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You can make it work. It would be a lower rate of fire though for sure. It would probably be better on something like a custom bolt action. But yes, heavy emplaced weapons would be better.
Um, can't say we've really had too much in the way of plans yet, other then Ara getting knocked up as an experiment kind of thing and Sam self impregnating. I don't recall having any character I specially wanted in here though, since you're the player and all. I do have a tentative system for monster breeding that isn't complicated, however crossbreeding is going to be very complex other then maybe the rare exception(Spawn will take mostly father species traits, and some mother's appearance and other special traits) since I don't exactly want to produce a whole taxonomy here. I'll add things as you see them and make sure to keep things fun. And yes, monsters will be used for squiring a wide range of useful/valuable consumables and stuff. I don't recall the bunny milk thing, but we can certainly do that.
"Is that so eh? Well lets see what you got then!", Alora replies to you, watching as the magic ropes tie themselves tight a firmly dock her massive ship. When its down she doesn't even bother waiting for her gangway to go down. Instead she just grabs one of those same enchanted ropes and rides it down to your simple pier. She quick and spry but not dangerous about it, and within a few moments she's on the dock with you, strutting up with an enticing his shaking of her hips. She adjusts her sling shit bikini a little, the slings having actually slipped off her tits to expose her nipples slightly. A short lived but nice sight to be sure, but despite her quickness to fixing her wardrobe malfunction seems completely nonplussed about the nip-slip and continues to talk with you as you guide her up the dock. Your belly is still notably swollen at this point, though only a third of what it had been. Alora seems to either not care especially much about it, which is a slight relief to you.
Before you know it your in the section of your cave that you've set aside for your actual living, the portal and shop areas being deeper in. Alora sits across from you on a simple chair sipping on tea as you discuss starting up your hopeful monster breeding enterprise. Luckily she seems to really enjoy the tea, which she should, since you couldn't get any of it any time soon from Earth. But luckily you have quite a supply. "Oh loads of monsters. You can do all sorts of interesting combos, and many monsters make all sorts of interesting things to use! But yes, there are many feral monsters and animals you can mix and match. As well as more anthropomorphic and humanoid subtypes as well. They are sapient though, so definitely more expensive to keep, but also tend to produce better milks, nectars, honeys and all sorts of good stuff. The book will tell you about most of it, but there is a lot to discover still I'd say, or at least a lot of breeders don't tend to publish their winning and most lucrative monster breeding practices", Alora tells you. She takes another sip of tea, a pleased smile on her face at the taste and flavour, before continuing. "As for mutations? Well, I can't tell you too much. I have done monster breeding, but thats been mostly for fun or to make money when I was younger. More of a general merchant, but I'll tell you what I know.
"This is the gist of it. When you interbreed monsters the the resulting off spring will almost certainly produce the father's species, but with most of the of the mother's temperament and a fair few of her physical features. You take a female direwolf and a male direcat and breed them? You'll end up with Direcat cubs with Direwolf fur patterns and slitted eyes that function well at night and are likely more easily trained then pure direcat cubs otherwise would be. You take a Komodon and breed with it yourself, your likely to give birth with one that might have scale colours to match your hair!", She says, continuing on despite how you didn't even know that was option till just now! "Of course to ask your question, mating your own monsters is usually the best way to get interesting combos. A little bit of human or elf, or any of the major sentient races, in a monsters genes, always seems to boost odds stable mixes, and make them more productive in general.", she adds on. Surprised at you are at the prospect of breeding yourself the explanation comes off as a bit basic. Some experimentation was likely in order, or perhaps the book would explain better. "It's not guaranteed of course, but just better odds in general.", she finishes up, then takes another step of tea.
Eventually you bring to where you've lined up some goods for her to trade. There is only so much stuff your willing to give away though, so you give yourself some hard limits. Alora looks its over, always pleased by the high qualities of metal you have, even when its not in ingot form. The strength of steel you have is apparently a great hit. "Hmm, well. The way I see it I can trade you a couple of animals and the book, or provide you a stud to start with, as well as the tools, feed, and furnishings you need to take care of him, as well as all the other basic things any starting monster breeder should have.", She says. You curse a little, since that really only leaves you with one real choice. To use yourself. "Would you like to come onto my ship and I'll show you what I got available?"
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I have a fair few monster ideas already in mind, as well as numerous ways to keep them from becoming to stale. It'll be more then just milk and alarune nectar for monster products too, but those will also definitely be a thing. If you have any interesting ideas for monsters feel free to say them too. But you can already expect a lot of the stuff you'd see in the various smutty monster breeding games.