1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

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1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:42 pm

The Prince and heir to a noble vampire clan, known as Victor (Vic) Wulf (bit of Iron-e there :P) of the Wulf Clan was a bit of a Rebel in the court. A young vampire who was more addicted to his blood lust than was acceptable in his clan, yet through his father he continued with his pleasures without question of the other clan members. Tall in stature, standing about 6'1 with a slim yet well built body that he didn't mind to show with his attire that wasn't fit for his role of prince. Jet black hair flowed down to shoulder length, quite tidy compared to his attitude. Eyes had a green emerald colour but due to his vampiric nature would change varying on mood and mindset. His clothing consisted on Black pants that was held up barely by his belt that sported a long sword seathed in a beautiful ebony hilt. Pouches took most of the spare spaces on his belt and contained a vary of Items from coin to the more Miscelanious Items. Sporting the finest leather boots his father could buy yet had seen a better day as wear and tear had took its toll. His top consisted of a simple clevat that sported many blood stains from his previous feast and was loosely undone so his chest was a little bare.

He traveled often throughout was we know and common day Germany, hunting wolves and other kind of animals in the dense forests that surround the clans castle. Hunting for sport mostly and thats what hes up to during the start of the story, trailing a pack of Feral wolves that he had spotted earlier. riding on a beautiful white stalion he gave chase to the majestic wolves, sword in hand and flintof pistol in the other
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"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:41 am

At the head of the pack, ran a she-wolf with long white fur, sharp blue eyes, keeping a few paces ahead of all the others. With a swift movement, she broke off, running in a different direction as the others kept moving forward. She shifted, running as fast as she could, hoping to not have been noticed when she'd broke away. She knew she hasn't been seen shifting, she was to fast to be seen when shifting. All she knew to do was run.
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 1:55 am

His vampiric green eyes locked upon the white wolf tail vanish behind a tree, curious he wondered why one would ever its pack. Most wolves he had hunted had different fur colours quite beautiful he thought and with that, he pulled on the reigns of the horse to move in the direction of the White wolf. Hopeing for a new trohpy to place back at his room in the castle. He wanted the stunning wolf, something more impressive to show of to the other clan members and friends. the Stalion galloped at his highest speed, jumping over a tree and landing just a few meters in frount of her. a confused look upon his face as no longer could see the wolf but just a woman who stood before him. His eyes darted around the are checking for the white wolf before slowly moving his horse towards the woman.

"terribly sorry if I gave you a fright mein frau.. but"

He thought a little but his thoughts made him chuckle a little, there was talk of other kinds of Wolfs but he shook his head and continued to speak down to her from atop of his high horse.

"did you see a beautiful white Wolf run past here?"
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"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:06 am

She stood, looking up him trying to catch her breath. She shook her head hoping he'd believe the lie. "No......" She stepped back, keeping distance between them. She pushed her long blonde hair back over her shoulder, dusting off her jacket and jeans, stomping her boots on the ground. She sighed deeply, leaning over a bit.

*God I'm out of breath.*
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:15 am

He pondered again to him self and with a raised eye brow he tilted his head before leaping of his stalion. His Emerald eyes scaned her, he had to admit she was quite a beautiful site to see but his other thoughts of the wolf were still their. she seemed suspicous and even he began to believe a little of tale tells of the shifters but he decided to ask more questions before believing in such nonsence (as he put it).

"you been for a run Fraulein? Its funny how I never saw you before and I was so sure.. that I tracked that Wolf correctly this way. you must've seen it or be you blind my dear?"

He smirked a little, thinking of how much his father would have one hell of a go at him for unpolitly speaking to a woman but Vic wasn't as old fashioned as his father before him. still though, he couldn't help but scann her head to toe again, just as beautiful as the wolf before
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"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:22 am

"I run very often." She said honestly. "Is there anything you have against it?" She knew getting cocky was dangerous but he hadn't caught on yet so she was getting a little brave. She stood up straight, placing her hands on her hips and keeping her eyes on him.
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:31 am

cocky one she was but it made him chuckle a little as he got closer and began to circle her, he thought even if she wasn't one of these shifter beings that she might make a nice feast. as he walked behind her his tounge flicked over his fangs, his eyes shot to her neck briefly watching as her jugular vein pulsed in time with her heart beat.

"I think you was running from something, these are dangerous parts of the woods. what village do you reside from hmm? I know most of the villages around here quite well.. and I mean quite well. I believe you know where my little wolf went... it was quite interesting how it vanished so well.. as if by magic. back at the castle, folk belive some wolf can transform into human beings, like a vampire can turn into nothing but mist"

He laughed a little as the thoughts of how many necks he had sank his set of razor sharp fangs into. Though the thoughts of her blood flowing down his throat gave him a little pleasureful chill, the thoughts of her beauty were getting in the way.
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"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:44 am

She kept her eyes on him, watching him closely. No way he was catching on so quickly. "Wolf? Village?" He was moving to quick, confusing her. She started walking, getting frustrated. She had to keep her distance.
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:51 am

"oh come now you can tell me, I keep secrets very well fraulein"

He appeared next to her, walking by her side. Her nervousness was betraying her more and more and now he was close to believing what the others had spoke about. yet he thought it'd be fun to make her tell him or at least show him for prove that they existed.

"hmm maybe I'll go after that Pack of wolfs.. its a shame abou the the White wolf.. SHE was a pretty creature if I must say so. may I walk you home? these lands are far too dangerous for a fraulein like your self"
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"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Thu Feb 13, 2014 2:58 am

"If you must. But I have no secrets to tell." She glanced at him. *He's more annoying than a flea.* She thought, sighing. "What about you huh? Asking a poor girl about her personal life without saying anything about yourself." She sighed mumbling to herself. "Kinda like a rouge....."
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:07 am

"well If I told you about my self you might run.. oh and we don't want that do we now? I don't want to hunt you down now do it hmm?"

He chuckled and look forward down the road, if she was look at the right time his Green eyes would glow from time to tim as light hit against them. No matter what she'd say or if she'd try to run he'd be behind her within a second. He was curious about her now and more convinced of her true Identity, again thesse thoughts were conflicting greatly as some thoughts crossed his mind. She was, pretty to him and he couldn't help but think that yet he hated the fact that he was attracted to either a normal mortal or a Wolf for that fact. a vampire was to never share a bed with a wolf, against tradition and against the vampire code.

"what If I tell you my name? would that make you feel a little eaiser around me hmm?"

He smiled gently before speaking again

"victor Wulf.. but you may call me Vic. now how about a name at least?"
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:12 am

She shrugged. "Myra." She picked up the pace a bit. "What's your interest in hunting wolves anyway?" She asked easily, deciding to take via different approach.
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:27 pm

"ahh well its just a custom to our clan, we hunt wolf kind for sport, we have a long history we and our wolf brethren"

He laughed softlt as he placed his flintoff in the back of his belt, his stalion following behind them. He was now convinced of what she was but what he would do, he did not know. "well.. Myra, where will I be walking you too? if its quite far we can take my steed"
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:53 pm

"It's not to far. Just a little bit further." She shrugged, stretching. There had to be some way out of this. "So, what else are you interested in?"
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:21 pm

"the thrill of hunt, not just wolves but other creatures.. but I am fond of the violin" He smirked a little as he remembered what he could do with the violin, bending mortals to his will via the pluck of a string. "you know.. I know this area like the band of my hand deary.. im pretty sure this isn't the way to a village" with a soft sigh he walked in front of her, blocking her path. "why don't you just tell me what you are.. there is no point making this go hmm?" he raised his eye brow with a cheeky smirk "tell me or you'll heading back to this "village" in peices" He probaly wouldn't hurt her, he was curious about her kind truthfully.
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:40 am

*I didn't expect that....* She sighed, shoving her hands into her pockets. "I'm sure you know know already. That smirk of yours...." She stepped to the side, leaning back against a tree. "Whatcha gonna do now, kill me?"
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:48 am

"no.. I won't kill you... Not yet, maybe" a devilish grin cropped upon his face as he appeared upon the tree behind her. He was toying with her but didn't want her to run, thought that would be fun. She must've expected he wasn't your average mortal by now but in these areas, folk were used to the idea of vampires roaming at night. He looked down at her and his devilish smile became more a normal smile as he spoke again "i just want to see you become the wolf.. That pretty white wolf"
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"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:55 am

"Don't flatter me snake. I'm not a dog." She slid to sit at the base of the tree.
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:05 am

"we'll see about that wont we hmm?" he sniggered and walked over to his stallion and climbed ontop of it. She was a stuborn one but he liked alot, reminded him of her in some ways but she had more of an mystical. He never cared for mere mortals or his own kind for that matter. He just wanted to see, so with a flicker, his flintoff pistol was in hi hand "lets play a game... A race. They'res a waterfall a mile from here.. Just down this path. You loose then you're my new hunt for the night.. As i am indeed thristy. Get there before me and i'll let you live and stop pesturing you"
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"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: 1 On 1 Kitty + DemonLust. Forbidden Love

Postby DemonsLust » Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:09 am

"Seems fair enough to me." She shrugged, shifting and shaking out her fur, stretching.
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