Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:18 am

She snorted at that and gave you a light slap on the ass "Good for you, when you and your friend wake up and shower I'll get some food for you." She said, after giving both you and Katie and the bag of stuff you guys had gotten she at least seemed to be approving as she left you with your sleeping sex friend.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:57 am

Squeaking and blushing, Kayin squirmed about but slowly woke up and came around more. When he did, he blushed quite a bit and moved to try and clean things up a bit, before seeking to see if he still had the toy in his ass or not. If he did, he'd pull it out and move to give Katie a little shake to rouse her.
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Wed Aug 16, 2023 9:27 pm

You didn't have the toy, but you did have a set of anal beads that Katie must have put in at some point last night, she was taking a little to rouse and wake up, looking confused for a couple minutes as she woke up slowly, blinking and staring at you, then the room, then herself, slowly remembering the day yesterday. And Last Night.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Aug 16, 2023 11:51 pm

Pulling it out, and trying not to let out too much of a girlish moan as he did so, Kayin blushed quite a bit as he squirmed some shyly but said, "S~So uh, A~Auntie Miko said breakfast will be done soon. W~Want to head done and grab a bite?" Since it was still, or at least he presumed it was, Saturday, he wasn't sure what if anything the pair might be doing together today.
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:17 am

She groaned "Let's get a shower first, I really don't wanna walk around with dried cum stains...or stinking of your jizz either." She grumbled a bit, but didn't actually seem mad, more like she just wanted to try and bitch and tease you, but was still sleepy while trying.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:41 am

"Y~Yeah, probably not a bad idea." Kayin says with a chuckle. He leads the way, and pulls her in to shower with him, though he focuses on getting them both clean. Not that he wasn't possibly up for horny things... but well, there'd been alot of that in the last few hours. Unless Katie tried something though, as soon as they finished he'd head downstairs once dressed. Though a small part of him would wish the school girl outfit was clean so he could wear that instead.
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:15 am

Katie seemed to be content on just getting clean, and she even helped you make sure you were clean, honestly she seemed more friendly or at least, more like she had accepted you as a friend during this shower than during sex. Sex was for work or pleasure, but you were actively helping each other clean and she seemed happy that it was friendly, she also seemed to be the type to prefer "Air Drying" just walking around your room naked as she waited to dry and getting some back up clothes she had stashed in her bag, though they were slutty they were clean.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:00 am

Dry and clean, Kayin went down first with her following and sat down at the counter, giving Auntie Miko a shy and bashful smile as he said, "M~Morning, s~sorry ya f~found us like that. M~My uh, T~Training got a little carried away."
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:16 am

She snorted "Uh huh, that's what they're calling it, well, I guess it's good your not just diving on in, your mom just slammed into mine and it hurt so bad my first time thanks to that." She grumbled. Katie looked interested in hearing about your Auntie and Mom's sex life together as she ate. Unlike most girls she seemed completely at ease listening to and talking about it after all.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:29 am

Kayin blushed and groaned a bit but otherwise didn't object to hearing more about it as they ate. Though well, it was training since he was going to be helping out Katie and keeping an eye on her when she went whoring. S-Sure, he'd be participating a bit... but he mostly just wanted to make sure she was safe.
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:42 am

Since you weren't trying to stop her, and since Katie kept asking questions Miko just got more and more into lewd details about the things she did with your mom, from the time she had to take your mom to the hospital after she had slipped and accidentally slammed a huge double sided dildo so far into her ass that they couldn't get it out, to the time your mom had bought a metal dildo with spike on it just to try it out, and then slammed herself base deep on it and got it stuck in her womb so she had to go to the hospital again to get it out...in fact apparently Miko had taken your mom to the hospital for something sex related at least a hundred times and probably half that was thanks to something getting stuck somewhere, and she had in fact, multiple times, literally tripped, slipped and fell onto someone's cock, apparently your mother was a walking sexual accident and had just been extremely careful around you...though you did remember one time she fell in the kitchen and had to go to the hospital because the Pestle from the Mortar and Pestle managed to get stuck inside her. Also Katie apparently had a female client who liked to tie her down and fit more and more stuff into her, but she'd never gotten something stuck, which is why she was so interested in hearing about it.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 25, 2023 8:48 am

Kayin was beet red and trying to hide his face, but couldn't seem to bring himself to ask Miko to stop. Instead he just tried to pretend not to be there... the stories of the hijinks they got up to that didn't wind up with them at the hospital (except one time when they apparently were doing an amateur porn video together) did wind up arousing him a bit. And annoyingly, Katie's own story briefly made him imagine said client trying to do the same to him... which made his backdoor twitch and spasm.

"S~So uh K~Katie, w~what are your plans for today?" He asked in a stammer when Miko seemed to finally run out. It was saturday, but it was... morning still, or late morning at least. So unless Katie tended to whore out in broad daylight, they wouldn't be doing that.
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:00 am

She hummed "Well I assumed nothing with you seeing as you pulled the toy out~" She said easily "I was expecting you to want to keep that in, though I probably need to get some clothes to keep here if I'm going to be spending the night, on and off." She said winking at you "Plus I need to get my clothes washed and check in with dad." She told you, her voice was joking, she wasn't mad or anything but she was teasing you a bit, and telling you that she did have to head on out by herself, and she was soon enough leaving.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:04 am

Kayin stuck his tongue out at her and gave her ass a teasing pinch, but otherwise nodded. "I~I should explore the area a bit more, get more used to the place. Specially if I'll be tagging along with ya sometimes." He asked Miko if there were any places she'd recommend checking out, before heading on out himself. Though a small part called him in the direction of that Truth of the bastards... he decided to stay away from there for today. Rest a bit after a fashion.
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:20 am

Your Auntie told you that there was a rather fun place if you wanted to just enjoy yourself, and it was a 24/7 style place. Which sounded odd but nice, when you got there you found it was a karaoke place that was open 24/7 when the girl behind the counter asked what you'd like you just said the first thing you saw "Surprise me." And found yourself getting escorted into one of the back rooms, where you found a sweating bushiness lady who had apparently just got off of work was sitting, she seemed surprised, then happy to see you "Hey cutie, so you're gonna be my duet today?" Oh was this like, a place where you could go to sing with people you don't know or something? "Sorry I just got off of work and wanted to unwind a little, hopefully you don't mind I'm not someone young and cute like you?"
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:24 am

Seeming a bit confused as he was led along, Kayin just tried to relax and nod even as he was led into the room. The sweating business lady surprised him a bit, since this place didn't seem too hot or warm... maybe she'd run down here or just sweated alot? He'd do his best not to hold it against her even as he shrugged a bit and admitted, "This is uh, my first time here. I was just told this is a good place to enjoy myself and figured I'd swing by."

He blushes at her compliment, not sure how to take it even as he glanced about the room to see where the Karaoke stuff was.
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:33 am

She blinked and then blushed "Oh I'm sorry it's with me then, do you want me to get you a drink or something, I'll pay, it wouldn't be right to make you pay anything on your first time!" She said sounding sincere and soon enough you found yourself getting a nifty little fruit drink that was actually really tasty and refreshing, she hummed and you felt yourself heating up, well, no wonder she was sweating, you felt yourself getting hot too, you even had a couple more of those drinks but just got hotter and hotter "Are You Nervous, drinking that much?" She asked and you looked over and found yourself staring at her hard cock, and heavy balls "Sorry, I'm a Little backed up, do you mind if we start?" She asked motioning you over, and your back door felt so, so empty~
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:37 am

Still confused at the lack of any singing stuff that he could easily see, he nevertheless went ahead and accepted the drink. Getting warm and a bit sweaty himself soon enough as he squirmed and had more... enjoying the sweet and fruity drink, having always been a fan of such. His cock was straining against his pants as he found himself stripping down to his underwear... only belatedly realizing it seemed that he'd thrown on one of the extra pairs of blue panties as well. He blushed and bit his lip and squirmed... fuck... his taint wanted something after the fun before and...

When he saw the cock, he let out a soft moan and leaned forward, parting his lips and taking it into his mouth for a moment. He sucked on the first three inches or so, then pulled off, panting as he said, "F~Feel... f~feel so warm... a~and... b~back door... s~so empty..."
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby eaenidu » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:41 am

She licked her lips staring at you "Such a naughty girl~" She whispered huskily, sounding even more turned on than you felt "I have a nice thick pole to fill you with~ I'll let you ride it until you're done if you kiss me~" She purred scratching your ears lightly, her cock was hard as iron and sticking straight up, very much interested in you.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Dreemurr's Persona[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:46 am

Panting hard, and still so turned on and feeling so hazy... more so as he shivered at being called a naughty girl, he thought about his experience thus far. He wasn't sure how ready for riding he was, so instead he turned, shifting to all fours and wriggling his rear as he reached back and moved his panties to show his backdoor to her.

"P~Please... s~stuff it in me... t~this... a~aah... t~this naughty girl f~feels too needy right now~"
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