Pokémon: Cast Away [Ze Blitzkrieg]

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Re: Pokémon: Cast Away [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:28 am

Your charm continues to work wonders on Hazel as her alarm is flustered out of her. She scratches behind her ears, smiling awkwardly at you with a soft giggle. "Oh? Well... I'm sure you'll look good in whatever Silky makes for you." Her eyes widen as she hears her own words and she quickly holds out a palm as if to command you to stop listening to her. "AH! As in... she's very good, so she'll probably make something good! Not that you need to wear something good to look good! Oh, hrrng..." she bites back her tongue, deciding its best not to keep talking.

Over Hazel's shoulder, Cotton shoots you a cautioning look. A little reminder of her warning about hitting on the Elder's daughter and the non 0% chance that Xenarth might rip you arms off if he found out - something that seems potentially more likely after your only interaction with the man involved him kicking you out of the town. That pending exile may have been lifted, but if he was still begrudging your presence then he may not be in the best state of mind to approve of you making advances on his daughter.

Sylvia, however, has a different look in her eye. A slow and knowing look between you and Hazel as she appraises both how you talk to her and how she responds. Her eyes even taken a moment to look you up and down as she has a smirk play out on her lips, before she turns her attention back to Silky to follow towards the back rooms of the shop, her expression returning to her usual more dignified and welcoming smile.

You are lead away from the main part of the store and down a hall that rounds a corner to run along the ring of the stump. In the opposite direction you see what seems to be changing rooms set up with silken curtains draped to provide some privacy for Silky's customers, however you are instead brought past shelves of materials and boards with dress patterns and designs pinned to them until you are brought through a silken curtain at the end of the hall. Silky holds the curtain open, inviting you and Sylvia within. Spools of various threads seem to create a canopy that suspends baskets of materials that hang down in a ring around a central wooden platform that Silky gestures for you to step upon. "Please, disrobe~ I will need to begin taking measurements right away if we are to do this right~" she requests of you, offering to take your robe from you.

Sylvia clears her throat behind you as she enters the room as well. "If you would like, I can wait outside the room while your measurements are being taken. You don't need to worry about making me uncomfortable, but I wouldn't want to intrude if you would prefer your privacy."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon: Cast Away [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:52 pm

It never ceased to impress Bryce, how diligently the folks in town must have worked for their unique architecture. Putting aside the size of the tree they must have felled to put together such a building, it must have taken months to carve out all the interior chambers that looped through the back. Or, maybe days, depending on the Pokemon involved. He had seen Scyther carve their way through logs thicker than his chest in no-time. Of course, thoughts of his time raising 'mon weren't exactly the most pressing thing on his mind when he got to the back and the order came down to strip. At least, not other people's 'mon. Given his vigorous coupling with Volta not too long ago, and the distinctly... motherly... vibes that a few of the other inhabitants of town gave off, the idea of perhaps siring a few little ones of his own and helping raise them into happy, productive members of the village certainly seemed appealing. Maybe that could be how he helped Hardnut out. Bred a whole new generation of townsfolk to keep things prosperous.

Suppressing down that thought—and the very pleasant thought of the amount of fucking needed to accomplish it—Bryce shook his head toward Sylvia. Were she a less esteemed member of the community, he might have made a flirty little comment. Seeing as though she was the elder's wife, and they were in the company of another resident, he managed to wrestle down his worst instincts. At least, his verbal instincts. His hands fell to his belt as he responded.

"Don't worry about it. I've never been particularly shy about my body."

It didn't exactly take long to pull a bathrobe loose, but he took as much of his time as possible undoing the belt and parting the fabric, letting it brush along his wide shoulders and strong, sinewy chest. It slid all by its lonesome once he had it down that far, exposing his lean, hard body inch by inch until eventually the taper of his hips caused it to drop all as one to the floor, exposing thick, muscular thighs and the heavy shaft that hung down far between them to both Silky and Silvia, if they were so inclined to have a look. He made no effort to hide himself from their gazes, in any event, and even drew some attention as he placed a hand on his hip and gestured to the tailor with a grin.

"Let's get the measuring done with. I'm eager to see what you'll end up making me."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:42 am

Re: Pokémon: Cast Away [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Fri Aug 23, 2024 3:00 pm

"In that case, I'll stay right here." Sylvia says, folding her arms in front of herself as she stands off to the side while you and Silky make your ways to the centre of the room. The matronly Vaporeon tilts her head to the side, glancing her eyes down towards your belt as you tease at undoing it. There's a smile to her lips, but it seems warm and patient - hardly the type of expression you would expect on someone waiting to watch someone strip down. That didn't mean her eyes were any less clearly focused on what your robe was about to reveal.

You notice her plump tail swish slowly from side to side behind her as you begin to disrobe as her eyes scan across you body. She lets out the occasional soft, thoughtful "Hmm." as more of your body is made visible before her. It feels like you're being evaluated with an almost scientific curiosity. While certainly different from how you may usually expect to be checked out, it at least sounds like she's having a positive reaction to what she sees.

You finally break through her refined composure, if only for a moment, once your cock shifts before her view. Her lips part with a silent gasp as she sees your thick length dangling between your legs as you stand naked before her and the tailor. After a few moments, she taps her lips with a quiet "Oooh..." before recomposing herself and allowing Silky to continue.

The Leavanny has a thread in her hands within in seconds from you beginning to disrobe, and as your shoulders come into view she's quickly in place, using the thread to measure their width, before checking your height as well. She lowers to her knees as your robe drops to the floor, using the thread to check the length of the legs and the thickness of your thighs while her face hovers near your exposed cock. She doesn't stop at just looking closely at it, however, as you feel the cool touch of her hand cupping your cock and lifting it up lightly. She leans in to examine it closely, checking its length before wrapping a thread around the shaft to measure your girth. She pinches the thread in a few spots and hangs it from the webbed array that encircles the room, her hand leaving your cock to dangle once more.

"Do you like to show off, Bryce? It seems you've got quite a lot to show off with~ I could fashion something to hide it, if you would like, though most men seem to prefer fashion that makes them look bigger. That doesn't seem to be needed in your case, however~" Silky says, giving you a wink as she starts to pull a few different fabrics closer to the two of you. She then turns her attention to Sylvia. "I can't help but feel reminded of a certain someone~ Wouldn't you agree, Sylvia?"

Sylvia covers her mouth as she lets out a soft giggle. "Silky! I suppose you would know best." she peers closer at your crotch yet again, her hand shifting from her lips to rub gently around the side of her neck. "Yes... I suppose he does look... comparable."

Silky giggles herself in response before placing a hand on your shoulder. "Do you grow much, Bryce? We wouldn't want you tearing through my clothes should the mood take you~ Perhaps another set of measurements are in order~ Though we are in quite the hurry~ Let's see..."

She turns and begins plucking out fabrics while occasionally glancing over to eye you up and down. "Tell me what kind of style you would like~ Something similar to what I have made for Sylvia~ Or perhaps something more athletic and befitting a Rescuemon ready to spring into action~ Let me know what comes to mind and while you do..." she looks over to Sylvia with a sly grin. "Perhaps Lady Hardnut here would help prepare you for more measurements~ What do you say, Sylvia? Interested in seeing how much he measures up?"

Sylvia mock fans herself with a dainty curl of her hand inwards. "Silky! Honestly! Although, as the lady of the town it is my duty to help make sure its people's needs are met. I wouldn't mind... lending a hand to the occasion. If Bryce is alright with that."
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Lazy Kitsune
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Re: Pokémon: Cast Away [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Ze Blitzkrieg » Sat Aug 24, 2024 7:05 pm

While it certainly wasn't Bryce's first time being naked in the midst of a couple of women, it did feel at least a little awkward to be so thoroughly... cataloged. Perhaps it was the way Sylvia seemed to take an almost academic interest in his body, as opposed to one of desire or lust. Of course, once she saw what he was packing between his thighs, she seemed to take a more womanly interest in him, if only for a moment. He could be content with that much. Silky, on the other hand, took a much more personal interest in the bounty that was his body, and he couldn't help but perk up a tad when he felt the coolness of her hand along his shaft, so gingerly hefting his manhood before subsequently measuring it alongside the rest of him.

"I've... been known to indulge in a little teasing, from time to time," His answer wasn't nearly as bold as to be entirely true, but he had to remind himself to be on his best behavior, given the presence of a certain elder's wife, "I don't think hiding it will do all that much good. Tends to just make things uncomfortable either way."

The logistics of trying to pack down a stiffy were much less interesting to ponder than the words exchanged between Silky and Sylvia in the meanwhile. Not only did the duo seem close enough to refer to certain... unladylike activities, but it seemed as though they were close enough to compare the size of different men, in front of one such man none-the-less! The obvious implication would, of course, be that Bryce's manhood—in its flaccid state, at least—measured up quite well to Sylvia's husband. Of course, they didn't exactly name Xenarth specifically. That Sylvia might have experience with males other than her husband, of course, was a titillating consideration in its own right. Not least of which because Bryce himself fell under the category of 'other male'.

"I do tend to grow quite a bit, yeah. It's honestly a little problematic," What a wonderful problem to have, he considered as he continued, pondering how he would look in the distinctly Kantosian fashion that Sylvia seemed to prefer, "Maybe you could put together something a little loose to give it room to breathe? A flowy, open jacket like Sylvia's dress and a pair of similar pair of trousers seems suitable."

How necessary further measurements were for something like that, he couldn't say. But one thing he could say with absolute certainty was that there was no world where he denied the offer Silky so teasingly coerced from the Lady of Hardnut. Her very purposeful use of language only caused Bryce's libido to rear its ugly head once more, and he could practically feel himself starting to stiffen at the promise of Sylvia's elegant fingers working him up to a full, proud erection.

"I'd appreciate the help, Sylvia. I'm not sure I can provide an accurate measurement without some motivation, and I can't think of anyone better to give it than you."
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Ze Blitzkrieg
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:42 am

Re: Pokémon: Cast Away [Ze Blitzkrieg]

Postby Lazy Kitsune » Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:04 pm

Silky nods as you make your clothing request. "Lovely~ That should be doable within the time we have~" she says, her head listing from side to to side as her voice carries over to you with its soft melodic tone. "Have you a preferred colour? I would say you would look lovely in an eye-catching red~ Or perhaps a bold and deep blue~" At your response, she begins plucking the appropriate fabrics and holding them alongside her measured threads. In the following moments she begins to cut through the fabric with but a swift and outwardly seeming gentle stroke of her hand with not a tool in sight, all the while she hummed along, pausing only to glance towards you to keep your visage fresh in mind.

"It seems like we're already seeing some results." Sylvia teases as she steps towards you, gesturing with a glance down towards the inches your cock was claiming in the air just from partially stiffening. "Let's see how much more you have to offer."

With a swish of her tail disappearing around the corner of your vision, she steps behind you, her matronly chest pressing against your back. Her soft, pillowy tits squeeze up against you. Not just the smooth silk covering them, but even the plump, sleek, pink flesh of her breasts against your bare back. She reaches around and gently wraps one hand around your cock, stretching her fingers as much as she can around your thick girth.

"My... quite the weight here... and so much to hold onto. It's a good thing we're double checking these measurements then..." she whispers into your ear as her hand begins to softly pump up and down your shaft. Though you're too big for her to fully grip you with just one hand, she seems adept enough at dealing with big cocks - which isn't too surprising given she must be quite used to satisfying a Vigoroth and then Slaking in bed - and the steady stroking motion she offers is more than skilled enough to get a rise out of you. She doesn't leave you with just one hand, however, as her other snakes its way around the other side of you before reaching beneath your cock and cradling your balls. She gives them a gentle stroke as she lets them rest in her palm while she works your cock to its full length.

"Careful now. We're not here to make a mess all over Silky's nice and clean floors. Think you can keep yourself in check while we take your measurements? Just need to make sure we get you at your absolute biggest and proudest... and keep you there long enough so Silky can be extra sure of what she's dealing with." her voice falls against your ear, her usual polite tones laced with an underlying mischief. "Its been a while since I've... handled... a man as young as you. From what I remember, while young men certainly have an abundance of energy and appetite, not many have had the stamina to withstand my touch for long. I'll try to hold back and go easy on you."
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Lazy Kitsune
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