Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:15 pm

Overall the bar seems to pretty tame with nothing interesting happening while you eat your food, which really is not a bad thing in the slightest after having such a exciting and profitable day, even if it did have it's downsides. Just as your about finishing up your food though, the door too outside opens and ten folks walk in. Their all regular unchanged looking humans like yourself, and with an experienced eye you quickly identify these folks as a trade caravan. Of course though, the smell of brahmin certainly helps you figure out that as well. They all seem pretty tired as they come in from outside where the last of the day's light is fading away, and pick a large rectangular table where Joey is quick to be about serving them. Examining them further, none of them seem to surprised at Joey's appearance, meaning they've seen him before and have been here a few times. At least, none of them but one. A pretty red headed girl and a modest bust looks at Joey with a stunned expression, clearly fascinated just as you had been at first. A bearded man next to her clearly tell her he's okay though, and quickly becomes more comfortable when Joey starts talking to her in a friendly manner.

Well, this might be your lucky day! If this trade caravan was heading to Orlando then your travel conditions might've gotten much safer. And hey maybe if your savvy enough they could hire you on as an extra caravan guard? Nothing wrong with some extra caps right?

Joy's Inventory
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Durable Jeans: 5/5 HP---------------------------Worth 100 Caps
Light Duster: 3/5 HP-----------------------------worth 90 caps
Bikini Set: 2/2 HP--------------------------------Worth 50 caps
White Tank Top: 1/1 HP-------------------------Worth 5 caps
Tan simple shorts 1/1 HP------------------------Worth 8 Caps

Hunting Rifle: 98%--------------------------------worth 294 caps
10mm Pistol: 67%----------------------------------worth 80 caps
Snub nosed 357: 76%-------------------------------worth 76 caps
Combat Knife: 70%---------------------------------worth 35 caps
Plasma Grenades: 2--------------------------------worth 120 caps each

.308 rounds: 31--------------worth 1 cap each
10mm rounds: 87------------worth 1 cap each
.357 rounds: 6---------------worth 1 cap each

Water Canteen(+1 HP, outside of combat only): 5 uses---------------------N/A
Travel rations(+2 HP, outside of combat only): 3----------------------------worth 2 caps each
Pre war food: 4 Cans (+2 HP outside of combat, +4 when cooked)--------worth 5 caps each

Flat tip screwdriver---------------------worth 1 cap

Caps: 919
Last edited by jondude on Fri Feb 07, 2020 4:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Dec 20, 2019 6:56 am

For the most part this place didn't seem any different than a normal bar in terms of both her general surroundings and the people as everyone just ate and minded their own business. As Joy is finishing up her food she notices the door open and a group walking in and it doesn't take Joy long to figure out that they are of a trade caravan by how they are dressed and geared, not to mention the smell of brahmin. From their reactions to Joel it seems like none of them were either strangers to the town or seeing a transformed person like Joel, except for the red headed girl but it seems that one of the caravan members is able to clear things up for her. To Joy though this is a fortunate event to her as she didn't need to wait for the caravan to arrive and can ask to join them sooner than expected. Once Joel had taken their orders and she had finished the rest of her food she gets up and approaches them. "Excuse me; you're part of the caravan right? I was wondering if you guys were heading towards Orlando and need an extra gun."
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:08 pm

CHA Roll: 13 + 3 = 16 (Pass)

Your food finished you get up and make your way over to the table the bulk of the caravan people had sat down at speak to the bearded man who was the clear caravan master. He pops up from his food and gives you a neutral look and gives you a quick once over, clearly sizing you up. "Well it would be better if you had some pants rather then those simple shorts, and I'd normally say your far too clean to have any experience in the wasteland, but I also ain't stupid. Your got the bearing of a waster, pretty face aside, and I know this place has so much water that they literally have showers. Lucky little spot for sure." He starts. "Anyway; I've had a run in with deathclaws from the radar station near her a couple times on caravan runs, so I'll take all the gun hands I can get just to be safe. I'll be honest though, doesn't pay super great right now. I'll give you fifty caps now and fifty caps when we arrive at Orlando. Don't exactly have a ton of cash right now till he sell our goods. But we have plenty of food and water, so we'll keep you fed and hydrated which should more then make up for the low pay if your heading that way anyway.", he finishes.

Well, the pay wasn't great like he said but it's certainly better then nothing, and food and water included was always a big plus. You inform him that you do indeed have some better pants, they were just getting patched up at McCraw's currently and would be ready for you to use by tomorrow. He seems pretty satisfied with that answer.

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Alright, shouldn't be too long now before we(I) finally get to the transformation event! I'm assuming your still on board for that?
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Jan 04, 2020 2:57 am

Joy doesn't let herself tense or look nervous as the bearded man who she assumes to be the caravan leader sizes her up. When he makes comments on her shorts and how clean she looked she was about to respond till he continued, showing that he already knew the probable reason that she looked clean. She immediately lost any anger she might have gotten from his first comments as this man is actually smarter than he looked. He was also honest as he described the dangers of their route and the little pay for it.

"Well first of all I did have pants though they're being repaired right now and should be ready tomorrow. I bought shorts to replace them since I know it gets hotter the further south we get." She explains her pants situation first. "And I don't mind the small pay. Just traveling in a group is safer after all. And if you're providing food and water then even better. Sounds to me like we have a deal then if you have no objections to me tagging along."

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Yeah, I'm still in for that.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Mon Jan 27, 2020 3:44 am

"Alright, sounds like a plan missy. I'm Devin Trimmer, and welcome to my caravan. No fancy company here. Just a good old fashion independent caravan.", he says, giving your hand a shake. "We're all pretty beat, so as soon as we eat we're going to hit the hay. We'll be up at first light, so be ready to head out not to much longer after that alright? I'll see you in the morning.", he says, then quickly goes back to his food. Unless you had anything else you wanted to discuss with the caravan captain, or wanted to talk to anyone else, now seemed like an ideal time to go to bed.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:29 am

Seeing him holding out his hand she shakes it with her own. "Right, I'll see you all in the morning then." She told him before letting him and the others get back to their food. Joy couldn't really think of anything else to ask at the moment so she decides to head to her room to sleep. Considering the day she's had and everything that has happened she should probably head to bed now and get as much sleep as she can. She also remembers she needs to get her pants back from McCraw before she leaves as well so maybe she should wake up a bit earlier, just enough to go get them quickly and change before she meets with the caravan.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:24 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Just put your updated inventory at the top of the page. Sorry I was forgetting about that!

Done with the day you head up to bed and get some rest, practically falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow and not even bothering with the blanket. Mercifully your sleep is dreamless, and you get an awesome nine hours of hard sleep before you wake up, feeling rested and just generally awesome! Lifting your head from the pillow you see it's still before dawn, though the first signs of light were beginning to peak out from over the horizon. You gather up your things, get dressed, double check your gear, and then head out. Luckily it seemed like the whole caravan crew was up, getting things ready and having some breakfast that was being served by Joel. You manage to get some leftovers that were already paid for by Devin with his blessing, so the day already started off on a good note with some free food!

You head out of the tavern and across the street to McCraw's store, where your pretty pleased to see she's already open. The blue haired beauty is cleaner then she was yesterday when you last saw her, and significantly more clothed as well. You briefly recall how you had, for a short time, peeped in on her while she was more or less using that suit of power armor she behind her encounter as a sex doll. "Oh hey Joy! Good Morning! I got your jeans all fixed up for you. Used some tough leather patches so should be just as good as it was before!", she says. She ruffles underneath her counter for a moment before pulling out your pants. "I imagine your probably heading out today too, so if you want anything else before you head out let me know!", she says.

McCraw's Inventory
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

10mm-------1 cap each
9mm---------1 cap for two
.357---------1 cap each
.38-----------1 cap each
.308---------2 caps each
5.56mm-----1 cap each
7.62mm-----3 caps each
.44 rifle-----4 caps each (Winchester)
EC-----------20 caps per battery
MFC---------40 caps per battery


10mm pistol---------200 caps
9mm pistol----------150 caps
.38 revolver---------120 caps
E pistol---------------320 caps
Varmint rifle---------130 caps
M4 Assault rifle------400 caps
Winchester rifle-----500 caps

Tank top-------------------20 caps
T-shirt---------------------30 caps
Sweater--------------------50 caps
Jacket---------------------60 caps
Leather duster------------200 caps
Shorts----------------------30 caps
Sweat pants---------------50 caps
Jeans----------------------120 caps
Durable Jeans-------------220 caps
Cotton underwear--------100caps
Thong(various colors)----50 caps
Bikini set------------------100 caps

Stimpack-------75 caps each
Rad away-------50 caps each

Bobby pins--------1 cap each
Cigarettes---------2 caps each, 40 for a pack of 25
Travel rations----4 caps for a days worth
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Feb 13, 2020 1:07 pm

Joy wakes up with a yawn and stretches as she gets up, feeling rather rested for a pretty decent sleep. This has probably been the best sleep she's gotten in a long time feels like she's ready for anything the day can throw at her. Gathering up her things and getting dressed she is ready to head out and runs into the caravan people who were already up and having breakfast, which they let her have the leftovers of. "Thanks!" She says to Devin as she eats a bit and takes some with her as she makes her way towards McCraw's store.

To add more to her rather lucky day it seems that she is already open for the day, and she wasn't fucking the suit of Power Armor so that was a bonus. "Good morning, Miss McCraw." She said before taking the jeans and looking them over; they were fixed and might even be more durable. "Thanks for that. They look great." She said before looking at McCraw's inventory for anything she might need. "Hmm...Give me a couple stimpacks and 13 rounds of 10mm ammo. Four rounds for my rifle too." She said before going over to a private place to change into her pants. Once she was dressed and paid for the supplies she heads out to join the caravan. "Thanks again, McCraw!" She says as she leaves.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:02 pm

"Anytime Joy! Hope to you again sometime should you ever head back up north!", McCraw says, handing over your requested items and taking your caps in exchange. This leaves you free to quickly had back to Joel's Inn and use the bathroom to take your simple shorts off and put your proper pants back on, leaving you now dressed with the simple bikini as underwear, your durable jeans, your new tank top, and your duster, which had a few tears but was otherwise still fully functional. Packed and ready you head back outside, giving a simple farewell to Joel on the way out. You don't see Aeries anywhere sadly.

Outside, you find the caravan rounding up their brahmin at the gate, Devin walking around and making sure everyone was ready. The man is pleased to see you, and offers you a bottle of water as the group waits for the last few members to show and the last checks to be done. It doesn't take anymore then ten minutes, and before you know it your heading out of the southern Alaqua gate, where the gate guard Kyle gives you a polite nod of his head on your way out.

And so you travelled, taking the southern road through roaming fields for about an hour until you reach a particularly hilly area, entering the remains of some unknown smaller town whose name had been lost when nuclear fire had cleansed the world. Devin suddenly calls a halt, and calls you up along with a few other guards. "Word is that their are off shoots of the viper gang raiders around here, and I'd rather not take any chances.", he starts. "I'm going to send four of you to just check all the buildings along the road through town. No need to clear the whole thing. I just want to be satisfied that there ain't any junkie assholes waiting to jump us in the buildings as we pass through.", he adds on. "Joy, Sebastian: I want you two to take the buildings on the right. Craig, Bruce: you take the left. Be careful alright? If we hear shooting the rest of us will come and support. But if you find them any and feel like you can't take them, just sneak away and come back for reinforcement so we can deal with them with as little risk as possible."

Seemed like a sound enough plan. You look to this Sebastian fellow next to you. A tall plain looking guy with some short stubble. He was armed with a rather well taken care of M1 Garand rifle, a 9mm pistol on his right him, and a sawn-off shotgun on his lower back. He gives you a polite nod. He seemed reliable enough.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Tue Feb 25, 2020 2:38 am

Once dressed in her repaired pants she tugs the shorts away into her bags and heads out to find the caravan. She thought about maybe buying some new underwear but she figures the bikini would be enough for now. So dressed in her normal clothes with the bikini underneath she heads to the outside of town and finds the caravan. She is a bit surprised to be offered a bottle of water right away but she accepts it gratefully and thanks him for it. For now she places the bottle into her bag and gets ready to head out with them as they do their last checks. She nods back to the gate guard as she leaves and soon she and the caravan are on their way.

For a bit nothing happens as they went through some empty fields for an hour before they come across a small ruined town that looks like it's been abandoned. She thought of maybe taking the time to salvage the town for anything useful but thought its better if she sticks with the caravan since they might not wait for her to do that. However they stopped and Joy is a bit confused till Devin told them about possible raiders around the area and that they should make sure there are none in town and to take care of any that might be. She was assigned to go with Sebastian and she looks over to the tall man she is partnered with. He seemed capable judging from his weaponry. "Well let's check it out then." She said as she checks her own rifle quickly before heading out to the buildings on the right.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:33 am

The two of you head off and enter the buildings, the first being some sort of pre-war store of some kind. Someone had clearly lived here at some point, with a room at the rear having been turned into a bedroom, and the store itself having the shelves moved around to form some barricade. A layer of dust over everything though suggests no ones actually lived here in a long time. This building clear you head onto the next, which is another store of some kind with much the same story as the first. And so it goes for a couple more buildings until you reach one right before the building at the corner of the main intersection of the old town. Inside you are quick to notice the dust has been disturbed somewhat recently, and things get a bit stranger yet when Sebastien finds a splash of blood that couldn't be more then a day old. Something did happen here recently, but hopefully whatever it was had moved on apparently. Unnerved a bit, but finding nothing threatening you move on checking the rest of the buildings you need to check. You cross the street, and keep checking, but find nothing but abandoned desolate buildings. After waiting a couple minutes you see the other two guards sweeping the other buildings across the street emerge. They give you a thumbs up which you and Sebastien return, before heading down back to the caravan down the street which should now be safe.

You make it back without incident, but cannot help but feel on edge even as you report in. "Ah good to hear there are no raiders.", Devin says with a sigh of relief, though takes a cautious look around. "Still, let's go through here quickly. Something about this place feels... off.", he says. You cannot help but concur.

However as soon as he says this you all hear a strange whistling noise, and by the time you look up something explodes above you. You hear screams, but none of pain, only alarm, and a fraction of a second after the loud bang above your heads the entire caravan is engulfed in a rosy pink mist. "What the hell!?", You hear Devin shout, "What is... this?", he then adds, before pausing and groaning. Forced the breath at least a couple breathes of the strange gas, you understand his confusion as your body starts to get incredibly warm, and your slit begin to moisten. This stuff was making you aroused!
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:13 pm

Joy enters the first building with her rifle up and at the ready and she was careful going around corners incase there was a raider waiting behind one to ambush them. As they investigate she takes a bit of time to look around the interior of the building, which was covered in dust so that probably means no one has been here for a long time. She wished she had the time to thoroughly check some of these buildings as there might be good salvage in these building but she had to finish her rounds and report back. Soon they come across some splashed blood that looks a bit recent but there was no other signs of other activity around so hopefully the cause of it is long gone. As they finish up she felt a bit on edge, this place being so quiet it was creepy to her.

"Nothing but a splash of blood." She said as she reports back to Devin. "Looks a bit recent but no signs of anything else so I think we're clear." She couldn't help but agree with his comment about getting out of here quickly as this place felt off. However right as she was about to get ready to leave she heard a whistling noise and looks up to see something explode above them. She recoils from the sudden explosion and then hears screams of panic before another loud bang is heard above them. Then to her surprise a pink mist was forming around them and everyone seemed to be acting strange and she soon learns why as she inhales some and her body suddenly began to heat up, her pussy tingling as she realizes what is happening. Covering her mouth with one hand she pulls out her pistol with the other. "We need to get out of here!" She shouts to them as she tries to approach one and motion them to move.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sun Mar 22, 2020 10:03 pm

Covering your mouth you try to protect yourself as best you can while you turn to Devin. He looks to you, a sudden dangerous gleam in his eye that makes you worry for a split second, before he suddenly slaps himself in face and nods. "Right. Go, go!", he says, yelling the last part as he tries to get the brahmin moving to clear the strange pink smoke. Soon the whole caravan is moving now that they realize that, thankfully, no bullets or lasers are heading there way. Still there is plenty of panic as plenty of the guards and caravaners run ahead to clear the pink hued gas. Soon everyone seems to abandon the brahmin for now, since they seemed uninjured. Soon you and Devin are going along as well, your bodies getting hotter the longer you stay. You make a break for it, trying to get out of the cloud.

Unfortunately though it seems to go over for ever. It's not just a small cloud it seems. It's like the whole area around has been blanketed in the stuff. As you run you see a few folks have collapsed, writhing on the ground. You soon pass that other pretty red headed girl in the group and are shocked to see two men starting to peel clothes off of her, and she's helping them! Within seconds after that people seem to be masturbating! The sound of laboured breathing next to you makes you turn to see Devin again, as well as your fellow guard you had cleared the buildings with. Both fall to their hands and news and begin clawing at their own thick wasteland clothing. "W-what is this!?", the fellow guard says. You can't help but sympathize as your legs feel like jelly, and your body feels hotter by the second. Your clothing suddenly feels stifling, like an insufferable burden. But you still had some minor strength, if you had the will, lest you join the others around you and what seemed to be rapidly turning into an orgy.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

So feel free to do what you want here, no need for rolls. It's kind of a 'scripted event' so the end result will be the same.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:06 am

For a moment Joy was worried as she saw the weird look in Devin's eyes but he literally slaps some sense into himself and she nods back at him as they try to get the caravan moving. Joy keeps her pistol out and at the ready though strangely she hasn't heard the bang of a gun, ballistic or laser at all which was strange to her even if that is a good thing. At least with everyone uninjured they should be able to keep moving, however it seems like this weird pink fog is everywhere and it was making her body get hotter the longer she's in it.

She keeps trying to move but everywhere she went or no matter how far she got there was more of this weird pink mist that was making her and everyone else more aroused. Just what kind of weapon is this?! She comes across the red headed girl she saw from before getting stripped down by two men with her helping. Others are falling to the ground and pulling off their lowering clothing to start masturbating. This is bad, she thought, as everyone is losing themselves to the gas's effect. Then to further her shock the two men next to her are also collapsing and trying to strip down and unfortunately for Joy her own legs were feeling very weak and her body felt so hot and needy. "G-Guys... W-We need to k-keep moving..." She says though she was taking off her duster to hopefully relieve some of the heat while wishing she just stayed in her shorts. She goes up to Devin and weakly grabs his arm. "C-Come on, get up..." She says though her pull was weak and she was getting more sluggish. Her nipples were hard under her clothes and her pussy was probably wet by this point.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:54 pm

Shrugging off your duster seems to help for only but a moment before the relentless oppressive heat in your body returns, but still your will shines through in this stressful moment, the thought of danger your inclination for self preservation outweighing the need to get your rocks off due to some aphrodisiac gas. As you You try to help Devin up the big bearded guy is like a sack of potatoes, till he gasps, breathing in a huge mouthful of the gas after clearly trying to hold his breath for sometime. Soon as he does though his hands suddenly dart out to your chest, squeezing your fleshy orbs tight and forcing a shocked yelp out of you as a surprisingly intense burst of pleasure zips through you. Knowing his mind is not right though you try not to hold this action against the man, but any attempt to help the man move with him pawing at your breasts is impossible.

Just as your deciding to let him go though, shapes loom in the gas cloud in front of you, and you watch with wide eyes as huge shapes stride into view through the unnatural mists. Quickly you realize they are people in power armoured suits, though not any model you've seen before. They carried a variety of deadly looking weapons, though many had them holstered. They walked in your direction completely unconcerned, and soon two are standing before you before you can even think of drawing a weapon, your mind currently jogged silly by the gas cloud your breathing in. "Hey look, this one is still standing!", you hear come from one on the left, his voice coming from his helmet with a crisp radio crackle. "Pretty damn impressive lady, though you'll succumb all the same.", he says. Leaning down to look at you. "If it makes you feel better, none of you will be harmed.", the one on the right says in a clearly female voice. Looking at her you notice that her armour frame is much slimmer, the frame clearly meant for rather then being a unisex model like every other frame you'd ever seen was. More concerning though was when the female trooper takes a needle out from a bag behind her, squirting a bit of liquid out the tip. Who the hell were these people?
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:04 am

Trying to use her instincts of survival to overwhelm her need for something inside of her needy pussy Joy tries to grab hold of Devin and pick him up but he was heavy and clearly not trying to get up. Instead though his hands shoot for her chest and Joy yelps out and groans as his hands grab her breasts through her shirt as pleasure shoots through her body. She wanted to yell at him but she knew it wasn't his fault as the gas was making them all like this. "D-Devin, l-let go..." She groans out as she tries to pull his hands off but her grip was weak and she moans out a bit as her nipples harden under her shirt.

She tries to back away from him in order to get away from his hands when she notices large shapes coming in through the gas and her eyes widen as she realizes they were people in power armor, though the model was not of any she knew of despite how many she's come across during her times scavenging. Two of them walk up to her and Joy tries to reach for her weapon but her hands were shaking and her mind was too foggy to think properly as her hand just barely brushes against the holster of her pistol and mostly missing it altogether. She stands there frozen for a bit and she wasn't sure if she could believe the one that said none of them will be harmed. She was also a bit surprised that the female was in a more slimmer and clearly meant for a woman to be in. Then she saw the needle and slowly backs up a bit. "Wh-Who are you people?" She asked once she was able to find her voice.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed May 13, 2020 4:52 pm

As you back away fearfully you find your back thumping into another power armoured form behind you, blocking your path of escape. Looking over the shoulder you see another unique version of power armour, the helmet having a pointed muzzle, and triangle pointy triangular shaped ears on top. It sort of reminds of you of a fox come to think of it. "Think of us as the catalyst of America's reinvention honey~", the new figure says in a sweet female voice, accented with a slight southern twang. Before you can fully process whatever the hell that vague statement is supposed to mean however you feel a sudden pinch on your arm as the other female trooper injects you with whatever is inside her syringe. You flinch away immediately, but it's clear that whatever she intended to do has been done as your surroundings seems to blur, and you feel incredibly woozy on top of super super horny. A real thriller combo to be certain. Within moments you thump down to your knees on the ground, just struggling to remain conscious. "Strip her down and bag her stuff, then tie her up like the rest. But load her onto our truck instead of the prisoner one. Same with the red head. Should make for a fun trip back I think.", You hear from the woman behind you, before your vision finally goes black.

What follows for you feels like a dream as you seem to flit in and out of consciousness. Disconnected segments of memory that feel hard to piece together, and that your altogether not sure really happened or not. The only thing that is consistent however is a sexual theme between them all. The first flash is you walking through the desert, naked and tied up in tied up in a elaborate series of rope, some strange sandal like foot wear on your feet instead of your boots. Others from the caravan are there, but you are unique in your over the top bondage. You fade out and in again. The second almost vision is you in some kind of large rumbling room. There are power armoured frames taking the middle the room, the suits open. On benches of the sides of the room sit figures dressed in only underwear. The figures are highly unique, like Joey and Aeries. People who resemble cats and dogs, various lizards, and others you can't really but a name too. Your between the legs of a feline like male, who instead of visible skin has white fur covered in black spots. He's incredibly soft to the touch you recall mainly for some reason, even as you suck the strange man's dick. That red headed girl is nearby too. Again the scene changes. Now your in some kind of laboratory with brilliant white light shining down on you. More strange animalistic folks around you, but now clad in blue scrubs and wearing surgical masks. There is all sorts of equipment around you, one hanging from the ceiling containing numerous cylinders with strange coloured liquids. The figures are talking, stuff about... genetic restructuring... foreign entity response... subdermal reactive armor... pheromone triggers. What the hell was going on?

When you come to again, truly come to that is, you find yourself lying on the floor in a simple square room that appears to be made of some kind of light grey metal or laminate material. The light isn't as harsh as where you last vaguely remember being thankfully. Unfortunately however, it seemed that whatever aphrodisiac was left effecting was still very much there as an intense sexual need gnaws inside of you, but it doesn't to be as intense. There is only one object in the entire room it seems, that being a mirror, but when you look at it... it's not 'you' staring back at you. It was some tall, naked, busty anthropomorphic canine woman! With brunette hair!
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Mon May 18, 2020 1:08 pm

Joy backs up till she bumps into another person wearing power armor behind her, making her turn her head to look at them. She notices this one is also of a unique shape and design, the helmet itself reminding her a bit of a fox's head too. Distracted by this newcomer the one with the syringe is easily able to grab her arm and inject her, making Joy wince and recoil a bit before her vision began to blur and her head began to feel light and in a daze. She stumbles around and her breathing gets heavier as she also felt her arousal skyrocket. Moments later she falls to her knees as she was barely able to stand in her current state which makes it easy for them to strip her down and tie her up. Right before they do that is all she could clearly remember as what happens after that is muddled.

She didn't really remember what happened after her vision went black as any thing she could remember felt like a dream as if she went in and out of consciousness for a long while. It was hard to tell how much happened or how much of it even was real. She remembers being tied up in some sort of over the top rope bondage that simulated her body with almost every movement as she is lead through the wasteland to some unknown locations. The next somewhat clear memory is of her in some kind of room surrounded by people, though they were animal like people just like Joel and Aeries she met before. And in this memory she is between the legs of a male feline man sucking on his cock eagerly before the memory shifts to the last one she can recall clearly enough to remember. She is surrounded by doctor animal people as she was in some kind of lap and they were all talking about things she couldn't really understand.

When she finally comes to Joy groans as she slowly opens her eyes and finds that her body still felt rather aroused and needy but also... kind of tingly and different but she didn't know why. Slowly she sits herself up and looks around, finding herself in a rather simple and bland room with nothing in it but herself at first. It takes a bit but she manages to get herself to stand and groans again as she feels how horny she is, the aphrodisiac from earlier still in her system. However she is quickly distracted from her intense arousal as she spots the mirror and sees a canine woman looking back at her. It takes a moment for her brain to realize that it's her and she jumps back in shock before she looks down at herself and her new body. "Wh-What? H-How?" While this shouldn't be too much of a shock considering she met Joel recently it still shocked her to see it happen to herself. Even her hair color was different, and she seemed taller and more busty too, her breasts and plush rear seem bigger and her hips seemed wider too. "Wh-Why though?" She wonders as she looks herself over and slowly tries to calm down.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:54 am

For a few minutes your simply stunned, staring at yourself in the large wall mirror in disbelief as your brain struggles to accept that the being reflected on its surface was in fact you. Your mind reels as a flurry of emotions hit you, a fair bit of indignation and sorrow at this sudden change. Your body had been beautiful after all, and your physical charms had earned you a lot and gotten you out of many jams. However, this new form you find yourself in is just so... deliciously exotic. Downright gorgeous, if you were being honest. You struggle to your feet and take a few tentative steps to the mirror, your gait slightly off and wobbly as you adapt to your new legs and feet. You examine yourself more closely, eyeing your long, powerful looking legs. Your hips seemingly wider, your stomach flat and toned and your waist narrow. Your large breasts are now even bigger and seemingly perkier, the soft globes gently bouncing and swaying with each subtle little motion of your body, the nipples capping them stiff and just begging to be sucked on. Your turn a bit for a side view, getting a good look at your bubbly looking ass, a cute little tail poised just above it. But of course what draws your eyes the most is your new face. Beautiful and bright amber eyes, a slender pointed muzzle capped with a cute chocolate coloured nose, large perky ears sticking up straight from your head, long brown hair and your fur having wonderful two tone fade in colour from light to dark brown... and more you look, the more you realize your sexually attracted to your new body. But could you really be blamed for that? Did Aeries perhaps feel much the same way as you did when she was changed?

A rush of pleasure hits you suddenly, and it's with some mild alarm you realize that as you examine yourself your hands had not been idle, one coming up to cup and squeeze a breast, the other questing between your legs to your tight pussy. Your short velvet like coat of fur tickles your finger tips ever so slightly, and as you begin to rub at your muff its quite clear you were much more sensitive all over. Quickly your breath starts to come in pants, and your hands seem to develop a mind of their own as they continue to pleasure you, despite your rational self trying to keep you calm.

"Begin test 1", A loud male voice suddenly blurts from an intercom above, startling you.

A whir of machinery and the chance of a threat makes your naughty hands behave again, and you turn around to see a a door open, and in walks an assaultron. Only this was not like any assaultron you had seen in the wasteland. It seemed someone had given it's slight feminine the full female treatment, it's body covered in some kind of dark grey latex or something to give it a more human appearance. It had breasts, capped with black nibbles, and extra wide hips and jiggly ass to match, though its limbs were and head were still very much robotic. Course, what stands out most is the massive hard cock attached to it's crotch. The thing must be at least foot long! As the door shits behind it it's red eye flashes and it looks to you, taking one step forward before pointing to the mirror. "Hands on the mirror. Please comply.", it says, it's synthetic voice somehow sultry.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Was just a bit curious whether new Joy's nipples would still be pink or brown? Or whatever colour you'd like really.

Also, Assaultron: https://e621.net/posts/1950033?q=assaultron
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Jun 11, 2020 12:44 pm

The more she looked the more Joy found herself becoming okay with her new body, and even finding herself getting attracted to her new body. This fact suddenly hits her and she is shocked from her thoughts. However it seems like the thoughts had already taken root and she didn't even notice her hands moving till she felt the surge of pleasure go through her body. She looks down and has a look of shock as she sees what her hands were doing; one cupping her now bigger breast while the other was between her legs and going to her pussy. The feel of her new fur coat felt rather nice on her fingers and she moans out as her fingers made contact with her already wet lower lips. It seemed she was much more sensitive as just cupping her breast and rubbing her labia sent intense pleasure through her body.

Just as she was about to close her eyes and try to focus she heard a male voice speaking loudly through the speaker above her, making her jump and look around as her hands now moved to cover her naked body. The whirling sounds of machinery made her more tense as she thinks something is about to happen to her, something bad as she didn't like the sound of a test. Then she saw the door open and an assaultron entering the room. However this was not like the other assaultrons she's encountered before, the ones that make her run for her life. No, this one seems to have been modified just as much as she was and just as lewdly as it had some kind of fake breasts and ass, a more feminine figure, big dildo of some kind attached to the front. She gulps as she backs up some as it looks at her and steps forward. Not having much other choice she places her hands on the mirror, unintentionally sticking her furry rear out.

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Typically I prefer pink nipples but if you think brown looks better we can try that. I just think the pink will stand out a bit more over brown if he fur is also brown.
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