Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

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Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Mon Feb 10, 2025 4:50 am

Kuragari Wrote:Name: Kayin Dreemurr
Gender: Male
Real World ... _tunes.png
Metaverse ... _kayin.png
Persona: Asriel ... 0620142531
Having just graduated high school but needing just a bit more from prodding of his parents, he decided to enroll in the local university that his home city held within it. He wasn't super enthused about more school itself, but getting to see what the college experience was like (especially hoping he could meet some cute girls from out of town) had him excited for the coming year. School was set to start in a week, and he had finished moving in, though the person who was to be his roommate in the co-ed dorm hadn't yet arrived. Still, with nothing much else to do, he decided to go and try to explore campus and while doing so, bumped into a cute girl. Literally. He apologized, but she was in a hurry. He was about to just head off, when he noticed she'd dropped something, a wallet? He quickly set off to follow after her so he could return it to this "Ann Takamaki"

Turning to where the beauty had gone, you saw the quad and the library. The two building stood close together, and if you remembered correctly, it was a shortcut of sorts towards the gym though the faculty tended to dissuade anyone from actually using it. Walking through the path was rather cramped, and there were lots of places to hide. It did seem like the kind of place where you could either ambush someone or have some hidden fun outside if you found the right beauty for that kind of thing.

As you came out into the open though, you were shocked to see a large luxurious building. Two massive, golden statues on both sides of the door, and in the middle a fountain that shot water nearly 15 feet up. The statues closer to the door were stunning women with nothing but a towel wrapped around their shoulders, while the remaining statues were of muscular men also with only a towel only around their waists. You could even hear the sound of a dull roar almost like that of a waterfall. It almost sounded like it was somewhere inside of the building dulled by the surrounding walls rather than by extreme distance, but you'd never seen or heard anything like this anywhere in town let alone the rather straight laced school you were now attending.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:03 am

Kayin might have been new to the campus, but he had heard from a few other students here about this little shortcut and how the school tried to dissuade folks from making use of it. He wondered if this new girl knew that or not, and briefly as he made his way through, worried she might get into trouble! Of one kind or another at least. But he was not expecting what he saw when he got to the other side. "Wha... What the heck?!" It was like he had emerged into some sort of large five star resort... sauna place? What was with all these statues and... wait, none of this had been here before!

"Hello?" He called out, after pinching himself hard and wincing at the sting that came with it. "Miss, uh, Takamaki? Y-You dropped this?" He tried as well as he started taking a few steps... even as he found himself feeling very confused and lost. Just what was going on?
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:24 am

Walking into the entry way, you found it to to be a rather large room with high vaulted ceilings. There were lots of people standing around, all of them wearing only towels. As you got closer though, you realized somethings were very off. Their skin was pure white almost like marble, and their faces were completely smooth and featureless. There was a murmur like they were talking, but you could not make out any words even if you got close. At the very least, they seemed to act as if you weren't even there.

You were surprised to hear actual words. "Hey you!" Turning to the voice, you saw a 7 foot tall man who appeared to be made of gold. "Only towels on these premises." He points to your regular outfit. "Disrobe immediately and put this on." He holds up a towel offering it to you, but did he just say immediately, like right here. "We will dispose of your illicit garb after." A short distance behind, you could see another seven foot tall gold man watching as if ready to approach as well.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Feb 10, 2025 6:10 am

The presence of the weird marble white featureless people was strange enough on its own. Hearing them seemingly talking but not being able to understand them only added to his confusion and a rising wariness. Kayin then whirled and squeaked when he saw the 7-foot tall... statue, golden man thing in a towel? As he was offered the towel, or rather, commanded to put it on he took a few steps away from him and the other guy as he said,

"I~I ah, I~I have no idea what's going on. I~I was just following a girl who dropped her wallet. I'm ah, not here to cause any trouble. I'll just find her, g~give this to her, and ah, leave. N~No need to get rid of my clothes or anything."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Mon Feb 10, 2025 1:39 pm

The statue's facial features do not move as you make your excuse, but its words make it clear they fall on deaf ears. "Irrelevant, the dress-code must be observed at all times." One hand continues to hold the towel as it reaches for you with the other looking ready to strip you down by force if need be. Just before the arm reaches you, there is a sudden whip snap, and the giant man's hand hits the ground.

Your eyes are drawn up to someone above the statuesque man. She was wearing a skin tight red leather cat suit pretty much literally as the cat ears on her mask caught your attention. She landed between you and the statue letting another whip crack smash across its face. "Run, you can't fight them." Your shock at your savior's sudden appearance meant it took a moment to notice, but this woman's hair was exactly the same as the beauty you'd followed in here.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Feb 10, 2025 3:53 pm

He took another step back, already preparing to run. Then, the crack of a whip, a hand drops to the ground, and then a rescuer appears before him. Or rather, the person he'd been looking for. Aside from the radically different (and very, very enticing) outfit, she was the spitting image of the girl who'd passed him. And she looked like the picture on the ID!

"R~Right, I-" Kayin began, only to glance towards the way he'd come, where it seemed another of those giant men was now standing. "I~I uh... y-you don't happen to know another way outta here?" He didn't know what she meant by he couldn't fight them, but she sounded like she knew what she was talking about! But the way out wasn't clear, so unless she could clear the way...
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Tue Feb 11, 2025 4:16 pm

The statue man was forced back by the cracks of her whip, but the other that had been watching was now approaching, and you noticed more were now standing around almost surrounding the pair of you. The only way that wasn't blocked off was further into the facility.

She grunts as she whips at the enemy once more. "Unfortunately, I found a way up high to get in here, and while I see a way we could get back up out of their reach, I don't think anyone without a Persona is going to be able to make it up there, and I'm guessing those are your regular clothes." She looks about at the approaching statues. "It's probably a trap, but we're definitely getting caught if we stay here. Head further in, there has to be a back way out. Hurry now, I'll follow."
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Feb 12, 2025 6:10 am

Kayin didn't quite know what she meant by Persona, but the fact she seemed to very much have an idea of what was going on and what to do helped to ease some of his nerves. "R-Right, s-sure thing!" With that he turned and dashed through the only opening available at the moment, even as he did his best to keep an eye on his surroundings. He didn't want any sudden surprises if he could help it when he didn't have anything he could do to help or defend himself!
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Wed Feb 12, 2025 2:34 pm

Ann follows you walking backwards and keeping her attention on the looming figures slowly closing in. There was no haste in their movements like they either couldn't move quickly, or were confident they didn't need to right now. You see Ann reach for her mask, but her hand suddenly jerks and a moment later, her catsuit explodes from her body suddenly. Another woman appears behind her as if she'd apparated from the air itself draping herself over Ann.

There is a sudden explosion of fire burning all of the looming statues and causing them to take a step back. Ann's cat-suit is back on her and the strange woman is gone as if they'd never even been there. Ann doesn't hesitate as she turns and dashes towards you grabbing your wrist as she passes with a look of determination.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Feb 12, 2025 3:13 pm

Watching the golden statues warily, Kayin had been able to keep his focus on the situation... right until he blinked and saw Ann's cat-suit seem to explode off her? He blushed brilliantly and his jaw dropped as his cock throbbed at the sight of her beautiful form on display, though he also took note of the rather sexy woman who also appeared, if only for long enough for her to unleash fire onto the statues.

"Wha... W-What was that?" He squeaked as he let himself be dragged along, trying and at least somewhat failing to put things together in this moment as he did his best to keep up.

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I take it going with the entire outfit vanishing, not just the mask? Am fine with that, twas merely a surprise :P
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Thu Feb 13, 2025 3:08 am

As you ask, your savior looked a little concerned. "That was my Persona, Carmen. Though that's the first time she looked like that. Something about this meta-verse seems to have changed her." The next room you rush into has a series of baths. In the far back, water falls from the second level falling into the baths to the back. Each bath is on a slightly higher level than those in front of them letting water overflow down to the more frontward baths.

Behind the back most baths are a set of elevators with golden doors and a red velvet rope in front of each. "I don't see any ways out down here, but maybe we can find a window on the next level. My whip can work as a rope in a pinch."

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Persona 3 and 4 don't use masks for Persona summoning, so I figured changing it would be an appropriate change.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Feb 13, 2025 3:34 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Roger, was just unexpected is all. Hm, means Kayin's clothes will also do that. Probably would have gone with something else there metaverse appearance after he awakens if had known. Oh well. :P

"Persona huh... H-How'd you get something like that?" Kayin asked as he stopped a moment and glanced around at the baths. It was weird seeing more of those seemingly featureless white marble people seeming to enjoy the place and not being phased by them. At least, not yet. "And ah, are you supposed to lose your clothes when they come out?"

As she noted that though, he cast his eyes about for any sign of a window. The sooner they got out of here the better. He didn't want to know what those giant golden statue things would do to them if they caught them. Something in his gut said it wouldn't be all that pleasant.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Thu Feb 13, 2025 2:47 pm

Frantically looking for a way out, you don't see anything though you're unable to really see the walls of the second floor. Ann grabs your arm. "We can't hang out here any longer. We've got to go for the elevator. [12]As the pair of you run, you see the statues enter the room blocking your escape though thankfully, Ann got the two of you moving well before they burst into the room.

As you rush up the stairs past various baths with more faceless marble people, you finally get close to the elevators. In front of each one is a velvet rope with a small sign that could only be seen when you got closer. Each one stating VIP only, but the two of you weren't really in a position to follow the rules at the moment.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Feb 14, 2025 6:57 am

"Let's hurry up through here!" Kayin said as soon as he saw the elevators. Frankly, he didn't care if only somehow the university President was allowed into... whatever this place was. They had nowhere else to go and needed to get away from those statue things. He hurries over to one of the doors and begins pressing at the buttons, not really caring if one came from up or below.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Fri Feb 14, 2025 3:18 pm

The statues are now rushing towards the two of you, but as you approach the elevators, you notice they're probably not big enough for statues that tall. Unfortunately, as you reach for button, just before your hand passes over the velvet ropes, they suddenly grow into walls with VIPs Only in big red letters completely blocking access to the elevator. Ann looks taken aback at that. "Dammit, whoever's responsible for this place knows we don't belong up there." Turning she faces the approaching statues, 7 in total. They were spread out in a half-circle blocking off any escape route.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sat Feb 15, 2025 2:39 am

Kayin yelps as his hand is stung and he stumbles back, now looking at the walls of red that were blocking the way. Crap, that was the only way they could have gone! His heart started beating faster as he turned and saw more of those statues. He gulped, suddenly feeling an intense fear as he considered what it was they might do to him. He half wonders if maybe he should have complied, but something had told him doing that might have been just as bad...

"C-Crap, wha, w-what are we gonna do?" He asked, shaking a bit as he eyed all seven of them. The girl with the whip could fight them, but seven v one wasn't fair in the slightest. He... Damnit, he couldn't do anything as he was! But he didn't just want to sit here on the sidelines! W-Why was his head starting to hurt... and, was that a voice in his head...?
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Sat Feb 15, 2025 3:45 am

"We're going to have to fight our way through. Stay back and wait for me to make an opening." She launches herself her clothes once more disintegrate, this time you notice her undergarments haven' disappeared just before the other woman appears once more. This time, rather than flames spreading across all of the surrounding statues, she focuses intensely against the one right in front. It is taken aback, but before an opening can be created, she is grabbed by the shoulder. The statue that grabs her tosses her into one of the pools, and the mystery girl vanishes along with Ann's bra and panties leaving her completely naked, and the flames she had been producing also go out.

Two of the statues begin to approach her while the rest turn to you. Suddenly, you hear a voice coming from inside of your head. "How long are you going to sit idly by? First, you let her fight for you, will you now watch as she is assailed only to share her fate? I am though, though art I. If you would seek a contract for the power to fight this, you need only speak my name." Despite the voice never saying your name, you feel deep down inside that you know the name, like you've always known the name of this voice.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:34 am

"Ann!" Kayin cries out as she is grabbed and flung into the pool, and his eyes remain on her for a moment before registering the ones approaching. He takes a hesitant step back, then grips onto his head as the headache intensifies and he hears... a voice. A voice he's never heard before, yet he knows it intensely. As the words form, he feels something on his face, and reaches for it as he says, "I'm not going to just sit back and let these things do what they want... COME, ASRIEL!"

With a harsh pull, he tugs the mask off and feels a surge of power rush through him as he feels a presense well up within him. The figure of a goat monster in robes appears behind him, a vicious grin on his face as he looks towards the enemies. Kayin channels all that energy outwards, right at the ones in front of him. Bolts of multi-colored lightning fire forth crashes into them. Then, he turns his attention on the two heading towards Ann.

"Hey, big shiny and ugly." He calls out, channeling power again as one of Asriel's arms takes on the shape of a beam cannon. "Leave my friend alone! CHAOS BUSTER!"
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Firehead » Sun Feb 16, 2025 4:25 am

As the figure appears behind you, his voice is now no longer in your head. "Yes, grab the power that is rightfully yours. Protect what is important to you, and drive those that would take it from you and cast them into an Abyss of Chaos." The statues take a step back, and the pair looming over Ann even stop to notice you. Two of them lunge for you clearly hoping to put a stop to your struggle before it has even begun, but Asriel was ready for them raining destruction over those two and forcing the other three to take a step back to avoid sharing their fate.

Turning your attention to the two near Ann, a large rainbow cannon fires off breaking them as well. The feeling of power feels exhilarating. The remaining statues retreat. Ann manages to pull herself from the water, but you notice her clothing has yet to reform as she grabs your hand. "We need to get out of here. We'll regroup and come back once we have a plan. The girl runs with her hand around your wrists, but it's hard not to notice her toned rear as she runs naked in front of you.
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Re: Persona Gift of Touch[Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Sun Feb 16, 2025 2:05 pm

This kind of power, Persona power, was exhiliarating. Kayin would have felt invincible if not for the fact he saw Ann get sent flying but a moment before. He nods as she hurries over and takes hold of his hand and he lets her lead the way as his persona returns into his being for now. However, as she is running and they get closer to an exit, any exit really, he stops skids them both to a stop for a moment.

"As much as I want to get out of here with ya Miss, and ask so many things... do you really want to come running out of wherever we are stark naked?"
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