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Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:38 am
by Reaperbones
Alex noted her every movement and reaction. She truly feared him at this point. It was the opposite of what he wanted originally, but the end goal was still the same. Today he'd teach her the register during the day, but at night her lessons would begin. First and foremost would be health charms, especially ones for children. He needed at least a dozen for the orphanage and possibly more if the rumors of soldiers bringing back orphaned children was true. He watched her walk into the bath and broke into laughter. He walked over and spoke as he ran his turned the hot water knob causing the cold water to begin pouring into the tub. "You should probably remove those panties so you don't get stuck without them while they dry. Remember I don't plan on giving you anymore clothes. Okay water is getting hot now."
He put his hand under the water and flinched a little. He adjusted the cold water knob and frowned as he realized something. He didn't know her body temperature enough to adjust it to her. He absentmindedly reached over and place a free hand on her forehead. He returned to adjusting the water before nodding. He spoke as he pulled the drain closed and the water began filling the tub. He stood up and walked over to the shower. He spoke as he grabbed the soap that was in it. "So all I have is generic shampoo, none of that fancy shit the ladies usually get. The water should be a good temperature but if you need to adjust it the nozzles are fairly simple, right tighty and such. I think I'm gonna shower..."
Alex past the tub, dropping the bottle of soap into the water. He sat at the edge of the elevated area and began taking his clothes off, starting with the boots, then the cloak, shirt, armor plates, and last his pants and underwear.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 5:41 am
by Sallin_Kari
I jumped at the sudden laughter, slowly glancing back my captor, both fearful and wondering what happened. As he moved closer I scooted out of the way, hoping to he would not get to close. I watched him mess with the metal protrusions on side of the tub, resulting in water suddenly pouring out of them. In my surprise I didn't notice his hand suddenly reach out for me but as soon as his hand touched me, my entire body stiffened. I wanted to shrink away, but I was afraid he'd get angry again, so I just gulped trying not to draw any more attention from him, as my heart pounded.

He finally left, going to 'shower,' what ever that was. Noticing he was preoccupied disrobing, I turned away, gulped a bit as I steeled myself, before finally removing my single remaining piece of clothing to my name, gently putting it on the far side of the tub from him. With that done, and him doing something else, I turn my attention to the water... It was warm, which felt very different than the cool water that came from a water crystal. Is this how human's normally bath? In addition I didn't see any soap powder... he mentioned shampoo but I don't know that is... There is also this tub thing floating around in the water. It seems to have writing on it, but I'm not sure what it says.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Presuming that the writing on the bottle would be in Draconic which she can't read.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:47 am
by Reaperbones
Alex finished undressing and stood up. He noticed the underwear placed on the far side of the tub from him. He shook his head and stood up. He realized something he had learned on his travels. Elves didn't use liquid soap...He chuckled quietly and walked over to her. He crouched down next to where she was in the tub and fished up the bottle of soap. He sat down with his feet in the tub and grabbed her arm. He pulled it up to him and poured some soap in his hand. He glanced at her body before quickly turning back to her arm. God she was hot and it was arousing. He focused on lathering the slope on her arm as he spoke. "You've never had a warm bath before have you? I noticed in your villages you guys use water crystals. Creative but not very comfortable in my opinion. Here this is the type of soap we use. Wash your body up good, wouldn't want you to catch any diseases or anything."
Alex realized that in his moment arousal his facade had fallen a bit. He contemplated correcting it with a threat, but he knew he wouldn't have to. She hates him, and nothing he does will change that so he shouldn't worry. She would probably rationalize it as something other than concern. He stood up and did a quick stretch before walking over to the shower and entering it. He turned it on and went about washing himself up.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:10 am
by Sallin_Kari
My contemplation of the bath was suddenly cut off as I felt his presence close, causing me to twitch in surprise, sending a splash rippling across the surface. To make it worse, he was naked, and all those threats suddenly rushed into my head again. Paralyzed with fear at the expectation of rape, I silently shook as he fished out the thing floating around before grabbing my arm and pulled it. I struggled, weakly trying to pull my arm free, my hand grabbing at this, letting out little more than a pathetic whimper. A bitter thought occurred to me... Was I really this weak? I fought and defeated entire squads of humans before, yet one unarmed and unclothed human has me whimpering like a child. I hated this feeling, as I wished he'd go away.

Surprisingly, he did. Did he do this just to teach me that this is their soap? I don't like this. Thinking back to when he gave me the blanket, I try to figure out what he is trying to do. He flips back and forth between being a cruel sadist and... compassionate? Helpful? ... I don't know, but at the very least not so cruel. At the very least if he was always cruel, I'd know what to expect, but this bipolar switching scared me even more then that alternative. Perhaps this is the point, but not knowing what he'll be like makes him to unpredictable to know what will happen.

With him leaving me alone once more, I turn away from him, slowly using the soap over my body, soaking in the water. At the very least this is nice, the warmth soaking into my body, loosening up my muscles. It makes me feel a lot better... if only physically.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:06 am
by Reaperbones
Alex enjoyed showers a lot. The hot water relaxed his whole body and the sound of water always helped him think. Right now he was thinking about the fact that eh was too much of an ass. Did he really want her to fear him? No, he'd rather she came to like his company and understand why he did this to her. Their argument in the workshop proved something though; they're both stubborn as mountains. One or both of them would have to give. He sighed and turned off the water. He shook himself off before stepping out of the shower and grabbing a towel. He looked at her as he dried himself. She didn't deserve to be punished as harshly as he planned. He wrapped the towel around his waist and spoke. "I'm going to go get you a towel to dry off with. Finish up your bath."
Alex walked out of the bathroom and went about gathering things. First was a spare towel for Lara, next was a pair of clothes for himself, and last was a pair of clothes for her. He knew that it was pointless to expect her to forgive him, so he'd plan to just give her the clothes without even bringing attention to them. He got dressed and gathered the towel and clothes into a nice stack. He walked into the bathroom and placed the towel next to the bath. He spoke as he held up the spare clothes, which was just a simple pair of cargo pants and a t-shirt, for her to take from him. "Dry off and put these on. The seamstress will be here in an hour or so. We'll eat in the meantime. Are eggs and bacon okay with you or would you rather a grilled cheese?"

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:20 pm
by Sallin_Kari
I had just about finished washing all the parts of my body, with the exception of my hair, that I dared raise lift above the water in his presence when I am told to finish up. Pouting slightly that what short respite I had is already coming to an end, I work some of the human liquid soap into my hair before finishing up by rinsing out. By this time, I could here him returning, and used the bath to preserve my modesty as much as I could as he laid out some cloth nearby. He seemed to be very firmly in... what I shall tentatively refer to as 'nice' mode at the moment, reneging on his promise to parade me around naked all day. Despite not really having an appetite with everything going on, I recalled the last time I refused food got me a 'strike' and considering how bad 'strike three' was I had no intention to see what his plans are for 'strike four.' Still I am unfamiliar with my options. I know what eggs are, but I only have a vague idea that bacon and cheese are foods common in less forested regions. "I... I am fine with eggs si-master," I manage out, hoping my slip of the tongue won't set him off again.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Living in the forest I don't imagine them having much in the way of cattle and Lara isn't too interested in culinary of foreign cultures so I figure she wouldn't be aware of what exactly cheese or pork is.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:05 am
by Reaperbones
Alex noticed that she was hiding herself and almost sighed. It was kind of annoying, but was to be expected. He held the clothes in his left arm as he walked around the side of the bath. He barely gave her a glance as he moved over to where the drain switch was. He pushed it and watched as the water began draining. He grabbed her underwear by one of the straps while he was near it and examined it. Throwing it over into the pile of his dirty clothes, he spoke with a frown. "Those are beyond disgusting at this point...Alright get on up out of the water before it's all gone and you start freezing. It's not like I haven't seen you naked."
Alex walked over to the sink and grabbed a comb. He twirled it in his hand before speaking. "Here how about I make you all of the above so you can try them each. Once you're done drying off I'll take care of your wet hair."

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:31 am
by Sallin_Kari
I get, up, trying to cover as much of myself as possible with my arms as I reach for the towel. The fact he has seen me naked is hardly a comfort despite what he seems to think. Still, I had the very awkward task of using the towel to dry myself while covering myself with it. And after doing a sufficient job, I wrap the towel around me, slowly approaching him, wishing I could at least put on my panties again, even as dirty as they were.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:51 am
by Reaperbones
Alex tried not to stare too much, but it was very difficult with how she was moving. Rather than just quickly dry herself off and then cover herself, she was fighting to make the towel do both. The towel was incapable as such and with her erratic movements bits of her body were shown in teasing flashes. He would have to talk to a psychologist about how a girl just occasionally flashing him is more arousing than one standing completely nude. She finished her tantalizing dance, and Alex tried to give her a bored look. He didn't want her to think he had been staring. He kind of wished his anger was back so he could stop caring about what she thought of him. She came over to him and he handed her the clothes before turning her around. He spoke as he began gently combing her hair. "The pants should have a belt on them already, once you have them on just tap the buckle and it'll tighten to fit your -How is your hair so damn silky?- waist. The shirt will probably be more like -Is it absorbing the fire magic I'm using?- a dress, but hey at least you won't be showing off your chest. Seriously how does a forest dweller keep their hair this soft? Weird Elf magic if I ever saw it. Alright food should almost be done, and your hair is dry."
Alex often would mumble to himself when working. He never realized that he would also do it while combing someone's hair. He barely even realized he had done it, but by that time it was done and over with. Best to just ignore it ever happened and hope she does the same. He ran his fingers through her hair once more to make sure his magic had dried it fully before clapping his hands once. He grabbed a blue ribbon from his pocket and gently pulled her hair straight so he had it all in one hand. He placed the blue ribbon against it and spoke a single word in Draconic before letting go. He walked out of the bathroom as her hair begin braiding itself before the blue ribbon tied itself in a nice bow at the end of it. He poked his head back through the door and spoke. "Alright Elfy, hurry your shit up and come get some food before it cools. I've been nice enough to give you clothes, so you can show me some respect and appreciate my food. Oh watch your step on your way out. The house is waking up since I've been home for long enough so there is a construct cleaning up the dust. Their name is Jack and I don't want you to get in their way."
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Jack, Alex's mechanical servant.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:09 pm
by Sallin_Kari
I don't understand the purpose of very obviously staring at someone but then pretending that you weren't after the fact, but then again I didn't understand a lot of what this man did... Did he perhaps think I wouldn't notice? And why be bashful about this now after pointing out how he's already seen me naked. Shaking my head, I moved over to let him deal with my hair, where I am exposed to another strange human-habit. He's interrupting himself to mumble things. At first I thought he was actually questioning me, but he's just rambling. My suspicion that he had some sort of mental instability only grows with this display. Still, it felt nice to have my hair combed again... even if it is by an human and even if that human thinks using fire magic on hair is a good idea. It still is a luxury I haven't had the time for since I joined the military.

Eventually he finishes up, and produces a blue ribbon which begins to weave my hair before tying itself off. Unfortunately I didn't have the ability to watch it, but I run my hand over it's work and I can't help but be curious about the magic used. Oh well, another time, at the moment I have a short reprieve from 'Master,' which I take examining my new clothes. They're quite baggy affairs, even for him, which is something I find a bit confusing, since he did mention that a seamstress was coming, which indicates that he could afford better, properly fitted clothes... Unless this is the extent of human's tailoring capabilities? And the pants have these large pouches built into the legs. I wonder- I suddenly jump as he unexpectedly appears once more, wrapping myself around the pants to use them cover my form. Once he leaves again, I'm left to contemplate a few things he said... First off, if he has servant constructs, which apparently are given names, might be just another symptom of his insanity though, then as I suspected he has no practical need for slaves, and this is just for his own pleasure... a cheery thought. Second, I'm going to have to force myself to eat all the food he gives, whether I like it or not and despite my lack of appetite. Third, he's language has gotten more... casual? He's using words in ways that literal don't make sense.

It was not hard to figure out how to don said clothing, especially with the 'belt' that self adjusted, though I must admit it looks pretty ridiculous on me, scrunched up against my waist though relatively snug on my hips, then just kind of hanging over most of my legs. The shirt was only slightly better, though it still had the same hanging issue, but at least covered my waist and hip mismatch. With that done, I navigate back to the dinning room, giving 'Jack' a wide berth. Elves don't usually use constructs since they have a bad habit of getting influenced by the environment in weird ways... and act erratically... No wonder he likes them I suppose.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:20 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex pointed to a seat across from him noting a confused stare from Jack as she very obviously avoided him. He spoke as she sat down. "You know I said don't get in his way not avoid him like the plague. He does have feelings unlock those constructs that the Dwarves and Gnomes build. He's programmed to clean the upstairs, but only the upstairs. Workshop is going to be our job since things in there can be... volatile at times. Oh if you need anything from him just ask, but don't be a bitch. You're only a little bit above him on the totem pole."
Alex watched as Jack moved over to the kitchen that was very obviously operating by itself. He came back with plates for both him and Lara. His plate had eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns. Her's on the other hand had a grilled cheese, some eggs, and some hashbrowns. He spoke as he began crushing up and mixing all his food together. "So I should explain how this house operates since you'll be staying here. Every house in the city is connected on via two systems. A simple magic grid for your everyday magical usage and a power grid for the lights and appliances. For some things we use magic because it's safer like the water heater. A lot of the kitchen is enchanted to work on it's own. It can cook anything I can cook, and Jack can handle most of the rest. I also have a lot of clothing that's set up the same way. That ribbon is a good example, proud to say it's my handiwork too. Oh so there is one thing I needed to ask. How long do you Elves sleep on average or do you guys not sleep at all?"

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:30 pm
by Sallin_Kari
A construct with feelings... that sounds even more prone to erratic behavior... And yay... I barely outrank an animated rust bucket... Sighing, I reply, "I apologize master, but I have had a... bad experience with a construct as a child." I was not the only one either. The elves bought a few from the dwarves back after the first war with the humans... but over the last couple of centuries almost all of them have been decommissioned for erratic/dangerous behavior.

As the food arrived I looked over it, testing the consistency of each with the multi-tipped spear like utensil before scooping up some of the egg. It's... somewhat bland, lacking all the herbs and spices I am familiar to, not to mention the vegetables. Next up was the brown slivers baked together... It was fairly good, but again I couldn't help but think how much better it would be with herbs. And finally the sandwich clearly won out, the liquid gooey stuff in the middle being by far the tastiest thing here. I munch down on the rest of it as he explains things about the city. I can't help but raise an eyebrow at the mention of a 'power grid.' Isn't magic power? So what's the difference? Still before I had the time to ponder any more on it he asked me a direct question.

I pause for a moment to try to explain it, remembering how humans sleep to formulate the response, "Unlike humans, elves aren't... rhythmic sleepers. That is to say, we don't have a set amount of time we sleep any given day, rather it is determined by how much energy we expend. For example when you captured me, I had expended most of my energy so when I passed out, I was out from before dusk to dawn of the next day. I don't know the exact time but say ten to fourteen hours seems to be a fair estimate. And even then my sleep was interrupted. However I know of elven sentries who have spent three or more days without sleep by being literally motionless, not even moving to drink or eat. Now back at home, I slept any where between four to eight hours depending on how much business I got that day. Of course for highly magic attuned elves like myself, just sleep isn't usually enough to restore our mana, so we meditate to increase our absorption from the environment. It may appear similar to a sleep-like state to those races who aren't as magically attuned since our bodies are motionless and our eyes are closed, but we are fully conscious and aware at this time and can stop it at will... In fact I did it on multiple occasions while you were hunting me. It is the reason I managed to recover some magic between our encounters."

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:38 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex listened to her talk about the Dwarves and their constructs. He shooked and poked his food before speaking. "Dwarves don't put as much heart into their works. Yeah they have innate skill and they put a decent bit of passion into their works, but they treat them as tools and nothing more. Not like it matters to them though."
Alex ate as she talked about Elves and their sleeping habits. He nodded a few times and it was obvious he was actually considering everything she said. Once she was finished he spoke. "Well I can almost guarantee 8 hours of sleep every night. I try to go to bed around 9 and wake up around 6 since the shop opens at 8. You'll probably fall into the same rhythm since the work is consistent. If we're not making custom enchantments for people then we're making health charms and the such for donations. Not everyone can afford to buy high class health charms, so we make effective but small charms. They require frequent recharging, but since most go to Orphans and children in need, it's not too difficult to find the time to recharge them. If you need time to meditate between work then I can have your work the front counter for a couple hours. We're not too busy so you'd probably be able to get an hour of meditating. All of this does explain why you were able to put up such a long chase. I was lucky enough to be able to take naps on Fenrir whenever we were just tracking your trail."

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:19 pm
by Sallin_Kari
"I suspect that is one of the main reasons the elves and dwarves grew... contemptuous of each other. Elves view things that we rely on with a sort of... spiritual respect. We are thankful for that the animal on our table gave it's life so we could eat, the trees of the forest for giving us shelter, the earth for providing a bountiful harvest this year, things of that nature. Those that fail to do so are viewed... almost instinctively as arrogant and thankless," I explain a bit.

I nod at him laying out the schedule, slightly disturbed at the apparent abundance of orphans that humans have... What is the house of these children doing? Their territory isn't being threatened so it doesn't seem realistic that the entire adult population of their house would be wiped out. My brows furrowed as I attempt to parse this mystery. At this point I finished the sandwich and just idly poke at the other food on my plate. Them not appealing to my pallet enough to rekindle my diminished appetite. I do however respond, "I am unaware of just how intensive your work is, but I have never needed more than an hour of meditation after sleeping."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

I'm not sure how much Alex would know about elven culture but elves are organized into houses which are essentially clans with more internal support. For example, when Lara declared she was going to join the army, she was outfitted by her family. Everything from her armor, the underdress Alex destroyed, and the blade of her glaive, though she made the actual shaft, were all given to her by her family, and she is less supported than an average elf by her house because of how ideologically opposed she is from their consensuses. Another result of this is that 'orphans' are pretty freaking rare in elven civilization since if their parents die, they will be taken in by their house either as a whole or a specific family within it.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:02 am
by Reaperbones
Alex took note of her commentary about the differences between her people and the dwarves. He finished his food and scooted his plate forward before pulling out a silver coin. He spoke as he pointed to it. "Alright let me finish out the explanations so I don't continue to bore you. Important notes about the city. We use these as currency. They look like normal coins but they have been enchanted so that they can be identified. It prevents counterfeiting. Slaves are not treated horribly here. Most people wish for your swift redemption so you may join them as citizens who help this civilization grow. We're known as a Draconic Nation as almost every person has a least a little dragon blood in them. We call our race as a whole Dragonblooded, but we kind categorize ourselves based on how dragonesque our appearance is. I would be known as a Draconic but say you meet someone with scales and wings? They are Dragonborn. We still call full dragons as dragons even though they have human in them. It's all mostly to help identify people when searching. Kinda like you elves and your high, celestial, and dark thing. Alright so I can't really break down the history for you nor the etiquette but the summary is be friendly. Oh! And big warning don't ever abandon a child or hurt them. WE DO NOT TOLERATE THAT."
Alex gave his plate to Jack as he walked by. He spoke once again. "So tell me about your people."

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:04 am
by Sallin_Kari
I look over the coin, a typical currency used outside the forests... and one I really wish we adopted... Our method is no where near as easy to keep track of.

Humans must have a very different definition of horrible, if what he says is true. And the whole 'redemption' thing is a very self-righteous and arrogant notion, but not one I am the least bit surprised by considering my conversation with him about the war before he flipped out. Though I find it interesting the slaves could become citizens, though I am uncertain on how that would serve them. There is likely a lot of resentment built up, and to make them citizens seems to be just asking for trouble

The concept that every humans as at least some amounts of dragon blood is... disturbing to say the least. If we consider the size difference the pairing would have to be human male with a female dragon... And considering the prevalence of the mixed blood, that would mean it is normal for human males to be willing to mate with a gigantic lizard beast of fury and fire. And the comparison to our sub-races is... tenuous at best. They each have a long and distinct history with marked origins, not just groups of physical features that can be used to categorize them, and they are certainly not due to hybridization with an outside species.

A shudder runs down my spine as he raises his voice. My mind suddenly races as panic sets in. What triggered him?! Is he angry that I didn't finish my food?! Did I accidentally say something to myself!? Did I make a face while thinking about the human bloodlines that offended him!? Considering the timing that does seem the most likely. I shrink into my chair as I brace for a strike... one that never comes. Looking around in surprise and panic, I realize he is talking normally again. In fact he's asking me for information. I try to choke down the lump in my throat and compose myself as I stammer out an answer, "Huh!? Oh! Um... I, well. Si-Master, That's a bit vague... I mean! Could you please be more specific on what you want to know, Master?!"
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Never having met a dragon, and likely only hearing stories of them from the war, she has a very... one sided view of them... which leads to... interesting misunderstands.
Also the forum deleted the first version of this post so I had to re-write it all... Not happy. >:(

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:58 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex watched her panic and let out a sigh. Well done on turning her into a scared little child, dumbass. He waited until she finish stuttering to speak. "I guess raising my voice gets your attention, definitely not in the way I wanted though. Look in this culture we're protective of the younger generation. They are our future and as such I cannot emphasize how important it is that you treat them right. I shouldn't have raised my voice. I've already terrified you enough for today."
Alex leaned forward and rested his head on his hands. He spoke with a smile. "Look I know you hate me and are terrified of me, but for just a few seconds imagine I'm just some stranger. New to your lands and looking for a new home. What would you tell me about your town and people? What makes you guys so special. And look, sir will be enough for now. I got angry earlier and said too much, just call me sir..."

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 5:33 pm
by Sallin_Kari
I pause for a moment, baffled. He said that like that is something abnormal or even unique for a civilization to be very protective of the children... I mean every civilization I know anything about does that... well except maybe the goblins, dealing with that problem by just producing so many children that even if 80% of them die, their population still explodes... Did he mistake that as being the norm?

As he leaned forward and smiled, his head resting on his hands, I felt a shiver up my spine... not of fear this time... but considering the situation I found this... creepy. The cheerful smile of a maleficence. It is quite unnerving, but I had to give him an answer or risk his wrath once again. "Well, sir, the first thing would be that we not only live in the forest, but are reliant on it, as such it is a crime to needlessly destroy the forest, punishments ranging from fines, to mandatory work maintaining the forest, to even prison time depending on how egregious the offense. So that would be rule number one. Second it would be my recommendation to become associated with a house as quickly as possible. Even if you are not a member, being associated with a house will provide you with substantial support and assistance in finding things you need such as housing within your income range, finding and negotiating with potential business partners and courtship opportunities, and even temporary monetary assistance should you run into a streak of bad luck. You will, of course, will be expected to provide similar services to assist the house in return. Third, while our currency can be very... complex, most places of business in each income range only deals with a small selection of the various crystals available, so generally speaking you'll only need to deal with those as well. And fourth, all elves have at least some trace amounts of magic, as such we have a list of rules on when and where magic can be used, as well as punishments for misuse. " I nervously tap on my legs, quite certain my explanation is not sufficient but without any pointer on what more specifically he wants to know, I can't come up with anything more to add.

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:26 pm
by Reaperbones
Alex listened to her speak about her home with a curious gaze. Apparently there was more to Elven culture than he thought. He didn't expect them to have a sense of currency between their own people. Maybe when it came to other races, but not between Elven towns. He nodded when she finished and spoke. "My great grandfather was a dragon who had spent a bit of time exploring outside the wall. He told me about how gold was the major trade currency. Made me laugh a bit because apparently dwarves made a lot of stuff out of gold. It was literally turning money into objects. Great grandma also found her grandpa's stories ridiculous. She was a petite little draconic woman if you were curious. I got my tall genes from grandpa's side of the family. So what were your family like? Oh and you mentioned courtship? Were you to get married before I stole you?"

Re: These Chains I Wear (Reaperbones/Sallin_Kari)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:56 pm
by Sallin_Kari
I pause as I try to wrap my head around his ancestors'... situation, but he continued on, luckily forcing me to change subjects, and that image out of my mind. "Well, gold is highly resistant to corrosion and has innate value since many races like how it looks, making it ideal for currency. Such properties also make it useful for luxury crafts. As for my house, they've made themselves a reputation as artisans and craftsmen. Most of the house knows at least one craft, even if that is not their profession. And no, I was not engaged in any courtship, despite my father's attempts... My views were well known and made potential suitors uncomfortable." I avoid the issue of my relationship with my house, hoping that he wouldn't bring up the subject. It is a painful and isolating subject to think about, even without the context of being enslaved by humans, and dragged gods know how far away from anyone I know.