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Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 3:02 am
by jessmarco50
Riley's Magic Swap is a gender swap rpg with 3d Custom Girl sex scenes.
You have one year to turn back into a man and save the kingdom. Or not....
Up to you.

Game will include:
Consensual Sex
Gender Swap "Male to Female"
Slavery "Done to you!"

Water Sports

1.0 Patch *DON'T USE OLD SAVES!!!!!*
-Final Mission Done!!!!
*You start it in the Mansion.
*Two Endings!
*Bad ending with MANY H scenes.
*True ending that will lead right into part two.
*Final mission is repeatable.
*Two hidden characters to have fun with. (Could cause game breaking!)
*After you beat the true end you will be able to choose what end you want on your next go.
-Hidden world boss added.
-Mini rewards for blue flame added!
-Game over H scene if Jess can't stop Simon.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

mmm dr 2a.png
mmm dr 2a.png (211.04 KiB) Viewed 3741 times

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

mmm tr 2a.png
mmm tr 2a.png (258.11 KiB) Viewed 3741 times

Please tell me what you like about the game and what you want to see more of.
Game Link 1.0:!arY20YTb!5KU8iB0X9XGK ... CPBr4qd2dA
DO NOT USE OLD SAVES! Use level skip instead.
Walkthrough 0.9:!yzgTBYCS!9zionHeUvPK5 ... zLZMyA0gxU
(Old walkthrough! New one to come later.)
For updates that don't take 24 hours to show up check out my other post on tf games site lol ... =6&t=11275

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 3:08 am
by Kromar
Nice start! Don't give up!
I know you asked for our thoughts, but I'll wait to see more of your game before shooting some ideas. But otherwise, you know... the usual, prostitution, corruption, etc.

On another note, I dont remember seeing your game on the webpage. If you haven't done it yet, or if you don't know that site, I strongly suggest that you also post it there. The community there is awesome (not that the one from legend of krystal isn't), and they kinda specialize in transformation games. They'll give you lots of ideas.

I hope to see more of your game!

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 12:03 pm
by jessmarco50
Thank you so much for the response. I've never heard of them but I'll upload it there on my next update. I'm almost done with the 1st area, I just need 3d custom girl to move her damn limbs the right way lol. As far as prostitution the 1st town will have 3 naughty jobs. A Glory hole job, a maid job and a ??????? Job. As far as corruption the spell makes it so you have a very hard time turning down sex. I'll try to get the update up this weekend. Thanks again XD

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:00 pm
by Akkin
I told myself that your game reminded me furiously another game, and I came across Magic Mayhem Mix whose story and the hero Riley are the same, the maps are the same but more advanced. So I was wondering if this one is also of you or if the 100% resemblance is fortuitous?

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 8:30 pm
by jessmarco50
Akkin Wrote:I told myself that your game reminded me furiously another game, and I came across Magic Mayhem Mix whose story and the hero Riley are the same, the maps are the same but more advanced. So I was wondering if this one is also of you or if the 100% resemblance is fortuitous?

Yes that is me and my game. I learned how to make my own art with 3d custom girl so I wanted to start fresh and give it a new name.
Sorry for the confusion and hope you like the game.
P.S. I hated the 1st name. It was dumb lol.

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:26 am
by Screwbucket
Few notes!

1. Before your gender swap, the combat in the forest is a little...pointless. Nothing can hurt you and you mostly one shot things. I suggest that you remove combat in this period entirely and instead have a single little bit of combat when you find your grandpa's body to get across what your character was capable of before the swap.
2. Avoid using digits in the text. It can break immersion. ie: Say "First thing's first" instead of "1st thing's 1st." It's okay when you're trying to get across large numbers, but it looks out of place when you're just using single or double digits. This one's personal preference, obviously, but still.
3. Maybe linger a bit more on the actual transformation. It would be super interesting if the character witnessed the changes as they happened and had a few moments to recognize what happened before the attacker does his thing.
4. The actual transformation was a little...anti-climactic. As if the game was just rushing to get to it. I didn't really feel much weight when it happened, it more so felt like, "and now for the moment you were waiting for!" Not sure what you could do to change this, but maybe spend a bit more time familiarizing ourselves with the main character before shit goes down.

Haven't played too far in yet outside of the intro, but I REALLY like the transition you've made from Magic Mayhem Mix. The custom art really made a world of difference. I'll be watching this thread for updates :)

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:52 pm
by jessmarco50
Version 0.5 is out!

-Lilac City started! "Very Early"
-Loyalty/Romance missions done for Jess and new character Henry. Also started for Alex. "You can only romance ONE character!"
-ABDL "Adult Baby" path now has a diaper punishment system in Lilac city. "You must romance only Alex for this!"
-Riley now has more than one face!
-Visual Battlers have been added!

Anyone up to testing the poop outta all the Romance/Loyalty missions and the diaper punishment system it would be a BIG help!

Game Link 0.5:!66Y0SAZL!MC16L4rFNQTH ... OesATbff-s

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 4:18 am
by Darthjake
I agree with Screwbucket regarding the combat before the transformation.

I concur again with the transformation, maybe have a scene where they strip the MC's body of clothes, not sure, your game, but it might highlight the feeling of shock for the MC.

Not sure what triggers you are using, during the fight to save Jess, I took damage so after Jess ran off I healed myself and stepped out of the room. Boom, another combat, but after that combat, again, where we both took damage, (bad rngjesus for Jess' Flare skill), I went to heal myself again, only to see my health and mana at full. Noted that and proceeded to the main room but that was the end of combat.

Lilac: Henry took damage after freeing Riley after a night's sleep Riley is healed, but when I head out to fight orcs, I realize that Henry still has the damage on from last night. Not a big deal, but it is immersion breaking.

Anyway so far it seems like a solid concept. Seems like Jess' Flare skill is hit or miss, I blinded the lust orc first try, but either rngjesus hates me or some monsters are completely resistant to the skill. (orc mainly, the scorpions too though).

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 6:49 pm
by jessmarco50
Darthjake Wrote:I agree with Screwbucket regarding the combat before the transformation.

I concur again with the transformation, maybe have a scene where they strip the MC's body of clothes, not sure, your game, but it might highlight the feeling of shock for the MC.

Not sure what triggers you are using, during the fight to save Jess, I took damage so after Jess ran off I healed myself and stepped out of the room. Boom, another combat, but after that combat, again, where we both took damage, (bad rngjesus for Jess' Flare skill), I went to heal myself again, only to see my health and mana at full. Noted that and proceeded to the main room but that was the end of combat.

Lilac: Henry took damage after freeing Riley after a night's sleep Riley is healed, but when I head out to fight orcs, I realize that Henry still has the damage on from last night. Not a big deal, but it is immersion breaking.

Anyway so far it seems like a solid concept. Seems like Jess' Flare skill is hit or miss, I blinded the lust orc first try, but either rngjesus hates me or some monsters are completely resistant to the skill. (orc mainly, the scorpions too though).

I agree about the intro. I was just starting out making games when I made that. At this point though I can ether remake the game from scratch, start a new project, or just keep making this game. So I'm just going to keep everything before Lilac as is unless it's game breaking so the game has a chance of being done.

I'll look into Jess's attack, but if I made it hit all the time there would be no game.

I'll look into fixing Henry. That's a good catch thank you. The Jess rescue I made it so you get healed before the fight in case people didn't realize they could heal during that part.

Thanks for playing the game and I hope you all like it. I don't get much if any feedback on peoples overall feeling if they like it or not.

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 8:46 pm
by Darthjake
Oh it's a fun game, I'll only play transformation games where it is a "real" and by real I mean total transformation, not just a trap.

Wasn't bitching by any means about the accuracy of Jess' flare skill, unless it was bitching to rngjesus. :D

Glad I was able to catch something for you on Henry, all it all it looks good, and the intro is just something to keep in mind either for your next game or if you do any kind of overhaul. Another thing that might be a good idea is a description of how far / wide the guards can see you.

Guard: xxxxx MC

Where x is the line of sight and MC is where a "safe zone" is, especially if you plan on keeping that mechanic for later on in the game.

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2018 9:37 pm
by jessmarco50
Darthjake Wrote:Oh it's a fun game, I'll only play transformation games where it is a "real" and by real I mean total transformation, not just a trap.

Wasn't bitching by any means about the accuracy of Jess' flare skill, unless it was bitching to rngjesus. :D

Glad I was able to catch something for you on Henry, all it all it looks good, and the intro is just something to keep in mind either for your next game or if you do any kind of overhaul. Another thing that might be a good idea is a description of how far / wide the guards can see you.

Guard: xxxxx MC

Where x is the line of sight and MC is where a "safe zone" is, especially if you plan on keeping that mechanic for later on in the game.

I think I may be able to do something like that. I'll have to test it. I wanted to add another sneak area for the orc camp but I don't know how i'm going to do the mechanics yet. I'm glad you like the game and if you want anything in the game let me know and i'll see if I can fit it in. :D

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

mmm pol 1c.png

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 1:00 am
by jessmarco50
Version 0.6 "Bug Fix" is out!

Bug fix:
-Henry will no longer Casper the friendly ghost.
-Diaper punishment is now harder to deal with.
-Fixed the Freeport time loop.
-Not really a bug but people had a problem with how quickly you changed at the start so I added a short movie.
-I can't help but feel that shift is causing some bugs itself so I turned on auto dash. Use text skip shift with caution.

Download Link:!zv4ThKJa!o4wA39FvedlF ... 855aHifPdA

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 7:48 pm
by jessmarco50
Version 0.7 is out!

-Added farm mission (Milking H Scenes)
-Added 2 dates with Alex

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:43 pm
by jessmarco50
I made a guide for Version 0.8!yn5SCSZB!rNNLYJ7lpLNS ... 4_sPaShZyc
Hope you enjoy!

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:16 am
by Icydrake
I only came by Riley's Magic Swap by chance, browsing TFgamessite , and I'm quite happy I did.
The graphics are enjoyable, the characters and story (for me at least) is well written. While fairly dark, nothing seems to happen unless there's a reason for it.
Even the villains aren't what I call "stupid evil" for evil's sake. A good villain is one you'd like to get your hands on for sure, and Riley's nemesis? One we REALLY want to see punished.

Thank you so much for making and sharing this game. Looking forward to more

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 11:12 pm
by jessmarco50
Version 0.9 is out!!! Check top for link

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 5:11 am
by jessmarco50
Hey so I was hoping you guys could answer some questions for me to help me make the game better moving forward.
1. Did you find the fight club?
2. If so did you beat all the bosses? Did you find their weakness or were they too hard? Most of all did you find the challenge fun?
3. For the abdl path in lilac does the diaper punishment make it exciting for you? Or do you find it annoying?
4. Do you like the fortune teller and bath house helping you find quests or no?

Thanks for your help ;-b

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:20 pm
by jessmarco50
PATCH 0.10 IS OUT!!!!!

0.10 Patch *DON'T USE OLD SAVES!!!!!*
-Added CG Gallery for those who finished Evans quest! (The Butler.)
-Added World Map boss (HARD!)
-Added the ability to skip past farm and date quests to get to new 0.09 stuff! (Use Lilac level skip for this.)
-Worked on combat system! (Jess is now useful!)
-You now get more gold from mining!

Saving after Alex dates now works!

Game link:!OvZhnaTb!b7uz7K6d3iaL ... mDLm_WoRmk

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:30 am
by jessmarco50
Ok I found 3 bugs.

1. Where if you go to fight club after the barn it skips to the final fight.

2. Where if you buy spells it doesn't charge you.

3. And finally more problems with Alex dates.

If any one finds anymore bugs please let me know. Would you guys want another early release for bug fixes and story mission, or would you want to wait for more things to do? Thank you again for the support.

Re: Riley's Magic Swap "Hentai RPG Maker Game!"

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 7:29 pm
by jessmarco50
Patch 0.11 IS OUT!!!!iuoQ2QIL!cQVtYnFGC1sE ... Neac9QjT3Y

0.11 Patch *DON'T USE OLD SAVES!!!!!*
-Added 2 BIG story missions.
*Game over H scene with orc camps
*3 different H scenes for beating orc camp depending on who you are dating. (Alex, Jess, and Henry)
-2 extra dungeons for XP Gold and ?????
-Blue Flame quest added for best weapon
*Can't be finished unless you start a new game
-New shop added in Freeport as well as ????????
-Added stones to unlock ?????????!
*Don't ask me about this one. You have to figure it out.
-And more I probably forgot about.... I've worked A LOT on this update.

Alex dates fixed
Fight club fixed
Too many more to type