Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Feb 14, 2025 4:35 pm

Joy's Inventory
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Light Duster: 0/5 HP------------------------------------------------Being repaired
Durable Jeans: 7/7 HP----------------------------------------------Being repaired
Tube Top: 2/2 HP----------------------------------------------------worth 10 caps
Short Shorts: 2/2 HP------------------------------------------------worth 20 caps
Black and Red bikini Set: 2/2 HP----------------------------------worth 20 caps
Tight/old white Bikini Set: 2/2 HP--------------------------------worth 20 caps
Tactical 9mm holster------------------------------------------------worth 20 caps
10mm+Knife Holster-------------------------------------------------Worth 15 caps

Marlin 1903 .338 Lever action-: 100%-----------worth 1000 caps
Hunting Rifle: 100%---------------------------------worth 300 caps
10mm Pistol: 100%-----------------------------------worth 140 caps
Milspec 9mm Pistol: 76%---------------------------worth 174 caps
Combat Knife: 70%---------------------------------worth 41 caps
Plasma Grenades: 1--------------------------------worth 120 caps each
Frag Landmine: 1-----------------------------------worth 65 caps each

.308 rounds: 59-----------------------------------worth 1 cap each
10mm rounds: 82---------------------------------worth 1 cap each
9mm rounds: 83----------------------------------worth 1 cap each
.338 Winchester magnum rifle round: 40------worth 4 caps each

Water Canteen(+1 HP, outside of combat only): 4/5 uses------------------N/A
Travel rations(+2 HP, outside of combat only): 5----------------------------worth 2 caps each
Pre war food: 7 Cans (+2 HP outside of combat, +4 when cooked)--------worth 5 caps each
Stim Packs: 4 (Heals 6 HP)-----------------------------------------------------worth 40 caps each
Jet: 1 (+2 AGI)-------------------------------------------------------------------worth 25 caps each
Psycho: 1 (+3 STR, -2 INT)-----------------------------------------------------worth 35 caps each
Med-x: 2(+1 Damage resistance)----------------------------------------------worth 30 caps
Flask(Rum, 1 use, +2 STR -2 PER)---------------------------------------------worth 10 caps

Flat tip screwdriver-----------------------worth 1 cap
Bobby pins: 11-----------------------------worth 1 cap
Cigarette tin(reusable): 1-----------------worth 15 caps each
Lighter: 1(100%)----------------------------worth 25 caps
Match boxes(20 matches each): 1-------worth 5 caps each
Duck tape: 1--------------------------------worth 8 caps
Shredded Cloth Scraps: 10----------------N/A

Caps: 3020

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

PER Roll: 3 + 3 = 6

Heading to the shower with your towel, you lock the door behind you, firmly getting the space for yourself which was a nice change of pace. Stripping down you hand up your clothes and towel near the curtain, then head grab some soap from the laundry area that was by the door. The water soon gets up to temperature as you do that and before long you sigh in relief as you feel the sensation of hot water running across your body, taking a second to enjoy it before eventually trying to use the soap. Unfortunately you don't find it works the best with your new coat of fur though, so head back to soap cabinet to see if there was something else you could use. You had the stall for a whole hour after all, so might as well make sure you get nice and clean!

Opening it is mostly full of bars of various kinds, but thankfully there are a few random selections of shampoo and body washes. You begin to take the various bottles and give them a smell, trying to pick one you like. You'd find fruity and flowery smells to go with mostly. As you go about picking something however you don't immediately notice the slight movement behind as the curiously large laundry pile begins to shift, the natural sounds of the shower in this relatively small place masking the low noise of the towels moving. Just as you finish picking a shampoo you like, you get a sudden surprise when you feel a long snout shove itself between your legs, and a long broad tongue suddenly run across your lower holes.

To your credit, you don't scream, but you do certainly spin around after a surprise like that! What you'd see though is the big dog from before when you first booking your room. The tall powerful looking dog with the pointy ears: Kane you recall. He gives you a curious look, tilting his head as if a little confused by your actions, but doesn't look all that aggressive. It would seem he somehow either managed to crawl into the pile of towels, or previous shower goers had simply put towels on top of the dog as he used the laundry hamper for a bed.

Naturally the sight of him revokes certain strong memories of the vaultees doing their post transformation 'experiments' on you. Your heart thumps a little faster at the memory at how incredible that had all felt at the time... and if you wanted, you had a perfect opportunity to... explore that a little bit.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Feb 15, 2025 3:56 am

Joy gives each bottle of shampoo a quick sniff to see if any smelled nice before she finds one that smelled a little bit like cherries. "Oh wow, hard to find scented shampoos And they got quite a number here." She smiles and her tail wags a bit as she goes to smell another. As she was doing smell tests on the bottles she didn't notice a slight movement behind her. She glances back behind her but sees no one there, not looking down at the slightly moving towels and with the water running she heard nothing. Just as she was picking the cherry one she felt something cold press between her legs and something wet and rough slide across her pussy, still a bit sensitive from her time at the clothes shop, and her ass.

Her eyes widen and her face turns red under her fur as she squeaks a little bit before spinning around, her hands quickly moving to cover her breasts and crotch as she looks in front of her before down as she sees a big dog. She recognizes it as the one from the bar earlier, the one that licked one of her bare cheeks. He was rather large, larger than most species of dogs she knows. She recalls that his name was Kane and he was looking at her with a curious expression. "How long have you been in here? Took a nap in the laundry?" She asked him as she backs up a little bit. Looking at him was also unfortunately triggering memories of how the vaulters tested her with two big dogs. The memory makes her body heat up and the tingle she felt in her nethers after that rough lick didn't help much. What was worse is that a part of her mind when looking at the big male was telling her to... not exactly submit but it was recognizing him as a strong male with his how big he is. She wonders if he was looking at her canine features and she wonders how he views her; as a human or bitch... "W-Well you stay here... I'm going to shower..." She said as she tries to back up into the stall. "O-Or wonder off. Up to you..." She said before turning her back on the male dog and going back to the water as her heart was racing a bit.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Feb 15, 2025 6:40 pm

A little surprised by the presence of the dog, you find yourself not really sure what to do. He seems... amicable enough, but as your thoughts think back when the vaultees had you spit roasted by dogs you find yourself humming and hawwing, a nervous energy filling you. In the end you decide to leave him be, figuring that maybe he would wander off or something. You grab your shampoo bottle and head back into the shower, part of slightly hoping that maybe he was just a curious canine.

Getting back into the water, you sigh under the hot water and enjoy it's soothing presence for maybe about 20 seconds or so before Kane once again make's presence known much the same way as before. You squeak as he shoves his face between your thighs, his nose pressing against your snug back door as his tongue starts to lash at your pussy. Your hands immediately brace yourselves against the side of the shower as a sudden almost intoxicating rush of pleasure fills you. What has going on here? Maybe you were still just getting used to this body. You suppose it had only been a few days still... but it kind of felt longer somehow.

Looking down at Kane he happily meets your eye as he continues to lash at you with that wide tongue of his, and... well you suppose you can't fault him for not leaving. The shower room door was closed and it didn't have a dog door, and was locked to boot. Unless you let him out, and probably forcibly, he seemed quite happy to hang out with you. Very happy indeed you note, as you soon spot something long and red bobbing underneath him.

Sinful as it might be... this was kind of a perfect opportunity to indulge. Besides, even before getting transformed it wasn't like you hadn't been fucked by wasteland creatures before, right? At least this time it would be completely on your own terms.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Feb 16, 2025 3:35 am

Figuring the dog wouldn't want to get wet Joy thinks she might be fine under the water. Once back under the hot water she sighs as she lets it soak into her fur and right as she was about to open the shampoo bottle she felt that rough tongue on her pussy again. She squeaks in surprise as she felt his nose against her tight back hole while his tongue laps at her pussy, making her brace her hands against the shower wall and drop the bottle on the floor and thankfully not spilling open. Her face becomes red as she moans from the pleasure which was rather intense for some unknown reason. She remembers this body is much more sensitive than her old one and she isn't quite used to it but Joy figures that she shouldn't be feeling this good from the canine's tongue.

As she stands there moaning while bent over a bit she looks down and sees Kane, his eyes meeting her with an expression she assumes to be a happy one while his rough and wide longue continues to lap at her pussy. "D-Damn it, I should have let you out..." She breathes out between her moans. "Wh-Why are you s-so keen on licking down there?" She asked him knowing she probably wouldn't get an answer. However looking at him as notices something red and rather large below him, making her tense up more. Guess he did see her as a fellow canine, though a female he can claim. Joy suddenly notices that she was staring at his cock, something within her stirring as her new canine noise picks up the scent of male musk that seemed to trigger something in her head. Was her new canine body... recognizing him as a mate? She shakes her head, trying to clear her mind but she couldn't bring herself to pull away from him, letting Kane continue to lick at her pussy which by now was already dripping her juices right onto his tongue and her moans have gotten louder. Her legs were starting to bend a bit and she finds herself subconsciously pushing herself against his tongue a bit.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Mon Feb 17, 2025 11:35 pm

Dropping the shampoo bottle it clatters on the tile below harmlessly, luckily not breaking or popping open. Of course your mind is much more occupied on Kane's wide tongue eagerly lashing away at your cunny! The sudden intense pleasure makes your legs feel a little weak but you hardly loose your footing. Instead seemingly to brace on instinct, moaning a little against the shower wall as your seem you push your ass out against his muzzle on apparent instinct. Not even when you see Kane's clearly erect cock do you stop things, only feeling your heart race a little more as his male scent tickles your sensitive knows in ways you could hardly understand.

As the pleasure quickly begins to build Kane only seems to become more and more emboldened, each consecutive lick seeming to press harder and harder on your wet pussy. Meanwhile your own moans only seem to slowly more vocal, though are mercifully still drown out by the sound of the shower running. Before you know it however it's already been a couple of minutes, and with your stance slowly widening it only gives the big dog better access to pleasure you. Next thing you know and a rush of orgasmic delight runs through your body like a lightning bolt bouncing around your nerves, and despite the earlier fun with Rory it seems your body only craves more attention!

Kane meanwhile happily laps away your orgasmic love honey, drinking it and the water running over your body without a second thought. After your climax however he finally does pull his face out from between your legs, standing again before giving you a look like a dog that expects a treat. He barks loudly, once, then tilts his head, clearly hoping for a little more. Question was; did you simply want to assume the position or maybe pay him back for his oral service?
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:00 am

Joy's moans got louder the longer Kane went on, and the dog seemed to get more into licking at her pussy as each lick felt a bit harder than the last as it seemed like he was trying to slip his tongue into her tight depths. Each lick also went right over her clit, sending pleasure shooting through her body. Her legs spread out as he continues to lap at her drooling cunt which gives the big canine better access to her nethers and her body starts to tense as she felt her orgasm building up. It doesn't take long before she leans her head back and lets out an orgasmic scream which sounded almost like a canine howl. Even as she orgasms Kane did not stop licking her, prolonging her orgasm and sending more intense sensations of pleasure through her body.

Eventually her orgasm ends and her body begins to relax when Kane pulled away from her. As she pants heavily trying to recover from her orgasm her breasts press against the shower wall as her legs slowly lower. As she tries to catch her breath she looks back at him to see him standing there behind her still. He barks at her, clearing wanting something in return and that bark felt like it triggered something in her head as she suddenly found herself dropping to her knees. Her mind races as a rational part of her mind tells her to put an end to this... but the scent of the male and her own needy body was completely drowning out that rational part of her. Lowering her front to the shower floor she raises her rear up to him. "I... I can't stop myself... m-mount your b-bitch..." She breathes out as she lightly wiggles her rear at the big dog.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Feb 21, 2025 4:52 am

The orgasm seems to make your thin rationality promptly disappear, your mind and body simply craving more. You slowly slide down the shower shower wall, and before you know it you're on your hands and knees, shacking your ass at Kane and begging him to mount you.

Kane does not disappoint.

Barely do the words leave your mouth does the big dog do exactly as you ask, jumping up and making you sway slightly as you feel his front paws on your back, his long and hard cock sliding between your full ass cheeks and hotdogging them. The next second he starts to settle down, legs soon dipping down your sides and wrapping around your hips, his body settling onto your back as he shifts about and gets comfortable. He gently humps a few times, trying to find his position, then once comfortable rears his hips back to allow his shaft to slide out your cushy cheeks. Then with impressive aim, his point tip is poised right at the entrance of your ready and willing pussy. A moment later he rams forward, sinking what feels like 8 inches of hard dick into you and making you squeal as a surge of intense pleasure rushes through your body. It felt so different... so incredible.

Quickly Kane begins to jack hammer in and out of you, your vision going a little spotty as your mind soon swims in intense euphoria. Immediately your body feels hot beyond just the feeling of hot water rushing over you, your body swaying with each energetic thrust from Kane that sees your ass ripple and your tits sway. Lost in the sensations though you barely even register anything beyond pure bliss for the next minuet or so until Kane is fully mounting you now, laying on your back to the point where his head is next yours, panting happily as he seems committed to giving you an experience you won't be forgetting.

Gives you the feeling that Kane might... do this a lot actually.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Feb 21, 2025 8:02 am

When Kane jumps onto her back she gasps as she felt something long and hot slide between her plush ass cheeks, teasing her of the size that will be inside of her soon enough. Joy braces herself as Kane gets into position, his forelegs wrapping around her shapely hips while his belly settles onto her backside. Soon he is able to pull his hips back, pulling his hot length from her round ass before with a single thrust he rams himself into her tight cunt. Joy's eyes go wide before she throws her head back and howls as he enters her, sinking what felt like eight inches of hot canine cock inside of her dripping wet pussy. The pleasure... it was so much that it felt like it was frying her brain. It was different and her body had little experience so she had no resistance to the thick canine cock within her.

And it seems she would be given no time to adjust either as Kane starts with a fast and hard pace, going at her like a piston. Her moans and howls of pleasure fill the shower room as he ruts her, the pleasure hitting her like strong waves hitting a cliff during a storm. Each thrust rocks her body, making her breasts sway under her and her ass jiggle with every impact of his hips against her own. It was clear that she wasn't Kane's first female and by a large number with how he was able to thrust into her in just one attempt and with how good he was at licking her pussy. With Kane fully mounting her all she can do is stay there on her hands and knees moaning and squealing in pure ecstasy while he make her into his bitch in heat.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Feb 22, 2025 11:28 pm

It almost feels like your recent transformation is playing with your brain as it seems like a totally alien and yet natural set of instincts seem to overcome you. Lost in the pleasure of the moment you don't seem to care at all about your loud howling, no doubt easily heard to the rooms next door should they occupied and in the hallway. They might not know your fucking a dog per say, but they knew you were fucking something or someone at the very least! Such concerns were for future you to worry about however, as present you was awash in far to much ecstasy to care about anything else but the glorious pleasure being delivered to you.

For the next eight minutes Kane fucks you hard and fast, his pace barely skipping a beat the whole time as you just howl and take it. He's so good that he even brings you to orgasm not, once, but twice as well, fucking your straight through the first two and really making your head spin and body quiver as your tight snatch squeezes his impressive cock like the snug wet vice that it was. Kane however does have a limit, and after a sudden increase in forceful thrusts that sees his knot bang against your lower lips and clit, howls briefly himself and slams his swollen knot into your pussy. You cum for a third time is that thick base slips in, locking into you and quickly beginning to pump you full of hot spunk. Kane himself meanwhile still thrusts a few times, rocking you both a little extra, but soon slows as he comes off his own pleasure high. He pants happily on your back, happy to have bred another bitch even if he didn't likely understand that nothing would come of it.

After about five more minutes of basking in the afterglow, Kane's knot deflates to the point where with a bit of effort he pops it out of you, allowing you to slump onto the ground as he gets off your back. With a pleased moan you roll onto onto your back, looking at Kane happily panting at he stares between your face and cum splattered cunt.

But it appears Kane wasn't done yet!

You get a mild surprise when Kane suddenly jumps on you again, his hips dipping low and allowing his somehow still hard shaft to slap against your lower lips. You gasp, Kane's paws soon finding the floor on either side of your breasts, and before you know it your staring right in his energetic eyes. He was going to fuck you missionary!? You get all the answer you need there when a sudden thrust once again sees his cock drive up into you love tunnel with a single well aimed move. It would seem you were in for another round like it or not!
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Mon Feb 24, 2025 8:37 am

Every thrust sent waves of pleasure through her brain like electricity, making her think of nothing else but the pleasure and the big canine dick that was causing it. It's only a few minutes in before she lets out an orgasmic howl which fills the shower and echoes to probably the neighboring rooms though her pleasure filled brain was unable to care at the moment. Her body trembles as she rides out her orgasm, her pussy tightening around Kane's cock but he didn't slow his thrusts, prolonging her orgasm like he did before with his tongue. By the time her orgasm ended another was already building up and her hands give out, causing her breasts to press against the shower floor while her rear pushes upward and better letting Kane rut her. It's barely moments later when she lets out another orgasmic howl, cumming a second time around his cock and Joy felt her mind going blank from the pleasure except for the thoughts of keeping her rear up for this alpha dog to keep fucking his bitch in heat.

Then she felt his knot, pressing harder against her labia and clit with every thrust. Joy knew what was coming but instead of bracing herself she pushes her hips back and then his knot pops in as he slams his forward at the same time. Feeling that knot spread her open so wide and his cock going in even deeper triggered her third orgasm and once again her orgasmic howl is let loose as her body quakes. His hot cum fills her and Joy finds herself going limp under the big dog as he pants heavily on her back. She is clearly not his first bitch to breed, that was clear from how effortlessly he fucked her to three orgasms.

It takes a bit before his knot deflated and he pops out of her, making her squeal a bit as her pussy was very sensitive now from her multiple orgasms. Her body falls to her side where she pants for a bit before rolling into her back and tries to regain her clouded mind and her breath. "F-Fuck... I think you out did the two from the vault by yourself..." She pants out as she lays there, legs spread out as canine cum leaks from her well fucked pussy. However it seems like she won't be able to rest much longer as Kane jumps on top of her, positioning his hips above her own as she gasps in surprise. His paws land by her breasts, brushing against them before she sees him looking right into her eyes. "W-Wait, are you about-" She didn't get to finish before he thrusts, penetrating her cum filled pussy once again and making her cry out. Her eyes widen as she is back to moaning under him, this time in the missionary position. He can't simply be this good; someone must have trained him how to fuck humans if he can do missionary like this, she thinks.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Mar 01, 2025 1:12 pm

Kane makes curious constant eye contact with you as he begins to drive his hips again, plundering your sensitive cunt for the second time in short order as he fucks you missionary. That fact he can do it at all let alone well is astounding, but then again given how horny everything in the wasteland was... maybe that wasn't too weird. Still though, who seemed to train him? Certainly not that barkeep! Maybe it was just a bunch of thirsty girls over the years, eager to get laid by something that wouldn't brag about if insufferably afterwords or something. That actually made a weird amount of sense if a lot of the guys around here were like that thug Hector and his friend.

But! Such thoughts were for later. Right now was just pure sinful pleasure for you!

Kane speed picks up, prompting you to further spread your legs as your moans begins to reverberate along the shower walls. His hard shaft slides in and out of your snug pussy with practiced ease, helped along by the water and your earlier intercourse. Writhing below him it doesn't take long for your overly sensitive body to go over the edge within minutes, making you squeal again as he fucks you fast right through that orgasm. As you slowly come down from that high though Kane gives you another surprise when his his dips down and nips at on your nipples! You squeal a little in shock, his teeth pinching firmly but also surprisingly gently, your other tit bouncing about wildly while he keeps this one still. He gives the teat a little tug, then lets it go and start to lick before switching to your other boob. This big dog was certainly full of surprises!

Over the next ten minutes or so you orgasm two more times, Kane never seemingly to slow as he even plays with your breasts. Even he has his limit however, and soon he howls in victory as he once again slams his knot into your snatch again, giving you another burst of heat to the belly as he pumps your body full of his spunk. This time however it seems like he's finally tuckered out however, the dog soon lying on top of you and nestling his head between your soft breasts. He actually looks a little adorable and silly there, despite his dick still being locked into you.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Mon Mar 03, 2025 12:49 am

The anthro girl is quickly reduced to a moaning mess again as the big male dog plunges his cock in and out of her overly sensitive cunt. It didn't help that he was keeping eye contact with her, adding a bit of a bizarreness since he is just a feral animal. Joy's legs were in the air as Kane pounds into her, this dog must have either been trained or had a lot of experience with kinky woman in his time at this hotel. This was the most her thoughts would go though as Kane picked up the pace, her legs spreading out wider as the big dog is practically jackhammering into her. It doesn't take more than mere minutes for Joy's loud and lewd moans to turn into an orgasmic howl. Her mind goes blank as she squeals out from Kane fucking her through her orgasm, the pleasure too much of her brain to process it all.

Just as she tries to catch her breath and feeling her mind clear she felt Kane slow down before he surprisingly began to pinch her nipple with his teeth. Her eyes go wide and she cries out in shock as he continues to fuck her while also tugging on her nipple with his teeth. "H-How do you know how to do that?!" She was shocked as he bites, pulls, and licks her nipples. Did he learn it on his own or did someone teach him or both? Joy had no idea but has no time to think about it as the pleasure becomes overwhelming once more, being pushed to another two orgasms with one right after the other. Finally Kane reaches his limit and plunges his knot into her, pushing her to one last orgasm as her depths are filled with hot canine cum. This time Kane seems to also be done as he rests on top of her, his hand between her large breasts as she lays there panting heavily with her mind barely able to think. She lays there, resting for a bit till she felt his cock soften enough to pull out of her. Gently she tries to get him off of her. "O-Off boy... I n-need to finish before my time is up..." She pants out, unsure of how long she was in here being a Kane's submissive bitch but she thought it might be best to finish before her time is up.
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