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Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 4:51 am
by eaenidu
It took time mostly because it was dried and in her fur and well, after her day and the time it took once you were in the bath area you saw some were ice baths, some normal room temp and some had steam and heat coming from them, and Oasis was nearly asleep against you, there was some kind deer girl in the ice bath, a couple ponies in both the others.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 5:56 am
by Kuragari
Sinking into the steam bath, I chuckled as Oasis seemed to be nearly ready to fall asleep. I set my magic to gently trying to help scrub out the rest of the dried cum while the rest of me relaxed and relished in the soothing warmth as it worked its way through me.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 6:23 am
by eaenidu
The ponies who had finished cleaning up and getting in before you looked annoyed "You're Supposed to get clean before you get in the bath, yeah they change the water but this is public come one." One complained at you annoyed as they quickly got out and away, they didn't seem annoyed with Oasis, but with you for failing to clean her first, she seemed to be half asleep.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 11:21 am
by Kuragari
I ignored them, focused on the pretty lady friend whom I had rescued. Once she was cleaned up, I gave her a pat on the head before giving my own tailhole as... well, as good of a cleaning as I could in this form. Then I just let myself savor and relish in the warm water til I felt it was time to get out lest we both become prunes.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 23, 2024 11:45 pm
by eaenidu
Oasis was basically sleep walking at this point looking dead to the world, and it was getting close to night too, the sun was going down and well, you currently didn't have anywhere to stay. So the question was, where and how were you going to find somewhere to sleep?

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2024 7:47 am
by Kuragari
"Hm... I'd ask her, but well..." I mumbled to myself, poking the sleeping Oasis with a paw. After a moments thought, I decided to ask around, figuring maybe someone would know a place two folks could sleep, either for free or in exchange for some work or some other service. I wasn't keen on just sleeping down an alleyway. Who knew what the weather might become like.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Fri May 24, 2024 8:50 am
by eaenidu
Yeah she was out, you had to carry her again, still asking around the only lead you got was that the adventuring guild would let people stay the night every now and then if they were adventurers or signing up to be adventurers. Most other people just seemed baffled why you didn't have any money.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2024 1:35 pm
by Kuragari
Well, I'd just woken up in this world and Oasis didn't have any money on her person near as I could tell. So I simply set off for the adventurers guild to see if they had any room. Perhaps I could sign up in the morning... maybe Oasis would be interested as well? Even if she wasn't, it seemed like it might be a fun thing to do!

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 5:41 am
by eaenidu
When you got there it seemed to be shutting up for the night, but you caught two batponies, twins at that as they were closing up "Oh, can we help you? We're not taking anymore quests today." the Stallion said walking over to you, looking confused at you and Oasis while his sister continued to put things up for the night.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 6:31 am
by Kuragari
Smiling as I saw them both, I briefly let my eyes wander over both, thenintroduced ourselves and explained, "Well, I woke up in a goblin cave with no idea how I got there. And I helped this lady out with some goblins that had nabbed her. Neither of us have any money, so could use a place to stay for the evening. If needed, I could work a bit to earn our keep."

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2024 10:07 pm
by eaenidu
The Brother in turn introduced him as Sanguine Contract and his sister was Crimson Contract. Before blinking at your words and hummed "Technically speaking we aren't allowed to hirer staff without head offices approval, but if you're willing to work as adventurers we can give you a place for the night and a basic loan for equipment and stuff you might need." Sanguine offered.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2024 9:30 pm
by Kuragari
"No idea about her, but sure, that sounds good to me!" I reply eagerly enough. I went ahead and signed anything needing signed, then once directed to someplace where we could sleep, I practically flopped into bed with Oasis next to me. Ready for a good long rest after the events of the day.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 6:57 am
by eaenidu
You had a few lewd dreams, some involving Oasis, some involving goblins, Som involving both and one even involving cute goblin girls and Crimson, so when you woke up it was to your raging hard on smacking the sleeping Oasis' pussy.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Wed May 29, 2024 11:06 pm
by Kuragari
Blushing quite a bit, and squirming this way and that as I tried to deal with this annoying fact and the temptation to just slip it in side her, I decided I'd first try to poke and prod Oasis. I'd at least ask, then if I couldn't rouse her for that... Well, maybe I'd go see if I could find Crimson Contract and if she was up for some fun? Or maybe even Sanguine if he didn't mind doing a guy like me.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 1:29 am
by eaenidu
Sadly she didn't wake up, and instead snuggled back into you more, her pussy rubbing up and down your cock, you could feel her juices on your shaft and the heat from her crotch pushing into your cock as she in her sleep, pressed herself into you.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 4:25 am
by Kuragari
Gasping at this, I found myself unable to keep myself from not doing it. My horny brain processing this as little more than permission. Shifting my paws to take hold of her, I grabbed onto her hips, lined myself up, and then began to push up into her as I pulled her down. Fuuuuck she felt so damned good...

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 4:50 am
by eaenidu
She was incredibly tight, and hot, and if you had to guess a virgin, her wet pussy clung to you tighter and tighter as she gasped and wiggled, but didn't seem to wake up even when you felt your cock bump something with only about three fourths of the length actually inside her.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2024 11:41 pm
by Kuragari
"B~Baaaa~!" I gasp and bleat out, groaning in delight as I begin to slowly seesaw my cock in and out of her. My thinking was very quickly clouding with pleasure, and even as a part of me tried to say I should stop, should at least try to wake her up, I couldn't help myself. Of course, I didn't want to be the only one feeling good, so I let my paws move to her hips where those markings were to trace, grope, and knead them as I leaned up to lock lips with her.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 12:18 am
by eaenidu
Her eyes were still closed, but even in her apparent sleep she was still gasping, moaning, shaking with pleasure as you pushed in and out of her, though teasing her marks had her whole body flushing red and made her squeak as her pussy tightened and tried to milk, her eyes were still shut tight.

Re: Mystery Dungeons and Ponies?(Kuragari)

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2024 12:26 am
by Kuragari
Getting that response from touching them just encourages me more as I give her an eager kiss, then pepper her face and neck with kisses and licks as I use my claws to slowly, teasingly trace and follow every curve and line of the marks as my hips started to move just a bit faster. My cock felt so good, and her moans and the feeling of her clinging to me assures me that she's feeling just as good, if not better~!