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[RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:34 pm
by LostLogia
Hey guys!

I wanted to let you know about this dev and their hentai game I have been a fan of now for some time.
Like in the title, it's called Deathblight RPG – Operation Thunderfang and it's really awesome!


It's still in development and they call it an alpha, but it's already become one of the best RPG maker hentai games I have played.
The newest version is Patreon only, but you can download the previous version for free on their blog, here: ... treon.html
Here is a link to their Patreon:

(They also fund a weekly webcomic about their OC's with that patreon, which is also really cool:

So I was wondering why they don't have more support and found out they don't really promote themselves. I think that's a total waste and they deserve so much more support and fans.

That's why I thought I'd help them out with that, since I really like them and their game!

Anyway, speaking about the game, it's an RPG maker game like I already said, and it's like a clone of ahriman's The moral sword of Asagi. They apparently got permission from him to use part of his code to make their own game.
It's in the genre of GoR and uses a lot of CGs rather than sprite animations, but their CGs are top notch so no complaint there from me.
Most hentai content comes in combat when enemies sexually attack your charas and rip their clothes or bend them over to fuck them. The rest is the CGs I mentioned, obviously.
It's also still in alpha, only the first and half of the second dungeons are in, but they are constantly pushing out updates and are pretty reliable with that, adding new content regularly and always fix bugs. Which is also something amazing, their releases are almost completely bug-free and even if there are bugs they get fixed within a week or so!

Here are some screenshots I took:

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I think they're planning on adding a job system to earn gold outside of combat with a corruption element soon, but I don't exactly know when.

They do most of their announcements and posts on Patreon nowadays but also post important stuff on their blog as well.
The devs themselves are really great people from all I saw. They listen to their fans and community and are very honest and open about everything regarding the development of the game. You can also chat with them when they are doing their streams on saturdays, on

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:02 am
by BlackDread
I remember playing this a few months ago and forgot about it, it was pretty good as far as I know. Will be good to see how far it has come.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:03 pm
by LostLogia
The devs will be streaming tomorrow again, so if you have any questions, you can go there and ask them.
Or you can post your questions here and I'll ask them in stream tomorrow for you.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:35 pm
by LostLogia
I took a few more hentai screenshots for you, enjoy :D

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

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Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:04 am
by Akkin
How do you go to get the first boss?

I am full life, full resistance, full tp. starting garment.
They are torn in almost a ride.

After the first round, Fenaria finished with only 198 health and 66 resistance points.

Characters lose more points of resistance when they have their starting suit (40 points on average), much less with slave clothing (25 points on average), which should be the opposite.

Frankly, I am seriously disappointed there. it's like Moral sword of Asagi but in Moral Sword of Asagi, each character has an item that increases their initial capacity, we have an NPC to buy useful stuff and especially when we lose to a boss we do not have game over, here we have nothing.

In fact, with the slave outfit, I can beat one on both. With the starting clothes, I beat none.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 6:00 am
by archer_gilgamesh
Yea, both my characters are level 9 and I was able to beat one of the first bosses, but then the second boss immediately dismantled both characters. Am I too low leveled, appropriately leveled, or too high leveled? What exactly am I supposed to be doing. The TP required for the skills that are remotely effective against the boss are way to effective. Most times, they get to use those moves once each and then one of the bosses destroys me. I never played moral sword of asagi, but if it was anything like this, count me out. It's a shame as well because the art style is fantastic.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:58 am
by Akkin
I received a tactic from the creator. It should use the leg sweep (on the left) and the graviton field (from time to time) to lower their attack power. And use the ligthning trick on the left when he prepares his special move to immobilize him. So I'll try that in both outfits.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 9:00 am
by LostLogia
Yea the first boss has to be beat with some strategy of de-buffing and stunning them.
Apparently before they did that, people were just spamming multi attacks and beat the boss in 3 rounds, so they implemented a tactic for them.

About the gear, I don't remember them having different gear in Asagi, but you could buy items from that merchant guy. Although in Deathblight you can also buy some items in a shop after you finished the first dungeon.
The devs mentioned the first dungeon being a bit tutorial-like, so they didn't want to overwhelm people or something. I do hope they touch the first dungeon up at some point, since the second one is sooo much better, design-wise but also there is story and items lying around.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 11:45 pm
by LostLogia
There is another stream tomorrow so if you guys have any question I should ask them, just drop them here! :)

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:08 pm
by Akkin
Oh it's a shame that I did not come back here before because I had a question to ask.

I replayed at The Moral Sword of Asagi recently, but also at Sneak In Desperada which is a game in the same genre.

And I wondered if you planned to add a capture system that avoids the game over direct?

Like: we lose a fight (it can happen if we want it), our characters are separated (in the manner of Sneak in Desperada). Then with the main character who undergoes a personal event, we must go free the other character, who himself undergoes a personal event. After three captures, we undergo a general event that leads to a game over.

When Boss, the idea would be to do like The Moral Sword of Asagi, ie during a defeat against a boss, no game over. But an event that increases the corruption of our characters. A repeatable event with every defeat against the same boss. As a result, the main character must go free the other character. And after three defeats, an additional event that serves as Game Over.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:31 am
by LostLogia
I'm not the dev, so I can't answer your question, but I can ask them for you next time they stream or on Patreon if you want.

I think however that they might be planning something like that, since we do know they are planning on adding a corruption mechanic to the game.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 3:12 am
by archer_gilgamesh
Just a quick question, what is the recommended level for beating the first dungeon? Even though I wasn't following the recommended strategy for first boss, I would certainly think that level 10 should be plenty enough to beat it.

Re: [RPG Maker]Deathblight RPG - Operation Thunderfang

PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:24 pm
by LostLogia
Hey guys!

The devs just released another update, version "Alpha 4" is now released on Patreon:

They even already released 3 bugfix patches in the span of a few days. They are really working hard on it!

Oh, and that also means that version 3.1 is out for everyone publicly! You can grab it on their blog like always: ... ed-on.html

Alpha 4 contains the rest of the second dungeon and the aftermath, including the boss and a few puzzles.
I really liked the boss this time, he (she? don't know, it's a weird futa monster) was really challenging, summoning constant reinforcements. You really have to fight smart this time or you get crushed.
Having three party members makes the whole thing more fun too! Catheline's skills synergize very well with the others.

The puzzles they put in in the second half were great too. I was wondering when they'd put in some puzzle elements except "find keycard here, put there"., though to be honest, I hope they implement some more challenging ones in the future, those were rather easy.

I'd put some screenshots here too, but they would all be pretty much spoilers so I'll refrain. It's really worth playing though! I'm happy to support them!

archer_gilgamesh Wrote:Just a quick question, what is the recommended level for beating the first dungeon? Even though I wasn't following the recommended strategy for first boss, I would certainly think that level 10 should be plenty enough to beat it.

Well, thing is, level ups don't give any stats except HP and MP. Other than that you only get more skills as you level, so I think the level doesn't matter much, except giving you a skill to help you out a bit maybe.
I was able to beat the first dungeon/boss with tactics at around level 5.

I really recommend you to look up the tactic to beat this boss if you have a hard time doing so.