Warpath [URHR93]

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Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:45 am

Summary- You have arrived in what the civilized peoples commonly refer to as the wastes-a region that is very dangerous and filled with both horrible creatures and various races of monsters. The skills of your life back in your former home have helped to make it so that you aren't turned into nothing more than a cum dump. Instead, you have made a name as being a skilled warrior and commander, and thanks to doing a great favor for one of the major tribes, you are now the leader of your very own monster horde.

With this as a start, you could united the wastelands, and then return to civilized lands and show them what war really is.

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Name: Sae Yoake
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Spellsword
Bio:Sae's mother was once an high ranked noble of an elven kingdom. Gifted with exceptional magic skills and beauty, since young she stood out from her peers and easily scaled the ranks of the local magicians community. However standing out not only brings praises but also jealousy. In her mother's case, the jealousy she generated in others was so much that it led some of her fellow mage to conspire against her and ultimately frame her for crimes she never committed. Even some of her closest friend were involved, and when Sae's mother finally understood what was happening it was already too late.
Somehow she managed to avoid harsher punishments and instead got exiled to some remote town on the border with an human kingdom, far from the capital and from anything and anyone that could help her in regaining her previous status.

Tired of the games for power, Sae's mother decided to forget about her previous life in the capital and settle down in the calm town where she was exiled, but unfortunately for her that peaceful lifestyle didn't last long. War erupted between the elf and human kingdom, and being right on the border between the two, that town was one of the first to be attacked. The elven army flooded the city in preparation for the battles and the mood in the city was constantly gloomy, not without reason. The humans army outnumbered the elves and were also more experienced in war, leading to a series of defeats. The morale was already rock bottom for both troops and villagers, but it went further down when the elven army abandoned the village, leaving the villagers and it's few guards to fend for themselves.

It was then that Sae's mother stepped up and took command of the remaining guards. At first they were reluctant to follow her, but after successfully defending the city thanks to her strategy they decided to follow her.
Using her cunning and tactics, with the help of the remaining guards and fellow villagers, Sae's mother managed to defend the town for quite some time, repelling every wave of attacks.
The commander of the human army's dispatchment tasked to conquer the city took an interest in the elven woman that leaded the resistance against his attacks, and when he finally breached into the city after setting up a quite long siege, he demanded her as a tribute in exchange for not killing all the villagers.

Without a second thought she was handed to him, who took her first as a personal slave and then as his wife after she conceived his child. That child was Sae.
Born and growing up during the war, Sae and her mother had to follow her father around from battle to battle, rarely stopping to rest and making the concept of hometown unknown to Sae. While growing up she learned magic from her mother and how to fight from her father and his men. It's not wrong to say that in her childhood playing with friends meant sparring with her father's subordinates, and even when alone she liked to swing swords around and play around with the magic learned from her mother, thinking about how she could integrate it with her fighting techniques.
By the time she hit puberty she could go toe-to-toe with her father's men and sometimes even win, and as time passed she could best most of them with little effort.
Feeling confident she even sneaked in some actual battles against the elven army, and while that earned her severe scoldings from her father, it also gave her some reputation and respect from the other soldiers.

It had already been almost 20 years since the war began, and in all her 16 years Sae had lived continuously in the battlefield, never knowing what real peace meant. It was then that new orders came. Apparently the conflict was about to finish, and while it was unknown why the humans didn't just conquer the elves instead of signing a peace treaty, it was clear that after a last battle to subdue a group of elven irreducible the war would end.

Sae's father marched with his troops toward the location where the battle was supposed to take place, joining with some other groups dispatched elsewhere and then finally with the main army, and when they finally got there they prepared to attack. The place the elven soldier decided to use as a base was at the dead end of a large canyon, surrounded on all sides by very high cliffs.
The plan was simple, both her father and all the other smaller groups would attack directly while the main army would stand back at the entrance of the canyon, making sure no enemy will escape.

Not wanting to miss the fun, as usual Sae sneaked between the soldiers lines and joined the battle... that wasn't exactly a battle. An elven camp was indeed at the far end of the canyon, but it was empty and soon burst in flames while, from the cliffs, big boulders began to rain down. Many died this way, but those that turned back and ran would have preferred to die in the fire or under a stone. At the entrance of the canyon the main army had already slaughtered the backline of the smaller groups and were waiting for the fleeing soldiers to kill every survivor.

Thanks to her magic Sae survived both the fire and the boulders at the cost of remaining trapped in a stone tomb where she remained for quite a long while. When she finally managed to come out, she was welcomed by a terrible sight. Corpses over corpses laying around. Some where burned, some where crushed, and some where killed by fighting wounds. She felt ever-growing despair as she walked through the canyon and corpses, recognizing every once in a while the faces of her father's men, and it reached the peak when she recognized her father. Some arrows where poking him here and here, but it was a sword that finished him as visible from the open gash on his chest.

Staggering towards the end of the canyon, an even worse vision appeared in front of her eyes. The whole backline had been obliterated, and the main army was nowhere to be seen. Among the corpses she recognized her mother, but that wasn't the only thing that stood out. As expected her mother died while fighting, and in a similar manner to her father some arrows where sticking out of her. However, the making of those arrows was what shocked her. Some of the arrows on the ground, the ones probably deflected by her mother's magic defenses, were not elven arrows, but human ones. Not only that, they were also the ones used by the main army.

Understanding what happened, Sae was taken over by rage. When she was little she learned how her mother was betrayed by her fellows. Not only that, she also got to know that the elven army abandoned the village they were supposed to protect, the one where her mother lived, leaving them to die, and after her father conquered them, the villagers sacrificed without a second thought her mother for their well-being. Till now she recognized those two occurrences as something unavoidable, but as she faced the betrayal of the human army, all those events were now regarded as treasonous acts.

The despair almost drove her mad, and when she finally came to she was in what was know as the wastes, a region filled with nothing but the most horrible monsters and "uncivilized" races. Not that it mattered much to her, at this point, as the so-called civilized ones were no different from the trash living here. No, the monsters living there might actually be better.
And so she began her life in the waster, proving her worth as a fighter and commander, earning a place between their rank that doesn't include being their toy. She worked for quite a few tribes, namely lizardmens, trolls, goblin, arachnids, orcs, and then finally werewolves. For that last group she helped a lot in fending off a large-scale human attack, and that earned her to command one of their tribes.

Your Horde:
Werewolves (Can change at will between human form, wolf form and hybrid form)

STATS: 30 Points to spend, 10 is max

STR: 4
DEX: 7
CON: 5
INT: 6
WIS: 4
CHA: 4

Turn Ons - Reluctant or forced to do sexual favors (starting with little things and escalating), Games of bets that lost result in sexual favors (escalating), Lie (example: promise to not put it in and does otherwise, promise to not cum inside and do otherwise), Impregnation (with fast-forward or skipped pregnancy), Coercion/Blackmail, Rape/Forced, Drink/Eating cum unawarely, Creampie/multiple creampies without penetration, Beast, Furry, Ovipositor, Worm and similar, Sleep Rape, Tricked into sexual situation, Gloryhole, Cum Bath (literally in a bath tub, pool, ecc...), Stuck in wall, Forced ovulation, Trap (males disguising as females to get into her pants), Infiltrate/Forced to join Lewd Parties (example: lingerie-only party, nude-with-mask party, ecc...), Chikan (since no train, emulated in other types of transport), Knotting

Turn Offs - Unusual penetration (nipple, urethral, ecc...), Multiple penetration (same hole), Scat/watersports, Heavy inflation, Extreme Increase in size to sexual organs, Heavy Gore, Too much tentacle, BDSM, Enslavement, Gender swap, Extra-extra-large insertion

Region map
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


To be updated as you gain control of more territory

The Tribe of Bloodclaw, a group of werewolves who you have helped countless times in your years here in the Wastes. After helping them to beat back Warlord Mogash, a half Orc who seems to have a strong hatred for their kind, they have asked you to become their Chieftan, seeing you as being far more capable of defending them and beating back his brutal soldiers then the last of their own. Several of the more powerful warriors have offered themselves to you as a potential mate, but your bigger concern right now is dealing with Mogash. While you've repelled an attack recently, he seems determined to wipe Bloodclaw off the map. Your going to need to take the fight to him somehow to end these raids on your adopted tribe.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:06 pm

Currently in a meeting with the most capable werewolves of the tribe, Sae intensely stared at the map laid on the table in front of her.
It hadn't been long since the Warlord Mogash attacked, and from the looks of it soon another attack would come, and then another and another until the half-orc would finally manage to obliterate the werewolves tribe.
Her eyes move from one place to the other, scheming the best way to bring war in the enemy's territory, and when she finally decides she raises her eyes to the werewolves, looking at each of them.

The group wasn't composed of only the most powerful warriors. When she selected her aides she was careful enough to limit the number of hot-headed act-first-think-later young warriors and pick some of the "wisest" werewolves in the tribe so the ratio would be about 1:1 and she could have different opinions during the various meetings. The warriors were still more than the wise ones, but for Sae it was enough.

After looking at everyone of them, she finally began talking <I have decided. We'll attack first this time> she took a pause, but before anyone could say something she continued <But we won't attack their settlements> her finger points to the scribble on the map resembling a fortress <I don't doubt the prowess of our warriors, but attacking a city would be stupid. If you want a reason for this, we would need much more fighters than the defending side, but instead we are the outnumbered ones. Sure, maybe we could raise a group large enough to properly attack them, but then who will defend our territories?> her finger slides to the smaller scribble, south of the lake <The same would apply even if we attack a minor settlement. It would be easier, but we would weaken our defenses too much and if they attack while we are not here...> she doesn't finish, leaving what would happen to their imagination.
Her finger then slides on the lake <Well, we could partly bypass the problem if we use the lake, but then we would need to acquire ships. Even if we find some, we aren't used to sea warfare so it would be a huge gamble to take>

Noticing the confused expression on most the werewolves, Sae proceeds to explain <I've said that we'll attack, but how will we do it if i'm this cautious?> she smirks <Here> she points on the area near the western shore of the lake <We'll disrupt here any contact between those two settlements i mentioned before. We'll just need a small group for this operation, so our defenses on our territories will remain intact. On the other hand, moving in a smaller group will attract less attention and we won't alarm their main army> she waits for them to take in what she said, then continues <Our goal is to disrupt their control of the western shore of the lake by slaying every convoy or group of them we will come across. By doing this in a small group we'll avoid the attention of their army and, even when they notice that someone is messing with them, they'll think that it's the work of bandits and send small groups to deal with us> at this point she looks the warriors in their eyes before continuing <But i don't think they'll stand a chance against our might warriors, right?> it never hurts to boost the morale of your fighters.

She finally takes her hands off the map, standing up straight, and continues <If there aren't any suggestion, i think it would be in our best interest to depart as soon as possible. First we'll send a number of scouts disguised as wolves to scan the area and report for any good targets, then we can set off with our main group.> finished with the orders, waiting for any possible question, she asks one herself towards one of the older warriors <Ah, about what i asked you the last time, how is it going? Even if we'll rarely use them in actual battles, having a lot of bows and arrows will be very helpful for some tactics i have in mind>

Once the question are asked and resolved, with the scouts already ahead, Sae will pick the best warriors and will depart.

During the meeting she purposefully avoided the subject of her choosing her mate as she doesn't have any intention of picking one anytime soon. Well, there's also the matter of not being willing to choose a werewolf as her "mate", but this is not something she'll admit to anyone as it could bring her problems.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:47 pm

Most of the younger warriors sound upset about not being allowed to attack a settlement, at least one of them commenting that they'd really like to claim one of those feisty Orc women, or even some of the humans that were scattered amongst them. The older warriors inform them however that this is a sound plan, and they as a group leave to follow out your orders. Bedorn, the one you had talked with last, raises a clawed hand to his head and rubs the back of it. "We are not exactly skilled in the art of making ranged weapons Chieftess. Even in our human forms, it is something that takes patience, and many of the young lack such things."
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:06 pm

<Don't worry, you'll be play as much as you want with the women in the convoys we'll attack> she answers as a matter of fact when the comment comes up, then dismissed them without much thought. Once the ones charged with forming the warrior group leave, she turn toward Bedorn <I know, and that's why i asked beforehand. I'm not asking you to make advanced ones, nor i want to impose on our warrior to use them. Even basic ones are enough, as long as they can shoot flamed arrows farther than we can throw flammables ourselves, as this will be their main use> she takes a deep breath, turning around while preparing to leave <I'm not in a hurry for them, but they would be really helpful to spread some chaos in the enemy lines, and i think you know how slaughtering panicking enemies is much easier than attacking prepared ones. Even if it's hard to craft them, it would still be better to grieve for our warriors, do you not think so? I'm not doubting our fighters strength, but in a battle it's hard to avoid casualties and i want to do anything i can to preserve our fellow's lives> she takes a short pause, then continues <And if they have to die honorably in battle, i think they would prefer to die as heroes fighting against waves of enemies rather than as bandits in a small scale raid, do you not think so?>

Once she's done she'll go to see if the group is ready, counting how many of them are there, and once all is ready they'll leave.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:39 pm

Urhr93 Wrote:<Don't worry, you'll be play as much as you want with the women in the convoys we'll attack> she answers as a matter of fact when the comment comes up, then dismissed them without much thought. Once the ones charged with forming the warrior group leave, she turn toward Bedorn <I know, and that's why i asked beforehand. I'm not asking you to make advanced ones, nor i want to impose on our warrior to use them. Even basic ones are enough, as long as they can shoot flamed arrows farther than we can throw flammables ourselves, as this will be their main use> she takes a deep breath, turning around while preparing to leave <I'm not in a hurry for them, but they would be really helpful to spread some chaos in the enemy lines, and i think you know how slaughtering panicking enemies is much easier than attacking prepared ones. Even if it's hard to craft them, it would still be better to grieve for our warriors, do you not think so? I'm not doubting our fighters strength, but in a battle it's hard to avoid casualties and i want to do anything i can to preserve our fellow's lives> she takes a short pause, then continues <And if they have to die honorably in battle, i think they would prefer to die as heroes fighting against waves of enemies rather than as bandits in a small scale raid, do you not think so?>

Once she's done she'll go to see if the group is ready, counting how many of them are there, and once all is ready they'll leave.

Bedorn promises that he will do what he can, but notes that even the making of simple bows is not easy. He should know, as before he was turned, it was one of the things he did for a living.

Heading out of the hut, you see several of the older warriors gathering those who will head out. Some of them are currently in human form, but quickly begin transforming into their monster ones. Its always amazed you to watch the difference between the men changing and the women doing the same. The Men almost look like they go through excruciating pain, which only fuels their savage anger, while the women seem to take it in stride...some even seeming to shudder in pleasure at the process.

All together, there are twenty warriors ready to head out.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:06 pm

Leaving Bedorn with a nod she heads outside, observing as the older warriors organize the group that will be under her direct command. As usual seeing them transforming intrigues her, though not enough for her to want to try it herself, so she passes some time enjoying the "show" before getting ready herself, checking her leather armor, swords and backpack, and once they're finally all ready, she goes near them and claps her hands in the air, trying to get their attention <We are about to depart, my proud warriors> she starts talking in an inspiring tone <And this time not to stop Mogash from invading our territories, but to pay him back. We'll show him who he dared to mess with...> she takes a short pause, before concluding in a quite wicked tone <... thought he'll not live to regret his mistakes> she lightly pats her swords, then continues <I know you all might not like the way i chose to deal with him, but i hope you understand...> another wicked smile appears on her face before she continues <... that i want him to slowly suffer before dying. We would do him too much of a favor if we give him a quick death>

With this she finally finishes, turning around towards one of the older warriors that organized the group <Prepare another group like this and send it as a back-up tomorrow. It would be good to switch the two groups after each battle as to give them more time to rest in case we need to fight many times in a row. Also, once Bedron has some results with his assignment form a new group and send them to us>

Once she's done with the orders she turns around once more to her group <Well then, let's go> and so she begins her travel to east.

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I assume the character is at the tower tile in the bloodclaw tribe territory in the map, correct me if i'm wrong.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:34 pm

Your group sets off, with you riding your prized warhorse as the pack of Werewolfs thunder alongside you. A few let out howls of excitement as you move through the grasslands and towards the territory of Mogash.

(GM Roll-13)
(Travel Roll-7)

You don't encounter any trouble along the way, but you aren't able to make it to the lake by nightfall. While you could push on, you yourself would run the risk of tiring out, whereas the Werewolves seem to draw energy from the moon itself to help keep them going at a decent pace.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 1:13 pm

Her group finally sets off toward the lake, trying to reach it as soon as they can, but the distance is considerably long and as expected they aren't able to reach it. Night comes, and with it the werewolves energy is reinvigorated by the moon. The same however doesn't apply to Sae and her warhorse, who will only continue to tire more from now on.

With a gesture she slows down the march, then begins to talk to the group <Today we've moved during the day, but from tomorrow on it will be different. The day we will rest and the night we will hunt> she waits some seconds for the explanation to sink in, then continues <Since we've been traveling the whole day normally now i would let us rest, but then tomorrow we won't have anything to do during the day, so...> once again she pauses to make sure everyone is listening <for now, split in two groups. One will turn into wolves and is free to roam around this area as you please, while the other will continue to march. The ones who are free to roam can do anything they please as long as they also act as scout for any danger around the main group, while the one who remain with me will proceed at a walking pace. Every two hours we'll switch the two groups so the ones who remain with me won't be bored to death> saying this, she hops down her warhorse and waits for the group to split, then turns toward the ones who are free to roam around <Ah, right. I said you're free to do anything you want, but try to avoid fighting. If you see anything that would require a fight come here and report>

Once the "free" group goes, her and the remaining werewolves continue the travel, though this time she's not on her warhorse and they all are walking slowly. The goal this time is not to reach the area near the lake, but just to advance, even just a little bit more, and rest when the day will come.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 01, 2014 2:47 pm

Those selected to form the free group whoop and howl, before transforming into the wolf form and heading off. The others all slow their pace, though you still find yourself having to keep a brisk pace to keep from falling behind. After four hours, you see several of the wolfs coming back, where they transform back into their monster form as they bow before you.

"Chieftess, we were passing by a small village, which seems to be mostly full of humans and a few half orcs. During our...scouting mission..." The way he says it leaves you questioning whether he was scouting the village...or scouting out the interior of some young villagers cunt, "We caught the scent of an Orc Raiding party. The village didn't have any banners of Mogash...so its likely on its way to demand tribute from them or face their blades."

Well...perhaps you could use such information to your advantage. Though it might be best to get more info first.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:23 pm

The travel continue, not as fast as before but continues, and for some hours nothing seems to happen until some of the wolves come back. Sae listen to their reports and nods, thinking about what to do <First, how far do you think the raiding party is from the village? And how many of them do you think there are?> essential information to decide what to do <Depending on those, that raiding party might very well be our first target. If you are not sure, send someone to control, but remember to remain in your wolf form and avoid suspicion> depending on the information she'll get they might attack before or after the raiding party is done with the village, but to know that someone has to go to the village and find out their standing towards Mogash.

<Also, i'll go to that village and get some information. Anyone of you who is cool-headed and confident enough in their ability to mingle with them and never blow it's cover can come with me, but no more than four. The rest will disguise as wolves and remain hidden near the town, resting for a possible battle with the raiding group. I'll be resting in a tavern in the village> she pauses a bit, then continues <Ah, i said that you can come with me in the village, but only if the those conditions are met, otherwise i can very well go alone. We'll go there just to gather information and it will probably be pretty boring for most of you, so don't force yourself to come just to appear better than the others>
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:49 pm

The Werewolf things, seeming to try and recall the number. "I smelled at least six all together. Some of the villagers looked rather tough, but they have no weapons of any sort. Easy prey for anyone. And they weren't too far off...an hour at most. I'm guessing they haven't bathed in a while, otherwise we wouldn't have sniffed them out."

You gather the wolves and werewolves, heading off to the village. Fatigue is beginning to set in, but you can keep on going for a while longer. When you are just upon the village, you have those still in werewolf form hold back, while you and the wolves proceed on foot. You can see four torches slowly approaching the village, and six orcs in leather and hide armor with axes and clubs out. None of them are carrying ranged weapons.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:14 pm

Sae nods, taking in the information and elaborating them while they return to march, this time towards the village. The pace is the same as before, but this time she's on her warhorse to save her energies. The werewolves might still be fresh thanks to the moon, but she is feeling the fatigue of traveling during the night without any rest. Sure, they aren't going as fast as before and she technically didn't walk during the day, but traveling for hours takes it's toll nonetheless.

Once they are near the village Sae gestures for the werewolves to remain back and continues only followed by the ones in wolf form. Apparently none of them wanted to follow her in human form, and it would also be hard to do as none of them had clothes to wear. Continuing to approach the village, she notices the so-called raiding group closing in the village. All of them were armed and had armor on, though their number wasn't very high.

With another gesture she stops the wolves following her and begins to plan her course of action. Attacking them right now would be the best as they should be tired from the journey while the werewolves were full of energy from the moon, but she didn't know if the villagers would help the orcs or be happy for their defeat. Infiltrating the village now might give her the answer she seeks, but then the orcs would also reach the village and probably rest there, adding too much unknown variables to her plans.
She takes a deep breath, then turns toward one of the wolves and orders <Go back and get the others. Tell them to be ready to fight as we'll annihilate them now> then she turns toward the others <I'll try to get their attention and draw them here. You all hide and return to your werewolf form if you want, we are attacking>

Saying this, she waits for them to hide and then casts the spell "Spark", one of the most basic spells used to light campfires or torches. Well, that would be the usual use, but she trained it to put enemies ablaze. Not literally, as both her and the spell are not strong enough to burn an enemy to death, but the improvise flash of flames appearing sure gives a scares to enemy while fighting and usually distract them enough for Sae to get some hits in.
The same happens this time, though she doesn't use it on the orcs but simply on the air in front of her, hoping to generate for some instants a quite big fire in front of her while she fakes an high girlish scream. A makeshift ruse, but hopefully some of the orcs will fall for it and approach enough for the werewolf around her to make a surprise attack from their hiding spots
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:36 pm

(GM Roll-14+3=17)

Your spell is successfully created, generating a flash of fame on the ground near you. However, while it does draw the Orcs attention, your girlish scream doesn't seem to make them think you are a frightened villager. The light from the flames shows your armor, and more than this, you have a feeling that if this village had had any spellcasters, they would likely have been made off with already, as was Orc custom since their race wasn't all that inclined to magic.

"Hue...looks like we got us a silly mage trying to surprise us." One go them says, while another chuckles as he draws closer. "Heh, she's a good looker though...I'll bet she screams like a whore when a cock fills her up."
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:50 pm

The ruse work, though not in the way she wanted it too. Not that it's a problem, as get the Orc to draw near. Their words annoy her quite a bit, but she doesn't let her irritation show and slowly begins to make steps backwards, trying to maintain the distance between herself and the orcs while they draw near without giving the impression of luring them away from the village <I think this silly mage is enough to burn your arses to a crisp> she taunts while speeding up her retreats and beginning to mumbling some nonsense, trying to imitate a mage that wants to take some space from his opponents while casting a powerful spell, while in reality retreating away from the village and towards the rest of the werewolves, though the ones already here would already begin to attack the orcs from behind once they are distracted enough.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:16 pm

(GM Roll-12+3=15)

They seem to be falling for your ruse as they draw ever closer, though the comments about your body they're making are pushing even your own patience. The fact that one of them even thinks that once you see his dick that you won't be able to help yourself from sucking it angers you.

Just as the Orcs look ready to charge you, three of the Werewolves who had been skirting the darkness and keeping quiet launch themselves at an orc each, two being killed instantly while the other loses his weapon and gets a good gash on his arm before managing to grasp the beasts wrists in an effort to stay alive.

"Werewolves?! This must be that bitch whose been stopping us! Gug, go go! We can't let these beasties roaming our territory!"

One of them is trying to make a break for it, while the two remaining charge towards you.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:40 pm

The comments about her continue to pour in, almost testing how much her patience can handle before exploding in anger, but luckily Sae knows when is the moment to act on impulse and when to hold back, and while acting out a plan holding back is a must. Luckily she doesn't have to endure the insult for long as three of the hiding werewolves begin their attack and, without giving the orcs time to reliate, the slaughter begins. Two orcs die pretty much immediately, while another one is wounded and disarmed.

She smiles as the orcs realize their doom, but as soon as one of them tries to flee she orders, mainly to the still hidden ones <Catch the fleeing one! Don't let him get away!> Even if he escaped they could still track him easily by his stench, but in the meantime he could somehow alarm his peers or, even worse, get reinforcements, and she would like to avoid such unnecessary problems.

In the meantime she has to deal with the other two orcs rushing at her, and to do so she unsheathes her swords and begins to run in the opposite direction of the incoming orcs, trying to maintain the distance and circle around to tire them out while the remaining werewolves left behind arrive. While she runs she attempts to cast "Enhance Speed", a battle-oriented spell that increase the speed of the one it is cast upon either slightly and for a long time or by a lot for a short period. She tries to uses it to increase her speed slightly for a prolonged period of time to make it easier to kite them around while waiting for the others to complete the work.
Obviously, in case they got too near she'll fight back by dodging and counterattacking, but that is only if they get too near, otherwise she'll just keep herself to the plan.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:42 am

(GM Roll for pursuit-5, GM Roll for spell-12+3=15)

Unfortunately, or so it seems at least though, they've picked the Orc who is the best runner, who takes off like a bolt of lightning, with your soldiers trying to give chase. However, you on your own end have much more luck with casting your spell, but the Orcs quickly tire of this game, and instead go charging towards the other werewolves who are currently locked in battle with the last one.

As this occurs, more of your followers begin coming over. Thankfully, none of them have let out howls yet, so the village is still unawares of your presence.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:07 pm

The chase doesn't bring much fruit, but it's not really a problem as those orc stink so much that the werewolves are able to sniff them from quite far away, so even if he gets away it's not a problem. Well, a slight problem would arise if he seeks refuge inside the village, but since he'll remain alone it will be easy resolvable. Nonetheless, the werewolves in chase should still do so.

As the orc flees, the other two are still chasing the now much faster Sae, but their patience quickly runs out and they decide to give up rushing at her and go to the werewolves still battling. Normally not a bad choice, but they forgot that Sae is also able to fight and not only run around. In fact, when they turn and begins to go towards the ongoing battle, she also turn around and, taking advantage of her augmented speed, she rushes at them with her blades drawn aiming to do a sneak attack from the back. To do this in her rush she'll try to make as less noise as she can, hoping the adrenalin and panic in their mind won't make them notice her until it's too late. She would probably be able to take both of them on, especially with the enhanced speed, but she doesn't want to take chances.

Anyway, soon their fellow werewolves would arrive and with them the battle should finish rather easily.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:23 pm

(GM DEX Roll-4+3=7, GM STR Roll-10+2=12)

Unfortunately, in your haste, you somehow manage to trip yourself up on a rock, letting out an 'uumph' as you hit the ground. When you begin to pick yourself up, you see that one of the orcs has noticed your approach, and has charged at you, coming within range of your blades.

You easily manage to block his own strike, and launch your own, giving a deep slash along one of his legs that nearly forces him to the ground.
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Re: Warpath [URHR93]

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:35 pm

The night might be her werewolves ally, but for sure not hers. In fact, while her elf heritage gives her a better night vision than a human one, it's still not good enough to notice small rocks on the ground while rushing at an enemy, and the result of such is an almost comic fall. At it's not as bad as it could get, as one of the orcs notices and approaches, probably thinking she's too out of it to fight back. However, unluckily for him, Sae is ready to take him on and, while blocking the incoming attack with her left sword, she use the right one to slash at his legs.

The result is good, but there's no need to leave things unfinished so, taking advantage of her enhanced speed, she tries to get another hit in and finish the orc. The others should have dealt with the remaining ones, especially since the reinforcements should have arrived by now.
Joined: Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:34 pm


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