All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Tue May 16, 2023 1:52 pm

It was pretty much a mass of naked bodies you couldn't find anyone, though luckily Marie was incredibly small and light, part of the reason she was the pyramid top. She was also completely out of it, and you were pretty sure her pussy was almost if not the exact some stretched out size as your own, and after the night, with how tired you were, you found yourself soon cuddling with Marie and sleeping, dreaming of goat cocks, Marie and babies.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Tue May 16, 2023 2:03 pm

Before bed, Kayin made sure to lock the door to her dorm room, thenwent ahead and did a search on the net to see if there was any kind of exercises she or Marie could do to help fix their gaping pussies. After that, she flopped into bed still in her costume, the book in the pocket of her robes. The dreams of those things led to weird results... one of which involved her and Marie both getting screwed by actual goats.

One thing she was sure of... she hoped that the night had been a dream... or that at the least if it wasn't, that she wouldn't wake up super horny...
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Tue May 16, 2023 2:12 pm

You were up and you were sure that you're pussy was dripping more cum, only to realize it was a flood of slutty pussy juices, you also realized that you were sitting on Marie's face, your ruined cunt practically waterboarding her, and you briefly imagined baptizing people with your pussy juices and goat semen, before you managed to focus and crawl off the poor, bewildered girl.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Tue May 16, 2023 2:15 pm

Panting hard and working to recompose herself, she first murmured, "Ju~juices of the mother... ble... gah, w~what the fuck..." Shaking her head and shivering, she murmured, "S~Sorry Marie... I~I uh... guess still messed up a bit after what happened last night. O~or that damned book is messing with me while its near."
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Tue May 16, 2023 2:19 pm

She blinked "It's fine I love you, I've wanted your babies since we met." she told you, staring at nothing, and then slowly turning red, then blinking "Book?" she asked confused, looking to be out of it still, looking at her though, you could tell her pussy was wider than when you went to bed, your's too probably.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Tue May 16, 2023 2:29 pm

"W~Why's our pussies wider now?" Kayin whined, then shook her head at what Marie said, brushing it off as some random weird thing relating to what had happened. "T~The book you saw... it had a demonic goat dick coming out of it before."

She hesitantly pulled it out of her pocket, keeping it closed for the moment even as she felt a little... strange or maybe weird holding onto it.
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Tue May 16, 2023 7:45 pm

You got stared at by Marie "You what? Like a Dildo or something?" She asked confused before blinking as she registered your pussy comment and she looked before coughing in shock "What the hell fucked us was somebody walking around with a Moby Huge or something?" She asked poking and prodding at her gaping hole in shock, not even looking as you pulled out the book, getting a closer look it seemed to be made with old leather and vines and the title on the cover was "A Propper Guide" which was written in vines.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Wed May 17, 2023 1:07 am

"No, it was a real f~fucking dick popping out of the book... tentacles sprang out of it too when I first touched the damned thing." Kayin muttered, then shivered as she said, "There was some weird... Satyr girl there with a monstrous dick. S~She tackled me to the floor and raped me when I went back to try and get the others out. She just waltzed away afterwards... I~I assume she went and found you and had her way with you as well."

Looking the book over, she whispered, "This thing gives me the heeby jeebies." Hesitantly, she slowly opened it up to look through the first few pages.
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Wed May 17, 2023 1:34 am

The first few pages made you feel empty and want to be filled, but after some flipping though, mostly because you couldn't even read those pages if you wanted to, the effect died down some and you found yourself reading a guide on how a good mother and wife could take care of her house? And her Satyress children? It also seemed to have minor house hold magic and the basics in here if you wanted to try and learn, but that might affect you a bit might also be the only way to fix your pussies if you kept reading.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Wed May 17, 2023 1:43 am

"Mhm... g~getting f~filled..." Kayin murmured softly from the first few pages. Then she shook her head and continued on. The mention of Satyr children made her wonder about what she had encountered just last night, but then as she saw mention of basic magic... she started trying to flip through and find anything that could help their womanhoods recover. Even if they still gaped a little bit, being much closer to a normal or reasonable gape would still be progress!
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Wed May 17, 2023 1:53 am

It took some looking, some luck, and then some rather fucking archaic reading to figure out just what you needed to do for this magic, and you were pretty sure it would tighten up you and Marie back up, and once you explained that's what it'd do, the fact that it apparently had you and her drinking last night's cum from each other's pussy was also kinda odd. but setting up the circle and doing the little chant with Marie before eating her out, you could feel your and her own pussy getting slowly tighter and tighter the longer you licked and sucked at each other.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Wed May 17, 2023 1:57 am

If Kayin was being honest, she was a little surprised how readily Marie was to try this out. She got the impression after all that Marie wasn't entirely buying into what she'd mentioned for what happened last night as being real. But once she figured out the spell and how to do it, and explained what it would do, Marie seemed all for it. Maybe she had a girlfriend or lover who she knew wouldn't be as eager if she was gaping so widely?

Regardless, she moaned into Marie's folds as they lapped at each other and worked to drink don the cum from last night. The fact that Marie even had cum inside her suggested that the Satyr girl had found her and fucked her stupid while she was passed out.

Still... it was... an exceptionally weird feeling to be doing this and feeling the magic getting to work...
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Wed May 17, 2023 4:53 am

When you finally felt she was tight enough and you and her opened your eyes, you found her pussy lips and the inside of her pussy were now pitch black, and when you looked at your own retightened pussy it was also black Marie seemed to finally accept magic was real, mostly because she found that this didn't seem to be ink and she was staring at you "Kayin, This is barely any better it looks like my I got my cunt got tattooed all the way inside!" She hissed in a panic.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Wed May 17, 2023 11:14 am

"H~hey, the book didn't mention anything like this!" Kayin protested, grabbing the book and trying to check the section with the spell for it or even flip through for anything else. "A~At least it doesn't look like we found the most hung horse in the state and let it have its way with us!"

Though, on her end, maybe it wouldn't be so weird. Her eyes often stood out after all, even if few had ever really said anything about it. Nevertheless, she decided to reach down to tentatively stroke and slide a finger inside herself to check and see if, aside from the color, anything else was wrong.
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Wed May 17, 2023 3:22 pm

A Tiny little blurb that you had mostly skipped did say that spells, even if preformed correctly, had a chance to backfire in some way, double so if you already had something's mark or attention. And while you were poking and prodding your newly colored pussy you found nothing really changed, it felt just like a normal pussy hell you actually felt tighter you might have gotten too into it with Marie cause you were tight enough that you'd have to only use your single finger for a bit until you had loosened up enough, Marie had started poking herself too, and she couldn't even fit her full pinkie in herself "What Girl's gonna wanna make out with a pitch black pussy Kayin..." She blushed and pointed at you "Take Responsibility and date me!" She ordered you...oh, well, that's why she was so into the ritual, she thought you were just fishing for sex and well, she was a Lesbian, and apparently interested in you?
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 18, 2023 6:13 am

"I~I don't know... some might find it sexy?" Kayin offered, making a mental note to herself to, in the future, double check the stuff for any such spells she might try out of this book. She squeaked at the next words, and squirmed just a bit as she said, "I~I don't know about dating, b~but I'm more than willing to screw you whenever ya want." Kayin hadn't really thought about, and didn't yet have a desire, to get into an actual relationship. Her days here at the university were already rather full as it was with cheer and drama and classes.

Adding a girlfriend, and whatever the heck could be going on on campus with a party like they'd been too...
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Thu May 18, 2023 6:29 am

She huffed "Fine Fuckbuddies then, I need yo get dressed and head to my dorm, do you have sweats or something I can borrow?" She looked annoyed that you hadn't agreed to date her and wanted to leave, but wasn't so pissed that she was going to walk out of her butt naked if she could help it, once you had given her something she'd just quickly leave closing the door behind her, leaving you alone in your room with the book.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 18, 2023 7:04 am

Trading numbers with her and giving her sweatpants and a sweatshirt, she sighed and rubbed her head, glad that today was the weekend. Having to deal with all of this and having to deal with class would have been a bitch. She'd also possibly missed... drama practice if she looked at the time. With a sigh, she went to check her phone and email after putting the book somewhere safe and hard to find.
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby eaenidu » Thu May 18, 2023 7:12 am

You got a few text, apparently everyone who had gone to the party had said they were sick or weren't feeling well or something, so your absence and the fact that you didn't answer just had them mark you a sick and give you the weekend off from practice, to deal with the food poisoning or whatever happened thanks to the party. You also got an email with no sender, it was just a pic of your ruined pussy with the text "Don't tighten too much~ I think I'm in love, I'll be bigger for you next time~" under it.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: All-Mother's Lustful Young(Kuragari)

Postby Kuragari » Thu May 18, 2023 8:19 am

Well, at least that wouldn't count against her... though she found herself wanting to go check in on the rest of the cheer team, they'd all gone to that. As for that text... she shivered and simply deleted it after blocking the number. She was pretty sure she didn't want to see or get wrecked by that goat lady again.

Washing up and getting dressed, she decided to head off to the campus cafeteria for a bite to eat, then she'd see about checking in on the rest of the cheer squad.
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