Miss Starlight! Issue #1 [Fawkes]

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Re: Miss Starlight! Issue #1 [Fawkes]

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:38 am

"Sure" The hunter said with a toothy grin. He grabbed her by both ankles pulling her pussy up so he could run his lower shaft against her entrance. Once he had almost upside down he wrapped one arm tightly around her thigh and began fingering her to help get the juices flowing. "Think dirty thoughts because I'm shoving these in one way or another and your only hope is to be dripping wet." He added with a cruel sneer.
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Re: Miss Starlight! Issue #1 [Fawkes]

Postby Fawkes » Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:09 pm

To her shame and relief, Starlight found herself quickly becoming aroused by the massive reptilian aliens assault. Before long she was softly moaning and bucking against his fingers, even as she was feeling lightheaded from being held upside down like this. She didn't even need to fantasize, on some level this situation, literally whoring herself out to a monster in exchange for safety, had become incredibly arousing to her.
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

Looking for a Animeish picture? PM I probably have something like you're looking. Especially if you're looking for something sexy.
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Re: Miss Starlight! Issue #1 [Fawkes]

Postby Hazard1325 » Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:47 pm

The reptilian laughed licking his finger clean. "Good girl..." He said before shoving his lower cock inside her, she felt incredibly pleasure and pain mixed together even as he mearly hilted not beginning to thrust yet. His other cock slid against her clit aimed down at her and she had little choice but to stare up at its girth. He shifted his weight around toying with her insides as he let his cock soak in her juices. "Mhhmmm that should be enough." he said withdrawing and for a brief moment she thought it might be over only to have him plunge his now lubricated lower cock into her rear and his dry one into her cunt making her gasp from the twin entries.
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