The Ringworld Enigma (Porne)

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Re: The Ringworld Enigma (Porne)

Postby jondude » Tue Dec 03, 2024 11:41 pm

The woman blushes slightly when you make your comment. "I-! My chest guard! I left it in the tower!.. and it's only a short bow anyway.", The woman responds, her manner quite flustered. Given the way she reacts though it's clear to you she is apart of a volunteer watch rather then any serious town guard or other such soldiery. When you say you weren't Axis though they all seem to let out a quick sigh of relief, though that relief seems to slightly increase as you explain that your bag was in fact made of troll skin. "We've been having feral troll attacks frequently along the west road where you've come from. If you've slain it then that would be a huge help. At least one less problem to worry about regarding the Axis.", The man explains.

"Although... I suppose that means that Torgrutan adventurer we hired a couple days ago was probably killed. Shame. Was a nice fellow.", the woman says before looking back to you. "Would uh... would you like to come into town? Maybe talk to the mayor? We should be able to give you some gold for your deed... and probably a toga if we can find one that fits... Or at least a bed sheet."

"Only if you want that is! I admit the ring is a wild place and every once in a while something completely new shows up every few decades or so, and it happened not that long ago. We've been seeing strange flying metal things ever since the ring passed around the last world. Don't know if that is you but uh... far be it us to force our standards on you!", the man then says, his eyes flicking you up and down quick before going back to your eyes. No surprise he might not mind your nudity, but there was a sort of ironic twist to the situation given the social norms you were used to.
Joined: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:52 am
Location: Canada


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