Storms of Change(Porne)

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Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Thu Oct 22, 2020 9:28 pm

Your hops go well enough... or a little too well as you are surprised by just how high you jump, almost into the ceiling. Landing doesn't hurt though. There are no pouches on what ever this outfit is, or even pockets. You do recall that you have a backpack that you used on supply runs before it was too dangerous to leave. And unfortunately for you, you don't know any teleportation magic. In fact the only magic you can 'feel' is just releasing a burst of elemental magic in a general direction. Not that this is the limit of what you could possibly do, just you need more training to do anything more complex.

Jumping from roof to roof seems like it might not work to well with the inconsistent building heights and you still very much needing to adapt to how far you can jump, as risking landing at terminal velocity before you are sure of how much punishment you can take sounds like a bad idea. Running through the walls is actually quite fun as and you almost get lost in doing until you something slams into your should sending you spinning to the floor as you rub the sore spot. Looking over you find that you slammed into a iron water pipe, slamming it so hard that it snapped off at one end and is leaning out of the wall at a 45 degree angle... if you ignore the curve. Turns out running to solid metal does still hurt, though you don't think you took any serious damage. Hell, you're not sure if you're going to have any visible bruising from it.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Fri Oct 23, 2020 4:17 pm

Okay, so don't try to use magic just yet. I definitely need to be somewhere safe-ish to practice any of that. I try to gauge a feel for my energy levels, as if I'm going to make a run for it, I'll need to sprint. Regardless, I need to start preparing to leave. I gather up some clothing, anything that looks like it will fit, as well as any stock piled food and cores. No telling when this body will run out of mana and I'll have to eat one. I think I've got a machete or two around here? Or baseball bats. Something. Shit, I could just rip loose a street sign if I had to, I'm pretty sure I saw that in a movie. Oh, and my electronics if they'll fit. Laptop, tablet or phone, doesn't really matter, I'm too jazzed to care since I'm actually getting to leave!

Still, having gotten everything together, I look around, realizing I don't quite have a way to get down. Yet. I head toward the stairs, looking down the central open air column of it. I should be strong enough to hop down this, right? My main issue before was my body not working right, not the physical impact issues.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sat Oct 24, 2020 9:53 pm

Looking around you find some tools you brought from the tool shed. A survival knife, a claw hammer, and a sledge look to be your best picks for a weapon. Nothing too fancy, and while you did pick up a the knife at the store, you didn't think to grab a sharpening stone so it's a little dull over the year.

Looking down the shaft you pause as you consider jumping down. While certainly quicker, you aren't sure of the capabilities of your body, other then it is clearly hardier then a human. If you do get hurt from the fall, how bad will it be? Will it be crippling? Considering the bugs have taken over the ground floor, landing right in the middle of that, even if you only twist an ankle, might not be the best plan. Of course if you never test it, how will you find out?
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Sat Oct 24, 2020 10:44 pm

I hook all my useful tools on the pack as needed before I finish strapping it on. Sure would be nice if a magic bag of holding where to take all of this stuff off my hands... Dammit. Shaking my head as I head to the stairwell to survey what I can do to move down the stairs quickly, I try to gauge if I could maybe hop between banisters, and if they'd support my weight, or if I'd be better off just hopping over the steps themselves. I can easily handle that kind of jump. I give the banister a slight wiggle or push, trying to see if it's flimsy or sturdy. I'll start skipping down the stairs as best I can, hopefully to the point that I can just touch down on the flats. If the banisters are sturdy, I'll use that as a back up.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sat Oct 24, 2020 10:58 pm

The biggest problem is the sledge, as the handle is always sort of in the way no matter how you orient it. It bumping into door frames is a constant problem with it stowed away. Still in the open stairwells, it doesn't get in the way as you bound down the stairs. Testing the banisters as you go down reveal that while most are sturdy, some shake pretty bad, apparently getting loose over from years of no maintenance. If you jumped on one, you are sure you'd rip at least one end off. Regardless you manage to make good time, as the stairs seem to be pretty much unblocked and of little interest to the bugs with its solid concrete construction.

Reaching the ground floor you notice a... something covering the floor. It's reminiscent of the material wasp nests are made out of. Peeking through the door frame you see the lobby absolutely plastered with this stuff, with large bulbous protrusions that can only be nests. You notice several bugs scurrying around, though they don't seem to have noticed you just yet.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:57 pm

Friggin sledge, but if I meet something big and nasty, I'd much rather have that meter of handle than a foot of the little claw hammer. Heh, dual wielding hardware hammers. Focus! Hopping down the stairs proves fairly quick and easy, far more so than I expected, and I get a good feel for the agility of my new frame. Again, not wild about the tits and such, but working joints are just fantastic.

I pause at the papery material, looking for another way out if I can. Could I kill them, probably, but discretion is the better part of valor I think as I look for a way out that doesn't involve having to fight.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:47 pm

There is no way from what you see, but you suppose you could try going through the wall. There is no really way to guess what's on the other side, but otherwise you're just going to have to hope that you can assassin's creed the lobby.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Really, thought he'd love having tits to play with... Then again, he hasn't had the chance to yet.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Mon Oct 26, 2020 10:37 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

He'll get around to that. He always pictured himself as a DBZ build if his body finished, 'cause he's a nerd. He's not wild about the distraction and discomfort of such tight clothing as the new body is a few dozen pounds larger, vertically and muscularly.

Okay. Sneak through the lobby, I can do this. Carefully opening the door, I try to sneak out, hoping a bit of slow and gentle motion is the secret to avoiding them noticing me.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:56 am

Roll 13
You manage to get to the front doors before the bugs seem to become aware of your presences and begin swarming. Booking it outside you place some distance from the nest and begin looking around. There are signs of bugs just about everywhere, thought clearly not everything is a nest. You can probably kiss goodbye to finding anything edible, though what they else they consider edible is a bit of a mystery. Still, for the first time, you can explore the city at your relative leisure. Where to first?
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Mon Nov 02, 2020 3:41 am

I stop to think for a moment, gently jogging away from the city center, looking to maybe escape, but keeping my eyes open for anything valuable to loot. Hm, I recall that the city was still mostly functional when the bugs came, so there's likely some things still useful, even if food isn't one of them. I should probably look for a sporting goods or weapons store, assuming they haven't all been looted completely. I have no idea how durable these clothes are, and I don't want to be running around barefoot if these nice looking boots don't stand up to the rigors I put them through.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Mon Nov 02, 2020 4:30 am

Roll 19
Bingo. You are traveling and you spot a sports good store that looks mostly intact. Entering it you are bombarded with the smell of bug repellent, nearly choking you. Investigating you see an entire case of it that apparently bursted. It seems that even these monster bugs are vulnerable and that left the store mostly intact. While the selection is mostly geared towards hunting there are a few articles of clothing that are suitable to your needs. Mostly things like camo-patterned clothes and thermal socks and undies, but also some extra boots. There are also a good selection of hunting or survival knives if you want to grab a few spares, and even some hunting bows.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:27 am

Alas, it does seem that the guns are fully looted, as I expected, but I'm still overjoyed to find most of what I want. Searching out the bug repellent, I check to see if any of it is still usable, and grab a spare cloth poncho to soak in the material for a temporary method of keeping the bugs away. Before, the backpack I had was more 'what I found' than a proper hunting or camping set of equipment, something I can probably loot from here if I'm lucky. I begin to dismantle my bag and packing, adding a lot more camouflage patterned clothing than I'm used to. And it's all the stretchy workout stuff unfortunately. My new physique is quite a bit heavier than what most athletic women had before, but I crab a half dozen sports bras and panties that look like they'll fit my large frame to go with them. Any other bits of gear I find also go into the pack, any knives going onto my belt or equivalent.

Speaking of... I can't resist the chance to play with myself, just a little bit. My new feminine bits are exceptionally sensitive, and just a bit of playing gets my nipples hard and my crotch beginning to moisten before I put a stop to it. I've also got a chance to see if I can maybe take these clothes off without ripping them apart. If I can figure them out, I take them all off, packing them into the bag and switching to human made clothing, as it's something I'm a bit more familiar with. If I can get it off, I also take a chance to be a bit more... thorough with my physical exploration.

I also ask my new Pixie friend to give me a bit more of a run down, now that I've had a bit of... relaxation added in.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Thu Nov 05, 2020 11:44 am

As you approach the bug repellent you nearly choke on the over saturation. It seemed like the bottles all exploded for some reason. There isn't any still in a liquid form, it having turned into a disgusting goopy mess that have melded the bottle with the case, along with all kinds of random debris. You're not sure how much time you really want to spend with it. Still, hopefully when you get out of the city, you'll never have to deal with monster bugs again.
Luck roll 2
Unfortunately it looks like who ever took the guns also took the tents. Still a few extra bags.

The clothes are a strange one piece things, that you might be able to have taken off it it wasn't already stretched to its limit by your new form. As you try to figure out how you are suppose to remove it, you hear a loud rip and the thin cloth drifts slowly down your body revealing your breasts and you can't help but explore them a bit, causing a loud moan to escape your lips as they are even more sensitive when touched bare. Regardless, the dress is much looser now, but also seems quite content to attempt to slip off at any opportunity so best change out of it, though you are tempted to take advantage of the fact that you're practically naked rather, rather then getting dressed immediately.

Asking the pixie for a run down leaves her with a confused look as she doesn't understand what you want her to explain.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Fri Nov 06, 2020 4:36 am

Well, if the dress doesn't want to stay on me, who am I to argue. I begin to explore myself, gasping as my hands run across my sensitive breasts, and I nearly collapse when I tweak my hardening nipples. Still, I manage to focus, at least a little bit before my now sexy moans distract me. A hand runs down the rigid muscles of my stomach and sides before it reaches to my flared hips, and round, bouncy butt. My thighs are massive now, and they look like they could crush a melon with barely an effort, even if I wasn't so much stronger. Still, the raw sensuality of my body is too much, and I find my now slim, tapered fingers reaching down between my legs and massaging the tight lower lips as I slip completely out of the dress and set it aside.

I tremble and ache as my fingers dive deeper into my quivering slit, before a gasping orgasm escapes me, my first of hopefully many feminine orgasms. I don't even feel tired, in fact, I'm intensely energized before I feel an odd pressure and my cock comes out to play. I grunt, as new and unusual muscles flex, the very top of my slit spreading out to allow the passage of the fifteen inch organ, throbbing and oozing pre as my slim fingers wrap around it. It's... so different with these hands as I begin to jerk off and finger my slit at the same time. My breathing becomes heavy and raspy before I lock up, intense pressure building. Before, my orgasms were exceptionally large, but now, it's a surprise that I can produce such volumes! Thick globs of pearly white spray from my cock, reaching meters distant as the heavy spurts spray across the floor and my eyes roll back up in my head at the pleasure.

I'm laying on my back, panting as I come down from my orgasm. I've... I've got so much energy, I could go again! But... I... I need to focus more. At my conscious decision, I feel my hard cock begin to relax, those same strange muscles flexing once more as it slurps back inside my body. Panting, I start getting up, looking at my cum drenched fingers and... I can't stop myself, my tongue reaching out and cleaning the musky protein off my fingers. Finally able to focus once more, I begin getting dressed as fast as I can to avoid further temptation. Finally, I get sports underwear on, several of them being required to hold these massive tits in place, and then slip a set of the larger female pants on. They're far too tight and revealing, but... well, I'm not normal sized anymore it seems. And my proportions would tear apart anything not built for someone my shape.

Sighing as I finish getting dressed, doing my long, white hair up into a ponytail, like I've seen girls do in... things, I return my attention to my little pixie companion. "Well... you can talk now. What's going on there? Also, can I do magic now?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Requesting self-impreg roll. Considering it was just finger contact, I think a low chance is fine.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sun Apr 04, 2021 6:55 am

Self-Impreg roll 13 no dice
After calming down and addressing your friend she answers, "I am an incomplete fragment, capabilities were limited. However, was able to use the remnant energy from the Crucible to develop a structure for communication. And no, not exactly. You have great magical potential but much of magic is a technical skill. Just because you have carpentry tools doesn't mean you can make furniture. It does mean you can practice though."
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:16 am


Having settled properly, I think on what the pixie says, which makes some sense. "I don't suppose you can teach me? After that near miss with the bugs, I don't think I want to be so poorly defended again." I tell her, hoping she can inform me on how to go about it.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:22 am

"Capabilities limited. Basic magic scripting possible to teach," She explains, "More advanced knowledge requires recover of psyche, or 3rd party sources."
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:36 am

It sounds like there's something wrong with her 'database' for lack of a better term. "Alright, that makes some sense. Do what you can?" I push on ahead.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby Sallin_Kari » Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:38 am

She spends some time trying to get you to being able to manipulate magic. This is harder then you thought. She does keep bringing up what you did in the fight with the insects but you were more on autopilot then intentionally doing anything so doesn't really help you.
Random person in the comments section of a random hentai manga- "Now I am ashamed of myself."
Me- "Posh, shame is for fools and people with friends... we need no such things, we have the internet."
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:35 pm

Re: Storms of Change(Porne)

Postby porne » Mon Apr 05, 2021 12:07 am

"Okay, so if I was on autopilot, does that mean that magic is more instinctive, or that this body has instincts for it? Or am I low on mana or something?" I do make sure I check properly, this body is new, so I'm not sure if I'll notice before I start going into mana withdrawal. Assuming that's still a thing. If I've got enough, I switch from standing still, to a more motion based casting style, trying to draw the strange mana blades once more.
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:33 am


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