eaenidu Wrote:Name: Ku Ga
Gender: Female Was Male
Appearance: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2009219009764180569/6B6D9582360A0E896BCEB19B14650191DAEAA846/
Bio: Ku lived a simple life, an orc warrior, and adventurer, a barbarian who was eager to fight and have fun. Ku then won some weird fighting thing he got invited too, they told him to put the thing he won on the person he liked the most, so of course, Ku who didn't have anyone else, decided to put it on himself, then he woke up to find himself weak and small and nothing made sense anymore and all his gear had vanished and no one would believe anything so he had to try and find work that he could do in his new form, maybe save some money up to break the curse?
Strength: 6
Perception: 13
Endurance: 7
Agility: 9
Charisma: 15
Intelligence: 5
Luck: 11
Finding work as you were now was hard. Harder then even the few times where there'd not been much call for your talents. Compared to before, you were more the sort of thing you'd have wanted to screw back before you'd been changed into this, though you didn't think about this much until one day while looking for work you got thirsty for some good mead and wandered into a tavern in the small port city you were in. And while you weren't the smartest, you could read simple things. And there was a sign that said, "BARMAID NEEDED ASK BARKEEP"
Maybe that'd be a job you could do?