Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Forum for publicly viewable but closed-group role-playing.

Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:48 pm

"Then we can wed! I am the Empress, I decide what's acceptable!" She cried out, tears... Actual tears in her eyes
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:51 pm

Alex almost panicked at the tears he wiped them away with his sleeves as he spoke. "I'm not worth the potential political drama. I'm just a lowly guard. No nobility in my veins, no higher education beyond self education. I'm not even that good looking and I've slept with multiple women. You deserve more."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:24 pm

"I don't care! I can arrange all of that for you!" Argentia pleaded, trying to step close to him once more "I love you!"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:30 pm

Alex wanted to back up but he couldn't retreat from her. He tried his best to deflect her love for him as he spoke. "I won't let you have any other men in your life. I'll sleep with dozens of women but you can only sleep with me. That's how selfish and unfair I am. Do you want someone who won't let you do what he will be doing? I've already told Yue that when I marry that she and her mother will be my first concubines. I'll sleep with them whenever and wherever I feel like it even next to you in our bed! Are you okay with that!?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:03 am

"I don't care who you sleep with! I only want you!" The Empress took another step forward, pressing herself against him, and he could feel the plush forms of her breasts against his chest even under all her clothes
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:10 am

Alex blushed when Argentia said that she didn't care as long as she had him. He stepped back and tripped with the Empress falling on top of him. He let out a curse before he hit the ground and spoke. "Are you okay?"
Alex's head fell back afterwards and he spoke while looking at the roof. "It's hard for me to accept this. It seems to much like a dream I've long given up on. I'm sorry, I love you so much, but my heads so cloudy. Can...Can we spend the day thinking about it? I want you to also consider a lot of things before you make this commitment. You should know that there is a lot of things I may do in my life: fight, seduce, interrogate, and play. While you have my heart, my body will still seek temptations. Even the dumb princess today piqued my interest. Well at least her body did. The biggest thing I want you to understand is that my life could end any day. I spend my life in danger so that yours if safe. Can you handle me dying and leaving you with only memories and former possessions?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:19 am

The Empress was silent for a while but soon enough nodded "Y-Yes. It is simply a reality of this world, it is up to the gods in the end."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:24 am

Alex looked up at her and smiled. He reached up and pulled her down into a hug. He spoke as he held her. "Let's make a deal. I'll come back tonight and you can tell me if you still want me as your lover. Afterwards I'll put your through a test to see if you can hold true. If you pass the test then we can make it official and decide how to approach it from there. Sound good?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:37 am

The Empress nodded, nuzzling into his chest "Yes. That sounds reasonable."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:40 am

Alex looked at the door and sighed. "I think your new maid has probably learned more than she should this early in her career. We'll have to either remove her or keep her close for now. Alright up up and tidy yourself so we can at least act formal."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:04 pm

"She can fix that. You should go enjoy your day off." The Empress smiled softly as she took a step away from him "Please, enjoy yourself."
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Sun Sep 02, 2018 9:18 pm

"I'll pick you up something nice while I'm out. Maybe some more appropriate undergarments." Alex walked to the door and opened it. He looked at Yianna and spoke. "You've got a fetish for overhearing stuff don't you?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Mon Sep 03, 2018 9:52 pm

"A bit. Don't worry, I know to keep my secrets." Yianna smirked as she headed inside, closing the door behind her, and leaving Alex free to do what he wanted
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Mon Sep 03, 2018 10:02 pm

Alex planned to head to town. He enjoyed just strolling around it and usually that killed about four hours easily. Unless interrupted he'd head straight there and begin browsing the shops, starting with the various smithies, he wanted to get Yue a new sword.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:44 pm

As he could see the various smiths of the blacksmiths quarter work their trades, one in perticular caught his eye. A strong, muscular young woman, clad in a sturdy leather apron hammering away at a piece of steel to shape it into a blade. Sweat from the heat of the forge, and exertion dripping down her body as she focused wholly on her task
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:19 pm

Alex enjoyed the appearance of the woman for a few second before strolling over and speaking. "Hail Lady Blacksmith, I seek blades both deadly and gorgeous. Can you help me?"
Alex gave her a warm smile as he glanced around her shop.
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Wed Sep 05, 2018 1:07 pm

"Aye, I can." The smith smiled at him as she quenched the blade she was working on "We got all manner of blades here, long, short, curved and straight. All meeting Imperial Legion regulation standard, but look a heck lot better, so, what's your budget?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:31 pm

Alex moved about the shop while glancing at the woman. He had had his fill of sex for a little while, but she was still fun to look at. He wondered if she had a husband as he spoke with a smile. "Well I can easily spend about 15 Golden Imperials. If you don't mind me asking, are you married?"
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Earthling » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:14 pm

"Ah, nah." The Blacksmith shook her head. Her accent clearly revealing she was not from the capital "Was once, but not now. But if ya want to buy, please follow me inside." She gestured towards the store itself, and the door leading into it
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Re: Champion of an Empire, and Guardian of an Empress

Postby Reaperbones » Thu Sep 06, 2018 10:23 pm

Alex headed for the door, and would hold the door when she opened it. He spoke as he peeked inside the shop. "I figured that you had to be married or have been married. Skilled, beautiful, and a lovely accent? It's amazing that I didn't see a line of new suitor waiting at the door. Forgive me if I'm asking too much, but what happened to the gent? Did he prove to be unfit for you?"
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