Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:16 pm

"Well for starters, help me get her into bed," Alicia replied, attempting to scoop up Sai and walk away with her, the guys naturally gravitating to Samus as she seemed to be working in a fashion that was oddly nervous around them, but at the same time, properly in her element. "Come on, let those guys talk to her for a little bit, that way they aren't bugging me the entire way here. That, and I'd be a little curious in talking with you along the way, since it seems like...well, it seems like you and I have a lot of things to talk about."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:23 pm

<...Sure> Dawn nods, ignoring for now Samus and the guys and just helping with Sai, going toward her room <So? What do you want to talk about?>
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:44 pm

"I feel like I've seen you in highschool," she whispered, only after the door had closed behind them and Sai was reasonably tucked into her bed. "You didn't seem like me, you know, the kind to drop out, run away, and change your name so I could get money by being a...you know."

"Besides that, I was a little bit curious as to if you were a..." she said, stopping a little short to allow the message to sink in properly. "Well, you know what I mean, but she always seems to bring people like that back here with her."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:53 pm

<I didn't drop out, nor I ran away> she answer, expecting this was coming <If you remember I was an orphan. Simply changed name and came here in hope of a new life> this should pretty much take care of it <If I were a what? I just came here today, so i'm not sure what you mean> she continues, playing it dumb to see if she can get any more info about the mystery that is Sai.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:02 pm

"Like Samus and me," she blushed, only barely catching Dawn off guard as she showed her employee I.D. for a company called 'Pizza Rat: Home of long sausages and Pizza Pockets!' "I mean, at least I probably won't disappear at this job, but I guess it's hard to find any low paying job that doesn't involve you doing something like that. Also, if you want a pill, I've got a whole bunch of them in my fanny pack thing of doom."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:15 pm

<Still... don't know if I am, though the license is on the way> Dawn admits, before hearing her explanation <I got hired at Sai's work, and i'm still not sure what it entitles. I'll have to see> she comments, while returning to the other room <Pill?> initially she doesn't understand, but then she does and shakes her head <Maybe later. What type do you have?>

After all, she wouldn't be doing anything sexual... or at least she didn't plan to do so, and the tryst with Daniela wasn't on her mind right now.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:32 pm

"Trust me, with those guys out there, you are going to need one of these," she replied, showing that she actually had a large supply of birth control pills in her bag, something about the image of the various pills suddenly making her feel strange and safe, almost like she should actually do this so she could say she had control over a sexual situation. "I mean, they'll have condoms too, well some of them, but I think it's safe to do this too."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:37 pm

<Wha...> Dawn is about to say, then she looks at the pills. Maybe she should take one of them? But wouldn't that mean she's implying they'll do something sexual? <Do I really have? It's not like i'm planning to do anything with them> she says, though she would accept one if the girl insisted she should take it.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:43 pm

"You invited over five horny guys, and I'm pretty sure me and Samus wouldn't actually be able to stop them from having a 'broken' condom, or 'forgetting' one, or getting us drunk enough to convince us with 'just the tip'," Alicia sighed, holding out a sheet after she had popped one of the pills from it into her mouth dry. "And either way, I think Samus is too cheap to buy these, so we should probably get to her before things go too far."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:52 pm

The situation illustrated by Alicia wasn't exactly inviting to Dawn, who silently cursed Sai for being the one inviting them <I... I understand> she nods, taking the sheet but not the pill <I'll take it with Samus. Can't swallow them without a proper drink> she explain, continuing toward the pizzas and guys awaiting them.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:56 pm

"Better hurry," Alicia smiled, opening the door to find that all of the guys were pants-less now, the sounds they were making, and the ring they were in, suggesting that Samus was already working to suck them all off, or at least do something like that in turn. "Well, I guess I can see why she is supposed to be some sort of freelancer."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:05 am

Sae nods and proceeds in the room... only to find the guys already naked from the waist down and working on Samus, making her blush a bit at how things proceeded a bit too “fast”. Putting the pill sheet in a pocket of her pants to not lose them she tries to approach the circle, wanting to get to Samus yet being unsure of how to interrupt them...
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:08 am

"Okay guys, give her a chance to actually get ready for this," Alicia clapped, shooing them away for a bit before taking off her top, Sae seeing that some of the guys were quick shots as Samus already had some loads of semen on her face. "Make sure she takes some of the pills, and takes about a dozen condoms with you to share with her, okay?"
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:15 am

Luckily Alicia does her work for her, letting them disperse only to find Samus already with some seed painting her face. While asking herself how she got into this and if she's really going to go through with it, Dawn takes the pill sheet out and pops a pill on Samus's hand, before turning to her flask from before and trying to pop another pill in so she could drink it along it... though with her turbulent mind questioning the situation she doesn't give much attention to it, not even knowing if she popped the space with a pill still in or an empty one, just popping it without confirmation about the pill and then gulping down all the flask.
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:11 am

"Thanks," Samus replies, popping in one of the pills and mixing it with some of the semen in her mouth before swallowing, quickly returning to sucking off the guy nearest her while another one was with Alicia, the last three approaching Dawn with smiles on their faces, clearly intent on seeing what she was capable of since they hadn't met her before, their dangling cocks being oddly encouraging to her.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:32 pm

Dawn looks away when Samus uses the semen to “help” the pill go down, but just as she does so she notices the three guys approaching her with their manhood in the open, and once again she feels like groaning while reproaching herself on what she has got herself into. Should she just bail out? But to go where? This is supposed to be her house from now on. And also, would that seem weird to the others?

As she's thinking so the three of them have come quite close, too close for her liking, so she tries to stall for time <Well... hello? There is so much pizza, why don't you eat some?>
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:21 am

"We would rather eat something like your pocket first before we go and eat some of the pizza we brought," one of the guy replied, smiling a little bit as Dawn's breasts were put on display, the only thing stopping him from going further being one of them saying, "come on, we should let her choose which one of us she wants to be with first."
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:57 pm

The first comment makes her redden in embarrassment and at how direct they were with their advances, surprising her enough to be unable to react even as they freed her breasts from her upper garments, letting the two generous mounds in the open for all to see. Immediately she covered them with an arm, answering at the same time <Uhm... let's... let's take things slowly, ok? I'm new in town... and i'm not used to how.... things work here>
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Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby that man » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:20 am

"Okay then, we'll let you move at your own pace then," the blonde guy smiled, sitting down as the other two guys shrugged, the redheaded one sitting down with Dawn on his lap, his cock resting against her butt. "Alright then, have you ever done something like orgy sex before, or would you rather we show you some of the fun things we can do?"
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: Dawn of a new city (Urhr93)

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:40 pm

She's a bit relieved when the blond tells her they'll take it slow, maybe giving her a change to get out of this without getting too intimate with them... but such thoughts are once again thrown into disarray when she's pulled back into the lap of the redhead, his hard member pushed her supple clothed ass-cheeks <N-no... i've never...> she stutters, trying to regain her bearings <I... don't have much... experience in such things...>
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