"let's end with this bullshit" said the blonde masked woman as she start walking closer to both of us, that, before the brunette woman quickly stood in front of her and stop her, what an increadible amount of speed she had "
let's finish the sale" said the brunette "But-..." said the blonde pointing at us before he brunette interrupted her "
let's finish the sale!" the blonde nodded and walk backwards, the brunette turned around to face us and place a hand on my shoulder "
sorry about that, she's...going through a lot" she then looked at you and pat your arm before i handed them the bag...
they inspect the stuff for a while and laugh "what a loot you stole here" said the guy with a laugh "but...i'm ashamed this doesn't get to the million, but, i'm a good person, so...nine hundred grands" he offered with a smile
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
didn't put colour to the blonde because i don't know which one you're going to pick