A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:56 pm

MelissaB Wrote:She smiles and giggles at your blushing. "If you say so. Now remember to be back before dark." Your mother smiles and kisses your cheek. "Okay but be careful. First sign of trouble and you come right back you hear?" she demands her tone serious before giving you a hug. and shooing you off. "Now i've still got some work to do." she turns and goes back to her sewing.

Lauren nods, though she knows that she won't necessarily be coming home at the first sign of it. She'd come close to landing in some pretty sticky situations, but she'd always managed to find a way out of it. She gathered her gear and headed out, making for the gate as she thought about what wonders she might find beyond today.
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby MelissaB » Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:18 pm

As you make your way through town you get small nods and passing greetings. The guard at the gate giving you a look before nodding and reluctantly letting you leave the safety of the town and into the outside world. The large makeshift door being closed behind you with a metallic grind.

As you get outside the sun is hovering in the sky. by your best guess gone midday, you aren't in any danger in the daylight especially in the open as you are right now. You can now venture to those ruins you spoke of or run somewhere else that your mother wouldn't know about.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:53 am

MelissaB Wrote:As you make your way through town you get small nods and passing greetings. The guard at the gate giving you a look before nodding and reluctantly letting you leave the safety of the town and into the outside world. The large makeshift door being closed behind you with a metallic grind.

As you get outside the sun is hovering in the sky. by your best guess gone midday, you aren't in any danger in the daylight especially in the open as you are right now. You can now venture to those ruins you spoke of or run somewhere else that your mother wouldn't know about.

Lauren takes in a deep breathe of the air outside town. Even though she knew it was the same air, it had always had a more liberating feeling to it. She sometimes liked to pretend that she was the only one out here, and the world was all hers to explore.

Bringing herself down from such thoughts, she reminded herself she'd need to get going now if she wanted to have plenty of light to finish setting up her makeshift camp she had started the other night.
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby MelissaB » Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:31 pm

You managed to make it to your half erect camp you created before it starts to get dark. you've travelled the area well and remember that around here theres some ruins of what was once a shopping mall, from what you know of life before the change it was perhaps a reststop on the long road. And finally a bridge with a lot of old ruined cars that have lsot anytihng of value that could be carried off in a hurry.

You guess it's around four in the afternoon now.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Aug 21, 2014 4:44 am

MelissaB Wrote:You managed to make it to your half erect camp you created before it starts to get dark. you've travelled the area well and remember that around here theres some ruins of what was once a shopping mall, from what you know of life before the change it was perhaps a reststop on the long road. And finally a bridge with a lot of old ruined cars that have lsot anytihng of value that could be carried off in a hurry.

You guess it's around four in the afternoon now.

Finding her campsite, she set about putting the finishing touches on it, wanting it prepped and ready if she needed to spend more time out here. Once everything was situated as she liked, she decided it would be a good idea to start her exploration of the nearby shopping mall.
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby MelissaB » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:39 pm

gm roll 19

you make the journey to the mall without any difficulty and manage o sneak inside without being seen. once your inside your eyes wander around in wonder. the place is huge and there looks to be tons of things to explore. a signs saying clothes food games hiking equipment outdoor tools and gardeners as much as you can imagine though you admit most of them are broken missing letters or laying on the floor. you can hear noise coming from somewhere in the mall sounding like voices but you can't be sure where they are since the place is quite large.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Aug 26, 2014 6:17 am

MelissaB Wrote:gm roll 19

you make the journey to the mall without any difficulty and manage o sneak inside without being seen. once your inside your eyes wander around in wonder. the place is huge and there looks to be tons of things to explore. a signs saying clothes food games hiking equipment outdoor tools and gardeners as much as you can imagine though you admit most of them are broken missing letters or laying on the floor. you can hear noise coming from somewhere in the mall sounding like voices but you can't be sure where they are since the place is quite large.

Lauren was awestruck at the size of the place, not to mention all the places she could go explore. Hearing what sounded like voices further in made her ears twitch, and she found herself considering investigating it. But after a moment, she shakes her head, figuring that it'd be better to explore the nearby stores. Maybe if they drew closer, she might seek them out.
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby MelissaB » Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:38 am

The voices get more distance as you move away the first store you find is one full of food... well use to be. Now it is full of mostly rotten food, broken bottles or empty but there is the odd tin you think you could salvage if you had a way of opening it. depends what you are looking for. but you see other places with shiny stuff still in the little enclosed spaces you believe are shops.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:56 am

MelissaB Wrote:The voices get more distance as you move away the first store you find is one full of food... well use to be. Now it is full of mostly rotten food, broken bottles or empty but there is the odd tin you think you could salvage if you had a way of opening it. depends what you are looking for. but you see other places with shiny stuff still in the little enclosed spaces you believe are shops.

Finding the food shop to be in rather bad shape, she decided against taking anything from it, covering her nose and breathing through her mouth as she exited and headed for the next shop, hoping it was in tact enough and full of treasures she could discover.
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby MelissaB » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:42 pm

The shop was an array of assorted goodies. You find all sorts of things littered around that people thought weren't valuable enough to bother to carry with them when the place was first being looted. looks like tools of some description, from hammers to even those helping with climbing or gardening should they take your fancy. Meanwhile you notice those voices are getting closer to you. Your vixen ears picking up that they sound as they draw closer. You could chance meeting them. you know how to handle yourself after all but if you stick here for too much longer you are going to get found you are sure of it. if they are a hunter race you know they will smell you soon enough.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:05 pm

MelissaB Wrote:The shop was an array of assorted goodies. You find all sorts of things littered around that people thought weren't valuable enough to bother to carry with them when the place was first being looted. looks like tools of some description, from hammers to even those helping with climbing or gardening should they take your fancy. Meanwhile you notice those voices are getting closer to you. Your vixen ears picking up that they sound as they draw closer. You could chance meeting them. you know how to handle yourself after all but if you stick here for too much longer you are going to get found you are sure of it. if they are a hunter race you know they will smell you soon enough.

Lauren gathered what goodies that caught her eye, placing them in her bag, even as her ears and tail twitched at the sound of others approaching. She wasn't quite in the mood to introduce herself to who knew what, so instead she started looking about for a place to hide, hoping that she'd be able to keep out of sight and return to her exploring.
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby MelissaB » Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:44 pm

you manage to hide a cupboard Yes a cupboard, a tight one to squeeze into before those speaking come around to where you are. There's a small hole so you can see that they are there but not anything important like weapons or what they look like just that they are there.

"Though I heard something." comes a rater feminine voice before a gruff one cuts her off. "Look we haven't got time the boss wants us back soon and unless we find something worth while it'll be my ass on the fire. so keep searching. The woman huffs angrily. "Then we split up we cover more ground to see if we can find anything meet back here say half an hour before we need to start heading back if anyone's found anything we can go back there and see what we can carry?" The man nods but seems disapproving of the idea. "Okay jsut be careful anything could be here waiting for us."

Fortunately the group disperses heading off in different directions the woman however remains and begins looking through the shop you are now hiding in.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: A Strange Apocalypse [Kuragari]

Postby Kuragari » Tue Oct 07, 2014 10:18 pm

MelissaB Wrote:you manage to hide a cupboard Yes a cupboard, a tight one to squeeze into before those speaking come around to where you are. There's a small hole so you can see that they are there but not anything important like weapons or what they look like just that they are there.

"Though I heard something." comes a rater feminine voice before a gruff one cuts her off. "Look we haven't got time the boss wants us back soon and unless we find something worth while it'll be my ass on the fire. so keep searching. The woman huffs angrily. "Then we split up we cover more ground to see if we can find anything meet back here say half an hour before we need to start heading back if anyone's found anything we can go back there and see what we can carry?" The man nods but seems disapproving of the idea. "Okay jsut be careful anything could be here waiting for us."

Fortunately the group disperses heading off in different directions the woman however remains and begins looking through the shop you are now hiding in.

Lauren gulped, remaining as still as she could as she waited for the woman to leave. She had no idea what they were looking for, but she got the feeling getting caught by them wouldn't be a good thing.
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