Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed Nov 06, 2024 4:53 pm

Joy's Inventory
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Durable Jeans: 5/5 HP---------------------------worth 100 caps (Doesn't fit anymore!)
Light Duster: 0/5 HP-----------------------------worth 50 caps (Unwearable!)
Bikini Set: 2/2 HP--------------------------------worth 50 caps
Tan simple shorts 1/1 HP------------------------worth 8 caps (Doesn't fit anymore!)
Homemade leather sawn-off holster-----------worth 20 caps

Vortex Crossfire bolt action rifle: 100%----------worth 1800 Caps
Hunting Rifle: 93%---------------------------------worth 286 caps
10mm Pistol: 50%-----------------------------------worth 70 caps
Milspec 9mm Pistol: 76%---------------------------worth 174 caps
9mm Pistol: 45%------------------------------------worth 61 caps
Snub nosed 357: 76%-------------------------------worth 86 caps
Sawn-off Shotgun: 55%----------------------------worth 121 caps
Combat Knife: 70%---------------------------------worth 41 caps
Machete: 50%---------------------------------------worth 39 caps
Iron pipe: 60%--------------------------------------worth 18 caps
Plasma Grenades: 1--------------------------------worth 120 caps each
Frag Grenades: 1-----------------------------------worth 60 caps each
Frag Landmine: 1-----------------------------------worth 65 caps each

.308 rounds: 59-----------------------------worth 1 cap each
5.56mm rounds: 35-------------------------worth 1 cap each
10mm rounds: 82---------------------------worth 1 cap each
9mm rounds: 48-----------------------------worth 1 cap each
.357 rounds: 21-----------------------------worth 1 cap each
Shotgun shells: 7----------------------------worth 1 cap each
MF Cells: 60----------------------------------worth 2 caps each
.338 Winchester magnum rifle round-----worth 4 caps each

Water Canteen(+1 HP, outside of combat only): 4/5 uses------------------N/A
Travel rations(+2 HP, outside of combat only): 5----------------------------worth 2 caps each
Pre war food: 7 Cans (+2 HP outside of combat, +4 when cooked)--------worth 5 caps each
Stim Packs: 4 (Heals 6 HP)-----------------------------------------------------worth 40 caps each
Jet: 4 (+2 AGI)-------------------------------------------------------------------worth 25 caps each
Psycho: 4 (+3 STR, -2 INT)-----------------------------------------------------worth 35 caps each
Med-x: 2(+1 Damage resistance)----------------------------------------------worth 30 caps
Whisky bottle (full, +2 STR -2 PER)--------------------------------------------worth 25 caps
Flask(Rum, 1 use, +2 STR -2 PER)---------------------------------------------worth 10 caps

Flat tip screwdriver-----------------------worth 1 cap
Bobby pins: 11-----------------------------worth 1 cap
Pack of Cigarettes: 1---------------------worth 15 caps
Carton of Cigarettes: 1-------------------worth 50 caps
Circuit boards: 2---------------------------worth 10 caps each
Prewar Money: 10--------------------------worth 1 cap each
Cigarette tin(reusable): 2-----------------worth 15 caps each
Lighter: 1(40%)-----------------------------worth 12 caps
Match boxes(20 matches each): 2-------worth 5 caps each
Old Pocket watch: 1------------------------worth 15 caps
Duck tape: 1--------------------------------worth 8 caps
Fission Battery: 1--------------------------worth 75 caps
Wonderglue: 1------------------------------worth 10 caps
Radio(broken): 1---------------------------worth 25 caps
Electronic Scraps: 4------------------------worth 3 caps each
Shredded Cloth Scraps: 10----------------N/A

Caps: 1305

"Well the room and shower are 85 together. As for food, no need to worry about bug meat. That's more of a street food. And while fresh greens are a little more expensive down here we got lots of brahmin so plenty of beef. I always got a couple roasts going. I can get you a couple thick slices, with some canned corn and peas and a Nuka Cola or water for 12 caps if that sounds agreeable to you?", The man says.

Presuming you have no problem with that you count out the caps and hand him over, the man putting them in a register he has under the counter before handing you a room key and then pointing to a white board near the stairs. "Your room will be on the second level. There is also a white board on the first and second levels with a shower schedule. Your welcome to use whichever one you'd like, just write your name in for an allotted hour and don't forget about it. No refunds... generally.", he says, finishing his statement with a short moment of weak will as his eyes look down to your tits again for a split second before immediately going up to look you in the eyes again. "Did uh... you want that food now or would you prefer to go drop your stuff off first? We uh, also sell towels for a few caps if you'd like one."
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Wed Nov 06, 2024 6:42 pm

"I'll take some of that brahmin beef and canned corn then, with a Nuka Cola as well." Joy said as she counts her caps to pay for both the room and shower and the meal. She turns to look at the board when he pointed at and nods her head a bit when he told her how the reserve a shower. She blushes slightly when she catches him looking at her large breasts again. "Um, I guess I'll have my food now and check the shower schedule when I got to my room. And sure, I'll take a towel as well." She hands him a few more caps for the towel and then waits for her food. As she waits she looks around, simply just checking out the room and anything that might be going on that would interest her. When he bartender returns with her food she'll also ask if he has any rumors or info to share with her.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Nov 09, 2024 12:55 am

"Sounds good. I'll get Shawn working on your food. Should only be about five minutes or so. Here's your towel in the meantime.", the barkeep says, reaching under the counter and then giving you a towel. It's off white looking things, clearly having been used a lot. But that was no surprise since that was most things in the wasteland. It smelled and felt clean, and that was what mattered. With that said though he steps away, heading toward a door between sets shelves of drink behind him and yells your order through the door to the cook, who you guess is Shawn. From there the bartender goes back to serving some others waiting for drinks at the bar.

With a few minutes to yourself you have a few minutes to check out the the rest of the bar to see if there was anything interesting going on or if there was anyone that catches your eye. At first it isn't all that much, folks playing some friendly games of poker with small sums of caps on the line, more still just hanging around casually at their tables and booths talking and drinking, including a few of your fellows from Devin's recently transformed caravan party. You could probably go play some poker with people if you wanted, maybe make some money, but it might be a decent source of info. Might be one of those things that you might want to wait to get some proper clothes for though, then again your... distracting state of dress might work in your favor.

Just when it all seems to be mundane though you hear some voices to your left, and glance over to see two people tucked in a corner booth that was slightly out of sight when you came in. Inside the booth are what appears to a regular human man, with some rather large googles over his head and what appears to be the tattered outfit of field researcher of some sort. Across from him though was what appeared to be a remarkably busty snake woman, her skin... scales you guess, a mix of bright blue and white. She has no hair to speak of, but her the sides of her head fan out like the hood of a cobra. She was dressed in what appeared to be your standard wasteland scavengers gear.

"Come on Saph. I think I got a solid lead! Please!", The guy says in a pleading tone.

"No Liam! No. Nuh uh, no way!", The snake woman, Saph, replies. She gives Liam, her eyes narrowing as she crosses her arms underneath her impressive chest and shakes her head. "Every time I try to help you we always get way over our head, and just about every time I end up financially and sometimes literally fucked!"

"Yeah but when it does work out, it does work out riiiight? Enough to make up for any unfortunate experiences!"

Saph turns her head away in annoyance, but doesn't seem to be disagreeing. "No.", she says simply.

"Aw come on! This could be big! The first domino in the chain to cracking the great mystery!", Liam says, gesturing his hands around in a rather animated fashion. "If we get into this lab it could be the first step into figuring out why those Vaulters are transforming everyone. Don't you want to to find out why they're doing it. Why they did it to you?"

"Of course I do!", Saph spits back, "But you want to to go into a nuked military base filled with ghouls, super mutants, night stalkers and... who knows what else! And that is just on the surface! I like to think I'm pretty good at what I do but I can't do everything here. If you want to do this, you need to get more then just me to help you, and given where you want to go I imagine that might be difficult. If you find someone willing to put up with your eccentric ass though you know where to find me."

And with that Saph. "Wait, Saph!", Liam calls, but the snake woman just gives him a stern point, silencing him. With that she walks out of the bar, leaving this Liam character alone where he just sighs into his hands in exasperation.

"Here's your food miss. Enjoy!", The bartender says suddenly, dropping a plate of hot food in front of you along with an actually cold Nuka Cola. Before he goes though you ask him if he's heard anything rumor wise as you, and he ponders it for a moment. "Well, a little bit. Newest word around town is that a new group of people got turned into anthros by the mystery vault psychos but uh... I reckon you know all about that one. Other then that there is the usual tensions at Disney. Though you might be interested to hear that there have been some Brotherhood of Steel sightings to the south of Disney. No one is really sure if its actually them or where they are based, but the rumor is they're gearing up to foray into the wild side of Disney trying to get into the castle. Other then that, local farmers, the few we do have, have been complaining about mole rats a lot lately. A lot of extermination notices on the community boards near the gates. Not glamorous, but an easy way to make some money if you're so inclined.", he explains.

Right as he finishes saying that though you get a sudden surprise when a wet tongue briefly slides across your butt. You look over your shoulder, and find yourself looking into the eyes of rather large dog who's breed your not immediately familiar with, though he has a rather regal air to it, and a rather energetic demeanor. He seems quite friendly. "Oy! Kane! You're distracting the lady, stop that! Come here you!", The bartender says. The dog Kane looks at you a few moments longer, but soon goes toward the bartender at his assistance. "Silly dog. Don't you be distracting the customers. Or at least the ones with no pants.", The bartender says, scolding the dog verbally but at the same time giving the dog a scratch behind the ear that he seems to appreciate.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:00 am

Joy thanks the bartender when he hands her the towel before he goes off to get her food ordered. As he leaves she inspects the towel, a bit discolored but that's to be expected and it was clean which was all that really mattered. As she waits for the food she looks around, checking out the others in the bar and seeing what activities were happening. She sees mostly just casual conversations and games of pool and poker and considers maybe joining a game during her down time; she could make some spare caps if she wins games with bets and if she loses she wouldn't lose much. She could also play for fun if she simply wanted to pass the time, though she might want to get better clothes before mingling with the others... though then again her current attire could distract them from playing properly... Joy blushes some as she imagines strategically placing her barely covered breasts in view to distract the others during the game.

As she was about to turn away she saw something that stands out; a human man with rather noticeable googles on his head and a snake woman with scales that really stood out with their bright colors and Joy was surprised she didn't notice sooner by how much the snake woman stood out. With her new canine ears she's able to easily eavesdrop on their conversation without making it obvious that she was as long as she wasn't looking directly at them too much. Hearing him mention something about a lab and the vaulters that are transforming people did catch her attention. From what she hears it seems like this guy, who's name is Liam had some sort of lead to a lab connected to the ones that transformed her but was also apparently in a military based that was nuked and filled with things that live in radiation; she didn't blame that snake woman, who's name is Saph, for not wanting to go in such a place without additional help. While this sounded like something that could pay off Joy highly doubted she would be enough help but if they had more or a plan then maybe it'll be possible... something to think about.

Her food arrives, pulling her attention away from the two right as Saph was leaving the bar. She smiles and thanks the man for the food before she asks him for any rumors. "Yeah... I was a part of that group as a hired gun..." She mentions after he said that she probably already knew of the new group of transformed anthros. She was a bit surprised to hear about the Brotherhood being here, though she tended to keep her distance as one time they took all her high tech scrap and devices she found saying they needed to keep them out of the wrong hands. She would have protested more but she wasn't going to make enemies of people with power armor and high firepower. As he takes she eats a bit, smiling some at the cooked food of brahmin meat and drinks down the ice cold Nuka Cola. Before she can thank him for the info she felt a rough and wet touch across her plush rear where her tight bikini bottom's didn't cover, making her squeal a bit in surprise. She looks down and sees a large feral dog, though of a breed she didn't know. She blushes some as it stares at her before a bit before he runs over to the bartender's side. As he scolds and pets the dog, named Kane, she hopes that the dog didn't pick up on her scent... though he most likely did. "It's fine... Just was surprised." She said before going back to her food. As she finishes up her meal she plans to go to her room and deposit her stuff there but make a stop at the shower boards to see if there was an opening soon because she needed a shower after the long trip here.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Sat Nov 16, 2024 4:39 pm

You finish your food and head to the shower boards, both being simple chalkboards with hour time slots and names and room numbers next to them. It seems fairly taken up, but there are a few slots in the mid afternoon a couple hours from now on the second floor, or you can wait till later in the night and take a slot up there and wash up right before bed, also on the second floor.

Once you do that, nothing stops you from heading upstairs, finding your room, and getting that heavy pack off your shoulders. The room is a bit tight on space, but still plenty comfy enough that you could go through your things and maybe decide what you want to sell and what you'd like to keep, but you could always wait until you got to a shop before you got down to business selling your loot. In any case, you had some free time to burn. You could maybe go back downstairs a get a few more drinks, perhaps check in with that Liam character. You could play poker. Or you could just hang out in your room, have a nap, relax a little... masturbate maybe. Maybe you could use the afternoon to make a little extra money and deal with that previously mentioned mole rat problem the farmers were dealing with.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Sun Nov 17, 2024 2:24 am

Joy looks at the boards and frowns that they were none right away but then realizes that it was only midday but it felt more like early evening. Guess they left earlier than she thought and that the walk here despite the raider encounter wasn't was long as it seemed. She writes her name down in an evening spot and and then heads to her room.

After taking off her backpack and sitting on her bed she sighs and rolls her shoulders, a bit stiff but when she looked to her pack she realizes how filled it was. This new body probably gave her a bit of a strength boost though only enough for her to carry more weight and not overpower thugs hiding in alleys... She lays down and rests for a bit, letting her body relax from all the traveling and other encounters. She lifts up her hand, seeing the fur and claws and only now really is able to take the time to fully take in the fact that she isn't fully human anymore but something else. She puts her hand down and stares at the ceiling as she wonders how much her life will truly change going forward.

After letting her thoughts race on that she gets up and starts going through her bag, sorting through everything to see what she plans to keep and what she plans to sell and what to hold on to for now. Joy also looks to her weapons, thinking they might need some maintenance. Then she looks to herself in her small bikini. She needed new clothes soon but realizes that clothes are not always easy to find and now with her... bigger features her options are less and if the others of the caravan already went clothes shopping her options might be limited. She shrugs and figures she'll deal with it when she has to because while she rather cover up more her hide was much tougher now so she didn't need clothes for too much protection now.

When she finishes going through her items she decides to head to the shops now and lighten her pack and probably spend some caps. With all she currently has she wonders if she should buy something more permanent for herself, specifically either her own place or some sort of storage though these were things she didn't really need to consider for a long time. Before she heads out to the shops though she stops back downstairs and wonders if that Liam guy is still there so she can ask about his conversation with that snake woman.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed Nov 20, 2024 12:40 am

Once you've signed up for an evening slot for the shower board you head to your room and organize your gear a bit, content to take your time and consider your options. Right now you figure your biggest concern besides selling your stuff was getting some new better fitting clothing, but given that the caravan was also in a similar circumstance the clothing stocks in town might be a bit light. Hopefully you could still get something and it wasn't all bought up, but there was definitely you might be wearing this extra tight bikini for the next little while. This however hasn't been your hardest circumstance ever, and you were hardly the only person in such a situation. It was definitely not all that uncommon for female prospectors and scavengers to come back buck naked and plastered with cum. It had happened to you a couple time, so still having some manner of clothing plus a whole bunch of a loot was still a win, transformation aside.

After some time organizing you pack up again and decide to head out to the shop and maybe talk to that Liam character if he was still around. Heading back down to the bar, you see that he is actually still around. He was still leaning over his drink, resting his head in one of his hands and looking a little despondent. He was clearly deep in thought, but on his own. It seemed like a good opening to talk to the guy as any!
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Wed Nov 20, 2024 5:19 am

Spotting Liam still sitting by himself Joy thinks this is a good chance to talk to him. "Hey." She said as she took a seat across from him, sitting down making her breasts bounce in the tiny bikini. "I overheard your conversation earlier with that snake lady and I wanted you to know I might be interested in this lab you spoke of, the one that may have a lead about those vaulters that's been transforming people, like me." She told him him as she sets her hands on the table. "However I also overheard that it's right in the middle of a nuked military base with all kinds of dangers on the outside alone. So before I give it any more thought I want to know if you have any plans to get past all those ghouls, super mutants, and whatever else might be there. And I want to know if you even have a way inside this lab." She said, being firm in the beginning to let him know that she won't help if the risk is too great. "And so you know, I'm also interested in any valuable scrap or treasures might be in there along with what we might find about those guys transforming us."
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:22 am

Spotting Liam you head over, but the frazzled guy is so lost in his thoughts he doesn't even notice you to till your tits bounce in his vision. "Woah! Hi lady!", he says, clearly a little surprised and not used to being approached. His eyes blink in those big goggles of his as you explain that you overheard his conversation with the snake woman from earlier and were potentially interested in helping. No sooner do the words leave your mouth does Liam excitedly whoop and pumps his fists into the air. "Oh Liam you luck is impeccable!", he says to himself. You give him a moment to say his thing before outlining your concerns. "Yes, yes! Perfectly understandable concerns! I won't lie it is risky, but let me give you the lo-down.", he adds.

He reaches into a bag next to him and pulls out a chart or map. An extremely detailed one at that takes up the entire table. "This a pre-war map of McCoy Air Force Base. It was a pilot training base made during the second world war, was deactivated, then was basically rebuilt from the ground up in the 2040s after the writing on the wall with China was coming up. It did three main things, stealth bomber training, submarine resupply, and a lot of research and development. I think the government at the time was hoping it's location on the east coast would give it further protection. It was a good idea, but given the amount of nukes thrown around... well, you know.

"Anyway my rough plan as that we will enter the base from underground through old metro tunnels that connect to special underground military service lines. All the nukes that hit McCoy you see were airburst types, so while the surface was pretty messed up most of the underground stuff is actually fine... probably fine. I hardly went super deep in my initial explorations, but it seemed fine. A lot of the lights still work even! Naturally though there are still some critters down there. Ghouls and the like, but not nearly as dangerous as the ones on the surface. Certainly no supergators or Deathclaws. What there will be however is a lot of old world security systems, and that is where I am useful. Some of these doors will have the best encryption the military back then ever made, and thats to say nothing of the robots and turret systems that'll probably be around once we start getting into the actual underground facilities there. You can handle me to solve that too.

"As for loot?", Liam then says, whistling under his breath and leaning in close to you. "We're talking potentially ten thousand caps per trip here, maybe more! This is untouched territory after all. And trust me, even if 90 percent of everything in there is broken, there will be more then enough for folks like you and me to make a thousand trips and still keep turning a profit. Not that is the point of course! The point is to get at the truth of those vaulters but... such a pursuit is surprisingly expensive.

"It's a bit much I know. Give it some thought, and if you have any interested friends go get them and meet me here tomorrow around noon. How's and he can discuss things in a little more detail okay?", he proposes to you.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Wed Nov 20, 2024 8:47 am

"Hey now, don't say you're lucky yet before I agree to anything." She told him before he pulls out a map, the map large enough to cover the entire table and make her pull her hands away from the table. She listens as he gives a history lesson but doesn't care that much about it, just how to get in and what they'll find. Then he gets to his plan how on to enter the base and is glad to learn that he's found a way in underground through the metro tunnels without the same threats as the surface. "Oh right, I think someone mentioned supergators before...." She mumbles as she has yet to see one and would rather keep it that way. There were enough things in the wasteland trying to kill and/or fuck her.

Then he gets to a threat or roadblock that she hadn't consider despite knowing it was a military base, the advanced security. "Well if you're able to disable those things then that increases our chances, though I need you to promise that your hacking skills are that good." She said to him as she wants to make sure he wasn't promising skills he didn't have. Then he gets to the potential of loot and likes what she is hearing; so many caps that she may not need to worry about caps again. So far this seemed promising. "Speaking of, how do you know there's a connection to those vaulters?" She asked him and listens to whatever answer he might give.

"Well if I can think of anyone that is interested I'll let them know. Tomorrow at noon is a bit short noticed but I'll see if I find anyone. Same to you if it increases our numbers." She then moves to get up. "Well I'll think this all over. Right now I need to some shopping and selling. I'll see you tomorrow then." She says good bye before heading on out, planning to hit up the shops to find clothes, maybe get her duster and other clothes fixed, and sell some of her loot.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Thu Nov 21, 2024 5:19 am

"Oh that's easy.", Liam starts when you ask about the connection to the vaults, "You see there are all sorts of Research and Development projects facilitates on that base, most of which was in underground complexes built to potentially withstand even direct strikes from low yield nukes, and given that I explained the nukes that hit the base were airburst, no nukes made direct strikes. Anyway, most of these facilities had civilian partner facilities. Defense contracting companies all, but one company was called Gene Smith Pharmaceuticals Incorporated is what we're interested in. Check this out. I found this in their head corporate office in downtown Orlando."

As he says that he reaches into his bag and pulls out a compact cassette, and then pulls back a baggy sleeve to reveal a rather extensively modified pipboy on his wrist. He pops the cassette in and loads up the data, then shows you an... incredibly look document, which her mercifully tries to condense for you and scrolls to the parts you need to see to sell you the job. "This refers to a project called Whiskey Danger. It was a project centered around completely breaking down the human genome, and writing it from scratch, cell be cell, through some machine only referred to Pandora's Box. Dramatic yeah I know. According to this report they actually managed to have success, and were then contracted by the US government to make special shock troops out of volunteers, and this is what they wanted."

What he shows you next is... shocking to say the least. Detailed diagrams of what appeared to be werewolf soldiers. Rather similar to some of the folks in the Devin's convoy, most notably Leena given her wolf like form. Within those documents are diagrams showing ways theh were to be equipped, including weapons, uniforms, even power armor specs. None of it was a one for one from what you remembered during your abduction, but give a vault a 200 years to tweak the designs... it was compelling to say the least. This was certainly a plausible lead to explore, and Liam had clearly down a lot of research. Before you can look at it too much though he pulls his wrist back. "That should be enough of a teaser I hope. You can understand I can't give away everything."

With that said, you inform him you'll try to do your best to wrangle up some help but promise nothing given the short notice. You bid him goodbye then head out, making your way back the way you came in order to sell some loot. To your delight, the road is clear the entire way, ensuring you don't need to go down the alley of forced blowjobs. After five minutes or so your in the main area where all the shops are, and there are a definitely a half dozen or so, but the recall the main ones Edy told you about and find them all easily.

-Old Moe's General Goods, which had a little bit everything but mostly dealt with food, medical items, and scrap.
-The Gift Shop, which traded mostly in clothes.
-Terry's, which did weapons and armor, and was popular enough Brotherhood of Steel occasionally went there to buy stuff.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Thu Nov 21, 2024 5:48 am

Joy couldn't help but be surprised and even a little jealous when he revealed the pipboy he was wearing, and a heavily modified one too. She wonders how he even managed to get one or how he learned to even modify such a thing. She watches as he inserts a holotape into his pipboy and shows her what is on it. What he showed her was more than what he needed to convince her, mainly the images of wolf people in different kinds of equipment including power armor. While nothing was an exact match to what she remembered seeing it was close enough to figure that there is some sort of connection between this lab and the vaulters. "Well.. you certainly showed me some good evidence." She told him after he pulled his wrist with his pipboy away. "Yeah, that's more than enough to get me to bet there's a lead there. Have to say, you have really done your research on this." Joy comments.

After she leaves she makes her way out of the hotel and down the road, which was clear now so she doesn't need to risk the alley or another way around this time. Soon she is in the main area where the shops were and spots quite a number but remembers the recommendations from Edy. Shifting her filled pack she goes into Old Moe's General Goods store to sell anything of value that wasn't a weapon. "Hello? I'm wondering if you guys buy stuff here..." Joy asked as she enters, looking around before trying to spot the shopkeeper.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Nov 22, 2024 3:17 am

Entering Old Moe's General Goods store you see it's... rather lively. Pretty big for a wasteland store that is for sure! There are probably about dozen people shopping, and a few people are working behind the counter, none of which looked like an old man. You suppose the name was just that: a name. You head to the counter and are soon greeted with a slightly older woman who radiates milf energy, dressed in what could be considered typical ranching clothes. She has blonde hair but curiously bronzed skin, suggesting Hispanic descent, and definitely a pretty face and a winning smile. "For sure hon! Everything has a price, come on up!", she says, waving you forward. When you place your pack down on the counter though she whistles appreciatively. "woah that's a big pack! You had a good haul, despite the troubles I've heard. I'm guessing that with your lack of clothing and canine appearance you came in with Devin's group right?"

However you respond the woman would not and be happy to get down to business though. "I'm Chrissy by the way. Why don't you start laying out what you want to sell and I'll get appraising?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

So, feel free to this however you like, however if you'd rather not mention each individual item you want to sell in post, simply copy and past things from your inventory from the top post of the page and put it in a spoiler.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Nov 22, 2024 4:20 am

Joy was surprised to see how big this place was with plenty of people in the middle of shopping too. She's only ever seen a few stores this big, and those were either stores that sold something of everything or in large scale settlements. She approaches one of the counters and is greeted by an older women wearing what looks like ranch clothing and for some reason Joy thinks she might have children. She takes off her pack and puts it on the counter. "Yeah, I came across a lot of stuff on my way here with the rest of Devin's caravan. Obviously... things didn't go quite well for all of us." She tells the woman who then tells her that her name is Chrissy. "I'm Joy, a hired gun for Devin for this trip, though I guess I was no help against those vaulters. The raiders were much easier though. Give me a moment to unload some of this..."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Pack of Cigarettes: 1---------------------worth 15 caps
Carton of Cigarettes: 1-------------------worth 50 caps
Circuit boards: 2---------------------------worth 10 caps each
Prewar Money: 10--------------------------worth 1 cap each
Cigarette tin(reusable): 1-----------------worth 15 caps each
Match boxes(20 matches each): 1-------worth 5 caps each
Old Pocket watch: 1------------------------worth 15 caps
Fission Battery: 1--------------------------worth 75 caps
Wonderglue: 1------------------------------worth 10 caps
Radio(broken): 1---------------------------worth 25 caps
Electronic Scraps: 4------------------------worth 3 caps each

Jet: 3 (+2 AGI)-------------------------------------------------------------------worth 25 caps each
Psycho: 3 (+3 STR, -2 INT)-----------------------------------------------------worth 35 caps each
Whisky bottle (full, +2 STR -2 PER)--------------------------------------------worth 25 caps

It takes a bit for Joy to decide what to sell and what to take as she wanted space for more things to sell but also didn't want to come across a situation where she would have needed one of the things she sold. In the end she sells most of the random stuff but keeps one of the cigarette tins since she could use it store small things and one of the boxes of matches incase her lighter runs out and she can't refill it. She also sells some of the chems but keeps one of the Jet and Psycho incase she ever needed the boost or if she needs to negotiate with a raider junkie. "Alright, all of this for now." She said as she was going to save the weapons and clothing items for the appropriate merchants. "Oh, do you sell lighter fluid for this?" She said as she takes out the lighter, figuring if she could she would refill it here.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Nov 22, 2024 5:11 am

You set out what you'd like to sell, Chrissy humming as she examines each piece and appraises them. In the end it ends up taking about five minutes, but eventually Chrissy counts it all out and gives you an offer. "Alright, I'll give you 447 caps for the lot of it, sound fair?", she pitches.

When you ask about refilling a lighter meanwhile she quickly nods. "But of course!", she says, taking the nearly empty lighter from examining it. She walks away a short bit and opens a cabinet behind her, grabbing one of several containers of old world butane and a special tool she'd need to fill the lighter. "Filling it will be five caps. Sounds fair to you? We can just knock the cost with what your selling and I can give 442 for simplicity."
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Nov 22, 2024 5:31 am

"Sounds good to me." She said as she pushes the items a bit towards the other side of the counter before Chrissy takes the lighter and fills it up with something from inside one of the cabinets behind the counter. "Yeah, just take it from the caps you were going to give me for the items to make it easier." Joy smiles as she managed to refill the lighter and is able to lighten her pack, though she still had plenty of spare weapons to try to sell as well for when she gets to the weapons shop.

"While I'm here, any rumors or things of note around here? Or anything that might need to be done." She asked as Chrissy was getting the caps together for her and taking the items Joy just sold.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Nov 22, 2024 6:03 am

When you ask about rumors she gives you another big smile, apparently approving of your work ethic. "Well ain't you got moxy despite all your trials? A pretty girl in an itty bitty bikini and your already chomping at the bit for more action!", She says with a good natured laugh before tapping a finger against her chin. "Well, I'm not really the best source. We do have a job board nearby though in the market square, right next to the town watch building. You can check for all sorts of things there, or you can ask the watch captain for work. Normally he always has some kind of nearby pest he's trying to get rid of. I think some of our local farmers keep trying to get him to deal with a sudden molerat problem, But I've also heard there have been some feral ghouls spotted just on the other side of the south lake. They seem to have taken residence in an old water desalination plant and have been randomly attacking caravans continuing onto to Disney."

Hmm, well... all sorts of things to do apparently! Though as dumb as it sounded seemed like everyone was awfully cross with these molerats given this was the second time you've heard of it now.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Nov 22, 2024 6:32 am

"W-Well I plan to get some better clothes soon before I go out..." She blushes a bit when Chrissy points out her small bikini that she's still wearing. She is told about the job board and knows those can be good sources of work and info as well. She is also told about the watch captain and figures they would be worth talking to and possibly befriending due to their position.

"I see... Thank you for the information and the caps. You'll probably see me around a bit, especially when I have more to sell." She told Chrissy before giving her good bye and heads out and decides she'll head to Terry's next to sell off some of her extra weapons, unneeded ammo, and maybe get her weapons repaired if they need it.
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby jondude » Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:02 am

"No problem! Hope to see you again and stay safe out there hun!~", Chrissy says, giving you a wave as you take your caps and head out. The pack is definitely a fair bit lighter now, but the bulk of the weight was definitely in all the guns you had accumulated over the last few days.

With that done you head over to Terry's, which is a pretty obvious place. Littered with all sorts neon signs. Terry's was also a pretty big store when you get in, though not quite to the extent Old Moe's was. Inside though it a veritable armory, with rows upon rows of lockers and dozens of racks, counters fitted with ballistic glass, a few the panels cracked by... not wise people if you had to guess. The place is absolutely littered with firearms of all makes and models, some of which is some truly heavy firepower. Mini guns, rocket launchers, 50 cals machine guns, and many different rifles, shotguns, SMGs, and pistols models you struggled to identify even ten percent of them. In each corner of the room on the ceiling was a machine gun turret too, and in the middle of the ceiling was a laser turret. That was crazy security, but given what he apparently owned it was definitely well warranted.

Inside there are about three other people browsing guns, talking to what appears to be hired help. Dead ahead of you though you see a tall skinny man with long black hair and wearing a duster similar to your own but black. With a slightly tired look he had a cigarette loosely in his mouth, and a slightly disinterested look to him. When you come in he looks over, but doesn't seem overly phased. He does however wave you over promptly. "Hey there, welcome to Terry's. I'm Terry. Yes. Actually.", he starts, leaning forward on the counter slightly. "I am happy to trade with anyone and anybody, but I must inform you to please don't fuck around because you will lose and I hate cleaning. With that out of the way, given that your seem to have a few barrels sticking out of your pack there I'm assuming you're here to sell?"
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Re: Fallout: Sunshine Wasteland (Soru)

Postby Soru » Fri Nov 22, 2024 7:31 am

Joy is once again surprised by the size of the store, but the variety of weapons here was even more surprising. There were all kinds of guns from various makes and models, plenty that she's never even seen before and some she is surprised to see in a store. Already she knew that if she needed a new weapon this will be the place to go. And she won't need to worry about unpleasant customers in here from the security turrets she spots on the ceiling.

Looking around she spots a tall skinny man behind one of the counters ahead of her and he waves her over. "Nice to meet you, Terry. My name is Joy and yes, I got stuff to sell." She said as she puts her pack on the counter and starts taking out the weapons to sell; the 9mm Pistol, the Snub nosed 357, the Sawn-off Shotgun, the machete, the lead pipe, and the frag grenade. She hands over all the ammo that her current weapons couldn't use and the holster for the shotgun too. "Oh, think you can get me the details on these weapons and repair any of my other ones?" She asked as she puts the Vortex Crossfire bolt action rifle and the Milspec 9mm Pistol. "I know these are modified but I would like an expert's knowledge." She then takes out her 10mm Pistol and Hunting Rifle. "And these need some maintenance."
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