Slipping off, you start to hear Sunset giving some kind of complaint about a creaky window which the older mare listens to carefully. [85]Before you reach the door, you hear the older mare clear her throat. "Now where do you think you're going?" As you turn, you see the mare facing you. Behind her, Sunset's jaw hangs open like she was midword while her eyes appear vacant and unfocused.
"I knew that Trixie girl would be a bad influence, but to think Sunset would help her sneak a boy toy out of here." Her horn suddenly glows, and you feel your head spin.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Roll: 25 or less, and you go completely vacant and lose track of time. 50 or less, and you retain consciousness but cannot do anything she doesn't order. 51 or more and the dizziness passes after a moment giving you an opportunity to do something.