Stamina 121/135
Willpower 86/118
The climb up to the next door is difficult, but you manage it. However, heading any further up is not a possibility at this moment of time, and so you take a moment to lay against the green lined door, catching your breath.
But this lab doesn't seem intent on giving you any breaks, as without warning the door behind you opens up, and you fall backwards...into the arms of somebody! And if the soft mounds pressing into your back are any indication...its a girl.
A glance behind you reveals that its another lab tech, though this one's outfit seems to have some modifications. Its far more sultry and sexier, as she seems to be wearing a jumpsuit under her lab coat that is an inverted hourglass, leaving her belly exposed and chest just barely covered. And her crotch is also exposed, and clearly dripping.
She smiles at you. "Oh, aren't you a cute one. We're gonna have some fun!"
Well, what will you do? You still don't feel comfortable taking the life of another human, but will you just let this girl have her way with her...