Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.49.1, 2/8/2022)

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Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.39.1, 4/8/2021)

Postby RunningAroundInCircles » Tue May 18, 2021 7:49 pm

MaxTheDark Wrote:
vrengames Wrote:
Lelantus Wrote:A rival company, threesome support, a training/leveling system for girls, and a more detailed leveling system for the MC. Once all of those are in place development can shift to purely adding new content (unique storylines, more variance in the procedurally generated stuff, more serum traits, ect.)

Out of curiosity, wouldn't it be legal for you to just use the code modders used to implement the threesome already? It works really well.

I was thinking the same. At the very least you could cooperate with them on features you want to include. Even with changes or adjustments, that would probably cleat up a lot of time.
I NEVER run against walls.
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Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.39.1, 4/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Fri May 21, 2021 12:19 pm

MaxTheDark Wrote:
vrengames Wrote:
Lelantus Wrote:A rival company, threesome support, a training/leveling system for girls, and a more detailed leveling system for the MC. Once all of those are in place development can shift to purely adding new content (unique storylines, more variance in the procedurally generated stuff, more serum traits, ect.)

Out of curiosity, wouldn't it be legal for you to just use the code modders used to implement the threesome already? It works really well.

They hold all of the rights to their own code, which means unless it was explicitly released to me to use in a commercial environment I can't use it. Having an example system that people like is a great start for designing my own implementation though, so it's helpful either way.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.40.1, 5/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Tue Jun 01, 2021 12:26 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.41.0 is finished and available to patrons for a week of bug testing. At the end of the week it will be available to everyone, absolutely free! If you're already a patron, or want to become one and help with bug testing, you can find the links here:

This update brings LR2 to the most recent Ren'py version to make use of the new native shader support it includes. The switch to native shaders has greatly improved frame rates and responsiveness, especially when multiple characters are displayed at once. It has also made it possible to replace the solid character background with a transparent one, or to remove the background entirely, depending on what an event requires.

In addition to the improvements to the display system there has been new content written for a couple of LR2 characters. Your sister's Instapic career continues to advance with a new event chain, in which you help her get some bigger boobs. You can try and do it the old fashion way, by giving her a stack of cash and sending her off to a cosmetic surgeon, but you'll need to convince your mom it's a good idea. Alternatively, you can use your personal pharmaceutical company to develop a breast enhancing serum and help her out with some "natural" growth. A new shopping event has been added, with the ability to be taken shopping by your mom or sister. If you have a girlfriend, you can also ask them to go shopping with you as a date. This event gives you the chance to make new outfit suggestions, as well as enjoy some sneaky public mall sex if you can convince them.

The changes to the shader system make it likely that there will be some platform specific bugs that are impossible for me to test for until it's in your hands. I'll be releasing nightly builds for patrons until there's a build that's playable on all machines.


Changelog (v0.40.1 to v0.41.0):

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Updated Ren'py version from 7.3.5 to 7.4.5
- Removed previous shader code.
- Updated draw/animation code to use native Ren'py shaders. Performance greatly improved.
- Reimplemented old shaders as native Ren'py shader fragments.
- Added animation_speed parameter for animations, seperate from the effect strength.
- Tidied up role files to seperate individual storylines into their own files.
- Lily InstaPic payments now vary depending on her breast size.
- Lily+Jenefier InstaPic payments now vary depending on both of their breast sizes.
- Added strip_shoes parameter to strip_to_underwear related functions.
- Added ability for Roles to have specific date types associated with them, improving moddability of date system.
- Affair "Fuck date" moved from to the date menu.
- Added girlfriend specific shopping date.
- Added two shopping paths to the shopping date.
- Added a "go get food" path to the shopping date.
- Added random event for Lily where she invites you to go shopping.
- Added random event for Jennifer where she invites you to go shopping.
- Background colour for frames can now be transparent.
- Background frame for girls is now based on their dialogue colour and semi-transparent.
- Handing None to background_fill function now results in no character frame being drawn.
- Tweaked way date actions are coded to make them mod friendly.
- Added patron content.

- Fixed crash caused by lactation hormone trait.
- Fixed bug with get_strip_to_vagina_list not returning a list.
- Fixed bug with get_strip_to_vagina_list returning overzealous strip list.
- Added unit tests to cover strip list generation functions.
- Fixed crash during climax in sleep limited time event.
- Added integration tests for text messaging tests.
- Added unit tests to cover taboo break functions.
- Fixed image frames being distorted by the background colour.
- Fixed nightgown clothing item not counting as hiding breasts when it should.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.41.1, 6/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Tue Jun 08, 2021 11:39 am

Lab Rats 2 v0.41.1 is out! You can find the links in the first post, or here:

LR2 v0.41.1 is finished and ready for it's week of bug testing by patrons! This update brings LR2 to the most recent Ren'py version to make use of the new native shader support it includes. The switch to native shaders has greatly improved frame rates and responsiveness, especially when multiple characters are displayed at once. It has also made it possible to replace the solid character background with a transparent one, or to remove the background entirely. Both display styles are now available - you can toggle between them in the preferences menu.

In addition to the improvements to the display system there has been new content written for a couple of LR2 characters. Lily's InstaPic career continues to advance with a new event chain, in which you help her get some bigger boobs. You can try and do it the old fashion way, by giving her a stack of cash and sending her off to a cosmetic surgeon, but you'll need to convince Jennifer it's a good idea. Alternatively, you can use your personal pharmaceutical company to develop a breast enhancing serum and help her out with some "natural" growth. A new shopping event has been added, with the ability to be taken shopping by Jennifer or Lily. If you have a girlfriend, you can also ask them to go shopping with you as a date. This event gives you the chance to make new outfit suggestions, as well as enjoy some sneaky public mall sex if you can convince them.

Enjoy, and here's a changelog (v0.40.1 to v0.41.1):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Updated Ren'py version from 7.3.5 to 7.4.5
- Removed previous shader code.
- Updated draw/animation code to use native Ren'py shaders. Performance greatly improved.
- Reimplemented old shaders as native Ren'py shader fragments.
- Added animation_speed parameter for animations, seperate from the effect strength.
- Tidied up role files to seperate individual storylines into their own files.
- Lily InstaPic payments now vary depending on her breast size.
- Lily+Jenefier InstaPic payments now vary depending on both of their breast sizes.
- Added strip_shoes parameter to strip_to_underwear related functions.
- Added ability for Roles to have specific date types associated with them, improving moddability of date system.
- Affair "Fuck date" moved from to the date menu.
- Added girlfriend specific shopping date.
- Added two shopping paths to the shopping date.
- Added a "go get food" path to the shopping date.
- Added random event for Lily where she invites you to go shopping.
- Added random event for Jennifer where she invites you to go shopping.
- Background colour for frames can now be transparent.
- Background frame for girls is now based on their dialogue colour and semi-transparent.
- Handing None to background_fill function now results in no character frame being drawn.
- Tweaked way date actions are coded to make them mod friendly.
- Added patron content.
- Added character colour auras in the style of Lab Rats 1.
- Added functionality to generate character colours with various alphas and saturations.
- Added preference option to have characters displayed without frames unless specifically required by an event.
- Aura-only display is now the default setting.
- Adjusted the spacing of characters when drawing a group using aura-only character images (no longer worried about character overlap).
- Expanded customizable colour pallet to 20 colours, increased from 10.
- Added ability to purchase extra stat, work, and sex points for Clarity. Cost stats at 50, doubles with each purchase.
- Lowered Stephanie starting Sluttiness (from 24 to 14) to allow for better event flow.

- Fixed crash caused by lactation hormone trait.
- Fixed bug with get_strip_to_vagina_list not returning a list.
- Fixed bug with get_strip_to_vagina_list returning overzealous strip list.
- Added unit tests to cover strip list generation functions.
- Fixed crash during climax in sleep limited time event.
- Added integration tests for text messaging tests.
- Added unit tests to cover taboo break functions.
- Fixed image frames being distorted by the background colour.
- Fixed nightgown clothing item not counting as hiding breasts when it should.
- Fixed crash during DikDok video event due to improperly called strip function.
- Fixed crash during model session due to improperly called cum dialogue.
- Added "Hide keyboard" button to character creation screen to prevent name entry keyboard permanetly grabbing screen space and hiding other inputs.
- Fixed accessories being able to add an infinite number of the same accessory to an outfit due to improper item comparison.
- Fixed error when checking if an outfit contains facial accessories like makeup or sunglasses and added unit tests to prevent bug regression.
- Fixed many mispellings of the word "efficiency"
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.41.1, 6/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Thu Jul 01, 2021 12:06 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.42.0 is finished development and has been released to patrons for a week of bug testing! If you're interested in supporting development or getting a peek early you can check it out here:

This update brings a new uniform management system to your business, new girlfriend related content for your sister and Mom, and an ending to Emily's student/tutor storyline. It also brings a collection of bug fixes and general stability improvements.

The new uniform system significantly streamlines the process of creating and assigning uniforms to different departments within your company. It is now possible to quickly assign the same uniform to multiple departments and to set the same uniform as any of an overwear, full, or underwear set as appropriate. Hovering a uniform name now brings up a preview to make it easier to trim away unwanted uniforms as your business policies give you more and more control over what your employees wear.

Lily and Jennifer, your sister and Mom, have both had additions made to their storylines. It is now possible to ask either (or both!) of them to be your girlfriend. In both cases you'll need to convince them it's a good idea, with multiple paths to success available. Once you've convinced them to be your girlfriend you will have access to all of the normal chat options available when you are dating someone, and random events that can trigger with your girlfriend can trigger with them. Additionally, all of the girlfriend specific mood/sluttiness effects while having sex will be properly applied. In future versions both girls will receive further content unique to your relationship with them.

Emily, the university student you can meet and tutor after talking to Nora long enough, has had her story expanded. If her marks climb high enough you can now talk to Nora and convince her to let Emily rewrite a critical exam and pass her course. Once she passes you have the option to hire Emily onto your staff. Future updates will include variants where Emily fails her exam as well as explore your relationship with her mother.

Here's a changelog for everything that has been added (v0.41.2 to v0.42.0):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Removed requirement for custom Ren'py environment (modified ast.rpy and export.rpy files) by making Person class callable.
- Created uniform assignment screen. Replaces old text menu uniform management.
- Added UniformOutfit class. Contains information about how an outfit could be worn as part of a uniform.
- Now possible to flag the same outfit to be used as multiple types of uniform (ie. a full outfit or an overwear set).
- Now possible to quickly flag the same uniform to be used by multiple departments, without it being assigned to all of them.
- Updated "add_uniform" event, removing "the_type" parameter as it was no longer relevant.
- Updated integration tests to cover new uniform management system.
- Added "preg_your_kids_known" count to event_triggers_dict. Increased by 1 each time a girl has a kid that she knows is yours.'
- Added "looks_like" list to Role class. Person.has_role() now checks against roles as well as roles they look like, returning True if the given role matches any of them.
- Added has_exact_role() function to Person class. Performs role comparison but does not check against looks_alike roles.
- Added unit tests for role lookalikes and has_exact_role comparison.
- Added lily_girlfriend Role. Acts as Girlfriend role in almost all instances.
- Added special storyline events for Lily while asking her to be your girlfriend.
- Added jennifer_girlfriend Role. Acts as Girlfriend role in almost all instances.
- Expanded Emily's storyline. Now possible to have her finish her class successfully and hire her to your company.

- Fixed crash in outfit designer if you have defined more than 20 custom colours. Only first 20 colours displayed.
- Expanded chat integration test to ensure pythonic "say" statement works identically to Ren'py "say" statement.
- Fixed happiness not being changed after cumming in a girls mouth depending on their opinion of drinking cum.
- Fixed anal cumshots impacting sluttiness/happiness based on normal creampie opinion, not anal creampie opinion.
- Fixed creampie desire threshold having backwards modifiers.
- Fixed being able to reassign employees to other departments even when they aren't at work.
- Fixed movie date improperly checking Personality types and never allowing you to correctly guess which type of movie a girl might like.
- Renamed variable in horny_at_work crisis to prevent variable name collision with sex mechanics system.
- Fixed panties vs. pantiless grope arousal gain being reversed.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.41.1, 6/8/2021)

Postby dannub » Thu Jul 01, 2021 6:20 pm

Good to see there's actual story content being added. Would still love to see a move away from nameless drone NPCs you just hire and forget about until you have to raise their sluttiness for new serum unlocks. It's just more interesting when it's an actual named character and not a randomly generated girl.

Edit: I should clarify, it's fine to be able to hire people to fill out your company and increase your output, but I feel like it'd be a lot better to be able to fill core slots with named characters, and then be able to hire random girls just to boost output in various departments. Like, you already have Steph in research, Alex can be in marketing, your family can fill other roles eventually, etc. I guess what I want is for RNG NPCs to just be in the background and not required for progress, because that grind to raise sluttiness for tier 3 serum R&D is pretty awful.
Joined: Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:08 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.42.1, 7/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Thu Jul 08, 2021 11:38 am

Lab Rats 2 v0.42.1 is live! You can find the most up to date links here:

Version 0.42.1 of Lab Rats 2 is finished it's week of patron bug testing and is ready for it's free release to everyone! This update brings a new uniform management system toyour business, new girlfriend related content for Lily and Jennifer, and an ending to Emily's student/tutor storyline. It also brings a collection of bug fixes and general stability improvements.

The new uniform system significantly streamlines the process of creating, assigning, and removing uniforms for different departments within your company. It is now possible to quickly assign the same uniform to multiple departments, and to set the same uniform as an overwear, underwear, or full set as appropriate. Hovering a uniform entry brings up it's preview, making it easier to trim unwanted and outdated uniforms as you gain more control over what your employees wear.

Your Mom and sister have both had additions made to their storylines. It is now possible to ask either (or both!) of them to be your girlfriend. In both cases you'll need to convince them it's a good idea, with multiple paths to success available to you. Once you've convinced them they will have all of the chat options available to someone you are dating, and random events that trigger with your girlfriend will trigger with them. Additionally, all of the girlfriend specific mood/Sluttiness effects while having sex are properly applied, overriding previous effects. In future versions both girls will receive further content unique to your relationship with them.

Emily, a university student looking for a tutor, has had her story expanded. If her marks climb high enough you can now talk to her professor and convince her to let Emily rewrite a critical exam. When she passes you have the option to hire her onto your staff, giving you a chance to obtain an obedient and trusting employee. Future updates will include cariants where Emily fails her exam, as well as explore your relationship with her mother.

Enjoy, here's a changelog (v0.41.2 to v0.42.0):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Removed requirement for custom Ren'py environment (modified ast.rpy and export.rpy files) by making Person class callable.
- Created uniform assignment screen. Replaces old text menu uniform management.
- Added UniformOutfit class. Contains information about how an outfit could be worn as part of a uniform.
- Now possible to flag the same outfit to be used as multiple types of uniform (ie. a full outfit or an overwear set).
- Now possible to quickly flag the same uniform to be used by multiple departments, without it being assigned to all of them.
- Updated "add_uniform" event, removing "the_type" parameter as it was no longer relevant.
- Updated integration tests to cover new uniform management system.
- Added "preg_your_kids_known" count to event_triggers_dict. Increased by 1 each time a girl has a kid that she knows is yours.'
- Added "looks_like" list to Role class. Person.has_role() now checks against roles as well as roles they look like, returning True if the given role matches any of them.
- Added has_exact_role() function to Person class. Performs role comparison but does not check against looks_alike roles.
- Added unit tests for role lookalikes and has_exact_role comparison.
- Added lily_girlfriend Role. Acts as Girlfriend role in almost all instances.
- Added special storyline events for Lily while asking her to be your girlfriend.
- Added jennifer_girlfriend Role. Acts as Girlfriend role in almost all instances.
- Expanded Emily's storyline. Now possible to have her finish her class successfully and hire her to your company.

- Fixed crash in outfit designer if you have defined more than 20 custom colours. Only first 20 colours displayed.
- Expanded chat integration test to ensure pythonic "say" statement works identically to Ren'py "say" statement.
- Fixed happiness not being changed after cumming in a girls mouth depending on their opinion of drinking cum.
- Fixed anal cumshots impacting sluttiness/happiness based on normal creampie opinion, not anal creampie opinion.
- Fixed creampie desire threshold having backwards modifiers.
- Fixed being able to reassign employees to other departments even when they aren't at work.
- Fixed movie date improperly checking Personality types and never allowing you to correctly guess which type of movie a girl might like.
- Renamed variable in horny_at_work crisis to prevent variable name collision with sex mechanics system.
- Fixed panties vs. pantiless grope arousal gain being reversed.
- Removed traits that increase serum trait slot counts from random extra trait event.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.42.1, 7/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Sun Aug 01, 2021 1:00 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.43.0 is finished development and ready for it's week of bug testing by patrons! If you're interested in becoming a patron and helping with the development process you can find the links here:

This update completely revamps the "sluttiness" mechanic of Lab Rats, substantially changing the way girls are corrupted over the course of the game. Sluttiness is now harder to gain, but no longer drains away over time. Suggestibility has been reworked as well, and is now tied directly to a new game mechanic: Trances. These changes should result in clearer, more interactive gameplay.

Alongside the Sluttiness rework a new Trance mechanic has been introduced. A Trance is a highly suggestible state a girl may enter after she orgasms, with higher Suggestibility making it more likely for her to enter a Trance. Trances offer an opportunity to make directed changes to a girl's personality, skills, and stats. Training a girl who is in a trance costs Clarity, but allows you to increase her stats and skills, as well as change her opinions. Opinions may be strengthened, weakened, and completely new opinions may be inspired. The most direct way to put a girl into a trance is by giving her a dose of serum to raise her Suggestibility and then making her cum, but it is possible to achieve the same results without any serum at all. Making girls climax in a position they have a positive opinion of, or by making them cum multiple times in a row, all increase the chance for a girl to enter a trance, and give a small chance to enter it even with 0% Suggestibility.

Enjoy the new version, and here's a changelog (v042.1 to v0.43.0):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Role looks-like checking is now recursive, making it easier to have chains of similar roles.
- Orgasms now have a chance to put a girl into a trance state. Chance is depenedant on their current Suggestability.
- Added three trance states. If already in a trance a girl move to the next stage if she would normally enter a trance.
- Happiness effects are amplified by +50%/100%/200% while a girl is in a trance state.
- Removed Core sluttiness as a game mechanic.
- Added change_slut function as the singular way of changing sluttiness.
- change_slut now takes max_modified_to argument. Clamps sluttiness to this value when raising or lowering it.
- change_slut_temp and change_slut_core now both pass arguments to change_slut to (hopefully) ease mod transitions to the new mechanics.
- Removed all references to core_sluttiness in crises, replaced by changes to normal sluttiness where appropriate.
- Updated all calls to change_slut_temp and change_slut_core to just change_slut
- Removed bleed_slut. Sluttiness changes are now permanent (unless from a temporary source like serum or event circumstances).
- Sluttiness increases due to arousal is now displayed in the same way as other situational sluttiness changes, along with having it's own tooltip entry.
- Base Sluttiness now displayed as gold hearts (same icons as core sluttiness previously)
- Sluttiness increases due to situational changes now displays as red hearts. (same icons as temp sluttiness previously)
- Sluttiness decreases due to situational changes now display as greyed out hearts.
- Added Trainable class to hold information about what can be trained when a girl is in a trance.
- Trainables have a Clarity cost, which increases every time that or a similar Trainable is successfully trained.
- Added ability for Trainables to be disabled but not hidden and display what requirement is missing.
- Added "influence her" option when a girl is in a trance and you have enough time to do so.
- Added Trainables to train a girls Charisma, Intelligence, and Focus.
- Added Trainables to train Suggestability.
- Added Trainables to train Sluttiness, Obedience, Love.
- Added Trainables to train specific work skills.
- Added Trainables to train specific sex skills.
- Added Trainables to discover opinions.
- Added Trainables to strengthen or weaken opinions.
- Added Trainables to inspire new opinions.
- Added Trainables selection UI.
- change_slut now takes an additional max_modified_to parameter. Sluttiness gained above this threshold is not added.
- player status hud now displays the current day as month + day to match fertility calculations.
- Updated exising events that feature narrative female orgasms to properly trigger trances.
- Rewrote tier 1 head researcher serum research event to incorporate trances and act as an early trance tutorial.
- HR employee effects are now calculated last each turn, resulting in more accurate and consistent efficency values being displayed.
- Girls climaxing from a sex position they have an opinion of now have a small modifier to trance chance: +-2/4%. Allows for trances without serum, with enough dedication.
- Trance chance increases by 1% for every orgasm a girl has already experienced.
- Added "Climax Cycler" serum trait, a tier 2 serum trait that triggers orgasm code (ie. triggers Trances) once per turn of duration.
- Added "Instant Trance" serum trait, a special trait unlocked by presenting Nora with someone who is under the highest level of Trance.
- Suggestability can now be a negative number, representing someone who is resistant for some reason to falling into a Trance.
- Girls who masturbate at the end of the day due to high arousal trigger Trance checks (but trance is likely to expire by morning unless Suggestibility is very high)
- Added on_move function to serum trait definitions. Serum on_move effects are calculated at the start of the on_move phase, and are useful for effects that might otherwise be cleared on turn end (like Trances).
- Tweaked default choice screen to prevent options from being cut off on very long lists.

- Fixed incorrect date check in one of the Gabrielle boobjob event checks.
- Fixed incorrect function call when asking Jen for her to bless you dating Lily.
- Fixed improper option definition in sleep limited time event.
- Fixed many typos.
- Fixed crash caused by toxic serum side effect trait.
- Fixed several crashes caused by incorrect person variable references.
- Fixed Jennifer not remembering you had sex when she ends up pregnant if it happened during morning sex random event.
- Fixed crash during one of Emily's strip-study branches.
- Fixed Jennifer not properly being convinced by one girlfriend option despite saying she was.
- Fixed Instapic girls acting as if they had sent you topless/nude shots even if they hadn't and getting paid for it.
- Fixed Instapic girls telling you about their Onlyfans, even if they don't have one.
- Fixed pregnant girls not returning to their old schedules after giving birth, resulting in employees not showing up for work again.
- Added unit tests for new opinion manipulation code.
- Added unit tests for trance inducing mechanics.
- Added integration tests for Training interaction.
- Fixed multiple cases of incorrect opinion/state checks inside of Person class (was checking currently interacted person, not the person object referenced).
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.43.1, 8/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Sun Aug 08, 2021 1:01 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.43.1 is finished it's week of bug testing by patrons and is ready for it's public release! You can get it right now here:

This update completely revamps the "sluttiness" mechanic of previous version, substantially changing the way girls are corrupted over the course of the game. Sluttiness is now harder to gain, but no longer drains away over time. Suggestibility has been reworked as well, and is now tied directly to a new game mechanic central to corrupting girls: Trances.

A Trance is a highly suggestible state a girl may enter after she climaxes which allows you to make directed changes to a girls personality, skills, and stats. The chance of a girl entering a trance when she cums is primarily dependent on her Suggestibility - a score you can raise by giving them the mind-altering serum you produce. A girl is also more likely to enter a trance if she cums in a favourite sex position, or if you make her cum multiple times in rapid succession. While a girl is in a trance you can spend Clarity to change any of her stats, skills, or make alterations to her opinions. You can strengthen or weaken existing opinions, or inspire completely new ones.

This update has changed a couple of core mechanics, which makes your feedback even more valuable than normal! Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on the new Sluttiness progression rate, on how easy or hard trances are to achieve, or anything else you would like to give feedback on!

Enjoy, and here's the changelog (v0.42.1 to v0.43.1)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Role looks-like checking is now recursive, making it easier to have chains of similar roles.
- Orgasms now have a chance to put a girl into a trance state. Chance is depenedant on their current Suggestability.
- Added three trance states. If already in a trance a girl move to the next stage if she would normally enter a trance.
- Happiness effects are amplified by +50%/100%/200% while a girl is in a trance state.
- Removed Core sluttiness as a game mechanic.
- Added change_slut function as the singular way of changing sluttiness.
- change_slut now takes max_modified_to argument. Clamps sluttiness to this value when raising or lowering it.
- change_slut_temp and change_slut_core now both pass arguments to change_slut to (hopefully) ease mod transitions to the new mechanics.
- Removed all references to core_sluttiness in crises, replaced by changes to normal sluttiness where appropriate.
- Updated all calls to change_slut_temp and change_slut_core to just change_slut
- Removed bleed_slut. Sluttiness changes are now permanent (unless from a temporary source like serum or event circumstances).
- Sluttiness increases due to arousal is now displayed in the same way as other situational sluttiness changes, along with having it's own tooltip entry.
- Base Sluttiness now displayed as gold hearts (same icons as core sluttiness previously)
- Sluttiness increases due to situational changes now displays as red hearts. (same icons as temp sluttiness previously)
- Sluttiness decreases due to situational changes now display as greyed out hearts.
- Added Trainable class to hold information about what can be trained when a girl is in a trance.
- Trainables have a Clarity cost, which increases every time that or a similar Trainable is successfully trained.
- Added ability for Trainables to be disabled but not hidden and display what requirement is missing.
- Added "influence her" option when a girl is in a trance and you have enough time to do so.
- Added Trainables to train a girls Charisma, Intelligence, and Focus.
- Added Trainables to train Suggestability.
- Added Trainables to train Sluttiness, Obedience, Love.
- Added Trainables to train specific work skills.
- Added Trainables to train specific sex skills.
- Added Trainables to discover opinions.
- Added Trainables to strengthen or weaken opinions.
- Added Trainables to inspire new opinions.
- Added Trainables selection UI.
- change_slut now takes an additional max_modified_to parameter. Sluttiness gained above this threshold is not added.
- player status hud now displays the current day as month + day to match fertility calculations.
- Updated exising events that feature narrative female orgasms to properly trigger trances.
- Rewrote tier 1 head researcher serum research event to incorporate trances and act as an early trance tutorial.
- HR employee effects are now calculated last each turn, resulting in more accurate and consistent efficency values being displayed.
- Girls climaxing from a sex position they have an opinion of now have a small modifier to trance chance: +-2/4%. Allows for trances without serum, with enough dedication.
- Trance chance increases by 1% for every orgasm a girl has already experienced.
- Added "Climax Cycler" serum trait, a tier 2 serum trait that triggers orgasm code (ie. triggers Trances) once per turn of duration.
- Added "Instant Trance" serum trait, a special trait unlocked by presenting Nora with someone who is under the highest level of Trance.
- Suggestability can now be a negative number, representing someone who is resistant for some reason to falling into a Trance.
- Girls who masturbate at the end of the day due to high arousal trigger Trance checks (but trance is likely to expire by morning unless Suggestibility is very high)
- Added on_move function to serum trait definitions. Serum on_move effects are calculated at the start of the on_move phase, and are useful for effects that might otherwise be cleared on turn end (like Trances).
- Tweaked default choice screen to prevent options from being cut off on very long lists.
- Added trance notifcation to HUD when it is triggered.
- Added orgasm branches to night time boob and vagina groping.
- Organised several files containing interaction actions into their own folder.

- Fixed incorrect date check in one of the Gabrielle boobjob event checks.
- Fixed incorrect function call when asking Jen for her to bless you dating Lily.
- Fixed improper option definition in sleep limited time event.
- Fixed many typos.
- Fixed crash caused by toxic serum side effect trait.
- Fixed several crashes caused by incorrect person variable references.
- Fixed Jennifer not remembering you had sex when she ends up pregnant if it happened during morning sex random event.
- Fixed crash during one of Emily's strip-study branches.
- Fixed Jennifer not properly being convinced by one girlfriend option despite saying she was.
- Fixed Instapic girls acting as if they had sent you topless/nude shots even if they hadn't and getting paid for it.
- Fixed Instapic girls telling you about their Onlyfans, even if they don't have one.
- Fixed pregnant girls not returning to their old schedules after giving birth, resulting in employees not showing up for work again.
- Added unit tests for new opinion manipulation code.
- Added unit tests for trance inducing mechanics.
- Added integration tests for Training interaction.
- Fixed multiple cases of incorrect opinion/state checks inside of Person class (was checking currently interacted person, not the person object referenced).
- Fixed girls putting their normal uniforms on after having a forced uniform set.
- Fixed inhibition supressor not properly applying sluttiness increase (but still applying the matching decrease!).
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.43.1, 8/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Wed Sep 01, 2021 1:06 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.44.0 is finished and ready for it's week of bug testing! This update focused on adding new content to the game, and it includes a bunch of new roles, new serum traits, and new dialogue. It also includes tweaks to existing mechanics, and a pile of bug fixes that should improve stability. The bug fixed version will be released for free next week, but if you're interested in early access or supporting development you can find the download links here:

Three completely new special training options for girls have been added: "Breeder Training", "Hypnotic Trigger Word", and "Online Attention Whore". Each option requires a girl to be put into a trance as normal, but also have additional opinion or stat requirements.

Ten new serum traits have been added, with a focus on body modification effects. New customizable serum traits allow you to define a parameter when you research them, like a targets hair or eye colour, and then research that particular trait. Height, body size, and hair colour can now all be modified with serum use, adding onto the already existing controls for breast size.

A new kinetic text system has been implemented, allowing for dialogue to be tagged for specific types of movement. This has been used to have girls emphasise specific words they find exciting, especially when they are really turned on. This adds some visual punch to dialogue when a horny girl is screaming for your dick, or begging you to cum inside her!

Of course this update also comes with a huge pile of bug fixes and mechanic tweaks. Check out the change log for details, and enjoy!

Changelog (v0.43.1a to v0.44.0):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Training is now limited to once/turn per girl, instead of advancing time by itself.
- Girls who masturbate at night to relieve high Arousal now return to 0 arousal, or 15/30 if they have a positive opinion of masturbating.
- All orgasms may now cause an increase in Sluttiness up to a limit. The limit is the minimum sluttiness for whatever position they are in, or 30 for masturbating.
- Happiness adjustments towards 100 happen before masturbating now, so full masturbation happiness will be visible in the next turn.
- Arousal while having sex now resets to increasingly high numbers with repeated orgasms instead of always returning to a flat 50. Starts at 50, increases from there.
- Arousal after having sex decreases by 50% if the girl climaxed, or not at all if she did not.
- Added kinetic text tags, which allow sections of text to do things like bounce, wiggle, drip, and other neat effects.
- Added drip effect + new font to the word "cum" when it is used in dialogue and a character has high arousal.
- Added wave effect + size increase to the word "cock" and related terms when a character has high arousal.
- Added wave effect to the word "pussy" and related terms when a character has high arousal.
- Added bounce effect to the word "tits" and related terms when a character has high arousal. Effect scales based on character breast size.
- Added multiple pregnancy related text effects ("pregnant", "knock me up", "knocked up", ect)
- Added "Breeder" special training. Requires Love of creampies and bareback sex. Gives Breeder role.
- Added Breeder role. Triggers some special dialogue, and gives the ability to have sex any time the girl isn't pregnant (or doesn't know yet.)
- Modified Jennifer breeding event to give breeder role if she does not already have it.
- Updated Jennifer breeding event to include a generic path for other characters who have the breeding role.
- Moved the Jennifer breeding event to breeder_role.rpy, now a generic event.
- Added Obedience requirement to having public sex.
- Added dialogue branch when convincing a girl to have public sex.
- Added Orgasm Trigger Word training. Unlocks action for girl that can make her climax at any time (useful for triggering Trances on demand).
- Added ability to use Orgasm Trigger Word while inside the normal sex system.
- Roles class now supports an internet_actions list. These should be Actions which are added to the list of options when texting someone.
- Added ability to use Orgasm Trigger Word via text.
- Added Online Attention Whore trainable. Allows you to set up InstaPic, DikDok, and OnlyFanatics accounts for girls who might otherwise not want/have them.
- Refactored outfit_creator_ui to make coloured squares and pallet squares reusable in other screens.
- Refactored outfit_creator_ui to make colour selector section reusable in other screens.
- Added SerumTraitBlueprint class. Inherits from SerumTrait. Represents serum traits that have a variable componenet that can be set by the player when being researched.
- Researching a SerumTraitBlueprint calls a new label that can be used to define the variable component of the new trait.
- Updated research screen to support SerumTraitBlueprint traits.
- Created _blueprint_serum_traits.rpy file to hold all information related to Blueprinted serum types.
- Added Synthetic Hair Bleach and Synthetic Hair Darkening Agent Serum Traits. Lightens/darkens subject's hair colour each turn that it is applied.
- Added Encapsulated Hair Dyes SerumTraitBlueprint. Shifts targets hair colour towards a selected natural hair colour each turn.
- Added Organic Hair Chemicals SerumTraitBlueprint. Shifts targets hair colour towards selected goal colour each turn, which may be any colour.
- Added Ocular Dyes SerumTraitBlueprint. Shifts target eye colour towards selected goal colour each turn.
- Added weight gain and weight loss promotor Serum Traits. Both provide a small chance to shift target body type up or down one step each turn.
- Breast enhancement and breast reduction serum traits now require weight gain and weight loss to be researched, respectively.
- Laid groundwork to have skin tones be dynamically made in-game instead of requiring seperate image sets.
- Added height increase and decrease serum traits. Shifts subject height slowly over time. Has small chance to grow/shrink breasts at the same time.
- Added self replicating serum trait. Adds near-infinite duration to serum. Be careful, there's no way to end the effects early!
- Moved Lactation Hormones Serum Trait to tier 1 research; removed Breast Enhancement requirement.
- Added a new Serum Production Trait, kept secret here to preserve the surprise! Go find it!
- Added a new role, related to above.
- Added new sex (including foreplay, oral, ect.) responses for all personalities.
- Sex responses now have a random 0-20 added to a girls arousal before it is used to see what she'll say, to vary responses a little bit more.
- Sex responses are triggered proportional to arousal vs. max arousal (instead of arousal vs. a flat 100).
- Transitioning from anal to vaginal doggy style no longer triggers mentions of condoms/getting pregnant if a girl is already pregnant.
- Added sex descriptions when a girl is lactating, with multiple levels possible depending on her arousal, breast size, and number of lactation sources.
- Nora research traits are no longer impossible to improve the mastery of - instead, they require a significant amount of Clarity to unlock. It is still possible to put the trait into a serum and study it by experimenting on a person.
- Added a Nora reintro event. If you achieve Research Tier 2 without contacting Nora she will call you instead, revealing the University location and enabling her other events.
- Updated all dialogue calls from the_person.char "dialogue" to the_person "dialogue". Note for modders: dialogue calls using the old call will not have kenetic text applied.
- Public sex opinion now applies a temporary sluttiness modifier when the girl is watching, not just when she is the one having sex. Affects dialogue, chance a girlfriend will be fine with you cheating, ect.
- Updated all old checks for "role in the_person.special_role" to the_person.has_role(role) to support lookalike rolls, be more human readable, and improve maintainability.
- Added a couple of sections of dialogue for when Emily finishes her tutoring undressed and you run into her mother. She will also try and get dressed properly first.
- Cash bonuses now have a minimum base amount to prevent interns from being overjoyed by $0 bonuses
- Raises now have a minimum amount of $2, to prevent interns from demanding $0 raises.
- Added integration test to verify kinetic text functionality.

- Incorrect list assignment in Sleep LTE
- Incorrect person reference in daughter hiring event.
- Fixed incorrect serum reference in research advancing storyline.
- Fixed incorrect reference to opinion list for training non-sexy opinions.
- Fixed lactation effects never applying due to integer division instead of float division.
- Fixed shopping invite not clearing character from screen if you refuse.
- Fixed several incorrect character references in handjob descriptions.
- Fixed several incorrect character references in titfuck descriptions.
- Fixed a bunch of typos throughout the game.
- Fixed Gabrielle panty walk-in event never triggering.
- Fixed new Instapic, Dikdok, and OnlyFanatics accounts never being created for girls.
- Fixed Jennifers's slutty secretary replacement event not triggering the correct report event when you talked to her boss first, then had her get larger tits.
- Fixed hiring Emily not actually allowing you to place her in a division.
- Fixed Jennifer occasionally sending you texts saying she was at work, when she was clearly still at home.
- FIxed lingerie shopping date from triggering both the normal and lingerie branch, if the girl didn't want to go lingerie shopping when you asked.
- Fixed Nora's instant trance serum trait from causing a crash.
- Fixed simple aphrodesiac not accounting for temporary sluttiness modifiers properly.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.43.1, 8/8/2021)

Postby MaxTheDark » Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:44 am

vrengames Wrote:A new kinetic text system has been implemented, allowing for dialogue to be tagged for specific types of movement. This has been used to have girls emphasise specific words they find exciting, especially when they are really turned on. This adds some visual punch to dialogue when a horny girl is screaming for your dick, or begging you to cum inside her!

Im a little nervous about this one, sounds like more of a gimmick, really. I'm not much of a fan of the alternating dialogue font, and the above seems to only mess things up...

Found a bug, where if you don't hire Emily the moment you have a chance, you will lose a chance to hire her forever. I was at the employee capacity limit, but luckily had a savegame made just before the exam.
I believe text dump is not a valid form of storytelling in video games. Video games are for interaction, not reading, therefore the story should be woven into gameplay instead.
Joined: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:34 pm

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.43.1, 8/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:42 am

MaxTheDark Wrote:
vrengames Wrote:A new kinetic text system has been implemented, allowing for dialogue to be tagged for specific types of movement. This has been used to have girls emphasise specific words they find exciting, especially when they are really turned on. This adds some visual punch to dialogue when a horny girl is screaming for your dick, or begging you to cum inside her!

Im a little nervous about this one, sounds like more of a gimmick, really. I'm not much of a fan of the alternating dialogue font, and the above seems to only mess things up...

Found a bug, where if you don't hire Emily the moment you have a chance, you will lose a chance to hire her forever. I was at the employee capacity limit, but luckily had a savegame made just before the exam.

I didn't see this comment until after I built v0.44.1, but I'll make sure the re-hire option is properly available in the next build.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.44.1, 9/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Wed Sep 08, 2021 11:43 am

Lab Rats 2 v0.44.1 is finished it's week of bug testing by patrons and is ready for it's public release! This update focused on adding new content to the game, and it includes a bunch of new roles, new serum traits, and new dialogue. It also includes tweaks to existing mechanics, and a pile of bug fixes that should improve stability. You can find the download links here:

Three completely new special training options for girls have been added: "Breeder Training", "Hypnotic Trigger Word", and "Online Attention Whore". Each option requires a girl to be put into a trance as normal, but also have additional opinion or stat requirements.

Ten new serum traits have been added, with a focus on body modification effects. New customizable serum traits allow you to define a parameter when you research them, like a targets hair or eye colour, and then research that particular trait. Height, body size, and hair colour can now all be modified with serum use, adding onto the already existing controls for breast size.

A new kinetic text system has been implemented, allowing for dialogue to be tagged for specific types of movement. This has been used to have girls emphasise specific words they find exciting, especially when they are really turned on. This adds some visual punch to dialogue when a horny girl is screaming for your dick, or begging you to cum inside her!

Of course this update also comes with a huge pile of bug fixes and mechanic tweaks. Check out the change log below for details, and enjoy!

Changelog(v0.43.1a to v0.44.1):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Training is now limited to once/turn per girl, instead of advancing time by itself.
- Girls who masturbate at night to relieve high Arousal now return to 0 arousal, or 15/30 if they have a positive opinion of masturbating.
- All orgasms may now cause an increase in Sluttiness up to a limit. The limit is the minimum sluttiness for whatever position they are in, or 30 for masturbating.
- Happiness adjustments towards 100 happen before masturbating now, so full masturbation happiness will be visible in the next turn.
- Arousal while having sex now resets to increasingly high numbers with repeated orgasms instead of always returning to a flat 50. Starts at 50, increases from there.
- Arousal after having sex decreases by 50% if the girl climaxed, or not at all if she did not.
- Added kinetic text tags, which allow sections of text to do things like bounce, wiggle, drip, and other neat effects.
- Added drip effect + new font to the word "cum" when it is used in dialogue and a character has high arousal.
- Added wave effect + size increase to the word "cock" and related terms when a character has high arousal.
- Added wave effect to the word "pussy" and related terms when a character has high arousal.
- Added bounce effect to the word "tits" and related terms when a character has high arousal. Effect scales based on character breast size.
- Added multiple pregnancy related text effects ("pregnant", "knock me up", "knocked up", ect)
- Added "Breeder" special training. Requires Love of creampies and bareback sex. Gives Breeder role.
- Added Breeder role. Triggers some special dialogue, and gives the ability to have sex any time the girl isn't pregnant (or doesn't know yet.)
- Modified Jennifer breeding event to give breeder role if she does not already have it.
- Updated Jennifer breeding event to include a generic path for other characters who have the breeding role.
- Moved the Jennifer breeding event to breeder_role.rpy, now a generic event.
- Added Obedience requirement to having public sex.
- Added dialogue branch when convincing a girl to have public sex.
- Added Orgasm Trigger Word training. Unlocks action for girl that can make her climax at any time (useful for triggering Trances on demand).
- Added ability to use Orgasm Trigger Word while inside the normal sex system.
- Roles class now supports an internet_actions list. These should be Actions which are added to the list of options when texting someone.
- Added ability to use Orgasm Trigger Word via text.
- Added Online Attention Whore trainable. Allows you to set up InstaPic, DikDok, and OnlyFanatics accounts for girls who might otherwise not want/have them.
- Refactored outfit_creator_ui to make coloured squares and pallet squares reusable in other screens.
- Refactored outfit_creator_ui to make colour selector section reusable in other screens.
- Added SerumTraitBlueprint class. Inherits from SerumTrait. Represents serum traits that have a variable componenet that can be set by the player when being researched.
- Researching a SerumTraitBlueprint calls a new label that can be used to define the variable component of the new trait.
- Updated research screen to support SerumTraitBlueprint traits.
- Created _blueprint_serum_traits.rpy file to hold all information related to Blueprinted serum types.
- Added Synthetic Hair Bleach and Synthetic Hair Darkening Agent Serum Traits. Lightens/darkens subject's hair colour each turn that it is applied.
- Added Encapsulated Hair Dyes SerumTraitBlueprint. Shifts targets hair colour towards a selected natural hair colour each turn.
- Added Organic Hair Chemicals SerumTraitBlueprint. Shifts targets hair colour towards selected goal colour each turn, which may be any colour.
- Added Ocular Dyes SerumTraitBlueprint. Shifts target eye colour towards selected goal colour each turn.
- Added weight gain and weight loss promotor Serum Traits. Both provide a small chance to shift target body type up or down one step each turn.
- Breast enhancement and breast reduction serum traits now require weight gain and weight loss to be researched, respectively.
- Laid groundwork to have skin tones be dynamically made in-game instead of requiring seperate image sets.
- Added height increase and decrease serum traits. Shifts subject height slowly over time. Has small chance to grow/shrink breasts at the same time.
- Added self replicating serum trait. Adds near-infinite duration to serum. Be careful, there's no way to end the effects early!
- Moved Lactation Hormones Serum Trait to tier 1 research; removed Breast Enhancement requirement.
- Added a new Serum Production Trait, kept secret here to preserve the surprise! Go find it!
- Added a new role, related to above.
- Added new sex (including foreplay, oral, ect.) responses for all personalities.
- Sex responses now have a random 0-20 added to a girls arousal before it is used to see what she'll say, to vary responses a little bit more.
- Sex responses are triggered proportional to arousal vs. max arousal (instead of arousal vs. a flat 100).
- Transitioning from anal to vaginal doggy style no longer triggers mentions of condoms/getting pregnant if a girl is already pregnant.
- Added sex descriptions when a girl is lactating, with multiple levels possible depending on her arousal, breast size, and number of lactation sources.
- Nora research traits are no longer impossible to improve the mastery of - instead, they require a significant amount of Clarity to unlock. It is still possible to put the trait into a serum and study it by experimenting on a person.
- Added a Nora reintro event. If you achieve Research Tier 2 without contacting Nora she will call you instead, revealing the University location and enabling her other events.
- Updated all dialogue calls from the_person.char "dialogue" to the_person "dialogue". Note for modders: dialogue calls using the old call will not have kenetic text applied.
- Public sex opinion now applies a temporary sluttiness modifier when the girl is watching, not just when she is the one having sex. Affects dialogue, chance a girlfriend will be fine with you cheating, ect.
- Updated all old checks for "role in the_person.special_role" to the_person.has_role(role) to support lookalike rolls, be more human readable, and improve maintainability.
- Added a couple of sections of dialogue for when Emily finishes her tutoring undressed and you run into her mother. She will also try and get dressed properly first.
- Cash bonuses now have a minimum base amount to prevent interns from being overjoyed by $0 bonuses
- Raises now have a minimum amount of $2, to prevent interns from demanding $0 raises.
- Added integration test to verify kinetic text functionality.
- Added section of tutorial to explain/unlock some Clarity before selecting research for Stephanie.

- Incorrect list assignment in Sleep LTE
- Incorrect person reference in daughter hiring event.
- Fixed incorrect serum reference in research advancing storyline.
- Fixed incorrect reference to opinion list for training non-sexy opinions.
- Fixed lactation effects never applying due to integer division instead of float division.
- Fixed shopping invite not clearing character from screen if you refuse.
- Fixed several incorrect character references in handjob descriptions.
- Fixed several incorrect character references in titfuck descriptions.
- Fixed a bunch of typos throughout the game.
- Fixed Gabrielle panty walk-in event never triggering.
- Fixed new Instapic, Dikdok, and OnlyFanatics accounts never being created for girls.
- Fixed Jennifers's slutty secretary replacement event not triggering the correct report event when you talked to her boss first, then had her get larger tits.
- Fixed hiring Emily not actually allowing you to place her in a division.
- Fixed Jennifer occasionally sending you texts saying she was at work, when she was clearly still at home.
- FIxed lingerie shopping date from triggering both the normal and lingerie branch, if the girl didn't want to go lingerie shopping when you asked.
- Fixed Nora's instant trance serum trait from causing a crash.
- Fixed simple aphrodesiac not accounting for temporary sluttiness modifiers properly.
- Fixed inverted opinion check making a girl less likely to give you a handjob in public if she liked public sex.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.44.1, 9/8/2021)

Postby TheWeirdling » Sat Oct 02, 2021 7:10 pm

Greetings vrengames,

I have some suggestions regarding the current state of Lab Rats 2.

First, the early game is a slog, this is partially due to how serum mastery works and the lack of impactful sexual things for your character to do regarding their mind serum shenanigans. This makes the game feel more like a dating sim rather than one where the character has stumbled upon a powerful bio-chemical compound. Second, the main character has no interesting progress. I think this was fine for the first game given it's limited scope (being largely an interactive novel) and the mechanics associated with it.

Lab Rats 2 appears to want to be a hybrid rpg/eco sim. This elements can work but they don't interact with each other well right now. The RPG aspect isn't very fleshed out as the character has little in the way of distinguishing perks or characteristics that allow them to perform fun interactions. The eco sim element just feels like a gating mechanism that prevents the player from engaging with the corruption RPG most of the time until about mid/late game when you can really start to influence your employees from both interesting policies and serums.

The suggestibility serums should all be combined into one serum research trait. This makes early use of serums more meaningful and allows for early mastery to be useful. This serum traits suggestibility should be based on it's mastery, with maximum mastery for the serum trait gated behind research tiers. This trait really should be the star of your game and always feel like the character is contributing to it, with other secondary serum traits being unlocked to give interesting twists and quirks (which is largely the case now with these traits).

The main character's skills and abilities really need to be fleshed out and given some meaningful choices. The character stats are decent bones to work off of but choices in how they interact with the characters that can end up unlocking different serum specialties or sexual movesets would improve gameplay. These can include but are not limited to: unique sexual positions that allow the MC get serum into girls during intercourse (serum enima), charismatic interactions that can influence a girl in a trance to carry out specific actions (get hired, give money, things that increase sluttyness), extra ways to recover energy, gain lust or improve the MC's ability to put a girl into a trance.

currently currency is a really boring gating mechanism. There is nothing "fun" to purchase and it all feels like things the character would just want all the time. Allowing money to be spent on choices that affect the characters quality of interactions is better than gating. For instance, instead of gating a ton of company policy behind money, have it gated behind either the MC's stats or the sluttyness of some character that helps them unlock them (maybe some city official?). The have it's effectiveness be increased by spending money on it and allowing the PC more opportunity to take advantage of it.

There is also too much waiting for currency to trickle in early game while late game the MC is so flooded with cash it becomes meaningless. This is more to due with income balance and the fact that money is mostly a gating mechanism. Most of the dating money costs are very low where as all of the business gating costs are extremely high so once the late game happens and you have purchased all your business upgrades you end up with a huge income (to have been able to afford them) and nothing interesting to spend cash on.

Edit: I also recommend changing the way character progression currently works.

Currently stats and skills are advanced, often by arbitrary and unrelated tasks. This creates disconnect and can be frustrating when the playing is doing tasks to upgrade an unrelated skill.

I propose the following system:

Stats: each stat should gain xp when performing a related task for example charisma could gain xp when the character sells serums or flirts.

Skills: gain xp when performing their task, such as organizing your business gives xp for your HR skill.

Sex skills: again, gaining xp when performing the appropriate position(s).

Serum mastery: Serum mastery should be expanded so master is gained when ever the character expends energy to interact with a character under a serums influence. This keeps the old system of chating, flirting and complementing but also expands serum mastery gains to sexual positions which allows serum usage to also contribute towards player progression.

Thanks for working on the game, I like the concept and appreciate LR2 having actual mechanics but the game still needs a lot of work done on balance, character, business and serum mechanics. Also I love the new trance mechanic, excellent way to combine changing characters with the porn and further exploring the games theme of hypnotic mental transformation.
Newly Registered
Joined: Sat Oct 02, 2021 6:46 pm

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.44.1, 9/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:46 pm

TheWeirdling Wrote:Greetings vrengames,

I have some suggestions regarding the current state of Lab Rats 2.

First, the early game is a slog, this is partially due to how serum mastery works and the lack of impactful sexual things for your character to do regarding their mind serum shenanigans. This makes the game feel more like a dating sim rather than one where the character has stumbled upon a powerful bio-chemical compound. Second, the main character has no interesting progress. I think this was fine for the first game given it's limited scope (being largely an interactive novel) and the mechanics associated with it.

Lab Rats 2 appears to want to be a hybrid rpg/eco sim. This elements can work but they don't interact with each other well right now. The RPG aspect isn't very fleshed out as the character has little in the way of distinguishing perks or characteristics that allow them to perform fun interactions. The eco sim element just feels like a gating mechanism that prevents the player from engaging with the corruption RPG most of the time until about mid/late game when you can really start to influence your employees from both interesting policies and serums.

The suggestibility serums should all be combined into one serum research trait. This makes early use of serums more meaningful and allows for early mastery to be useful. This serum traits suggestibility should be based on it's mastery, with maximum mastery for the serum trait gated behind research tiers. This trait really should be the star of your game and always feel like the character is contributing to it, with other secondary serum traits being unlocked to give interesting twists and quirks (which is largely the case now with these traits).

The main character's skills and abilities really need to be fleshed out and given some meaningful choices. The character stats are decent bones to work off of but choices in how they interact with the characters that can end up unlocking different serum specialties or sexual movesets would improve gameplay. These can include but are not limited to: unique sexual positions that allow the MC get serum into girls during intercourse (serum enima), charismatic interactions that can influence a girl in a trance to carry out specific actions (get hired, give money, things that increase sluttyness), extra ways to recover energy, gain lust or improve the MC's ability to put a girl into a trance.

currently currency is a really boring gating mechanism. There is nothing "fun" to purchase and it all feels like things the character would just want all the time. Allowing money to be spent on choices that affect the characters quality of interactions is better than gating. For instance, instead of gating a ton of company policy behind money, have it gated behind either the MC's stats or the sluttyness of some character that helps them unlock them (maybe some city official?). The have it's effectiveness be increased by spending money on it and allowing the PC more opportunity to take advantage of it.

There is also too much waiting for currency to trickle in early game while late game the MC is so flooded with cash it becomes meaningless. This is more to due with income balance and the fact that money is mostly a gating mechanism. Most of the dating money costs are very low where as all of the business gating costs are extremely high so once the late game happens and you have purchased all your business upgrades you end up with a huge income (to have been able to afford them) and nothing interesting to spend cash on.

Edit: I also recommend changing the way character progression currently works.

Currently stats and skills are advanced, often by arbitrary and unrelated tasks. This creates disconnect and can be frustrating when the playing is doing tasks to upgrade an unrelated skill.

I propose the following system:

Stats: each stat should gain xp when performing a related task for example charisma could gain xp when the character sells serums or flirts.

Skills: gain xp when performing their task, such as organizing your business gives xp for your HR skill.

Sex skills: again, gaining xp when performing the appropriate position(s).

Serum mastery: Serum mastery should be expanded so master is gained when ever the character expends energy to interact with a character under a serums influence. This keeps the old system of chating, flirting and complementing but also expands serum mastery gains to sexual positions which allows serum usage to also contribute towards player progression.

Thanks for working on the game, I like the concept and appreciate LR2 having actual mechanics but the game still needs a lot of work done on balance, character, business and serum mechanics. Also I love the new trance mechanic, excellent way to combine changing characters with the porn and further exploring the games theme of hypnotic mental transformation.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm happy to say I have plans for addressing most of these problems later in development - as usual the limiting factor is just how fast I can code/write! My intention is to add an "early game" section where you don't yet own the lab - instead you're sneaking time on machines and working covertly in a way that is closer to Lab Rats 1. The initial company going bankrupt and leaving the lab up for you to purchase will represent a shift from the early game where you are worried about resources (money, serum supplies) to worried about characters (trying to meet Sluttiness, Obedience, Love requirements, stat requirements, ect). The late game experience will be all about carefully crafting your ideal company and fully corrupting characters. Character perks are coming in the near-ish future; completing goals will give you perk points instead of generic skill/stat points, and perks will require special training/interactions to unlock. In general the RPG side is going to be expanded, with more stat/skill requirements for specific sex positions, actions, ect.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.44.1, 9/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:47 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.45 is finished it's week of bug testing and is ready for it's public free release! You can download it right now, right here:

This update introduces a massively expanded strip tease system, taking a one-off scene and turning it into a reusable, more engaging event. The new system supports girls stripping for pay or for fun, following your commands or taking their own initiative, and stripping in a variety of different positions. The system is highly expandable and open to modding, making it easy to add new strip descriptions, or even entirely new strip positions! All of this work has laid the path for large pieces of new content next month!

Enjoy, and here's a changelog (v0.44.1 to v0.45.1):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Created strip_actions.rpy file for better organisation, moved pay strip scene into it.
- Created role_prostitute.rpy file for better organisaiton, moved related events into it.
- Moved sex_mechanics.rpy into interaction_actions folder for better organisation.
- Person.get_opinion_score now supports handing over a list of opinions, returns the sum of all opinions.
- Moved situational sluttiness modifers for sex into their own label so they can be called and cleared by other events consistently.
- Detailed person UI now displays if a girl is pregnant, and if so for how long that's been true.
- Added StripteasePosition class. Stores all information for a strip tease position.
- Replaced pay strip scene with highly expandable striptease scene.
- Stripteases support multiple positions, each of which has a unique set of descriptions.
- Striptease poses now allow for a list of description labels to be provided. When called for a random selection from that list is made.
- Striptease poses now seperate descriptions into directions "towards" and "away", reflecting if the girl is looking towards or away from the MC as she strips.
- Added "leads to" field to striptease poses, details what poses the current pose naturally flows to, and the style of instruction that woudl be given, ie "Come closer", "Start dancing".
- Striptease poses have a set amount of arousal they will generate for the MC, and a set amount of energy they will cost the girl.
- Stripteases produce a variable amount of arousal for the girl. Default is 0, modified by some opinions.
- Added "is close" field to StripteasePose class. If True this pose is close enough that you could reach out and touch the girl.
- Added ability to touch a girl who is close. If the girl allows it, this adds your Foreplay skill to her arousal each round.
- Added ability to jerk off. If the girl allows it this increases your arousal by your own Foreplay skill each round.
- Stripsteases now generate Clarity each round. Amount varies depending on how much the girl is wearing, her Foreplay skill, and how sexy the pose is.
- Added ability for girls to climax while giving a strip tease. This triggers a description unique to that pose.
- Added ability to use an Orgasm Trigger Word to make a girl orgasm while giving a strip tease.
- Added ability to tell a girl to strip down while she is giving a strip tease.
- Added "for pay" variants to all of the strip tease actions. Girls will usually ask for money to do things, but are more easily convinced to do things they wouldn't normally do.
- Added obedience branches to all of the for pay branches. Girls with high obedience will do what you want without you paying them if you demand it.
- Added ability for the MC to climax during a strip tease.
- Added multiple climax branches depending on the pose the girl is in at the time, if she's aware you are going to climax, or if you are jerking off at the time.
- Added for pay climax branches. Allows you to offer a girl money to take your load in a specific way.
- Added "Awkward Stand" striptease pose. Lowest Sluttiness requirement, default pose for girls who are not slutty.
- Added "Dancing" striptease pose. Transitions from awkward stand, low sluttiness requirement and default pose for girls who are a little bit slutty.
- Added "Close Dancing" striptease pose. Transitions from Dancing, moderately low sluttiness requirement. Requires you to "call her closer".

- Organic Hair Chemicals and Occular Dyes serum trait unlock requirements corrected.
- Fixed incorrect opinion classificaitons in Gabrielle and Introvert personalities.
- Fixed multiple typos.
- Fixed public sex branch resulting in private sex and vice versa when seducing someone.
- Fixed post-sex arousal math. Now properly maintains Arousal if girl did not climax, decreases it if she came.
- Fixed bug with Serum Lactation serum production trait, should work properly now.
- Fixed hypno trigger orgasm not properly resetting.
- Fixed reveal sexy opinion not properly revealing any opinion at all.
- Fixed some incorrect character dialogue titles and colours in the tutorial.
- Nora human breeding hormone serum trait now properly tracks actual breast size changes, avoids reducing breast size if it was already maxed.
- Love potion serum trait now properly tracks actual Love increase, avoids reducing it if it was already maxed when applied.
- Fixed incorrect event assignement in uniform_disobedience check.
- Fixed incorrect outfit comparision in uniform_disobedience check.
- Fixed incorrect hpyno trigger orgasm logic in sex mechanics.
- Fixed hypno trigger orgasm imporperly returning you to your phone after texting a girl.
- Fixed character sheet displaying non-integer Clarity costs for buying new stat/skill points.
- Added a "cum down her throat" branch to the strip tease climax options.

Changelog(v0.44.1 to v0.45.0):
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.44.1, 9/8/2021)

Postby MaxTheDark » Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:20 am

vrengames Wrote:Thanks for the feedback! I'm happy to say I have plans for addressing most of these problems later in development - as usual the limiting factor is just how fast I can code/write! My intention is to add an "early game" section where you don't yet own the lab - instead you're sneaking time on machines and working covertly in a way that is closer to Lab Rats 1. The initial company going bankrupt and leaving the lab up for you to purchase will represent a shift from the early game where you are worried about resources (money, serum supplies) to worried about characters (trying to meet Sluttiness, Obedience, Love requirements, stat requirements, ect). The late game experience will be all about carefully crafting your ideal company and fully corrupting characters. Character perks are coming in the near-ish future; completing goals will give you perk points instead of generic skill/stat points, and perks will require special training/interactions to unlock. In general the RPG side is going to be expanded, with more stat/skill requirements for specific sex positions, actions, ect.

To be fair, out of all the game makers out there, vren is the one who actually has a chance to implement changes in the long run.

The problem is, he always implements the least useful ones...
I believe text dump is not a valid form of storytelling in video games. Video games are for interaction, not reading, therefore the story should be woven into gameplay instead.
Joined: Thu Mar 08, 2018 12:34 pm

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.45.1, 10/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Mon Nov 01, 2021 1:24 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.46.0 is finished it's month of development and ready for some bug testing! This update adds new "taboo revisit" events to both your sister Lily and mother Jennifer, a collection of related quests, and some new InstaPic content for both of them. It also comes with some quality of life improvements, particularly to sorted lists of serums, and a pile of bug fixes! If you're interested in an early look or helping with the bug hunt you can find the download links here:

The new taboo revisit events for Lily and Jennifer trigger the day after you break some important threshold with them - seeing them naked, kissing them, fucking them, ect. The next time you're near them they'll want to have a chat and their old taboos will reassert themselves, undoing the progress you've made. To stop this from happening you'll need to convince them to really change. You can do that by simply breaking the taboo enough times that they run out of excuses, by leveraging certain positive opinions, or by doing some sort of task/quest for them. Once that's done that particular taboo will stay broken, and you can move forward with their corruption!

There are a collection of other changes to the game. Lily and Jennifer have new InstaPic content, finally getting both girls topless together. The sleeping walk-in event now gives you the option to give a girl a dose of serum. All of the serum inventory related screens now have scroll bars in case you have a large number of serum variants, and those serum lists are now sorted alphabetically.

Enjoy, and here's a changelog (v0.45.1 to v0.46.0)!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Added taboo revisit events for Jennifer and Lily.
- Taboo revisits trigger after you break a taboo for either girl the next day when you enter the same room as them.
- Taboo revisits restore taboos that were broken and present a couple of options to break them for good.
- Taboo revisits continue to trigger until you figure out one of the long term solutions.
- Taboo revisits lower Sluttienss by 10. Permanently breaking one of these taboos restores that 10 (although multiple revisits result in a net loss).
- All taboos can be permanently broken by breaking them a certain number of times. Requirement rises as the taboo severity rises, and is modified by appropriate opinions.
- Each taboo revisit offers a quest option to permanently break the taboo.
- Most taboo revisits have a way to permanently break the taboo with the right combination of character opinions.
- Added kissing/touching/nudity taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added oral taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added anal taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added vaginal taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added kissing/touching/nudity taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added oral taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added anal taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added vaginal taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added new taboo break dialogue that is triggered when you've already broken the taboo before, but a revisit has restored it.
- Expanded Lily/Jennifer's Instapic storyline.
- Lily now kicks you out when getting changed before taking Instapic pictures if you have not broken her nudity taboo.
- Added ability to give girls serum while sleeping.
- Added a few text variations when jerking off during a sleep encounter. Also adds extra Clarity compared to not jerking off.
- Serum trade screen is now sorted by serum name.
- Serum inventory screen now sorted by serum name.
- Serum selection screen now sorted by serum name.
- Added scrollbars when serum inventories/lists/ect become too long.

- All actions that cause a girl to climax now trigger orgasm related goals (unrelated orgasms should be flagged, eg. run_orgasm(..., fire_event = False) now)
- Walking in on the same girl sleeping twice in one night will have her in the same sleepwear outfit, instead of randomly picking a new one each time.
- Profiling a subject for Nora takes a non-changing copy of the subject, so temporary states like trances will be properly identified.
- Generating daughters of pregnant girls no longer gives them pregnant bodies as well.
- Fixed milk traits being stacked when milking girls using serum lactation serum production.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.45.1, 10/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Mon Nov 08, 2021 1:24 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.46.1 is finished it's week of bug testing and is ready for it's public release! You can find the download links (and any patches that have been released) here:

This update adds new taboo revisit events for both Lily and Jennifer, a collection of related quests, and new InstaPic content for both of them. It also comes with some quality of life improvements, particularly to sorted lists of serums, and a pile of bug fixes.

The new taboo revisit events for Lily and Jennifer trigger the day after you break some important threshold with them - seeing them naked, kissing them, fucking them, ect. The next time you're near them they'll want to have a chat and their old taboos will reassert themselves, undoing the progress you've made. To stop this from happening you'll need to convince them to really change. You can do that by simply breaking the taboo enough times that they run out of excuses, by leveraging certain positive opinions, or by doing some sort of task/quest for them. Once that's done that particular taboo will stay broken, and you can move forward with their corruption!

There are a collection of other changes to the game. Lily and Jennifer have new InstaPic content, finally getting both girls topless together. The sleeping walk-in event now gives you the option to give a girl a dose of serum. All of the serum inventory related screens now have scroll bars in case you have a large number of serum variants, and those serum lists are now sorted alphabetically.

Enjoy, and here's a changelog (v0.45.1 to v0.46.1):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Added taboo revisit events for Jennifer and Lily.
- Taboo revisits trigger after you break a taboo for either girl the next day when you enter the same room as them.
- Taboo revisits restore taboos that were broken and present a couple of options to break them for good.
- Taboo revisits continue to trigger until you figure out one of the long term solutions.
- Taboo revisits lower Sluttienss by 10. Permanently breaking one of these taboos restores that 10 (although multiple revisits result in a net loss).
- All taboos can be permanently broken by breaking them a certain number of times. Requirement rises as the taboo severity rises, and is modified by appropriate opinions.
- Each taboo revisit offers a quest option to permanently break the taboo.
- Most taboo revisits have a way to permanently break the taboo with the right combination of character opinions.
- Added kissing/touching/nudity taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added oral taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added anal taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added vaginal taboo revisit for Jennifer.
- Added kissing/touching/nudity taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added oral taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added anal taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added vaginal taboo revisit for Lily.
- Added new taboo break dialogue that is triggered when you've already broken the taboo before, but a revisit has restored it.
- Expanded Lily/Jennifer's Instapic storyline.
- Lily now kicks you out when getting changed before taking Instapic pictures if you have not broken her nudity taboo.
- Added ability to give girls serum while sleeping.
- Added a few text variations when jerking off during a sleep encounter. Also adds extra Clarity compared to not jerking off.
- Serum trade screen is now sorted by serum name.
- Serum inventory screen now sorted by serum name.
- Serum selection screen now sorted by serum name.
- Added scrollbars when serum inventories/lists/ect become too long.
- Rooms now have an on_room_enter_event_list List. Events trigger when you enter the room and the requirement is met (priority is given to Person events if they exist).

- All actions that cause a girl to climax now trigger orgasm related goals (unrelated orgasms should be flagged, eg. run_orgasm(..., fire_event = False) now)
- Walking in on the same girl sleeping twice in one night will have her in the same sleepwear outfit, instead of randomly picking a new one each time.
- Profiling a subject for Nora takes a non-changing copy of the subject, so temporary states like trances will be properly identified.
- Generating daughters of pregnant girls no longer gives them pregnant bodies as well.
- Fixed milk traits being stacked when milking girls using serum lactation serum production.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am

Re: Lab Rats 2 - Down to Business (v0.46.1, 11/8/2021)

Postby vrengames » Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:18 pm

Lab Rats 2 v0.47.0 is finished it's month of development and is ready for a week of public bug testing! If you're interested in helping out with development check out the download here:

This update was focused on redesigning the core business cycle of designing, researching, and selling mind and body altering drugs. Each serum you design now has a collection of aspects which determine it's price, what contracts it will satify, and how much attention it will draw to your business from the authorities!

There are two major changes to the business system of LR2: the addition of aspect points, and the addition of contracts. Aspect points are an abstracted description of why certain serum traits may be wanted and come in four varities: Mental, Physical, Sexual, and Medical. Each aspect has a value on the open market, and the more you sell the less valuable it becomes. Your marketting employees can be put to work counteracting these effects, keeping the price relatively stable long term. The value of each serum is now determined by the sum of all of it's aspects. Contracts are special orders for serum designs with a specific combination of aspects. In exchange for these strict requirements contracts offer far more money than you would earn by selling your serum on the open market. Creating new designs to meet the demands of your clients is the best way to catapult yourself to wealth and influence.

Selling serum now generates attention for your business. Attention bleeds away slowly over time, but if it reaches it's maximum value the city will be forced to take action. This includes a visit from one of their representatives, who can levy one of a number of different punishments. These punishments include a monetary fine, seizing your current inventory of serum, or destroying some of your research. New business policies have been added to help you manage your Attention. Future updates will include ways to corrupt the city representative and, eventually, or the city council she represents

There are a ton of little changes and additions throughout the game as well. Any page that refererences serum traits or designs has been updated to display their aspects in a convenient way. The serum design and research screens can now have serum traits sorted by research tier, alphabetically, and their aspect values. A new event for your companies head researcher has been added to help ensure you can generate the Clarity you need for your early game research. And, lastly, a bunch of bugs that were stopping progress on some side quests have been quashed.

Here's a full changelog (v0.46.1 to v0.47.0):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

- Serum traits now have a series of scores, representing their use in different fields.
- Added 4 serum trait aspects - Mental, Physical, Sexual, and Medical.
- Added flaw "aspect", added to serum by side effects.
- Added attention score to each serum trait. The attention score of a serum is equal to the highest in the design.
- Serum Deisgns now have aspect values equal to the sum of all of the traits they include.
- Serum Design values are now based on the sum of aspects they offer instead of a flat dollar value.
- Serum Aspect values fluctuate from week to week around a base value.
- Serum Aspect values decrease as you sell serum that include that aspect type.
- Added serum aspects to all existing traits. Higher tier traits and traits with higher attention have more aspects.
- Selling serum is now an instant action.
- Added Market Reach score. Raising market reach counteracts the aspect value decrease caused by selling serum.
- Reworked marketting work action. Now raises market reach.
- Added Contracts. Contracts offer much better per-aspect prices, but require a certain combination of aspects and limited flaws.
- Added Attention score. Raised when selling serum with an Attention trait higher than 0.
- Added Attention bleed
- Added attention events. When business attention reaches it's maximum number (default 100) you will have a visit from a city representative.
- Added five attention event variants. Potential results include fines, supply seizure, and research destruction.
- Added serum marketing screen, containing infromation about stock, contracts, aspect value, etc.
- Updated all trait tooltips to display aspect information.
- Updated serum design UI to display aspects.
- Updated serum design UI to allow you to sort by serum tier or specific aspects.
- Added serum production tier. Your lab may only produce serum designs with a tier equal or less than your current tier.
- Added business policy to raise serum production tier. Each tier adds increasingly greater static operating costs.
- Updated research UI to allow you to sort serum traits by tier or specific aspects.
- Updated a bunch of other screens to display aspects where useful.
- Added business policies to reduce the amount of attention generated when selling serum (3 tiers available.)
- Added business policy to increase max attention.
- Added business policy to increase attention bleed.
- Added city rep character. Shows up to your business each time you max out attention.
- Added basic framework for her interaction. Future updates will make corrupting her critical to managing attention.
- Added event for head researcher role when you are not resarching anything. Ensures access to some Clarity at the start of the game.

- Fixed Lily's oral taboo quest not being completeable.
- Fixed Iris not having a home set (and causing a crash after her introduction).
- Fixed some incorrectly flipped girlfriend/boyfriend references.
- Fixed some incorrect name references
- Fixed sluttiness penalty for cheating being inverted when they had a negative opinion of cheating.
Joined: Thu Dec 08, 2016 8:06 am


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