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[RPG] Squirrel Legacy (completed!)

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2019 10:01 pm
by Obscure
Squirrel Legacy is a game about gathering the crystals and saving the world from a great evil. With a healthy seasoning of sex and comedy.

This is my first entry into the field. I am attempting a design philosophy of simplicity and adherence to genre conventions. I just want it to be fast, simple and small. So I can finish it and move onto the next one. Which will be less simple and small, but still manageable.

Meaning this game is a bit linear but I’m going to try to put some neat choices into it.

MiniWa is currently being commissioned for art.
You could open the spoiler tags below. But let’s be honest. You aren't going to see anything surprising. Because nothing weird is going into this game.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Fetishes: M/F, virgin, monsters, NTR and consensual sex in the missionary position.

Nothing but a wholesome JRPG style game made with a western perspective.

Game Completed!


Re: [RPG] Squirrel Adventures

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2019 10:43 pm
by CxSeth
The art style is really cute! Which is always a big plus. I’m not in a position to really dig into the demo and offer constructive feedback right now, but I wish you the best of luck!

Re: [RPG] Squirrel Adventures

PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2019 8:31 pm
by Dead2112man
Well, got a very ..... make fun of the whole ideas of hero kinda vibe from the world. Which just makes me grin. I still wonder about the title if it matches the game but will hold judgement till more is released. Either way keep at it.

Re: [RPG] Squirrel Adventures

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 3:46 am
by Darthjake
Interesting game, cute even though the H scenes are behind a black curtain at the moment. I will say that monster encounters in the towers every 1- 5, 5- 6, 10- 15 steps sucks, although running away seems to incur no penalty.

No way to replenish mana at this time, which means you need to conserve the Princess' most potent attacks. Might be the point but it seems that of all the spells you can learn in the wind library "Return" gives you the most bang for the cost.

Not sure how much grinding of gold will be necessary but with prices hitting 500 gold for most items, I only came out of the tower of wind with 600+ gold. Granted I ran from the fights that had 3 or more creatures, because the Princess was missing way to much while I was conserving MP, and potions seem to be a bit scarce. I only have 7 at the moment, and I'm trying to save them because I don't have a party member with heals, and even if I did, no way to rejuve MP other then outside the dungeon rest.

Other then that the story is fun and light-hearted at least until you get to the where you have to choose a tent. (I'm looking at you squirrel!).

Keep it up, and I'll watch to see where it goes.

Re: [RPG] Squirrel Adventures

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 6:14 am
by Obscure!fAc1gQiT!HlNkBqJOk2Vz ... H1z3OFOxHI

This is a fixed version. All the things should work. Except Sandwich crafting. That one slipped through the net.

Re: [RPG] Squirrel Legacy (completed!)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 6:16 pm
by Obscure
Just a bump for the update and completion of the game.

Re: [RPG] Squirrel Legacy (completed!)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 2:00 am
by Obscure ... el_Legacy/

Game is being released on steam. Give a wishlist if you want.