by jondude » Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:35 pm
None of the content is too exciting, but certainly a little more your speed then putting on a tavern girl outfit and serving drinks or brushing horses at the local stable in order to get a little cash. Those kinds of things were usually safe and easy, but a little bland at your experience level. Granted you'd do what you had to do, but it was fortunate there was some problems more suited for an adventurer in this seemingly sleepy mountain village.
The notice for rats says to talk to the town watch master and in your experience with places like this the town guard was usually based out of the one building in town that be made of stone. It doesn't take you long to find at all thankfully, a building of that exact description just a scant couple hundred yards away from the Moonskip Tavern. You head over and examine the relatively uncreative building; two floors, dark grey stone, a wide base to hold a small barracks, armory, office, and probably a few cells that are normally used after someone had drank a little too much. Sturdy and defensible. Heading inside shows a small reception area with two town guards in light armor, sitting at their desks and casually taking before glancing at you as you enter. "Greetings! How can I-", the first man starts, but stops as he notices your armor and swords. "Oh! Well, your certainly the capable type. I assume your here to see the watch master about the notice?"
You confer as much.
"Great! Given your gear, I'd say this one should be rather easy for you. Pay isn't much, but it's something.", he replies before standing up and gesturing you over to a side door. "Watch Master Sigurd office is here. You can talk to him real quick and he'll tell what you need to know."
He opens the door and allows you to see a rather large and quite handsome man sitting behind a desk. Tall and broad shouldered, he's fit and relatively young to boot. Like many others in the town as well he's also demi human however, sporting a pair of gray wold ears that point out his shock of longish black hair. The guard informs him that you were here about the notice, and he sighs with mild relief and gestures you inside. "Thank goodness. Not sure what brings you to these parts adventurer, but thank you for coming in. We're a pretty small village and there is only about fifteen of us here, and while we can certainly handle rats it's a pain to chase them down on top of all the other pests and duties that come with being a guard. I'm Watch Master Sigurd. Pleased to meet you.", he says, standing up and leaning over his desk with an outstretched arm to shake your hand.