Vampire the Masquerade: New Beginnings [eaenidu]

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Re: Vampire the Masquerade: New Beginnings [eaenidu]

Postby Hazard1325 » Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:50 am

"Nothing fledgling just remember who helped you when you were young." He said with a thin smile. "The Giovanni are staying at a hotel downtown but they arrived in this country by boat. Its one of thier personal ships maned almost entirely by a crew of ghouls. Its going to have far less security and space to move in compared to the hotel." He said motioning for her to follow. He seemed to know these tunnels well and within a few minutes he pulled her up through a manhole sealing it behind him. Looming over the two of them was a large freighter with Russian lettering across its bow. "Now I want to show you one of my favorite tricks..." He said extending his hands to the nearby lights that illuminated the boarding ramps. With a few moments of concentration the lamp sparked and blew out leaving that area in darkness. "Its simple once you practice enough, just focus on the darkness and will it to overwhelm the light."
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Re: Vampire the Masquerade: New Beginnings [eaenidu]

Postby eaenidu » Sun Jun 08, 2014 10:59 am

Blair nodded slowly and held her hand out at an other light focusing until if went dark and she gained a victorious smiled before looking at the man next to her want to learn more, she was bouncing like an overeager puppy.
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: Vampire the Masquerade: New Beginnings [eaenidu]

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:20 pm

The lightbulp flickered and then popped under Blairs concentration. The Nosferatu nodded and gave a little smile showing a row of crooked fanged teeth. "You learn fast, just be careful near other electronics or you might fry a computer you want to steal data from. Now that the gangplanks are in shadow we move up onto the deck." He said quickly standing up and sprinting through the night without making so much as a sound. He was up and over the edge of the cargo ship in no time.
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