A Paladin's Tale (Meep & TCELES)

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Re: A Paladin's Tale (Meep & TCELES)

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:15 pm

Shazi nodded to you, before she picked up a quick jog- you had to keep up with her pace so as not to fall behind! After just a short while, however, you find yourself in a very peaceful and beautiful garden, with smoothly paved paths, rock gardens, various different flowers that you couldn't even name despite how brilliant they were, among many other pretty sights. "I really like coming here to nap." The half-orc nodded. You could certainly understand why- it was such a serene place! Very few people seemed to come here, most simply tending to the gardens.

She lead you up a small hill, towards a large tree that overlooked the entire garden. She sat down beneath it, patting the ground beside her as she leaned against the broad, solid trunk and gave a relaxed sigh. "This is my spot."
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Re: A Paladin's Tale (Meep & TCELES)

Postby Meep Meepersons » Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:28 pm

Lauren gazed wide eyed and skipped about the garden as they moved towards the tree. "How wonderful. Such a pretty garden!" She exclaimed gleefully. As Shazi patted the dirt next to her, Lauren smiled and nodded, quickly scrambling into place next to the young half-orc girl. "This is a wonderful spot you have here Shazi. Thank you for sharing it with me." She said with a warm smile. She scootched up to the trunk of the tree and pulled her feet in, her knees up near her chest. She rested her hands on her ankles as she peered off into the distance, scanning the area for more wonder to behold, all with a light yet warm smiling expression on her scarred face. "It really is quite peaceful here." She said with a stern, affirming nod.
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Meep Meepersons
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