too. Well, we'd find out pretty quick if we got into any kind of fight. I imagined her folds being soothing as they warmed my dick while I sheathed myself inside of her and let loose.

I stopped as I heard the chuckle. Had I lost track of time in my musings, or were there guys hanging out so close to our only safe space? It could make sense to wait just outside of a settlement jumping anyone that still felt safe and secure near there home though there was a risk of getting caught by one of the guards on patrol.

I gulped a little as I saw how many of them there were. Two as big as me and six smaller. There were more guys here than there had been with the skull dogs though all the skull dogs had been about my size, so I wasn't sure if this group was tougher than them. It would also help that Valla was a guard and likely a better fighter than Zarna had been though I had no idea how much better she was.

(Manliness: 22)I felt my eyes start to drift down to one of the bigger one's cocks, but brought my gaze back up quickly. I wasn't going to let those kinds of things keep happening to me. I needed to keep my head in the game and take these guys out. I wished I'd taken some time to talk to Valla about how she preferred to fight, but we'd just have to figure that out as we go. Stepping up in front of her, I get down on all fours not like I was ready to get mounted, but like a lineman waiting for the snap. Whichever of them decided to step forward first would be the one I'd charge.(Flare Blitz: 49)
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:19 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

That's a hit. Valla's to hit is 50 or under, her roll is... 26 pass.

Doing the two bigger guys together, 50 or under, and two groups of three, 25 or under.
x2 Nidorino 24
x3 Nidoran (M) 5
x3 Nidoran (M) 65

Alright, so two of the Nidoran M are down from you and Valla's attack, but you and her both get hit.

Valla has no interest in playing with them, and makes it quite clear as she pulls in a deep breathe and then, just as you'd expected, flames come blazing forth from her. It catches one of the smaller guys and he spins away with a cry before flopping to the ground. One of his buddies starts to move towards Valla, but you surge forward with flame of your own and strike into him. It sends him hurtling into the grass with a pained groan.

"These ones got fight to them, good, it'll make it more fun, right boys?" One of the bigger guys says to hollers from the remainder. One of the smaller ones tries to shoot something your way from his horn, but you easily sidestep it.

Valla isn't so fortunate, as she is leaped upon all at once by the other three smaller guys. She lets out a yelp and is knocked to the ground, which becomes a bit of a mess of tangling limbs. Valla is trying to fight, but you soon hear a pleasured gasp from her as well. The only good thing about it is it sounds forced, and she is still struggling against them.

This leaves the other two on you, one of whom tackles into you and sends you stumbling back. (Defense 79) The other guy starts to draw nearer as you feel where one of the barbs on the guy struck you. There's a weird sensation there, and somehow, you get the feeling you've been poisoned. You still feel capable of fighting for now though!

"Come on, no need to fight... we'll all have fun, make ya both feel nice and good." The other one says as his dick twitches.
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:30 pm

Seeing one of the guys rush for Valla, I smirk as he left himself wide open. Feeling my body wreathed in flames, I charge forward slamming my shoulder into his gut and sending him sprawling into the dirt. Two down, only six more to go. We were still heavily outnumbered, but if the small guys were that easy to take down, but if we could take out all the smaller guys that quickly, we might just stand a chance at getting out of this okay.

Hearing Valla moan out, I turned to notice her getting tackled by a bunch of them. I was about to come to her rescue when I noticed the two bigger guys had their attention on me now. I pulled up my arms as one of them slammed into me knocking me back and leaving me open to the other's dart. I could feel something alien flowing into my veins. They must have injected me with something, but I seemed to be okay for the moment. I could charge in to help out Valla, but that would leave me open to whatever these two pulled next. Guess I had no choice. If I can take these two out though, perhaps I could intimidate the smaller guys into retreating.

I spat on the ground at the offer of fun. "The only fun I want with you two is knocking your heads around. Maybe cracking a few of your ribs for good measure. Then finish it all up by putting you two down for a dirt nap." Rushing forward once again I opened my jaw biting down on one of their shoulders. (Bite: 19)
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Sep 07, 2023 2:52 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

x2 Nidorino- 50 on the dot
x3 Nidoran (M) 3
x1 Nidoran (M) 93[/spopiler]

You launch forward and latch onto one of them who lets out a howl of pain. You're about to try and do more, but the sound of rushing footsteps alerts you of the other one. You manage to let go and brace yourself enough that the tackle you take only pushes you back a bit, you finding you're able to keep from taking a tumble without much issue. You of course still have the other small guy to worry about, but when he launches himself at you you just sidestep and he lands a bit in the taller grass with an oomph.

Valla however... You hear another forced gasp of pleasure... and then, a sultry, sexy cry of pleasure that is then muffled by the sounds of moans and more perverse delights. Lewd and wet sounds fill the air, and while amongst the pleasured ones are sounds that are more forced... it seems the other three have done something to get her to be more cooperative. A glance that way... which also arouses you because the sounds she is making are rather enticing, lets you note that there seems to be a now empty vial with some drops of some sort of pink stuff in it.

One of the bigger guys chuckles, and pulls out a bottle with more of the stuff. "Boss did want us testing this stuff... works on her like a charm... wonder if it'll work on you?"

(Speed x5, 74 vs 75)

He flings it at you, and you barely, barely manage to dodge it as it splashes and breaks near you. While none of it lands on you... the liquid does have a rather... strong and... enticing scent...

x2 Nidorino now with +10 to their rolls from the first one being weakened by your attack.
x3 Nidoran (M) occupied with Valla
x1 Nidoran (M) not feeling confident in his abilities lol
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Re: PMD: Lustful Lands [FIREHEAD]

Postby Firehead » Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:12 pm

I was starting to feel a bit exhilarated as I held my own against three opponents a bit of a smirk growing unbidden on my face as I side-stepped the small one once more. "Come on, at this rate, I'll be the one making you my bitches." My ears perked when I heard things getting more heated with Valla, and it sounded like her resistance had crumbled. Sparing a glance, I noticed the pink stuff wondering what they had drugged her with.

Thankfully, my opponent decided to run his mouth before tossing a vial at me giving me enough warning to avoid his own toss of the liquid. Hopefully, that's all of it they have, but I keep my eyes warry of any more bright pink. Figuring the main effect came from contact but worried the smell could have an effect if taken in too much, I put a hand to my snout as I considered my options. I could help Valla, but I had no idea how strong an effect that stuff has over her. Worst case, she might not be able to fight even if I did get them off of her, and I'd have to fight everyone while she lay there begging for dick. No, I should probably clean up these three first then help her out. It would probably tucker them out a little even if I didn't like letting them have their way with her.

Setting myself once more, I charged forward trying to take out the guy I'd already injured with another tackle. (Flare Blitz: 37)
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