Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:48 pm

As she leads you towards the exit, you hear Ann utter something in annoyance. "What was in that water? I still can't feel Carmen at all." Still, she doesn't allow herself to stop until you try to pull the two of you to a stop. She turns surprised when you stop her from getting the two of you out of here only to shake her head once you voice your concern. "No need to worry, I'll explain as we run." She turns away and keep running.

"We're in a place called the Metaverse. It's a place where everything is a mental projection of something, including those clothes. Once we're far enough from this place, we'll be back in the real world and back into our regular clothes."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 16, 2025 11:56 pm

Kayin was still worried, but she seemed fairly confidant at least. "A~Alright, t-though I can offer ya my jacket if things turn out the other way..." He vaguely found himself wondering if he still even had the girls wallet with him, though for some reason it felt like he still had it with him. In any case, assured by her it'd be fine, he let her go ahead and lead the way out, following after her and trying not to be too distracted by her beautiful, naked body.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Mon Feb 17, 2025 12:55 am

The pair of you rush out of the building and between the two close set buildings that had originally got you in this crazy place. Ann allows herself to slow to a walk, and you can't help but notice the way she is swaying her ass. You are caught by surprise when your new outfit disappears to leave behind your street clothes, and even Ann is back in an ordinary outfit. With a sigh, she leans against the wall catching her breath. "Glad we're out of there, but I still can't feel Carmen within me, and...Nevermind" There's clearly something else bothering her, but she doesn't say it as she just rests against the wall and catches her breath giving you the opportunity to ask her any questions, or just leave her to rest in peace.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Feb 17, 2025 7:26 am

Well, once they're out of that place, Kayin's first thing is to feel about for her wallet. He finds it, thankfully, and pulls it out and holds it out to her. "Here, y~you dropped this." He says first, before glancing back the way they'd came, and then to her. He was silent for a good minute as he caught his own breath, then asked, "Can, can you explain to me what all just happened? T~That did all happen, right? I wasn't imagining it, or having some weird dream?"

Thanks to the way she'd swayed her ass, and really the general way she was holding herself, Kayin found it hard not to let his eyes wander over her, even if he was trying to stay focused on her face.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:17 am

Looking at the wallet, she looks a bit abashed. "You followed me for this, and you somehow followed me into the Metaverse." She turned down the way you'd both came from. "Yeah, I sorta owe you an explanation. Especially since I'm probably going to need your help with dealing with that. What you saw was the Metaverse, it's a place where perception rules over reality. In the metaverse, the gym has become a palace being twisted into that form by someone's corrupt desires."

You notice she isn't really looking at you as she talks about this. "Seeing as it appears as a spa where lack of clothing is strictly enforced, you can only imagine what sort of thing is going on in there here in the real world."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Feb 18, 2025 3:39 am

"Was I just supposed to leave it for anyone to find?" Kayin asked tiredly, shaking his head a bit before perking up as he listened. It helps, for a time, to distract him from what a beauty she is, more so given that he has seen her without her clothes and knows she's sexy from head to toe. He glances back towards the gym though and shivers as he takes into account what she's saying.

"So... it's sort of like lucid dreaming? But its not just in the mind." He shivers as he considers the implications of what she says, and groans. "Great... not the kind of thing ya want to learn about the place you're attending right out the gate." Still, feeling recovered enough, he stands up a bit straighter as he asks,

"So what now? I presume from your words you plan to go back in there at some point? I don't quite understand everything yet, but you helped me out, so the least I can do is return the favor."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Tue Feb 18, 2025 4:18 am

"Thank you for returning it. It just seems like a fairly paltry reason to stumble into someplace so dangerous like that." She chuckles at your comment about the place you're attending. "Something similar happened back at my high school which is why I'm familiar though things seem different here." She shivers almost like she can feel your gaze travel over her which serves to show off the way her softer curves can jiggle.

She bites her lip looking a bit frustrated. Her hand on her thigh suddenly tenses, but she doesn't say anything. "You returned my wallet, and I'm safe now. You can go ahead. I'll just need another minute or two to catch my breath." There's something off about the way she said that like she was forcing herself to, and you begin to notice with the rise and fall of her chest, that her breathing is becoming heavier as well. Something about this feels off somehow, but she did just ask you to leave her here.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Feb 19, 2025 6:54 pm

"Well, admittedly, I wasn't expecting to run into a place like that. Only gave chase because you had just passed by... I... I probably would have just sought to drop it off with the University's lost and found if I hadn't seen you." Kayin admitted somewhat sheepishly. His interest perked up when she mentioned something similar having happened before, and he was about to ask when she next spoke. Something about the way she said it, and the way her body was moving, made him feel a tad concerned.

"Hey, you alright?" If Kayin didn't know better, from a surface glance, and given what they'd just gone through, he'd almost swear she seemed to be... aroused? Though maybe that was just because of the nature of that place putting such a thought in his head. "I-I can wait here a moment, its not like I really have anywhere I need to be in a hurry."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Thu Feb 20, 2025 3:41 am

She giggles a little. "You'd be surprised how often little coincidences of chance happen when the metaverse is involved. Well, despite how badly things went, it'll probably be easier to figure out what's going on here in the gym with someone else to help out. You will be helping me, right? You didn't sound like you approved of what was going on in there."

You see her tense when you ask if she's alright, and there's a moment of hesitation. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." The delay in her answer and the stammer make the assertion very unconvincing, and she either realized that, or it showed on your face. "Okay, fine. As I mentioned, I cannot feel my Persona anymore like our link has been disconnected, but I've also been feeling..." She trails off as her cheeks flush clearly uncomfortable with what she was about to say. "Let's just drop it."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Feb 20, 2025 3:53 am

"I mean, you'd have to be the sort of person inclined to think up such a place to have no problem with it." Kayin offered, and nodded. "Yeah, I'll help. If nothing else, I'd probably check the place out now just out of curiosity, since I can defend myself." As she tries to convince him that she was alright, he doesn't exactly buy it and moves to support her.

"Here. Let me take ya back to your dorm. Or, well, someplace away from the gym at the very least." Assuming she didn't just push him off, he'd say, "I take it something like that hasn't happened before. Could it be because you were thrown into that pool? It might have done something to you and your Persona."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Thu Feb 20, 2025 4:01 pm

"Ohh, I would tend to think most guys would like the idea of a nude bath with a cute girl." She hesitates a moment as you offer to take her to her dorm. "Not exactly steady on my fee right now, and it probably isn't safe to just be hanging out in an alley so close to whatever is going on in there." She leans against you though you feel her tremble at first contact as you begin leading her.

She tells you where her dorm is, and as it turns out, she is your dorm-mate which does make getting her there rather convenient since you already know the way. Along the way, you notice her lean a little more onto you until eventually you feel her head on your shoulder and her breath against your neck as she begins to seem more relaxed though you notice her steps getting a little less sure along the way.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Feb 21, 2025 9:26 am

"Well, okay, fair, but I don't think folks would be up for handing their clothes over to giant states to be destroyed so they have no choice but to walk around naked." Kayin couldn't help but counter with a snort. Still, he takes hold of her and helps support her as she starts listing the directions and-

"Oh. Huh. We... appear to be roommates. That's one heck of a lucky coincidence." Though with what just happened, maybe calling it a coincidence was a bit silly. Sounded like fate, really. Still, as they got closer he found himself getting a little distracted. The warmth of her breath on his neck... the feel of her body against his...

"Almost there." He said as it felt like she was only a minute away from collapsing. Carefully, he propped them both against the door to their room, unlocked it, then popped it open. He did his best to quickly close and lock it before attempting to spill them both on the couch, rather than the floor.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 23, 2025 2:38 am

As you lead her along, she only seems to lean more into you. From the outside, you could imagine it looked like you were leading her around after she'd had one too many to drink. Given that the semester was about to begin in the next few days, there were probably plenty of people who were looking to get some partying done before their studies made it impossible to just unwind. A few people gave the pair of you odd looks, and it didn't help when Ann nuzzled into your neck and took a deeper breath every now and then.

Ann seemed mostly out of it when the two of you finally reach your door. By that point, she was leaning more of herself against you. Part of you were almost wondering if you were just imagining that she was rubbing herself against your hip while you worked to lock the door behind you. [90]As you try to move her to the couch, you find that she's just leaning too much of her weight against you as the two of you stumble onto the floor. "You really helped me out here. Not sure I woulda got back on my own, and I don't even know your name."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 23, 2025 11:45 pm

The nuzzles into his neck, and the warm breath washing over his skin, made Kayin blush brilliantly. She was, ah, she was really pressed in close to him. It let him feel her body more even through her clothes, and it was impossible not to notice the way his body was reacting as he grew hard. As he gets them inside, he yelps when he feels her weight more fully against him and crashes to the floor on his back. With her practically atop him, and his own bulge rubbing against her now.

His cheeks brighten, and he offers a sheepish smile as he says, "I-It was no problem, and a~ah, my name is Kayin. Kayin Dreemurr. N~Nice to have m~met and helped ya, Miss Takamaki. Or ah, Ann, is it okay if I call ya Ann?"
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Mon Feb 24, 2025 1:48 am

She blushes still clinging to you closely. You can feel her bosom now engulfing your arm. "Kayin, right. Yeah, it's fine if you call me Ann as long as I can call you Kayin, or maybe Kay?" You feel her shudder again and grind against you a moment before suddenly jumping and untangling herself from you again. "S-sorry, it's just been feeling this tension build since I fell into that water. It feel like something's just been building up, and it won't stop unless I find a way to let it out." You can see her trembling now as she rolls a little further from you and curls up looking like she's in considerable discomfort.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Feb 24, 2025 4:56 am

"E~Either is fine." Kayin stammers out, though as he feels her grind against him he lets out groan of desire. As she rolls off, he takes in what she says and looks at the way she's moving, and thinks about how she'd been acting. Then, at the sort of place they'd be in. "M~Maybe... ah, d~don't take this the wrong way, but maybe the water made you... Horny?" He offered with a blush. "You ah, you were starting to really rub your body against me there as I tried to open the door."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Tue Feb 25, 2025 2:30 pm

Ann rolled about on the floor a bit, but it all cam to a stop when you said horny. Her cheeks flush as she considers your words. Her breathing only grows heavier as she rolls your words around in her head until she finally seems to come to a decision. Rolling onto her back, her hands move to her waist one grabbing her shirt and the other her skirt. Pulling one up and the other down, she exposes herself to you fully. "You're right, Kay-Kay. I need your help right now."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Feb 25, 2025 10:39 pm

He almost for a moment feels like he might have said the wrong thing, or rather, the right thing but he still felt a little unnerved at the way she stopped and was gazing at him. He half expected her to pounce upon him, but instead she rolled onto her back and was soon presenting herself to him. His cock throbbed and ached as she did so, though he blushed at what sounded like a nickname or pet name.

"R~Right, c~can do." He said even as a shy smile spread across his face as he hurried close. It took only a moment to free his cock and line it up as he rubbed the tip against her petals, though he took a moment to lock lips with her and let his hands slide up and palm her breasts before he pushed forward, groaning as he felt her wrapping around him.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Wed Feb 26, 2025 3:45 am

It was simple enough to slide her panties aside with your dick, and even through her bra, her breasts felt amazing. Each of them just a bit larger than a palmful. Such well defined roundness, but very pliable beneath your fingers. She lets out a soft gasp as you bounce her breasts only for the gasp to grow heavier when your cock sank into her folds. She was incredibly tight, but also very slick and giving inside. You could almost imagine her walls being rearranged until they fit your length like a glove.

Her arms wrap around your shoulders as she clings tightly around you just like her sex is doing around your dick. "Oh Kayin, you were right. This is exactly what my body has needed since I fell into that pool. Please don't stop, Keep going until everything comes bursting out."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Feb 26, 2025 3:53 am

"F~Fuck... f~feel... Ann, y~you feel, mhm, perfect~" Kayin groaned out, kissing her more deeply after she uttered such a request. Or demand. Or maybe it was both. She sounded needy as hell, and after all those touches and now feeling her wrapped around him, he was in a similar state. He started out slow, both because it was his first time, and because he wanted to savor and relish in these feelings. In and out, working into a steady rhythm as his hips met hers.

He broke the kiss to gasp for air, but then as his hands continued to fondle her sweet breasts, he leaned in and kissed along her neck, before nipping at her ear. That was something folks did in some of those hentai he'd read. Maybe she'd enjoy that too~
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